Tales of the Forbidden (5 page)

Read Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Tales of the Forbidden
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“Devon, please,” she begged, staring at him in fear, hands pressing against his chest. “I—I’m not ready for this yet.” But the look in her eyes was one of lust, desire.

“Yes, you are.”

His cock pushed at her entrance and Devon saw the fear rise in her eyes. He nuzzled her neck as he shifted his body, pinning her arms between them and rubbing his hand down her leg. “Try to relax,” he whispered gently in her ear. “If you tense up then the pain is going to be worse than what it should be.”

“What?” she gasped.

Closing his eyes, willing some control to come back to him, he began to slowly enter her tight, hot pussy, fighting the urge to force himself inside. Gently he pushed in, feeling the unused muscles stretch for the width of his cock. New and powerful sensations washed over his body as he withdrew slightly, nearly pulling out, and then, as if by reflex, back in. She was so tight, so hot, Devon felt as if he was going to be burned alive. Twice he entered and withdrew his cock. Twice he worked to stretch the tightness of her treasure. When the head of his cock finally bumped her hymen, he stopped and kissed up her neck to her ear. Pulsing muscles clasped his throbbing dick, fitting him like a glove. He didn’t want to leave the heat, only wanted more of it wrapped around him.

After moving her arms down to her side, Devon slid his arms up to her head as he shifted his body slightly.

“I’m sorry about this, Kera.” As quickly as he could, Devon thrust strong and fast, ending Kera’s virginity and embedding himself so deeply he wondered if he touched her womb. At the same time, he bit her ear, hoping like hell the trick would help to ease the pain of his cock.

Kera cried out and tried to buck him off, which in effect had him going deeper inside her.

“Don’t do that, Kera,” he growled, shaking his head slightly 37

as he strained to stay still and holding his eyes closed tightly.

“I’m not doing anything,” she gasped, struggling to free her arms. “This isn’t fun, Devon.”

Devon held onto Kera tightly, willing himself not to move as her body became accustomed to him. “Give it a few seconds.

Please. I promise it gets better again.”

Intense pleasure ran through his veins. The way her pussy wrapped tightly around his cock and her soft skin rubbed against his own felt like paradise. He groaned as her pussy tightened mercilessly on his cock. Although he’d had many women in the past, none had felt like this. None had wrapped around him as if made to do so. And not one was ever this tight.

“You keep that up,” he hissed, “and I won’t have any control.” Devon moaned as he placed his head on her shoulder and concentrated on breathing slowly and deeply.

“I’m not doing anything!” Kera snapped back.

“Oh, you’re doing more than you know,” he groaned, moving his hips slightly to test the waters. “And the pain will go away soon if it hasn’t already.”

Kera gasped at his move and moved her own hips upward when he pulled back slightly. Devon hissed at her move and moved his hips slowly in a circular motion, biting the inside of his mouth at the sounds which came forth from her with the movement. He heard her whimper, then a sharp intake of air and a slight moan.

“You feel it, don’t you?” he asked. She shook her head in denial. “Yes, you do. You feel the throbbing of need, right down there.” He moved his hand down between her legs, touching her clit. Her eyes closed, back arched at the touch. Devon growled deep in his chest again moved his hips in a short but quick motion. “I’m trying to go slowly with you,” he moaned. “But fuck!

You make it so difficult when you look like that, and feel so fucking
wrapped around me.”

Devon pushed himself up on his hands, causing his cock to push deeper inside of her. Her hands moved up to his chest, but whether to push or hold him he wasn’t sure as he took hold of her legs and hiked them up. The moment he had her in the position he wanted, he let loose and her nails dug deep into his Pecs.


Devon withdrew his cock only to thrust forcibly back in. he couldn’t seem to hold anything back and go easy anymore, not like he had planned to begin with. All he felt was this overwhelming need to claim her.

She dug her nails into his chest as he moved. Devon let go of her legs, only to take a tight grip on her wrists, pinning them over her head, never missing a beat as he rammed himself hard and fast back inside her.

“Oh shit!” Kera yelled.

Devon hit all the right spots for her. He saw the intense emotions on her face, watched as her eyes drifted closed and her head moved back and forth with his possession, with each thrust, with her pleasure. He spread his legs to gain more power, and then he let go of her wrists to slide his arms under her and clasp her shoulders. He concentrated on her face as her orgasm began, then closed his own eyes against the strength of her pussy tightening on him as it hit. He groaned at the strength with which her body tightened around him, making it difficult to push and withdraw from her body. Devon groaned from the raw pleasure and from her scream of release.

Her hands tightened around his shoulders, legs wrapped around his hips as she tried to raise herself up against him as wave after wave hit her.

