Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set) (3 page)

BOOK: Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set)
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here’s no fucking way I can stay away from Lisa—no way in hell. My cock’s already throbbing again, but it’s
I want—not some equally horny stranger on a plane or in the airport, not some ex fuck-buddy, not some extra desperate girl willing to give way more than a lap dance for a little more cash.

I want Lisa, and I want her now.

When Joey calls and asks if I’m still up for the strip club, I think about it for a while.

I could easily say no and he wouldn’t suspect a thing, but maybe he’d be disappointed that I wasn’t saying hi right away, ready to catch up after being gone for months.

He always makes sure I know he’s there for me anytime I want to hang out or vent or whatever, which should make me feel a
guilty for fucking his girl, right? Since he’s such a good friend?

I don’t know why, but the fact that I’ve betrayed him that way isn’t bothering me yet. Maybe it’s because I can still remember what it was like to have Lisa’s soft boobs against me, because I can still almost feel what it was like to thrust past her pussy lips. Maybe it’s because I still sort of feel like I’m in heaven.

Lisa’s not just any girl, she’s not simply some empty object of lust. I have serious feelings for her, and I’m hoping I can control myself enough that I don’t do anything stupid to blow whatever we have between us. I’d rather have her in some small way than not at all.

As for Joey, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. If he were to look at this objectively, he’d understand. I’ve known Joey a long time, so I know he cheated on a girlfriend once and never told her, and ultimately, it didn’t really matter because they weren’t right for each other anyway, and they broke up.

But because she never found out, he learned that he could get away with it, unfortunately. He’s not a serial cheater or anything—he’s faithful to girls he falls for, but any girl he’s with but not really feeling—well, he gets tempted to get excitement in other ways.

He hasn’t told me anything about cheating on Lisa, but I know he’s not madly in love with her. He loves her, and appreciates what a great girl she is, but it’s almost like it’s all intellectual, so she’s in that ‘not really feeling’ category.

Maybe that’s why I don’t feel bad.

Either way, I figure meeting up with him and feeling things out is probably a good idea.

Plus, who knows when I’ll get laid again? Maybe seeing a bunch of naked chicks can help calm me till I figure out whatever’s next. Maybe it’ll actually make things worse, but there’s just one way to find out.

Either way, it should be way better than being trapped alone in this apartment with memories of acquainting myself with Lisa’s body.

The strip club is definitely making things worse.

The problem is that I don’t even think a lap dance can help, and I don’t want to go to the champagne room. I only want my problem to be solved by Lisa.

But what the hell do I do now? She’s not gonna let herself get in a situation where she’ll be alone with me.

I have to convince her somehow that it’s okay to creep around, and without blaming it on Joey because I do feel a bit of loyalty to him. Even if I did find out he had cheated on her or is thinking about it or whatever, there’s no way I’d rat him out.

So what the hell am I gonna do?

I’ll have to handle myself tonight, and in the meantime, come up with a plan because I’m determined to make Lisa my fuck buddy on this trip.

From there, who knows? But I have to start somewhere to begin the process of breaking her down and making her see the possibility of us.

Crazy, right? Because what will happen if Joey and Lisa break up and I try to date her? Surely he won’t be too happy about that and I end up putting our friendship in jeopardy, right?

But I can’t think about that right now—can barely think at all with all my blood going straight to my dick.

Fuck, I need to get laid. I need Lisa beneath or on top of me as soon as possible.

“Lisa said she’d check her Facebook list or something for you. If she finds a girl, maybe we could all go on a double date or something,” Joey says, snapping me back to reality.

“Oh yeah?” When the hell did she say that? Before or after I fucked her brains out?

“Yeah! Or…”

Joey’s now looking at me in a weird way, and I’m starting to get a strange feeling.

Then he says, “Now’s probably not a good time,” as a cute waitress comes to us with more drinks.

He smiles at her and accepts the two glasses—both for him—joyfully.

He’s the one who drove us here, but he’s pretty much the only one drinking, and I promised to be the DD, which of course makes things worse for my current state—drinking would help me take the edge off, dull my horniness. I’d hoped to drown my sorrows and anxiety, but as soon as we got here, Joey started to drink immediately, and I knew I had no choice but to hold off—he can’t really hold his liquor. I didn’t try to stop him or anything—he clearly needed to indulge for whatever reason. Something has been on his mind, something is bothering him.

Now, the plan is that I’ll drive us back to my friend’s apartment where he’ll crash, then he’ll drive home in the morning.

