Taken by the Fae Lord (3 page)

Read Taken by the Fae Lord Online

Authors: Emma Alisyn

Tags: #new adult romance, #alpha male billionaire erotic romance, #fairy tale action adventure, #paranormal fae werewolf romance

BOOK: Taken by the Fae Lord
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He watched, enjoying himself. He'd held back
with her, allowing her to think him human, wanting to put her at
ease before she must deal with his true nature. Assar reached her
side and she looked at him askance before snarling when the man
reached out a hand as if to waylay her. Liana stalked forward and
this time the other women made way for her. More because of Assar’s
forbidding presence and less because of her own. He didn’t think
they realized the petite, hothouse flower approaching was his
choice. Hope and calculation yet warred in many eyes, their open
avaricious gazes butchering him down to bone and analyzing the meat
for value. He suppressed a faint shudder of distaste, reacting to
his own macabre musings. Relieved fate saw fit to show mercy,
refusing to saddle him and his future child with such a mother.
Triumph heightened his desire.

He held out a hand when she approached, a
silent demand. She paused, and he watched the consideration in her
eyes with lessening amusement as she regarded his hand. His own
eyes narrowed, a warning not to deny him in public. She smiled,
little more than a clenching of teeth, and accepted his hand. The
pulse in her wrist raced as he drew his thumb over the soft skin.
He tugged, helping her step up onto the platform, and then drew her
to his side.

“Ladies, may I introduce Liana Sandoval, my
chosen concubine? We have… conversation to conduct, but please
enjoy yourselves the rest of the evening.”

Liana wanted to eviscerate him. Paused to
consider if she knew the meaning of the word, but decided it
sounded sufficiently nasty for what she wanted to do. An official
in government issued dress loomed over her with paperwork they made
her sign on the edge of a buffet table- her stomach too queasy for
Liana to regret not having indulged in the plentiful goodies.

Paperwork complete- it was made clear that
once chosen, she had no choice but to accept- they promised emailed
copies the next business day as they ushered her, dazed, through a
gate into a waiting limousine with the silent man at her side. His
guard- Assar- joined them, and Liana sealed her lips shut. She
wouldn't lower herself to argue in public. Instead, she contented
herself with folding her arms over her chest and staring out the
window, refusing to look at anyone, ignoring an offer of more

Fingers snapped in front of her face and she
jerked in the seat, realizing they had come to a stop in front of a
hotel. Liana reigned in her wandering thoughts. She recognized
Michigan Avenue. Of course. Nothing less than the best for the

Her door opened and yet another guard
appeared as escort, who managed to maintain an air of courtesy
without touching her. Eero, however, seemed to have no such
compunction about touching her. Liana wondered if she owed the
guard’s restraint to his distaste of her species, or the presence
of her… boyfriend? Future baby daddy? Lord and master? She snorted.
She knew which title he would prefer. Lord Eero ushered her through
the black and gold lobby with a hand low on her back, burning
through the flimsy cloth of her blouse to the skin below. Her spine

“In a hurry or something?” she asked

“Or something.” His voice caressed her. She
stiffened, both dreading and anticipating the… unmentionable deeds…
that voice promised.

When they entered the suite, sans guard, she
turned and faced him feet set, shoulders squared. She should have
been intimidated. The quality of the dark, modern furniture,
neutral colors with pops of bold color and minimalist nature art-
all screamed the kind of wealth she would never have access to.

“So how does this work?”

He indicated the couch but she remained
standing. He chose to sit, flicking the long tail of his hair out
of the way, crossing his legs and steeping his fingers atop his
knees, the picture of elegance. It should have looked… feminine,
but an aura of masculine sexuality enrobed him.

Liana watched him resentfully, stomach
clenching. At the party, the deceiving glamour hid all that, and
she’d only responded to the barest tendrils of his sensuality. Now,
alone in a room with him knowing she somehow signed her body and
life away to him, her heart began to race. He could do anything he
wanted with her and nothing she said in protest would matter. There
were no laws regarding consent between a Fae Lord and his
concubine. The Fae’s lawyers- damn their cleverness for using a
human firm, though at the time many questions were raised regarding
if they were entitled to do so- were careful to add that
stipulation before the Lords got to work restoring farmland. Damn

“Come here,” he said.