Devon bit his lip in order to hold back his own intense release. He felt as if he needed to make this last longer. Using his forearms against her back, he pulled her with him as he sat back on his knees with her on his lap. With one hand he showed her how to move on him and with the other he cupped a breast.

Both of her hands gripped his shoulders tightly and she allowed her hips to move on their own. Devon focused on her closely when she threw her head back, crying out in pleasure. No longer fighting him, she eagerly took everything he had to give.

He let go of her breast and took a handful of her hair bringing her face to his. Devon kissed her deep, pushing his tongue past her teeth, tasting the sweetness that still lingered.

The moment she started to kiss him back he took a firm hold on her hips and forced her to pound on him hard. Her moan told him she was close to another orgasm. He knew this one would be enough to push him over as well.


Kera broke the kiss off, wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, threw her head back, and screamed as her final orgasm hit. Devon wrapped his arms tightly around her as his cock erupted deep within her. Over and over, his seed exploded from him, making Devon feel as if it would never end. When, finally, he gained some control back, he noticed Kera was asleep with her head on his shoulder.

He was far from done with her, but for now, he would let her sleep. After all, they had the whole night.

Gently he picked her up, suppressing a groan as he slid out of her body and placed her between the sheets, kissing her breasts as he did so. He was so sensitive that even the smallest bump of the head of his cock against her had him on pins and needles. He cleaned them both up quickly, climbed into the bed, and brought her to his chest. Devon thought he would give her a couple of hours of sleep before waking her. After all, this was their wedding night.



Chapter Four

Kera woke to discomfort between her legs and a very warm body pressed against her back in the spoon position. When she opened her eyes she realized that, much to her disappointment, what had happened to her was not a dream. She tried to move the arm draped over her hip, but when she did, the hand slid up to her chest and closed around a breast. Again, she tried to move the arm and slide her body from the bed, but the hand clenched around her breast and pulled her even closer to the body.

“Have a nice nap? Were you dreaming?” Devon whispered in her ear. His body was stretched out behind her, his arm seemed to tighten around her, and that cock of his was hard, resting between the folds of her ass.

Kera stiffened. “More like a nightmare.” She hadn’t expected him to wake up as she tried to slip away from him. Not after all

“You feel good against me,” he told her softly as he kissed her earlobe.

“Well, you feel like a damn invasion,” she said coldly, dismayed at how hard he was, pressing against her butt. “And, I prefer to sleep alone.”

“We might not get much sleep tonight at all.” He smiled when she glanced over her shoulder at him. “If I have my way.”

The growling of her stomach saved her. Devon laughed softly as he kissed her ear and licked at the lobe. Kera tried to distance herself from him and his intrusive dick.

“We have a long night ahead of us, Kera. Might want to at least make an attempt to get to know me a little,” he told her in that low, sexy voice she was starting to like.

“Do I have a choice?”


Devon slid the sheet covering her body down. He cupped her breast again and rubbed the nipple with his thumb. “No.”

Again, her stomach growled. Devon kissed her shoulder

while he played with her breasts. He laughed again when he heard the sound of her stomach. “I guess I should feed you.”

“Then you can let me go,” she told him sweetly.

Devon chuckled. “Oh, no. I’ll never let you go now.” He moved down her body to kiss her on the hip before he got out of bed.

Kera glared at him as he stretched leisurely. She did have to admit he had a very nice body. He was nothing but one large taut muscle as he moved. She watched the power run through him and thought of how he could have made her do whatever he wanted, had he thought to ask. That thought alone scared the hell out of her. The question of why he
force her, instead giving her pleasure, lingered in her mind. Instead, he seduced her in ways she didn’t think possible. And a large part of her wanted him again.

She never took her eyes off him as he slipped into one of the robes at the foot of the bed. Pulling the sheet up to her chest she held onto it tightly, waiting to see if he might pounce on her again.

“Might want to slip a robe on,” Devon said over his shoulder.

“The staff will bring food in and change the bedding.”

Kera grabbed the robe and started to slip it on while holding the sheet up at the same time. “So, you’ve been through this routine before, I see,” she mumbled.

Devon smiled at her. “If you’re asking me whether I have had sex with other girls here, the answer is yes. If you are asking if I’ve been married before, that answer is no.”

“I never asked.” With the robe knotted tightly at her waist, Kera stood and started toward the bathroom. Devon strolled around the bed quickly and embraced her from behind only to turn her to face him.

“That bothers you,” he said with tenderness and a knowing smirk.

“Why should it bother me that you come to the compound and use the girls who have been cast aside and have no choice but to submit to your own sick pleasure?” She tried to move 42

away from him again, but he tightened his arms. “Please, let go.

