Tag, The Vampire's Game (6 page)

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Authors: Elixa Everett

BOOK: Tag, The Vampire's Game
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She was so close to the brink, waves of pleasure, increasing with intensity radiated throughout her body.

"Tell me what you want," his mouth left hers to demand.

"I want to feel your cock in me Lance!" she cried out in response, pulling his mouth back down to hers in rough, demanding kiss.

The tip of his cock teased the opening of her pussy, poking and prodding. She lowered her hands to clutch onto his ass attempting to force him into her. Needing it. He pulled his mouth from hers, watching her expression as he penetrated her fully. Watching her face light up with pleasure, eyes closed, back arched was almost enough to send him over the edge already.

Her pussy was hot, wet and welcoming, gripping him and he began to rock inside of her. Using strong fluid motions. She moved with him, pumping and grinding against him, meeting each of his thrusts with her own, moving in perfect harmony with him. As if their bodies had become one entity.

Several more thrusts, deep and hard, sent her spiralling over the edge. She screamed out as she experienced the best orgasm of her life. The rush of her cum, surrounding his cock, overtaking it, was enough to make him explode in her as well. He nearly collapsed onto her but caught himself at the last second, propping himself up with a hand on each side of her head.

Smiling he brushed a sweat coated strand of hair from her face, and kissed her tenderly.

He was still panting and would have liked nothing more than to lay next to her on the chaise but it wasn't the most comfortable piece of furniture to sleep on.

He stood and held his hand out to her. "Come," he requested. With a smile she placed her hand into his and allowed herself to be pulled from the chaise with enough force that she was propelled into his arms. Hugging her tightly he kissed her lightly on the neck.

She laughed, which startled her. It had been a long time since she'd heard the sound of her own genuine happy laughter. Too long. He lifted her up in his arms once more, carrying her down the hallway and into the bedroom.

The morning peeped through the bedroom window, which Lance fixed with a simple quilt tacked to the window. Neither one of them had slept last night for the most part so he was going to ensure that Gina at least rested. He didn't require much sleep, he would be happy simply laying there next to her warm skin watching her.

By the time he was finished closing the bedroom off from the sunlight Gina had snuggled herself under his blankets. She looked so delicate and content snuggled under the satin comforter on the massive king sized bed that he felt a flutter in his chest. The warmth within his chest was unfamiliar to him, he just knew that all he wanted now was to hold her, care for her, he would do whatever it took to make her happy.

In four strides he was under the blanket next to her, pulling her next to him. She laid her head on his chest. The warmth of her body was inviting, almost as intoxicating as how good she smelt right now, cinnamon and sex. His cock twitched, ready to play some more but he ignored it. She needed her sleep. She wrapped a leg over his, her pelvis rubbing against his leg. He took another deep breath, calming himself once more.

He hadn't even had a chance to say a word to her before she had drifted off to sleep. So he lay there looking down at her. Warmed by the sight of a slight smile of satisfaction that played on her lips as she dreamed peacefully in his arms.


He wasn't sure when he fell to sleep himself, but without even opening his eyes the next morning he knew something was not right. The warmth that he so lovingly clung to earlier that morning was gone. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room. Gina was not there. Getting up he searched the house with no luck. She had gotten dressed and left while he slept.

"You have got to be kidding me," he mumbled to himself in frustration.

He could have sworn that she had felt the pull between them, certain it wasn't just him.

Why else would she have clung to him so tightly? Slept so soundly in his arms? With a sigh he flopped himself onto the sofa.

He wouldn't chase her damn it! She left without a word, she would need to come back on her own accord.
She'll come back,
he told himself. She had to come back, he couldn't lose her now.

"That's that I get for falling in love with a hunter," he sighed.