She took a step back, no fear in the
movement. Eero rose in response to the subtle challenge, his
approach slow and patient. “There is no where you can run, little
human. Don’t try.”

“My name is Liana.”

“It is. A beautiful name. I’ll remember to
say it when I’m fucking you.”

Her breath caught at the abrupt crudeness of
his words. “You don’t own me.”

Eero smiled, pleased at her defiance. It
would make the game more interesting. “You didn’t read the papers
you signed?” he inquired pleasantly. “I
own you. Your
body belongs to me. Your womb. Because you are human, and a woman,
your heart will soon follow.” He paused, head tilted as he studied
her. “Keep your mind. It interests me.”

Her hand clenched into a fist. “I liked you
when you were pretending to be human.”

“You like me now.” He placed a hand on her
chest, gently. It felt like a brand of ownership. “And soon you
will love me. I won’t accept anything less from the woman who will
carry my child.”

His free hand coiled in the mass of her

“You will love me,” he whispered in her ear,
a voice creamier than molten chocolate and just as sinful.

Her pussy clenched and she felt him inhale,
mouth opening against the skin of her neck. Eero released the
chokehold he kept on his sexuality, just enough to entice. Just
enough for her sensual fear to spice the air. “But you’ll love what
I do to you more.”


His grip in her hair forced her neck to
tilt, giving him access to her lips. He claimed it- no hesitant
kiss, but a plundering. A demand that she acknowledge his right to
her. He pulled her against the full length of his body. The hard
lines of his muscles overwhelmed her soft curves. Her back arched
from the difference in their heights and she felt the heaviness of
his erection pressing into her stomach.

Body reacting- the response of any
red-blooded female when presented with an inferno clothed in silk
and steel flesh- Liana felt her mouth soften under his, opening to
allow him access. His tongue plunged into her, a rhythmic motion
kindling the dampening of her panties. His kiss engulfed her,
branded her. She'd been kissed before, but never with this
single-minded focus, as if her body was his first, last and always.
Knew that if she had the courage to take what he offered she would
experience physical pleasure women spent every night of their lives
dreaming about, escaping the drudgery of the men at their

Liana whimpered, her hands trembling. Desire
and fear entangled in her stomach; she didn’t know which emotion to
heed, didn't even know if it mattered.

He pulled back to brush kisses along her
cheek. Moved his mouth to her ear where warm air sent her toes

“What do you want me to do to you?” he

She closed her eyes, biting her lip. His
grip tightened, shifting around her waist. He backed her against a
wall, capturing both of her wrists in one hand and pinning them
above her head.

“Answer me,” he said. “You already owe me
for one disrespect this evening.”

Liana’s eyes opened in outrage. “What! I
haven’t disrespected you.”

He smiled, dark and promising, the slits in
his eyes dilated. The textured wallpaper covering the wall at her
back scraped her skin. She wriggled, wanting some relief from the
irritation, and only served to rub herself against his erection.
His eyes narrowed, smile disappearing.

“First you refuse my drink. Now you toy with

“No! No. I’m not playing with you.” She
squeaked when his hand cupped the curve of her butt and squeezed,
lifting the cheek of her ass with enough force that pleasure
bordered pain. Liana stifled a flinch in reaction to the ire
heating his eyes.

“Tell me what you want. No, no. Open your
eyes, little human.”

Liana knew he would make her say it, and the
longer she waited, the harder her punishment would be.

“You refuse to speak? You seek to be
punished, Liana?”

“No,” she whispered, paused, then cleared
her throat. She could barely speak around the beating of her heart.
The sibilant way he spoke her name, Li-Ah-
, making
something exotic and lyrical of the simple syllables- she felt
beautiful. “No, I mean- I don’t know what I want.”

“You lie.”

“I want to leave! I want you to let me

He shook his head slowly, eyes never leaving
hers. “It’s a shame the mother of my child is a liar. What should I
do about that, hmm?”

