Tainted Love (Book 1) (17 page)

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Authors: Ghiselle St. James

BOOK: Tainted Love (Book 1)
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You…cook? I thought you liked me.

Oh, you’ve got jokes.
I type back:

Liked you? Whatever gave you that idea?

Doesn’t he have work to do? He responds seconds later:

Hmm…I dunno. Maybe it’s the way you light up when I’m inside you.

I can see him smiling. Damn it, he’s right.

Well I can’t wait to light up like the fourth of July. T-minus…two hours?

That’ll get his cock twitching for me.

I stare at the phone for a minute waiting for him to respond. Since he doesn’t, I rest the phone down and pad toward the kitchen.

“Hmm…what shall I make for dinner?” I ask myself as I rummage through the fridge. Seeing the ingredients I decide on making sweet and sour chicken with pineapple chunks and lasagna.

I begin preparing the chicken and I hear my cell over the music. Turning it down, I pick it up and my heart leaps at the caller I.D. It’s Ben.

“Hi,” I answer, butterflies running through my stomach, making me feel nauseous.

“I’ve dialed your number and hung up four times,” Ben tells me, his voice soft and wooing. “You’ve made my dick so hard. Tell me what you just said. I want to hear you,” he lures. His voice is filled with so much hunger that it feeds my need of him. I want him
: his touch, his kiss, his masterful stroking of my sex.

“Tell me,” he insists, his voice a plea laced with need.

“I want you to fuck me ’til I light up like the fourth of July.” My voice is low and enticing. I hear his groan and I continue, “I’m going to suck you off until you fill my greedy little mouth with all your cum. Do you miss my mouth on you Ben?”

“Jesus, Sullivan. What are you doing to me?” he rasps.

“I’m not doing anything, Ben…yet.” On the final word, Ben inhales sharply.

I want him so much. For a second, I wish I could have the power of teleportation. That way, we wouldn’t have to wait to be with each other.

“You’re unraveling me in my office, Sullivan. Jesus,” he exhales. “Have you started on dinner?”

“No, I haven’t.” I rest the phone on the kitchen counter and switch to hands-free, using my headset to talk to him so that I can continue preparing dinner.

“What are you cooking?”

“You’ll know when you get here.”

He grumbles, “Fine. I hate waiting, but I’ll wait to find out what I’ll be eating…” he pauses then continues, “and I’ll wait for you.” And I know it’s a double entendre.

His admission rattles me, though in a good way. Despite my concerns, I really want him to wait and I’m glad that he is willing to.

“I’m glad.” I smile, the whole thing sounding almost domestic and normal for us. “See you in two hours?”

“T-minus an hour and fifty minutes to be exact,” he corrects, causing me to giggle. “I love that sound.”

I blush, left speechless. Ben affects me in a way that I have never been affected before. The butterflies I feel with him are ceaseless. I feel so giddy-headed at times. It’s strange, but I haven’t felt this way for a man in a while and this is either a good thing or a bad thing. I hope it is a good thing.

“Well, I’ll leave you to the cooking.” I hear his chair creak as though he
’s leaned forward. “And Sullivan? I can’t wait to see you.”

I smile, flattered by his sweetness. “I can’t wait to see you too.” And that is the truth.




Though he’d cancelled all his appointments, Ben is running late due to an important but last minute meeting he had to attend. I am thankful for the delay as I’m not quite finished dinner. With this extra hour I can get everything ready.

I decide to set up our eating area by the chaise and the big window overlooking the Philadelphia skyline. I place two scented candles on the windowsill and wrap the forks in red napkins and rest them in between the two candles.

Removing the pink scarves from over the lamps, I replace them with brown scarves, creating darker lighting; thus, enhancing the candlelight effect. Turning to the iPod dock, I switch to my slow grooves playlist and leave it low so it sinks better into the atmosphere and into the psyche of anyone listening to it.
Mood music.

I had told Susie that I expected Ben tonight so all he needed to do was come right up and knock on my door. At
that very moment, I hear a knock and my heart leaps into my throat; suddenly nervous.

I look through the peep hole and breathe a sigh of relief when I see Mrs. Wade.

“Hey, Mrs. Wade.” I open the door to her wide grin.

“How did it go?” she inquires. I smile at her inquisition.

“Oh, your blush says it all darling.”

I didn’t even notice I was blushing. It is like impulse now. Ben makes me feel giddy. I am smitten.
Oh, my God
! He smit me!
Is that even a word?

Uh oh.

I like him. Shit!

“And by that look on your face, I know you like him. He’s a sweet boy
…man,” she corrects herself on a smile. “I’ve known him since he was a child. He had the same charm growing up. Old and young swooned at his feet,” she continues. “He truly lives up to his middle name.”
I swirl his name around in my head. His name is made to moan over and over again.

“He’s coming over soon,” I blurt out, unable to hide the smile and blush that lights me up.

“Oh, darling. So are you two a couple?” Mrs. Wade clasps my hands, excited from my news.

“No, we’re not. We’re just hanging out, getting to know each other.”

“Well don’t wait too long,” she advises. “Guys like that are a hot commodity and get snatched up pretty quickly. But I don’t have to tell you that, you’ve had your fair share of rich, eligible bachelors.”

