Taken By The Navy Seal (Part 2) (Owned By The Navy Seal)

BOOK: Taken By The Navy Seal (Part 2) (Owned By The Navy Seal)
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Chapter 1


sat in her car half a block from her destination. It was 6:50. She was early.
There was still enough time to change her mind. She couldn’t believe she was
there. Currently at war with herself, Rita kept telling herself to drive away
and forget about it. But she couldn’t get him out of her mind. The thought of
Jared Michaels touching her turned her into a fumbling buffoon and all she
could think about were those mind-blowing orgasms he gave her in the dressing
room. Those leg trembling, toe-curling orgasms that set her on fire. Maybe if I
have sex with him, the newness will wear off and I can move on to someone
safer. Someone more stable. Someone more boring. Rita sighed.


Rita and her ex separated, she had thought she was done with men for a while.
Life with Tuck was difficult to say the least. The petty squabbles would
escalate quickly and Rita spent many a night hugging her dog, Casey, tight to
her wondering what would send him over the edge this time. She shivered when
she remembered the night he practically destroyed the kitchen in a fit of
temper because she didn’t correctly key in on what he wanted for dinner.
“Sorry, Tuck, but I failed the telepathy class at community college,” resulted
in her grandma’s cast iron cook pot crashing down, breaking two floor tiles.
Their real estate agent was furious and blamed her for not keeping him under
control long enough to sell their condo, but damn, toward the end of their
set him off and Rita was done walking around on
eggshells. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing left to fight about.
She felt as dry and empty as a hull. Or, at least she thought she was. Her
brief interaction with Jared Michaels reminded her how very much alive she was.
And wanting.


to feel appreciated. Wanting to feel sexy. Wanting to feel cherished.
In your
dreams, girlfriend
, Rita said to herself. She was nothing more than a tryst
to Jared and so long as she remembered that, she wouldn’t get hurt.


late,” said a deep, rumbling voice from the passenger side of the car.


“MUST you always sneak up on me?”


I didn’t sneak up on you. YOU, were lost in your head. Again. And two. You’re
late. There are penalties for disobeying,” drawled Jared as he opened the door
and slid into the passenger seat.


Rita looked at him, “What are you going to do, spank me?”


“If you like,” responded Jared. “That’s always good for foreplay.”


will not be spanked,” said Rita through gritted teeth.


disobedient children get a spanking,” said Jared calmly.


am NOT a child,” grumbled Rita, petulantly.


why are you acting like one?”


am not. It’s just that…I have to go.”




stuff,” said Rita, getting into the lie. “I would have called, but I didn’t
have your number programmed into my phone yet.”




“Yes, Brian needs me to go over some plans before tomorrow.” As the volunteer
coordinator for the nonprofit Rita worked for, Brian was responsible for
bringing Jared in as their new general contractor for the duplex they were
rehabbing for a low-income family. They were in serious need of upgrades to
make their homes wheelchair accessible and they currently had the funds to give
them almost everything on their wish list and possibly a bit more.


out his cell phone, Jared checked for messages. “Are you sure about that?” he
asked. I had Brian put me on all the call lists and if there were plans to
review, I would have gotten the message.” Tossing his phone on her dashboard,
he turned to face her. “That’s two,” he said quietly.


what’s two?” squeaked out Rita, but she already knew the answer.


up one finger, “One, you’re late.” Holding up a second finger, “Two, you lied.
Do you want to go for a three?”


the steering wheel, Rita huffed out a puff of air. “It’s just that...” before
Rita could finish, Jared clicked open her seatbelt, grabbed her around the
waist and pulled her onto his lap. As he nuzzled her neck, Rita began to
squirm, “Jared, I am NOT a child.”


stop acting like one,” replied Jared. “I know you’ve felt it. That connection.
Why fight it?”


no connection,” whispered Rita. “It’s a tryst, nothing more.”


that’s three,” scowled Jared as he opened his door and climbed out, dragging
Rita with him.


are you doing?”