I’d like to use the bathroom.”

“Ah,” he said, “I think you’re jealous.”

Kera saw the teasing look he gave her, and she threw him her sweetest smile in return. “If I were jealous, then that would mean I liked you or gave a shit. In order for that to happen, hell would have to freeze over.”

Devon laughed. “Now I know you like me at least this much.”

He made a small space with two of his fingers. “You didn’t say you hated me.”

“I’d like you even better if you were with someone else.”

“And I like it even better inside that tight, hot body of yours.”

Devon’s eyes seemed to light up, but vanished when Kera tried to slap him again. He took both of her wrists in one hand and pinned them behind her back. “It’s just the two of us here, Kera.

You don’t have to fight what you want. But if I have to, I
tie you up again and spank you.” His eyes roamed over her body.

“And if memory serves me right, you enjoyed both.”

“You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?” she accused, jerking on her arms.

“As a matter of fact, I did,” He walked her forward toward the wall, turned her at the last second, and pinned her chest to it.

“And so did you.”

“Like hell I did!”

Devon leaned into her, pressing his stiff cock into her covered ass. He licked her earlobe before he spoke. “You were so wet from it that I’ll bet you orgasmed before my fingers even touched you.”

“Who says I didn’t fake it?” she snapped.

“You’re right. Who is to say you didn’t fake it?” Wrapping an arm around her waist, he went to the knot of the robe. He tugged at it as he continued to press her into the wall. “Let’s find out for sure, shall we?”

“What’re you doing?”

“I want to see if you faked it or not.” He yanked the robe open and removed the tie from the loops.

Devon held her by the arms, forcing her to walk toward the end of the bed. With a move from his knees, he brought Kera down to hers. He snatched roughly on her robe, pulling it from 43

her body, and then went to work on tying her wrists back to the bed. Only this time, he tied her to the foot of the bed at the floor.

The same fear ran through Kera as before, but she also felt something warm in the pit of her stomach. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, the thought of him spanking her was exciting.

He strolled over to a dresser and took off his own robe. She saw the muscles in his ass flex as he moved and his erect cock bounce as he moved about. He held up a paddle and looked it over carefully. A thick wooden thing with tiny heart shape cuts out of the middle of it. Kera’s heart began beating in fear. Seeing that paddle in his strong hands made her suddenly realize just how far she had pushed him this time.

“Devon,” she swallowed nervously. “Please don’t beat me.”

Kera huddled so far down on the ground that when he walked back over to her she could barely see him.

Devon got down on his knees behind her, raised her ass up in the air and pressed his body to hers. Holding her like this, her upper body was low to the ground. “Beat you?” he asked her innocently while his hands cupped her breasts, pinching the nipples between his fingers, “Never.” He nudged her legs wider apart with his own. “I just want to hear you scream for me again.”

The paddle dropped to the floor. He ran his hands down her belly toward her pussy. With one hand, he opened the silky folds while brushing her clit with the other. “By the time I’m done with you, your body will be begging for my touch.”

He pushed two fingers of his other hand deep inside her, still holding the lips open. Kera couldn’t help herself and moaned loudly at the pleasure. Devon started a slow in-and-out motion with his hand, while at the same time rubbing his cock against her wet lips from behind.

“Scream for me, Kera,” he demanded in her ear. “Come for me hard. Drench my cock.”

Even considering the brief time that they had known each other, it didn’t take long for Kera to respond to him. With a moan, Kera climaxed at his demand, feeling her own juices run down her legs.

“That’s how I like it,” Devon said in her ear.

Kera closed her eyes in shame and worked on getting some kind of control over her body, but her regaining control was 44

something Devon didn’t seem to want to allow her.

His hands took hold of her hips, positioned his cock at her entrance, and plunged deeply inside. He groaned as she gripped him tightly and quivered around his cock.

“Yessss!” he groaned in her ear. “Tighten up on me.” Devon licked at her ear as he ground his cock farther inside of her.

“Ready to fake it?”

Devon sank back on his knees, took hold of her hips, and pounded into her. Her ass smacked against his stomach as his cock slammed into her. Over and over again, he took her ruthlessly.

“Oh God!” he cried. “Let go!”

Kera cried out as her orgasm hit her. Her pussy gripped him like a fist, forcing him to explode. She cried out again as another, smaller orgasm hit, while his cock got larger and pulsed inside of her.

Devon laid his forehead on her back while his cock exploded hot and heavy inside of her. “Want to say you faked it again?” he asked, breathing roughly. “God, I have never had so little control before, or felt this kind of need to have more.”


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