Chapter 5

Gina packed her few possessions quickly and loaded them into the SUV. Everything she owned fit into it easily. She didn't have time for self pity, she needed to be on the road and putting distance between her and Lance. She took one last look throughout the house. Happy it was empty she locked the door and jumped into the vehicle. She was heading east, to New York City. She had an old friend she wanted to visit, or more accurate a friend of her grandmothers, perhaps they could give some insight on what to do next. She needed to be told that leaving him had been the correct decision, because God knows nothing at all felt right about it to her.

When she awoke later that morning she had been happier then she had been in a long, long time. She felt feelings for him that, should never, and can never happen. When she was around him she seemed to forget what she swore to do. Kill vampires. So, she eased her way out from under his arm, quickly and quietly got dressed and drove home at a breakneck speed. New York City was roughly an 18 hour drive away so she was hoping to make it there without stopping. If needed, she would pull over at a little motel and sleep for a few hours.


Gina pulled into the driveway of a small house in Brooklyn. Gina couldn't help thinking it would be the perfect little house to settle down in, if she were to ever settle down.

Which she wouldn't.

As she got out of the car an older woman, in her mid-60's, with her long white hair pulled up tightly in a bun on top of her head, opened the front door. Despite her age she was tough, she had been a hunter herself. For 35 years she and Gina's own grandmother worked together tracking down and killing vampires. She had finally retired a few years back when Gina's grandmother passed away, from natural causes. Once she stepped out of the vehicle, she slammed the SUV's door shut and met the woman at the foot of the front steps with a warm embrace.

"My girl, it's been long enough since you came and seen me last," the older woman scolded draping her arm over Gina's shoulders and ushering her into the house.

"I'm really sorry Rosie. I've been tracking a vampire for the past year," she ducked her head, chewing nervously on her lower lip. Rosie wasn't one for bullshit and could smell a lie a mile away.

Rosie directed her into the kitchen and motioned with the wave of her hand for Gina to sit down. She then turned her attention to the kettle, filling it and putting it on the stove to boil. She turned back to Gina, sitting down across from her at the table. "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into girl."

Rosie's all knowing brown eyes looked Gina up and down.

Gina laughed nervously, the flashed her best innocent smile at Rosie. "I'm in no trouble Rosie, why would you say that?"

"Been around too many years girl, I know trouble when I see it." The older woman leaned forward in her chair, narrowing her eyes as she glared at Gina. "What did you do?"

With a sigh, Gina sank back into the chair. "I've been hunting a vampire, Lance. One of the oldest I've ever hunted, he's roughly six centuries old from the research I've done on him."

"Really?" Rosie's eyes gleamed as she waited to hear the rest of the tale. She could no longer hunt herself, but still loved a good vampire hunting story. Any story that ended with a stake through a vampire's heart was a good one in her book.

"Well," she shifted uneasily in her chair.

"Oh no girl. Don't be telling me what I think you're telling me," Rosie's face filled with concern. She reached out and placed her hand over Gina's on the table.

"Oh Gina girl, did you bed one?" A look of disgust crossed over the older woman's face at the thought.

"I think I'm in love with him Rosie!" Gina whispered her head bowed.
There, it has
finally been said.
She couldn't make eye contact with the older woman, didn't want to see the reaction. She had realized to in the drive to Rosie's house. She was utterly and completely in love with him. He was everything she needed in her life, everything she ever dreamed she wanted. He was hers, but he couldn't be.

"No girl. No. Vampires are sneaky, vile creatures. They can never love you back," her voice lowered to a whisper as she leaned forward over the table. "They don't love anything Gina, they live for their own pleasure and nothing more."

"Rosie, he's different."

"No girl, he's not. It's just their way. They lure you in. Their charm, their bodies, their scent. It's all to make a human fall for them," she stood up and walked towards the telephone mounted on the wall close to the door.

"Who are you calling Rosie?" alarmed Gina stood up and strode towards her.

"He has to be killed girl.
Has to,
" she put the receiver to her ear and began to dial a number she knew from heart.


"It's ok girl. We will take care of him for you. It's better this way."

"No-no. Wait!" Gina reached over Rosie and pressed the button to release the call.

