Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3 (7 page)

BOOK: Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3
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I slip my shoes on and pick up my keys. “Then I’ll need to tell her to call Sophie. She’s just as good as me.”

He scoffs. “No, she is not. Last time you gave Sophie to one of your clients, she went all diva on them.”

Carter doesn’t like Sophie, they constantly fight when we’re all together. It’s exhausting to say the least.

“It’s fine, Carter, I’ll be back in two weeks. But right now, I need to hit the gym.”

I make my way to The Pit, Vicky’s brother Dominic owns it. He and I are—well, we are close. I walk in through the big sliding doors and greet the receptionist, who doesn’t like me by the way because she thinks Dom and I are seeing each other. I’ve given up caring what people think about our friendship years ago. Swiping my card, I smile at her anyway before making my way to the second level, where all the cardio equipment is located. Punching in forty minutes on the treadmill, I run my little heart out. Every level of the gym is surrounded by glass. There are no walls, so people walking past can always see inside. It was Dom’s idea of making women feel safe. I look to the hallway and see Dom walking down when he sees me, he smiles and opens the door. Turning my treadmill off, I pull my earphones out of my ears.

“Hey, I thought you’d be in Westbeach by now?” he asks, pulling me in for a hug.

I shake my head, taking a drink of water. “I’ve been sort of putting it off, I guess.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Oh? Why might that be?”

I take a seat on the treadmill. “I may have…slept with Ade a couple years ago. Wish I could say that I regret it, but I don’t.”

Looking up at him, I see his jaw clenched. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

I look down to my hands. “Um, I’m not sure. I guess it just never came up.”

Looking up at him again, I see he’s clearly upset by my confession.

He smiles and pulls me up by my hand. “Fucking bikers.”

Wrapping my arms around him for a hug, I laugh. “Fucking bikers is right.”

Walking back into my room while I’m checking my phone, I see there’s a text from Alaina.


Hurry up, get here already girl. Please. I think I’m going to kill her.


I laugh, typing out a quick reply before throwing my phone back to my bed and getting into the shower. The water is cascading over my body and I feel more alert than I ever have before. Maybe it’s because I’m going to see Ade, or maybe it’s because I haven’t had any sex since the last time I saw him, which hasn’t bothered me until this point. Running soap all over my body and letting the sweet smell of apples and cinnamon swim up my nose, I slide my hand over my stomach, throwing my head back and moaning as I run my hand over my clit. I stop and my eyes shoot open in surprise. Quickly I turn off the shower and get out, wrapping a towel around me.

What the hell was that about

Wiping the fog away from the mirror I look at myself.
Have I changed much in two years?

My hair is a little lighter, caramel brown and hanging long with a slight curl at the ends, dropping right down to my waist. It contrasts off my fair skin and green eyes. My skin may be fair, but I tan easily. That would come from my Brazilian heritage, I’d say. Leaving my towel on, I head to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine. There are no straight men living here, so I’m safe. I hear a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I yell from the kitchen where I’m putting the wine back into the fridge.

“Open up Kal, it’s Dom.”

I pause briefly. “Be there in a sec.”

Sprinting up to my room, I throw on a big, oversized T-shirt before heading back to the door and pulling it open. He’s standing there looking me up and down. Dominic is a very,
good-looking man. He’s all protein shakes and iron, with brown hair. He keeps the top long and slicked back, with the sides shaved. He has deep brown eyes and a five o’clock shadow. He’s got his head screwed on and we get on like a house on fire, but for some reason, I’ve never made a move on him.

“I just need to do this real quick,” he mumbles as he wraps his hands around the back of my neck, pulling me into his kiss.

At first, I’m shocked, so I don’t kiss him back. I know I should stop, but to be honest, I did always wonder what it’d be like to kiss Dominic Abrahams. He pulls back, clutching my face in his hands, looking observantly into my eyes.

“Dom? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” I ask in shock and confusion.

He laughs, running his fingers over my cheek. “I kiss you, and you think there’s something wrong with you?” He shakes his head. “No Kalie, you’re perfect.”

I swallow down my confusion. “Do you want to come in and talk about what that was about?” I ask, pointing my thumb toward inside.

He shakes his head. “Nah, I’ll leave the rest up to you.”

