Taken in Hand (8 page)

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Authors: Barbara Westbrook

BOOK: Taken in Hand
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shaft, using his own hand to hold it there. He began stroking

him up and down, keeping eye contact until Chad finally

seemed to understand what it was he was supposed to do.

He fell into a rhythm then, and though jerky and unfocused,

it seemed to be getting the job done. Chad’s eyes rolled back

in his head, and he moaned and whimpered.

“Good boy,” Adam said, cupping his balls and knead

them gently. “Come for me, baby. Keep your eyes on me and

come just for me. You know you want to.”

Chad whimpered again and tried to hide his face

against Adam’s knee. Adam threaded his fingers through his

hair tenderly. “Come for me, sweetheart. Come for me and

then I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank you so

hard you’ll never get yourself into a mess like this again.”

Chad stiffened, and he turned his head back to stare

at Adam, his pupils blown. His breath hitched, and then he

came, spurting all over himself, yelling with surprise,

throwing his head back and baring his teeth. Spent, he

slumping back down on the bed, his chest rising and falling

rapidly. He looked up at Adam and whimpered.

Adam smiled, his hand tracing a lazy pattern on

Chad’s chest. “So you like that idea? You like the idea of

lying across my lap and feeling helpless and controlled? Do

you want my hand pounding down on your ass until you

can’t think anymore and all you can do is beg me to stop?”

Chad shivered and gazed up into his eyes. “God, yes,”

he said, his words slurring, but with a look of yearning and

trust on his upturned face.

* * * *

Chad watched Adam pull a condom over his dick

within seconds and with surprising ease. He reached out to

help, but Adam pushed his hand away with impatience, and

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heaved Chad’s body over onto his lap, seemingly without

effort. Adam was a big guy, but Chad had no idea he was

that strong. He positioned Chad so he was lying across his

lap, his ass in the air, his cock pressed down between

Adam’s thighs. Chad was still disoriented and things took on

a dream-like quality, where he wasn’t sure what was real

and what was just imagined. He thought, for example, that

he had just agreed to be spanked by Adam. Spanked. By

Adam. He groaned again and tried to push himself up, but

the dizziness kept him reeling, and a firm hand on his back

kept him in place.

The room spun around him. He almost smiled at the

crazy dream and rubbed his prick against Adam’s thigh.

Damn, it felt so good. It was a complete shock when Adam’s

hand came down hard on his bare ass, almost lifting him up

off his thighs. Even though he vaguely knew it was coming,

the pain was intense and to his horror, his eyes filled with

tears even as his dick started to fill out. His body wanted to

fuck something, to buck against the hold Adam had on his

dick with his thighs, the friction and the sting in his ass

feeling so good to his cock. Adam’s hand came down again

twice in rapid succession, and Chad cried out and reared up,

only to be pushed back down again while two ghost-like

figures in the room watched, both of them with their flies

open, jacking off. Was this some kind of public scene they

were doing?

It was all cloudy and confusing, and the only reality

was the rub of Adam’s pants against his rigid, sensitive cock

and the force of his hand as it fell on his ass again and

again. The sting on his ass was the only thing that gave him

a sense of reality. He bucked and cried out, frantically

reaching around behind him for Adam’s touch. Adam had

become his only anchor, the only person he could count on

or hang onto. Adam’s hand met his and gripped it tightly,

though his other hand was still planted in the small of his

back, holding him firmly down. Adam leaned and crooned to


“Such a good boy. It will be over soon, and you can

thank me. Put your hands back down now like a sweet boy

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and take the rest of your spanking for me. That’s right. Lie

still now.”

The hand came down again and again, and each strike

on his ass made his cock that much harder, though hot

tears were by now streaming down his face. The hand stilled

for a moment and rubbed his scorched ass, kneading the

muscles and making him whimper.

“You want to come for me again, baby?”

“Y-Yes,” he mumbled, not feeling quite so confused

and dizzy anymore, but still so aroused. Chad didn’t think

he could come again so soon even in a dream, but his dick

seemed to have other ideas. The orgasm come over him

powerful and strong. The hand fell once more.

“Then come,” he ordered.

Chad strained and cried out. He wanted to obey Adam

desperately. His legs went stiff, and his hips still tried to find

something to hump against. The hand around his waist

lifted, and he slid off Adam’s lap and onto the floor.

Shuddering through the aftershocks of his orgasm, he

suddenly felt cold, though his butt felt like it was on fire. In a

crazy way he liked that he could still feel where Adam’s

hands had been on him, and he knew he’d feel it for days.

Adam asked where his clothes were, and then pulled

off the used condom and lifting him to the bed. He spent

some time putting Chad’s arms in his sleeves. Chad had

gone limp and had trouble helping him. He tried, but Adam

pushed his fumbling hands away, buttoned his shirt, and

then guided his feet into his pants legs. He lay back on the

bed while Adam pulled up his pants, zipped, and buttoned

them. Adam shoved his shoes on, pulled Chad to his feet,

and looped his arm around his neck.