"He has you under his spell girl. You've been glamoured, you're not in your right mind now. It'll be alright Gina, I promise," she gave Gina a sweet reassuring smile then began to dial the number again.

It was no use. No matter what she said Rosie wouldn't believe her. Rosie hated vampires too much for too long to think anything good of them. Thanks to her every hunter in the country would be gunning for Lance in less than 24 hours. She couldn't let that happen. She had to warn him, it was the least she could do after the mess she had made of things.

Turning on her heel she sprinted from the house and for the Grand Cherokee. She could hear Rosie calling to her from inside of the house but she didn't turn back. He needed to know more hunters would be coming for him, so he could escape. As she slipped behind the steering wheel she could see Rosie on the porch, still calling for her to come back.

She picked up her mobile phone from the passenger seat then cursed herself, she had no idea what his telephone number was. For that matter, she had no idea if he even had a telephone. She angrily tossed it back onto the passenger seat. She needed to get to him immediately, before it was too late.

She hadn't slept at all in 24 hours, but with the amount of adrenaline pumping through her veins she had no doubt she could stay awake until she got back to him. Whatever it took for her to get to him before they did. She wouldn't let the thought of failing him even enter her mind.


The past couple days Lance spent fighting with himself. Part of him wanted to go to her, find her and make whatever it was bothering her right. The other half was being stubborn, refusing to seek her out. He'd done everything he felt he could show her how much he wanted her. How much he cared. If she wanted him in return then she should come to him.

So, he spent the last couple days pacing. Pacing and waiting to hear from her. He had stopped by her house this morning and noticed she had packed up the few belongings she had and left. His Gina was gone.

He couldn't give up on her yet however, he wouldn't.

He walked out the back door and reclined on the wicker swing that the previous owners had left behind. It wouldn't have been his first choice of furniture for the back porch, but he hadn't gotten around to replacing with his something a little more modern.

The night was warm and clear, peaceful. Pulling out a book he read as he swung back and forth. The words flew by, but if someone asked him what the book was about all they would get for a response would be a blank stare. His mind kept bringing him back to the night and then morning he had with her. He kept remembering her scent, her feel, her taste.

He had decided yesterday that he was indeed in love with her. There was no doubt about it. He just didn't know how to proceed from here. How could you make someone love you back? Normally he was so cocky, so sure of himself, but when it comes to love and matters of the heart he was practically a virgin, despite his advanced years.

He had wrapped himself up so deeply in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the shadows that crept up on either side of the house. Both shadows moved in slow, calculated movements. One motioned for the other to position themselves behind a tree facing the back of the swing while the other hid in the large, overgrown bushes almost directly in front of Lance, roughly fifty feet away.

The first arrow, which came from behind, missed Lance and the swing entirely and landed in the wall of the house, several feet away. While he may not have noticed the intruders enter his backyard he was aware of their presence now as he leap from the swing and dropped to his stomach, flat against the porch deck. His keen night vision picked up the whereabouts of the first assailant instantly. With lightening speed he leapt over the swing and raced towards the assailant. His eyes had already changed to white, his fangs dropped into place.

A second arrow came from behind him as he raced toward the first man, this arrow made contact and pierced the flesh on the lower left side of his back. The pain gripped him but his survival instinct kicked in and he kept going.

The first assailant was able to get off a second shot, before Lance collided into him, this arrow planting itself in Lances left leg. Lance pinned the man to the ground, and without any thought or conscience ripped into the side of his neck, drinking his blood greedily.

The man fought for just a minute before going slack under Lance. Moments later, he was dead.

A third arrow went sailing over Lances head and planted itself into the fence, next to him. Lance whipped his head around in time to see the next arrow, it was on a direct course to his heart.

Before he could react, he caught sight of Gina from the corner of his eye. She ran towards the second shooter only to be caught in the chest with the arrow intended for Lance's heart. Her body was thrown backwards before she fell to the ground.

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