I cough nervously, my eyes searching around the place. “Dom, what am I supposed to do with that? You just kissed me, unexpectedly. I mean, I know we’ve been flirtatious at times, but I thought that was just our friendship?”

He runs his eyes over my face, studying me intently. “I’ve always wanted more, Kal. I just didn’t know when to make my move.”

I cross my hands across my chest. “Okay, we need to talk. Have you been drinking? Come in.” I pull him inside and close the door behind him.

“Sit down, Dom. I’ll get us a drink.”

Walking into the kitchen, I pull out two glasses and fill them with wine. I have a feeling this night is going to be long. Moving back to the couch I pull my legs underneath myself and take a drink looking up to him.

“How come you never told me before?”

He looks to me. “Because, I thought I had time. Obviously not,” he seethes, rolling his eyes.

I move over to him some more. “Is this because of Ade?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess it is. I can give you time if that’s what you need Kal. Just don’t cut me off.” I take another sip of my drink and nod my head. “I wouldn’t cut you off anyway,” I say smiling at him. He pulls me under his arm and kisses my head.

“We could be something great Kalie, I can promise you that.”


My speakers are blaring and I’m singing along terribly to Akon
‘Right Now,’
dancing along as much as I can with my window all the way down. Then I realize the irony and hit skip on my iPod, changing it to Akon

What the hell is up with all the Akon songs?
Fucking Carter.

I feel like I’ve slipped and fallen back into the early 2000’s. However, I dance along anyway blowing out all my troubles.

“You can do this, Kalie. He won’t even bat an eye.”

Before I left, I had the dilemma of what I was going to wear. So I opted for not caring and put on some tight skinny jeans, my Chuck Taylors, and a tight, white singlet. I really,
do not want to attract any unwanted attention. My hair is falling down my back in it’s natural curls at the ends. I put on a little blush and mascara, and that’s it. My nerves are running at one hundred miles an hour and I feel sick

Damn, Vicky Abrahams



I pull into the gates of the address Vicky sent me, and I think I might actually spew. My tummy flips when I see all the bikes lined outside the garage.

,” I gasp in shock.

Noticing a young guy come up to the gate glaring at me, I wince at the look he’s giving, but I get out of my car anyway.

“Hey, I’m one of Vicky’s bridesmaids,” I say to him, looking a little uneasy.

Maybe I should have called Vicky before coming, but she told me to meet her here.

“Oh, right. Sure darling, come this way,” he says dropping the evil glare and smiling. He’s cute. All blond, blue-eyed, and baby-faced. He nudges his head toward the building opposite the garage.

Closing my door and run my hands up and down my arms, I try to ease the tension. “Okay, sure.”

I begin to follow him into what I’m guessing is the clubhouse. There’s a huge deck sitting around what looks like a bar. Walking up the steps that lead us into the bar, the young man pushes the door open, and I’m left standing there—obviously out of place. All that’s in here are bikers and—prostitutes? I’m guessing by their attire. It’s loud because of the music blaring, and the talking and drinking. Pulling on the young man in front of me—who’s wearing a patch like everyone else, except under ‘Sinful Souls MC’ it reads, ‘Prospect,’—I look at it confused. It must mean something, but I honestly have no idea as far as motorcycle clubs go. I could be walking into a snake pit. On the other hand, if any of these big men pack like Ade, it’s probably an Anaconda pit.

“Is Vicky in here?” I ask, eager to get the hell out as soon as possible.

He nods his head. “She’s up the stairs. Wait at the bar.”

Following him to the bar, and looking to my left and see a couple making out. Well, what I would say more like having sex on one of the couches in the corner by the pool table. The girl gets off his lap to escort him to a room—I’m guessing.

And that’s when I see who was under the barely dressed skank.





Having Gretchen rubbing her shit all over my leg is getting old.

“Let’s go,” I say smacking her bony ass.

She gets up off me and pulls on my hands to lift me up. I give her a disgusted look before getting myself up to follow her out, and that’s when I see her. Kalie is standing at the bar with Travis, looking as fucking beautiful as ever. I swear to God she looks hotter than she does in my dreams
. Holy fuck!
She’s in a simple tight singlet, tight as fuck jeans that wrap around that fucking perfect ass, and Chuck Taylors. So fucking simple, but yet so fucking sweet. Gretchen feels my pause so she tugs gently on my hand. I look at her with a scowl and pull my hand away from hers.