out the obvious,” said Jared as he pushed her against her car. Looking down, he
smiled as he caught sight of her nipples, already hard and straining against
her bra. Leaning down, he blew on each one as she sucked in a breath. “Your
body doesn’t lie, Rita. You can’t deny how well we…connected,” said Jared as he
dragged his right hand from her hip to her breast. Sucking in her breath, Rita
trembled as his fingers nimbly popped three buttons before sliding his hand
under her blouse. “What your brain denies, your body screams for fulfillment
and I intend to full-fill you over and over,” crooned Jared as he nibbled on
her neck. Kissing across her jawline, Jared licked the corner of her mouth.
Smiling, “I can smell your arousal.” As Rita opened her mouth to deny what her
body was screaming, Jared captured her lips. Biting her lower lip, he sucked it
into his mouth before he trapped her tongue in a twisting dance that left her
breathless. Leaning into her, Rita parted her legs as Jared ground his hard-on
against her. “Come with me, Rita,” Jared whispered, as he nipped at her chin.
“Let me show you what your body wants.” Nodding, Rita buried her head against
his chest. “No.” Grabbing her chin and looking her in the eye, “Say it.”


her hand up, Rita, clutched at his shirt. “Let’s do this.”


what?” asked Jared as he lazily rubbed her nipples with his thumbs.


Rita twisted his shirt in her hand; her body tingled in places she hadn’t felt
in a long time. Her brain had stopped fighting her and the hairs on her arms
made her skin tingle as her body came alive. “Let’s go to your place,”
whispered Rita.


asked Jared.


you want,” replied Rita.


girl,” said Jared as he kissed her lightly. “Don’t move.” Leaving Rita propped
against her car, he reached inside to grab her car keys and purse. Looking
around, he spotted another bag in the backseat and looked inside. Smiling, he
stepped back, sliding both bags to one shoulder, he locked her car and held out
his hand. Rita took his hand, grateful for the warmth and marveling at how sexy
he looked carrying her floral tote bag.


6.2, Jared Michaels was an imposing figure. From his crew cut to his dazzling
blue eyes, to the chiseled figure of a man who worked out regularly, Jared was
a man who commanded attention when he walked into a room. He had put in his
time as a Navy Seal and had accepted his medical discharge after his last tour
in Afghanistan. He’d always known his time was limited and it could have been
much worse. He was grateful to the orthopedic surgeon who put his ankle back
together and he only limped when he overdid it. Ever since he took Rita in the
dressing room, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. He remembered how good she
tasted and the smell of her arousal made him hard thinking about it. He
couldn’t believe his luck when he laid eyes on her at the job site as he
thought he would never see her again. And to have her here now. He wondered how
upset she would be if he threw her over his shoulder and sprinted for the house
before she changed her mind again.


he pictured her embarrassment as his neighbors peeked out from behind their
curtains. Luckily, Jared lived on a quiet street as all his neighbors seemed to
work late. Tugging on her hand, they quickly crossed the street and entered his
house. “Get naked,” he ordered. “And put these on.” Handing Rita her bag, he
left her standing there, as he headed to the bedroom.


shedding her clothes, Rita slipped on the shoes she brought with her.
Three-inch heels were not that high, but Rita swayed as she balanced in them.
Reaching for her belt, she strapped on her pink leather tool belt as she
stifled a giggle. Catching her reflection in the mirror, Rita was again caught
off guard at her appearance.


wanton, flushed, nipples were hard. Aching to be played with. Her inner core
had started clenching the moment she heard Jared’s voice. Rubbing her
glistening clit, Rita brought her fingers to her nose. She always loved the
smell of arousal. As she was about to stick her finger in her mouth, Jared
stopped her.


yet,” he called out as he walked toward her with his hands full. He was pleased
at how turned on she was, but this was his house. His show. His rules. He’d
waited too long for this and he was going to enjoy every minute of it and that
meant, he was in control. “If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, lace your
fingers behind your head and hold them there.”


coyly, Rita reached her hand out toward Jared, “But.”


a step back, Jared shook his head. “No buts, Rita. Hands, behind your head.
Now.” Jared froze as he watched Rita battle with her inner demons. He knew she
was turned on and he hoped she wanted this as much as he did. He was so looking
forward to dragging another screaming orgasm out of her. And another. And
another. Smiling boyishly, Jared cocked his head as he smiled at her. “I’m
waiting, Rita.”