The next thing he knew he was being dragged outside

in the cool night air, and when did it get so dark outside? He

was having trouble walking so the guy at the door took one

arm and Adam another as they half walked, half dragged

him to the car. They sat him in the seat and, goddamn, his

ass was sore. Adam buckled him in, and he heard him

talking to the guard, but didn’t understand anything they


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Then there was wind in his face, and he turned his

head to see Adam lit up by the dash lights. He reached for

him, and Adam caught his fingers up and squeezed them.

“Go back to sleep. I’ve got you.” And that was the last thing

he was aware of for a long time.

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Chapter Three

Chad slept all the way home, no doubt due to the

drugs he’d taken. Adam checked his pulse several times on

the way home and found it strong and steady. He thought

about driving to the nearest hospital, but Chad was asleep,

his breathing more normal, and he wouldn’t want any of this

to get out, as it surely would if he took him to the ER.

When he got to his house, he drove into the garage

and closed the door behind them, to be certain the detectives

out there doing surveillance didn’t see Chad being supported

to get inside. They might have been helpful in handling him,

but Chad would never live it down. He took him in the

garage entrance, determined to deal with it himself. Damn it,

he should never have let Chad out of his sight.

By the time they were inside, Chad roused a little and

was able to walk with an arm around Adam to the guest

room. He sat down on the side of the bed, and Adam helped

him slip off his shirt. Since his underwear had been lost

somewhere along the way, Adam left him in his pants, pulled

the blanket over him and left him to sleep it off. Before he

could go, however, Chad reached for his hand.

“Don’t leave me.”

With the size of his pupils still enormous, Adam

doubted Chad knew where he was. The lost sound of his plea

got to Adam though. Taking off his jacket and shoes, Adam

lay down beside Chad on top of the blanket and put an arm

around him, intending to stay with him only until he went to

sleep. When the detective became fully aware of what had

happened tonight, he was going to be furious, not to mention

humiliated. It was better for all concerned if he woke up

alone. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to stay with him for a while, just

to make sure he didn’t have any ill effects from the drugs.

Chad was restless, pushing back into him and turning

in his arms. He burrowed his face into the hollow between

Adam’s neck and his chest.

“Shit,” Adam said quietly. He hadn’t expected to feel so

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much tenderness for the younger man.

Chad’s breathing evened out, and Adam eased over to

his back to stare at the ceiling. This was not anything he was

looking for. Chad was younger by close to ten years and

confused about his sexuality, not even willing to admit he

was gay, let alone into any kind of kink. Adam had thought

at first it might be fun to tease and play with the handsome

detective, but this had officially gone way too far. Adam had

come to realize they were both in way over their heads, a hell

of a thought to go to sleep with.

* * * *

When Adam awoke, sunlight streamed through the

window. He sat up and looked over at Chad lying on his

back, softly snoring. Easing off the bed, he picked up his

shoes and jacket and went down the hall to the master suite.

After showering and dressing in old jeans and a polo, he was

starving and made his way to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Though he only rarely ate eggs and bacon, he knew

Chad would probably be hungry when he woke up. He fried

some bacon, scrambled some eggs, and was on his second

cup of coffee when he heard Chad coming down the hall and

into the big open-plan living area. Chad stood just inside the

door and glared furiously over at Adam where he sat at the

table calmly sipping his coffee.

He looked surprisingly good after the rough night he’d

had. A little pale, though, and he needed a shave. He hadn’t

showered yet, and still wore the suit pants he’d slept in and

nothing else. Adam let his gaze roam over the broad expanse

of muscled chest as Chad continued to give him an evil look.

“Good morning, Detective. I hope I didn’t wake you


Chad took one step closer. His hands were clenched by

his sides. “What the
happened last night?”

“Maybe you’d better sit down.”

Chad glowered at him. “That’s just it. I fuckin’

down! My head hurts like hell, I ache all over, and my damn

ass feels like it’s on fire. I don’t remember anything past

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thinking I needed to go to the bathroom. What did you


Adam took another sip of coffee and considered

carefully what he was going to say. If it hadn’t been for the

fact that when Chad came farther into the room, he could

see him trembling, he might have been angry at his tone. As

it was, he knew Chad was feeling vulnerable, confused, and

transferring all those negative feelings into anger. He decided

to cut him some slack.

“You got yourself in a little trouble last night. I got you

out of it the best way I could. The least
way I could.

Do you understand?”

“Hell no. You’re going to have to spell it out for me.

What the hell happened? Why can’t I remember?”

Adam sat back in his chair and nodded toward the

sofa. “Grab one of those pillows, bring it over here, and have

a cup of coffee. I’ll explain everything after you’ve eaten.” He

held up a hand when Chad started to protest. “No, you need

some food inside you before we talk. It will help your


Chad stood for another few seconds before stomping

over to the couch and jerking up a pillow. He threw it in a

chair and then eased himself down on it, wincing a bit and

shooting another vicious look at Adam. Ignoring him, Adam

filled a plate and poured him a cup of coffee. “Eat,” he

ordered and sat back down to watch him.

After only a few seconds’ hesitation, Chad shoveled in

the eggs and bacon and cleaned his plate in no time. Adam

watched him with amusement. If Adam ate like that, he’d

weigh three hundred pounds in no time, but Chad’s abs

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