Eero lifted her into his arms in an easy
movement that betrayed the depth of his strength. No lightweight
girl, Liana’s curves offered plenty to keep him occupied if his
preferences swung in that direction. Liana’s hope of finding a man
who liked curves faded a long time ago. Despite her reticence, her
outrage at being coerced into this situation, she also knew she
would be crazy not to grasp the chance with both hands.

He opened the door to the bedroom part of
the suite, leaving it open so the light from the living area shined
onto the massive bed. He threw her onto it and immediately crawled
in after her, kicking off his shoes.

“Now,” he said. “I will give you one more
opportunity, out of courtesy for your status, to tell me the truth,
before I punish you, and just so you know…”

His hand smoothed along her thigh under her
skirt. In an abrupt motion he flipped her onto her stomach, skirt
shoved above her ass, panties pulled down. He slapped her ass, a
hard, stinging smack that caused her flesh to jiggle. Liana bit her
lip, refusing to cry out.

He leaned over her, mouth to her ear. “Tell
me what you want.”

Tears stung. “Y- you. I want you.”

His hand caressed her sensitive skin. She
felt him lift his hand just over her ass.

“Tell the whole truth, nothing but the
truth,” he taunted. “Quickly, little human, before I punish you

“I don’t know what you want me to say!”

“How do you want me?”

“I- I don’t understand-”

He slapped her ass again, this time harder
and she cried out, wriggling beneath him. He shifted so his thighs
straddled and held her immobile.

“Maybe you like being punished, hmm? Maybe
you want me to slap your ass until you cry out. Is that what you

“No! No. I- I want you inside me.”

He leaned over her again, pacing a kiss
against her neck, smiling against her skin. “Better. How do you
want me inside you?”

“Hard. Fast. I just want you to fuck me.”
Liana’s hands curled at her sides and she squeezed her eyes shut in
mingled embarrassment and desire. She hated him.

“I hate you.”

He flipped her over again and she stared up
at him, teary eyed and resentful, clit throbbing.

“You wish you hated me.” His hand cupped her
mound, the meat of his palm pressing against her clit. She gasped,
unable to control the involuntary pump of her hips as her
traitorous body rubbed against him, seeking pleasure. “But you
don’t.” He slipped a finger inside her, just one. She ached for

“You’re wet for me, little human. No, don't
speak. Your lies displease me. Your body speaks truth.”

He lifted her into a sitting position and
proceeded to strip the clothes from her body, quick efficient moves
with the sole purpose of revealing her for his sight, no seduction
intended. She wanted to cover her breasts, but her held her arms at
her sides.


Her head dropped back as he cupped one
breast, lifting its weight in his palm, flicking the nipple,
echoing his phantom touch earlier. He lowered his head to her
breast and bit down, tongue beading the nipple. She cried out,
feeling the walls of her core further moisten. Throbbing,
beckoning. He switched his attention to the other breast and his
free hand traveled down her body. She clenched her teeth in
anticipation, but at the last moment he backed off the bed, then
reached forward and yanked her body to the edge so her she fell
onto her back, hips overhanging the edge. He knelt, a devilish
smile playing on his lips.

“Scream for me,” he said, and when his
tongue laved her clit she obeyed, control dissolving. He flicked
the nub back and forth in a fast, rhythmic motion that made her
squirm with need. Pressure built, a sweet agony. When he penetrated
her pussy with his fingers, sliding in and out to match the lapping
of his tongue, her body shattered. Liana cried out from the orgasm,
clenching the sheets between her hands. Eero stood, one hand
reaching to unfasten his trouser while the hand drenched in her
clear fluid placed itself on her lips. She licked, obediently,
dazed but wanting more.

He released himself and her eyes widened at
the length and breadth of his cock. Her breath caught in
appreciation as she eyed his cock, all silken gold and veined in
amethyst. But she began to worry. It had been so long…

Before she could voice her apprehension, he
flipped her onto her stomach again, this time positioning her so
her chest and face were pressed against the bed, ass in the air. He
spread her legs wide and she felt the head of his cock nudge her

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