Taming Emma (5 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taming Emma
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Tears threatened while he held her gaze, forcing her to allow herself to be seen.

“Please, Lu…Sir.”

“Good save,” he said, standing. His eyes for the first time scanned her body, focusing on her bare pussy. “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “But truly,” he caught her off guard when his hand caressed the now hairless spot, careful not to touch her sex. “I prefer you bare front to back. I plan to use you in every way possible, Emma,” he said. He stepped even closer and, setting his hand at the small of her back, pulled her to his chest and kissed her full on the lips. His tongue probed deep inside hers, exploring, claiming even as his thick cock pressed against her belly. His hands then wandered lower, palming her soft, plump buttocks, squeezing and kneading as he continued to kiss her. He pulled back slightly so he could look down at her while his fingers settled in the crease where her thigh met her ass. Slowly, he pulled her cheeks apart before one finger found its moist target.

She gasped, her hands quickly moving to his chest.

“Every inch,” he said, letting that finger trace the space between her vagina and her anus until it brushed over the latter. “I’m going to spank you now, Emma. Are you ready for me to spank you?” His voice was pure sensuality.

“But I haven’t done anything…”

“I think signing a contract with Damien counts as something. You could potentially have put yourself in a very dangerous situation.”

She lowered her eyes; he was right.

“But even without that, I’d like to spank you anyway, purely for my pleasure. To be honest, I’m hard just thinking about it,” he said, his voice just a little darker, just a little more quiet, more…dominant. “Tell me, Emma,” he said, twirling a long lock of her hair around his finger. “Would you like me to spank you?” he asked, teasing, turning her around by her hair. “Will you lie across my lap? Offer me your pretty little ass? I can assure you,” he said, pulling her backwards to his chest, his mouth close to her ear, “I’m not as clumsy as your little Damien.”

She made a sound.

“In fact,” he continued while he walked back to the sofa, still holding onto her, not allowing an inch of space between them. “I think I’ll spank you twice daily, since we have limited time. Once in the morning, after breakfast of course, and once in the evening. What do you think?” he asked, settling himself on the seat and turning her so she stood between his legs facing him. He held both her hands, his thumbs softly caressing her palms, her wrists, while he waited.

She didn’t know how to answer. What did he want her to say? What could she say while he stared up at her, his eyes smiling, knowing, while she stood naked, waiting for him to pull her over his knee?

He squeezed her wrists. “Emma?” he asked. “Do you need to be spanked daily? Twice daily?”

She nodded a slow nod. “Yes,” her voice was just a whisper. “Yes, Sir. If that’s what you think.”

“You are a very good girl. Come,” he said, settling her over his lap so that her torso rested on the sofa beside him. Her legs were draped over one of his and he swung the other over the backs of her thighs, holding her firm. “Put your hands over your head,” he said.

She didn’t dare look back as she obeyed, imagining how she looked as he shifted her position slightly, adjusting the angle of her hips, pressing just a bit harder against her legs to lift her ass to the sky. He was still for a few moments and she was tempted to turn. When she did, she found him looking at her, just taking in the sight of her naked body sprawled across his lap, willingly offered to him to do with as he pleased. His eyes met hers and the lust she saw there made her heart quicken. With his left hand he caressed her back, pressing just a little between her shoulder blades, letting her know that she would only rise once he allowed her to.

With his other hand he caressed the backs of her thighs, her buttocks. So gentle, so soft were his hands. Right up until the first spank landed.

It forced the breath from her, the sound of his hand meeting her flesh louder than she imagined, the pain a sharp, quick stinging that transformed into a tingling sensation across the flesh of her ass. He caressed her for a moment before striking again, this time several spanks in succession falling over both cheeks equally. She made some noise and wiggled her bottom, unable not to.

“Shhh…” he coaxed, petting the now sensitive flesh. “I’m just warming you up, baby,” he said.

When he started again, she struggled and his free hand pressed between her shoulder blades as his leg tightened over hers. Ignoring her struggles, he continued to spank her, alternately caressing her buttocks, which she was sure by now were bright pink if not red.