Rita slowly raised her arms and laced her fingers behind her head. Smiling
tentatively, she bit her lower lip as Jared’s demeanor shifted. Was it her or
did it get really hot in here all of a sudden. As Jared stepped toward her,
Rita resisted the urge to step back. Looking him in the eyes, she held his gaze
as he placed what he was carrying in the various pockets of her pink leather
tool belt. As Rita dropped her head to see what he was placing, he placed a
finger under her chin.


at me.” As Rita looked at him again, he smiled. Kissing her lightly on the
lips, he trailed soft kisses up her cheek to her ear. Heat swept across her
body as Rita felt the tickle of his day’s growth against her skin. His chuckle
sent vibrations to her clit as wetness flooded her. Stepping back, he looked
her over. “Turn for me.” As Rita started to drop her hands, Jared stopped her.
“No, I like you like that, keep your hands where they are.” Flushing deeper,
Rita slowly turned in a circle. When her back was to Jared, he stopped her.
Stepping forward, he slowly ran his hands down her back. Trailing fingers down
her sides, Rita shivered as he left trails of heat across her. Sliding his
hands down her hips, he cupped her ass as he stepped forward. Pressing against
her back, he whispered, “Can you feel what you do to me, Rita?” Rita nodded,
unable to speak as his erection pressed into her backside. The thought of what
may happen tonight had her tingling all over. As Jared stepped back, he
continued his exploration. Sliding his hands down her legs, he began the slow
journey back up. Rita moaned as he licked the small of her back. Sliding his
hands back up her back, he grabbed her wrists and brought her hands down to her
sides. Kissing her shoulders, he tugged at her left wrist as he walked toward
the hallway.


take this some place more comfortable.” As Rita followed Jared, she took a
quick peek at the contents of her tool belt. She saw what looked like lube,
condoms, another bottle and some items that she couldn’t identify. Tugging at
her a little harder, Rita picked up the pace as she followed Jared. Stepping
into his bedroom, Rita had little time to look around as he strode toward his
bed. Turning quickly, Jared advanced toward her. Cupping the side of her face,
he kissed her hard making his need apparent. As Rita opened her mouth to moan,
Jared deepened the kiss. He tangled his hands in her hair as the kiss became
more passionate. He angled his head and enjoyed the feel of her tongue stroking
his until he broke away. When she opened her eyes and looked up at him, it was
with an unfocused stare. Their breaths were quick and shallow. She clung to
him, swaying slightly. Still holding her face, he smiled in triumph.


kissing can affect us that much, imagine what else I have in store for you.”
Before Rita could reply, he guided her to the bed. “Climb up and lay on your
back.” As Rita climbed up on the overly high bed, she couldn’t find a more
graceful way to move so she crawled up the length of the bed toward the padded
headboard. She paused to look over her shoulder at Jared’s strangled cough.
Raising an eyebrow at him, Jared covered his mouth with one hand as he waved
her on, unable to speak. Nodding, Rita continued. It was all Jared could do to
keep his desire in check. Watching Rita’s hips sway as she crawled up the bed
almost undid him. He was in a panic when he caught sight of her sitting in the
car. He could tell from across the street that she was at war with herself and
he was afraid that she would cut and run before he could be with her again. It
took all his self-control not to drag her in the house and now she was here.
Her sweet rounded hips and that beautiful ass, bouncing as she crawled up his
bed. He couldn’t have planned that better if he had.

BOOK: Taken By The Navy Seal (Part 2) (Owned By The Navy Seal)
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