Taking What He Wants (Celine and Rhyland series) (4 page)

BOOK: Taking What He Wants (Celine and Rhyland series)
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‘Do it for me, show me you want me. Make me want to unwrap you.’ He nodded towards her middle.

She ran her hands down her breasts, stomach and finally her centre. She lifted her dress and ran her hands between the flaps moaning and groaning as she did so. At first it was just a finger, then two and then three. He bit back his lower lip as he watched, as he watched Celine finger herself.

‘You make me so hard, so hard beautiful.’ He held onto his cock and squeezed it. ‘So hard I could fuck you right now.’

She moaned even harder, whimpered at the sound of his low husky voice. It wasn’t pretence; there was something about him that just made her horny, that pulled at her heart strings. She wanted him so much that the money didn’t matter anymore but she knew that wasn’t part of the deal.

‘Show me how wet you are.’

She took out her fingers, the white wetness slid down the sides of her thighs. It garnished her three fingers and dribbled down the sides. He took a step forward and took all three into his mouth. As he lapped up her lust his eyes did not leave hers. It was so intense she couldn’t help but whimper again and again.

‘Put them back, I want
more.’ He demanded.

She put back her fingers, this time he dropped to his knees and began to assist her, help her put those fingers up her pussy.
He pushed them into her and she moaned and cried with pleasure. His free hand travelled up and down her gorgeous thighs. He kissed the other thigh, licking it and giving as much as he could.

Let’s see how far you can stretch.’ He whispered and began to push his hand in with hers.

At first it was a little tight but then with adjustment and perseverance his fingers entered at the same time as hers. She was wet, she flowed with lust and it excited him. He brought his mouth forward and captured bits of her into his mouth. His nose nestled into her warmth and tickled the tip of her clit. She let go and surrendered to his touch. Over and over he played with her, caressing her like never before and it wasn’t long before she gave into his demand, before she was
dripping all over his face.

He withdrew smiling, licking the bits of lust from his mouth. He stood up took her hand and led her
to the bed.

‘Lie down beautiful,’ he said in a calm manner.

Celine lay down breathing heavily from the excitement. She was beside herself. This wealthy man, handsome beyond anyone she’d met was above her with the hardest and longest cock she’d ever seen. He looked down at her with both legs over her body.

‘I’m going to unwrap you now like a Christmas present.’ He laughed at the thought. ‘With you it’s like Christmas every time I’m with you.’

He pulled one side of the bow and it came loose. Like a present he began to pull aside each part of the dress. She was naked below him, he ran a finger between her breasts down the middle of her stomach. He circled her belly button and lowered. He planted kisses down the same path until he got to the place he wanted to be.

‘Do you know how much I love you in my mouth?’ he asked.

‘A lot,’ she said.

‘Yes a lot.’ His lips covered her wet pussy. He took her in, sucking as hard as he could. He loved the taste of her, just everything about her made him swell from the inside out.  He ran his tongue up and down her and licked up all the pussy juice as if licking an ice-cream. He knelt back up and looked down at her panting for dear life. She loved it when he touched her that way, she could never get enough.

He moved forward and held his dick just above her face. She smiled as she took the thickness into her hand. She opened her mouth and guided it into her. She licked it, teased it with her tongue. She took it deep into her mouth and let her teeth gently graze it as it came back out.

‘Oh god!’ he let out as she played with him. ‘Hold my balls,’ he added.

She cupped his swollen balls in her other hand and planted his wand back into her mouth. He began to move, slow at first and then a little faster. He was panting, running out of breath really quick. His heart rate increased
and his body felt hot all over.

‘This time I want you differently.’ He pulled out.

She didn’t understand. For the past weeks they’d been doing everything orally. That had been part of the deal but now he wanted more.

‘I’ll pay you five thousand pounds
tonight; let me fuck you in your pussy.’ He was so close to her face she thought she would kiss him.

She wanted to open her mouth and tell him that she didn’t care about the money but he put a finger to her lips.

‘Just nod if you’ll let me, and shake your head if you don’t want me to and we can continue as before.’

Slowly she
nodded; she wanted it more than anything but she wasn’t going to tell him that. He was her client and she was his whore, feelings weren’t to be expressed.

He smiled delighted and took hold of his cock. He moved her legs so that they were bent opening her up so that he had a great angle. He guided his cock into her slowly. She closed her eyes and for that moment she just pretended he was hers.

‘Oh baby.’ He moaned as his length moved in a lot more. ‘Oh my!’ he pushed in fully.

He began to rotate in
her, automatically her hands wrapped around his strong shoulders. Her nails dug into his back as she took in his enormous muscle. She didn’t want this to end, she didn’t want the closeness to end. But as he thrust harder and harder she knew it would be inevitable. Soon it would be over and she would be on her way home.

‘Oh yes, yes, that’s so good!’

‘Yes it’s so good!’ She mimicked. It was so good, it was great.

Finally he couldn’t hold back, he moved his hips from side to side as he dug deep. He breathed hard and panted as he ploughed in and out. She gripped him tight, shut her eyes to the world around her and stayed in his world. And soon they were coming like two desperate animals about to die.

He dropped into her breathless. Her hand ran through his hair gently and she closed her eyes and took in his amazing scent. When his breathing had calmed down he rolled over to his side and just gazed at the ceiling. Everything at that moment just didn’t make sense. He thought he had it all under control but he didn’t. The minute he wanted to put his flesh into her pussy he knew he was taken, but he just couldn’t deal with that at that moment. Instead he got up and began to put on his clothes.