Mrs. Wade knows all about my previous relationships; even admitting once that she lives vicariously through me. She’s hilarious.

“Have fun tonight, darling,” she bids me, tapping my hands and kissing my cheek.

I wave to Mrs. Wade as she disappears down the hall to her apartment.

Closing the door and heading into the kitchen, I take out a bottle of water then pad toward the iPod dock to turn the volume up loudly on the song that is playing.

I close my eyes and start swaying to the smooth tone of Sade’s voice as
No Ordinary Love
rings out from the speakers
I’m lost in her voice. My hips sway and I can’t help my hands from sliding up my frame. I’d love to make love to Ben while this song plays.

What? Make love? Snap out of it! I don’t make love. I fuck. What is this guy doing to me?

Then…I feel it. The hairs on my body stand as a tingle runs through me. I feel that pull; that unyielding thump in my groin. It’s my Adonis. Come to make good on his promise of




I open my eyes to see Ben staring at me lustfully from the door. How long has he been there? Was he knocking before? I am totally captured in his eyes, captivated by the intent in his stare; possessed by his look of raw carnality. My heart races and my throat is parched. I want to drink from his fountain. I want him to quench this hunger, this thirst I have for him.

He looks absolutely delectable. His body is draped in the doorway like an accessory.
He brightens it somehow; like he belongs there…like he belongs
Ben is wearing a white V-neck tee with a black leather jacket, blue jeans and black boots. He looks dangerous. And he has that dangerous, dark, hungered look in his eyes that makes my sex tighten. I am riveted by him.

Ben closes the door behind him. We still haven’t said a word to each other. He steps down
and enters the living room space. Keeping his eyes fixed on me, he grasps me to him and I am whisked into a dance.
Wow, he’s good.

My body fits into his as I unconsciously give him the lead, something I don’t usually do; at least not without a fight, if my and Jared’s constant tiffs until I relented were any indication.

I am drugged by Ben’s scent. The spice, manly body wash, hint of liquor – I can smell that from a mile away – and a unique smell that I can only chalk up to being him, makes my head swim and my body zap with desire. My head lulls against him, taking everything in. His hair is damp, making me feel insecure about how I look and feeling like I should’ve showered again and put myself a little more together, rather than throw on Pooh Bear pajama bottoms.

His even breathing picks up when I brush my lips against his neck and dart my tongue out in a light flick, tasting him because I have to. I feel he is about to speak even before he actually does. A low rumble vibrates me.

“You make Winnie the Pooh look good,” he admires in a deep, sensual voice, raking his fingers along my left leg.

I can’t speak. I am entranced by his presence; by this man. My pulse quickens as he caresses every curve of my body. I am in his thrall. Possessed by him. Possessed because of him. He throws my world out of order with his commanding presence. I had thought he was in a world of hurt by pursuing me, that I would damage him and his reputation. But, in this moment I can see how much damage he could do to
…maybe even more than I could ever do to him.

“Talk to me.” He cups my chin upward, searching my face. “What’s wrong?” Damn it. I am an open book to him.

“Hungry?” I ask, trying to throw off his bloodhound senses that seem to reach into the deepest recesses of my soul.

He shoots me a coquettish smile and something in his eyes gleam wickedly.

“You’re always hungry for
,” I murmur slapping his arm and pushing away from him.

“What difference does it make what
I’m hungry for? Both of them leave me very satisfied,” he muses, trapping me in his arms again. “What did you cook?”

“Sweet and sour chicken with pineapple chunks and lasagna.”

“Mm…sounds delicious,” Ben mutters. “Okay, do you want any help?”

“No, you can just make yourself comfortable over there.” I gesture toward the chaise lounge by the big window.

“Eating with a view?” He raises an eyebrow as he notices the setup.

“Yeah,” I answer. “Just thought I’d try to impress you.” I stroll into the kitchen and take the plates out.

“If you impress me anymore, Sullivan, I’m going to have to marry you,” he murmurs, flustering me with his admission.

I almost drop the plate
from my hands, but I hope he doesn’t notice my flushed, flustered face. Marry
Surely he must be joking.

“Are you okay?” He is in the kitchen and up against me in a matter of seconds. He

“I’m fine,” I lie.

“I didn’t mean to make you freak out.” I should’ve known he’d know why I was so uneasy and borderline clumsy.

“It just came out
, I’m sorry.” His breath warms my neck.

On impulse, I lean into him and grind my hips into his body. Ben grabs onto my waist and shifts a little so I feel his hardening bulge. Leaning closer to my ear, he blows coolly on my neck, causing the hairs to stand in response.

“Later…I want you on the sofa, spread out for me. I want you for dessert,” he breathes, his voice as needy as his thickening, pleasure-riddled manhood is.

I nod, unable to utter a word.

“Let me hear you,” he urges, grinding his hips into my rear.

“Yes,” I pant. “Yes.” I am his to control. His to give pleasure to and derive pleasure from.

“Good.” He nips my right earlobe, sending the tingle through my body. “Now…feed me.” He slaps my behind and runs before I can hit him with the spoon I grabbed.



We sit facing each other on the chaise after serving up our dinners. Ben takes a nervous bite of chicken and lasagna together. He moans, in appreciation I hope, at the taste attacking his
taste buds.

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