“Please,” she begged after an exceptionally painful series. She hugged her arms beneath her chest, knowing if she didn’t, she’d reach back to cover her buttocks.

He was right; Damien was clumsy in comparison and that was putting it mildly. Luke’s hands on her felt good. The spanking hurt, no question, but it also sent heat straight to her sex and she could feel the slick moisture collect between her thighs as he continued to punish her, not letting up, not easing the power behind the strokes.

His hard cock dug into her belly while he continued and tears sprung from her eyes. She lost track of how many strokes he’d delivered after the first thirty she’d counted. “Please, Luke…”

“That mistake will cost you,” he said, his voice hoarse, hard. “This is the end, last ten,” he said, smoothing his hands over her burning buttocks. “Count them out loud.”

“One!” she called out when the first of the last ten landed. “Two, three…ah, Sir, Sir, please…four.” The first strokes had hurt but these punished, made the others feel gentle in comparison. “I’m sorry,” she said, “five, six.”

“What are you sorry for? Why are you being punished?”

“For signing that stupid contract. Ah…Seven…Sir. I’m sorry for not…eight…calling you…oh god, please…nine. Sir.”

He delivered the final blows to the tops of her thighs, which stung worse than her buttocks.

“Ten.” Emma lay sobbing, her body relaxing as he rubbed her sore buttocks and thighs.

“Shh, it’s over now, baby. Shh…you did very well.”

She allowed herself to be picked up and cradled in his arms. With the back of her hands, she cleared away tears and wiped at her nose while she cried and cried. All the while he soothed with soft words and caresses, holding her to him, shielding her in the safety of his embrace.

She wasn’t sure how long she cried, but he didn’t stop her until she found herself reaching her mouth up to his. Her tears subsided and her body heaved its final sobs. His hands came to either side of her head, pushing away the hair that stuck to her face as their kiss grew in intensity and heat, both of their bodies now needing the physical release of orgasm. He stood, lifting her with him, and carried her through the house and up the stairs. Switching on a dim light in what she assumed was the master bedroom, he lay her down while he quickly stripped off his clothes. Emma watched buttons pop off in his rush, his chest a muscled mass under tanned skin, his arms defined, powerful. Her eyes settled on his hands and she decided in that moment that she loved them. She needed them on her, inside her, to deliver her pain and then to deliver her from it.

He took a foil packet out of the drawer in the nightstand and slipped the condom over his cock, then looked at her, his pupils dilated so you could only see a thin ring of blue around the black. It changed his face, made him look somehow more divine than human.

“Luke,” she said, needing him. She spread her legs wide, allowing him to settle between them. His mouth closed over hers again and his cock, in one hard thrust, drove deep inside her pussy. She held him tight while he lifted her, setting her farther on the bed and laying his weight over top of her.

“God, Emma,” he said, thrusting into her again and again.

Her pussy clenched around his cock and he pulled back, his hands on either side of her head.

“Look at me.” It was a rough whisper. “Open your eyes and look at me.” He fisted a handful of hair when she didn’t comply quickly enough.

“Luke,” she said.

“Master,” he corrected.

“Master. Master…” her mouth opened, but no more sound came and she struggled to keep her eyes on him. His cock twitched inside her throbbing pussy and they came in a violent moment of climax that left them both weak and empty upon its completion.


Chapter Five



When Emma woke the next morning, she lay alone in the bed. Evidence of the night before left her thighs sticky and her bottom sore. She turned to the clock. It was half past nine. Climbing out of bed, she pulled the curtains open and stood stunned for one moment. A sliding glass door led to a balcony that overlooked Aspen and the rise and fall of the hills in between. The sky was bright blue, as it usually was here. She opened the door and inhaled the clean, cool air, then closed it behind her and turned to check out the bedroom.