“Don’t fucking do that…ever again.” Pushing her out of the way, I walk up to Kalie.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were going to be here today,” I say, studying her eyes and face. She looks at me like I have three heads.

“Why would you need to know Ade? It’s fine, go back to what you were doing. I’m just going to order a drink and wait for Chucky’s bride.”

She turns her back to me and walks away to the bar with Travis on her tail. I grab Trav’s cut and pull him to me.

“Fuck off! Stay the fuck away from her.” Travis looks between Kalie and I confused.

Harvey stands from the table. “Trav, that’s Kalie.”

With that simple statement, I watch understanding set into Travis’ eyes. Good. I won’t need to kill the little fuck.

Travis looks at me, then looks back to her again. “Sorry bro, didn’t know.”

Ignoring him I make my way to the bar with her, pulling out a seat and ordering another drink. She looks at me from the corner of her eye.

“Go back to your whore, Aidan.”

Laughing at her, I run my tongue over my bottom lip and see her eyes follow my movements. Something tells me, her sweet little pussy still aches for my cock.

“What if she’s not my whore? What if she’s my old lady?” I ask her, just to work her up.

“What? Your mother? Yeah, that’s
not the case,” she states rolling her eyes as she brings her glass to her lips.

I laugh, loudly. I’d forgotten that she doesn’t have a clue about our way of life. An old lady is higher than a
in our world. When you’re crowned an old lady by one of the brothers, you hold all the power over them. They are the highest rank that any women can gain with one of the brothers. It’s not to be taken lightly, and if something goes down? We, as an MC will kill for them, lay our lives down for any of the old ladies. They hold a deep level of respect in the MC community. In saying that, Gretchen is no fucking way an old lady, especially not fucking mine.

“What? No. In your way of understanding, my

I see her whole body still and she pales. “Fuck, I’m so sorry Ade. I didn’t mean that, I’m going to go.” She pulls back off her seat and dashes out the door so fucking fast that I can’t catch her in time.

I stand and make my way out the door watching. She glances at me briefly before sliding into her car. Gretchen comes up to me, and wraps her hand around my arm, just in time for Kalie to see us together. I push Gretchen away and walk toward her car, but she reverses quickly and pulls out, driving off down the road. Gretchen moves to me again, placing her hand on my back.

“Get your fucking hands off me, Gretchen. You need to get the fuck back into that whore zone you’re trying to escape from.”

She huffs and drops her arms to the side. “Why are you so mean, Ade? And who was that?”

Swinging the door open I walk back to the bar where Vicky is now standing with her hands on her hips.

“What the fuck did you do to my bridesmaid, Ade Nixon,” she seethes.

I keep walking out the back door to the yard, slamming the door shut behind me. A few moments later, I hear the door open and Zane walks out.

“What’s with Kalie, brother? Whenever she’s around, she has you all worked up.”

I shake my head. “Fucked if I know. Keep me busy.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “You sure?”

I nod my head, looking out to the large yard in front of me. It’s only used for family events. It’s equipped with everything including a playground and a bonfire.

“All right then.” He pulls out a yellow folder from under his cut, passing it to me.

Placing my drink down in front of me I pull out a simple paper that has a photo of a man, a name, and his whereabouts.

“This from the Confederation of Assassins?” I ask, looking up at him.

He shakes his head, placing his hands in his pocket. “Was a personal request, from a reliable and safe source.”

I narrow my eyes. “Are you sure? I don’t usually do personal requests.”

“I know. Felix handed it to me.”

“Felix? He wants me to do his dirty work?”

“Nah, it’s not for him. He said it was a request from a trusted friend.”

I raise my eyebrows. “You trust this?”

“He’s a brother. We are to trust him, even if something feels off.”

I nod my head again, picking up my drink and downing the rest. “Be back soon.”



Pulling up to the bar where my new target is supposed to be, I shift on my seat. This is how I pay my way and it’s how I’ve managed to have a large chunk of cash under me. All the rest of the brothers have actual investments, not me, though, I’d rather do this. Ending someone’s life is much easier than running a business.
Fuck that!

BOOK: Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3
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