The place won’t be too crowded though—it turned out that I have the apartment to myself for a few days—my friend actually had a family emergency and had to fly out of state. He’s not sure if he’ll be back in three days or seven.

Joey knows this, and to be honest, he’s been acting weird ever since.

What the heck’s going on in his head?

“So,” he says, after finishing his rum and coke, “all that time you guys spend out there together with no chicks, you guys ever…?”

“Oh, god, no. Not that I know of anyway—none of us who are completely straight.”

“Come on, now—all those months with only your hand…”

“Do we want to sink into something nice and warm? Yes. Almost anything. Some guys find a way. But you know what—the longer you go without it, the easier it is to keep going without it. To a point of course. Hence, why I’m nutso when I get back. But if you find one warm spot to end the drought…man, the craving gets worse. But even that to a point, right? I mean, when you’re in a long-term relationship, sometimes it’s easier to take for granted—having it right there and available pretty much twenty-four seven calms you down a bit. Next thing you know, it’s been a week or two without it, even though you’ve got a girlfriend.”

I’m sort of talking out of my ass here. I have two long-term relationships I’m basing this on, and those were quite a while ago. God knows I’m hoping Joey doesn’t come back with, “Nah, man—I bang Lisa every day, twice a day.”

I don’t want to hear anything like that, so I quickly change the subject.

As we drive back to the apartment I get that weird feeling again, but I don’t know what it is.

“You okay?” I feel compelled to ask, not looking away from the road.

“Yeah, man,” he says. He is leaning away from me, sort of against the passenger window and I leave him to his internal struggles for now.

Once we get inside the apartment, I bring a blanket out for him. I figure he can use the couch pillows, especially since there’s a tiny chance he might recognize Lisa’s scent on one of mine.

I leave him to the couch and head to my bedroom.

I settle in, wondering if I should rub one out before I go to sleep, when I realize my senses are picking up on something: a body nearby.

“Hello?” I say, turning to an outline in the door.

“I was just…” Joey’s voice came out sounding sort of hoarse, but he clears his throat and starts again. “I was just thinking…we could help each other out.”

I get a sinking feeling. “What are you talking about, Joey?”

“Well, we’re friends and…I won’t talk if you don’t.”

“Again, what the hell are you saying, Joey? Is this some gay shit?”

“I’m not gay,” he says defensively.

“Joey, have you ever been with a guy before?”


“Then you’re gay. I’m not though, so no thanks.”

“I’m just cool with both is all. Anyway, friends help friends. I just thought…I was helping you out.”

“Go back out there, Joey. I’m gonna pretend this never happened.”

I’m not sure I can, but I’ll try—we’ve been friends for so many years and it would be a shame if we lost that now. But fuck, how am I supposed to forget he made a pass at me?

He heads back out to the living room, and I am far from sleepy now as thoughts fly around my head.

Joey certainly never told me about anything like this before. Then again, I guess he wouldn’t.

Come to think of it, I really shouldn’t be as surprised as I am. I had gotten a prickle of suspicion that he might swing that way before, but he always dated girls so I ignored it.

I don’t even think we’ll bring this whole thing up again, and if one of us does, we’ll definitely blame it on the alcohol.

As my thoughts continue to churn, I hear what is no doubt the vibration of a cell phone on the living room table, my senses still heightened.

A minute later, Joey is in my doorway again.

“Listen, um—I’m gonna head out. I have a friend to see.”

“So your…friend is picking you up, I take it? Not that I’d let you drive out of here anyway, your drunk ass.”

I feel weird I just made a reference to his ass.

“Yeah, they’re picking me up soon. I already told Lisa I was sleeping over here tonight anyway, so she’s not expecting me till tomorrow. I’ll be back by morning and then I’ll drive out of here, so same plan, different bed.”

A lightbulb goes off in my head.

“Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, turning to leave.

“Good night,” I say to his departing silhouette.

I wait for him to go back to the living room, then I wait until I hear a car pull up.

I wait until I hear the front door close.

Then I get up and practically run to the window to see who he’s driving off with, and just as I thought, it’s some guy—one who probably plays for the other team.

Opportunity is knocking, and I’m about to answer.

I wait as long as I can—five minutes, maybe—then I grab Joey’s keys and drive his car to the apartment he shares with Lisa.




can’t believe my eyes when I see who’s knocking on my apartment door.

“Travis?” I say in wonder as I pull the door open. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Well, Joey’s out cold, so I figure we’ve got a few hours at least.”

He smiles wide at me as he steps inside and my heart flutters. He looks so handsome.

But I can’t think about that. “You left him home alone?”