The large room contained a king-size bed set against the back wall, a nightstand on either side of the bed and a tall dresser that looked like an antique. One blown-up, framed photograph hung on the wall. Intrigued, she walked closer to it. The woman’s dark eyes looked back at her. Long black hair hung down her back as she sat on the edge of a bed in a small, dark room. Dressed in a corset with the breasts cut out, thigh-high stockings held up by garters, and a pair of incredibly high patent leather black pumps. She had one foot on the floor and the other was raised to the level of her face and she held it high with one hand. Her bare sex was offered, as if a gift, to the camera. Emma swallowed. The image was beautiful, open, erotic beyond anything she’d ever seen.

“Do you like it?” Luke asked from the doorway. She’d been so engrossed by what she saw that she hadn’t even heard him.

“I…yes. It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She remembered he’d been interested in photography back when he and Nate were friends. “Is it your work?” she asked as he walked toward her. He was once again fully dressed in jeans and a light sweater while she stood naked.

He nodded. “If you like, I will show you my collection later.”

“I’d like that very much,” she said.

He nodded. “How do you feel?” he asked.

She flushed. “A little sore, but good.”

“Turn around,” he said, stepping closer so she took one back. He grinned. “Better yet, put your hands on the footboard and bend over. Legs wide so I can inspect you.”

“Can I at least have a shower first?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“Please?” she squeaked.


His expression told her he wasn’t going to budge. Hesitant, she moved to the foot of the bed and, spreading her legs, bent forward and gripped the footboard.

“Good girl,” he said, coming to stand behind her.

He touched the flesh of her buttocks and she tensed.

“Relax, soften and let me see. I don’t plan on spanking you until after breakfast, as promised.”

“But I’m still sore,” she said.

He cupped one tender buttock.

“You’re not bruised. I think you’ll be fine.”

She kept her eyes on the headboard.

“How’s your pussy?”

She flushed at his words, then once again when he placed his hands on either cheek and spread her open.

“I asked you a question, Emma,” he said. “Ah,” her pussy lips parted as if on cue. “I think you’re more than all right,” he said, dipping his fingers inside her, then proceeding to find her clit.

She moaned as he played and when she heard his zipper go down, she arched her back.

“Emma,” he said. She heard him unwrap a condom and after a moment, felt his cock against her.

“Yes, Sir…” she barely managed.

“I don’t want to fuck you if your pussy is sore,” he said, his wet fingers teasing before settling over her anus.

She gasped and tensed again.

“Are you sore? Shall I fuck your ass instead of your pussy?”

She remained frozen, unable to speak as his finger worked circles around the tight hole.

“I’m…not sore,” she said, realizing the alternative.


He pressed against her asshole until it gave way.

A long, low moan escaped her lips and she could almost hear the pleased smile on his face. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

She shook her head as his cock entered her pussy slowly. His finger still worked her asshole. “No, Sir,” she said, lifting her hips to him.

His hands closed over her plump buttocks and while one finger worked her anus, he began fucking her pussy. “I think I won’t spank you after all this morning. In fact, I have a special treat in mind,” he said, moving slowly. “I can’t resist your pretty little bottom,” he said, his thrusts coming shorter and faster now. “I’d like to fuck that sexy little hole tonight, Emma. Will you give it to me?”


“Please answer me,” he said, fucking her harder.

“Yes. Oh god, yes. Yes, Sir, yes…” With that, she came as he filled her pussy with his cock and her asshole with his finger. “Oh…” Her knees gave way beneath her, but he held her by her hips and fucked her until he drew a second orgasm from her, her muscles milking his cock.


* * *


The last piece of bread popped up from the toaster as Emma made her way into the kitchen.

“Shirt looks good on you,” he said. He’d given her one of his button-down shirts to wear for now.

“Thanks,” she said, settling on the same stool as last night.

“Still take your coffee black?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. He’d remembered. “Thanks.” She took the steaming cup of coffee from his hands and sipped. “Mmm.”

He settled next to her and put two pieces of toast on her plate. “Why aren’t you talking to Nate?” he asked, buttering his bread.

She gave him a look, then focused on spreading strawberry jam on her toast. “When was the last time
talked to him?” she asked.

“A couple of months ago,” he said, his expression guarded. They usually spoke five or six times a year and saw each other less. “What about you?”

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