‘Get dressed beautiful and I’ll take you home. I’ll wire the money as soon as I’m dressed.’ He buttoned up his shirt.

Reluctantly she shifted off the bed and headed for the bathroom to get dressed. She gazed into the mirror and just watched herself.

‘What the hell are you doing Celine
?’ she asked herself. ‘What are you doing?’

Her heart had
begun to hurt. In the beginning she thought it would be no harm but now that her heart had began to betray her, she was finding it a lot more difficult.

‘Is everything alright in there?’ he shouted.

‘Everything’s fine, I’ll be out in a minute.’ She got dressed.

He was on his phone when she came out.

‘I’ve just sent five thousand to your account.’ He smiled.

‘You didn’t have to, three would’ve been sufficient.’

‘Hey, I’m a man of my word.’

She tried to smile but it was hard. How long could she keep this up?

‘You ready?’

She nodded.

‘Okay then lets go.’

Chapter Three

‘Hey what’s the matter with you?’ Ava asked at breakfast.

‘Why do you think anything’s the

‘For one you’ve hardly touched your cereal and two you look super pissed off.’

‘You can tell that how?’

‘The Celine
I know is always cheerful but I don’t know who you are right now.’

gazed at her friend and rolled her eyes.

‘Tell me
what’s going on…no don’t tell me… it’s that man isn’t it. What’s his name again?’


‘Yes Rhyland…that’s the one, what’s he done to make you so blue?’


‘Wrong answer. Spill.’

‘It’s nothing.’

Ava studied her friend.

‘Ah you like him don’t you?’

‘No I don’t!’

‘Then why so defensive?’

‘I am not!’

‘There it is again.’

‘I can’t like a murderer!’

‘What did you say?’

‘I mean I can’t like someone I hardly know.’

‘What made you say he’s a

‘I don’t know it just came out.’

‘No it didn’t, tell me what happened?’

‘It’s a mess? You’re right I’m falling for the guy but he’s my client and I’m his whore.’

‘That was the deal.’

‘A little sympathy?

‘Honey this is the way it works, he pays, he fucks you and that’s the end of it.’

Tears prickled behind her eyes, hearing it like that really brought it home.

‘I’m sorry for being so mean about it, I just wanted you to face the reality of the situation.’

She nodded upset.

‘But you said he was a murderer why would you say something like that? Did he say that he killed someone?’

‘Not in so many words.’

‘Tell me, what did he say?’

Celine hadn’t managed to let this go. She’d held onto it the moment he’d dropped her off. She was upset that he hadn’t kissed her goodnight but then again she was just a paid whore. It made her angrier and more irrational. She began to tell Ava the story he’d told her about his love for Christmas.

‘He dresses me in Christmas outfits every time we meet.’

‘But he didn’t say he killed his father did he and if he had, he’d be in jail.’

‘He said I took care of it. Took care of it.’

‘What about jail, he wouldn’t get away with it.’

‘I don’t know, the man pays for sex, he could’ve paid for the case to disappear.’

‘But if he was that young then where would he have got all the money?’

‘I don’t know all I know
is that he said he took care of it.’

‘I think you’re over reacting and I think you’re upset because he’s paying you for sex when you’ve developed feelings for him.’

‘Talking to you is pointless.’ She stood up.

‘My god Ce
, face reality.’

‘What reality, your reality that you didn’t get him and I did?’

‘This isn’t about me!’

‘Shut up, just shut up!’ She stormed off leaving Ava to herself.


They didn’t speak for a week after that.
Harvey had become their go between. It was only when he’d told them he’d had enough and left them on their own did they manage to patch things up.

‘I’m sorry for
saying those things to you,’ Celine said.

‘Me too if you want to look into this thing about him maybe we could.’ Ava offered.

‘Nah its fine. I must have been over reacting and it doesn’t matter now. He hasn’t been in touch with me anyway.’

And it was silent for another two weeks. The first week was
torture; she couldn’t sleep or get him out of her mind. By the middle of the second week she’d began to relax a little, get back to normal. Hang out with her friends more and focus on her studies. She’d saved most of the money she’d received from Rhyland and planned to use it towards her tuition.

It was a Saturday afternoon when things changed. They w
ere getting ready to go and watch a rugby match. Harvey was designated driver and they were going to drink themselves to a stand still.

arrived ten minutes before leaving time. He sat on the couch waiting for the ladies to get ready. He was happy that Rhyland had disappeared from Celine’s life. Perhaps he would get the courage to ask her out soon, perhaps he would even try it that day. But as she came down the steps looking super hot in a short white dress topped with at denim jacket the door bell rang.

‘I’ll get that.’
Harvey jumped up. ‘Oh it’s you.’ He was devastated.

‘Is she here?’

He widened the door for him to step inside. Celine stopped in her tracks. Why was he so handsome? All the agony of the weeks gone by had disappeared the minute she saw him.

‘I’m need you this weekend,’ he said as if she was his property.

She looked over at Harvey who looked super pissed; he eyed Rhyland and then departed into the living room.

‘Pack a bag and
let’s go.’

She stood still unsure what answer she wanted to give. She was upset and excited all at once. It was a business deal, she was at his beck and call when he wanted her and she could never question his whereabouts. He came and left when he wanted to. He could
do that couldn’t he; after all he was her client and he paid for her time handsomely.

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