He hesitates for a brief moment then says, “He’s not alone, no worries.” Then he shakes Joey’s set of keys in front of me. “By the way, I was just being polite,” he says. “I could have just let myself in, but I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Well, you still scare me,” I mumble as I close and lock the door.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing. What are you doing here? It’s three a.m.!”

“You know exactly what I’m doing here,” he growls, all lightness vanishing from him, his eyes turning to a stormy gray. They seem stuck on me all of a sudden.

My senses go on high alert and I feel myself start to back up, although it’s clear there’s no getting away. Even if I could resist him—which I know I can’t—he has every advantage.

He pulls his shirt off and tosses it, and my eyes finally drop from his intense square-jawed face to his strong chest and all the other delicious muscles of his torso.

My breathing speeds up and I am keenly aware of being in a short nightdress with nothing on underneath.

“If I recall correctly,” Travis says, “I owe you something.”

What he’s talking about doesn’t register right away, but then he picks me up in his arms and carries me across the threshold of the bedroom and lays me on the bed, his head going right for my tingling middle.

He starts lapping at my exposed pussy, his tongue flickering over my folds and his mouth enclosing me and sucking and licking every sensitive part.

I lean my head back and moan.

All I can do is take it—I am his—for tonight at least.

His tongue is a torture—teasing me at my entrance, flickering into my valleys, grazing my clit.

Then he slips a finger inside me and starts moving it in and out, wriggling it against my walls and driving me even crazier. I am helpless and squirming against the torturous pleasure, and I am quite content to come like this, no matter how much I thought about his dick when I saw him at my door.

I feel my body start tensing up and my pelvis thrusts toward his warm, probing mouth, taking all the pleasure it can from his lips, his tongue, and even his nose.

The buildup begins, and as he continues to lap at my hungry pussy, it builds to a crescendo until I explode in a loud moan and come against his face, my canal pulsing as it floods.

I am thankful Joey changed the sheets earlier in the day, and I know I’ll have to do the same as I start dripping onto them, since Travis will, no doubt, leave his scent if he does anything more than eat me, which I suspect he will.

For now, he leaves me to my bliss, his fingers and mouth withdrawing from my hot, throbbing center.

I feel like I’ve been blasted to heaven, and I let myself enjoy the mind-blanking sensations while I slowly float back down to earth.

“You taste great,” he says, climbing next to me.

He just lays beside me, and I am vaguely aware that his eyes are on me while one of his hands starts rubbing and massaging my arms, my breasts.

He kisses me lightly on the lips, and again, I get a sense of danger.

This guy is wearing me down.

He caresses my cheek with his thumb and I feel like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t.

When I’ve finally settled, I turn my head to him and almost regret it—his eyes look so tender.

“We’ll find a way,” he says, still stroking my cheek.

Then he raises up and massages my body some more before settling himself between my legs.

I guess we’ll address whatever he’s talking about later.

His light body massage has revved me up a bit again, so I’m about ready for him when I feel the head of his cock at my entrance.

But he plays with me for a bit, rubbing his smooth tip over my soft, velvety parts before slowly pushing his length in.

I realize I didn’t even notice when he had discarded his pants, but I’m glad for his stealth.

He pushes against my pussy with rhythmic thrusts, his cock digging into my body at an angle I have no doubt will take me to a second orgasm.

I start sliding my hands down his body, from his shoulder to his wrist, then back up to his chest and down his muscular torso until my hands are grabbing on to his tight ass cheeks. I feel them contract and release as he pushes into me, his stiff cock leaving its mark once again.

I can’t think about anything else but how good it feels to have his dick slide in and out of my body, bringing me pleasure that, before our first encounter earlier, I hadn’t felt in days and days.

Joey hasn’t seemed all that inspired by me recently, which is part of the reason I got that Brazilian wax.

But now here’s this man who clearly desires me, a man who has looked at me like there is more to his desire than lust. A man whose stiff cock feels made for me…

“Lisa,” I hear him whisper, and his thrusts get more intense.

I lift myself to him, grazing more of our parts against each other, and I soon feel the second buildup begin in me.

As he fucks me harder and faster, I hold on to him with everything I have, wrapping my legs and arms around him.

We let out a unified moan as orgasm takes over, sending his cum pumping through me and my walls pulsating against his dick.

He collapses on top of me and I hold him tighter as we both slowly recover.

He whispers my name again, and I run my hands through his hair, then kiss him on the forehead.

I don’t know how it’ll happen, or even if Travis was just talking about this particular visit or something more, but I finally agree with him.

find a way to make this work.



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