Read Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw (3 page)

BOOK: Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw
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This went a little beyond sexual harassment.

But how she’d wanted it. After the day she’d had, it had felt so good having his calloused hands on her, his big cock inside her.

God, she was going out of her mind.


Taking on the Law

They reached another street on the west side of town, not too far from where she’d been driving and she wrinkled her brow in confusion. There were very few houses on the street, separated by large lots. He drove up into the driveway of a house and the garage door opened.

A whoosh of relief rose up from her chest. Dave had no doubt taken her to his home.

Even after all these years, she completely trusted him—and despite the handcuffs.

After he’d turned off the powerful engine he lowered the garage door and got out of the cruiser. He opened the back door, took her by the upper arm and helped her out of the car.

Thrills bounced around her belly after he closed the door behind them and he paused to look down at her, his beautiful brown eyes meeting hers. It was the first time she’d been able to see his eyes all night and she caught her breath. They were the same chocolate brown with long dark lashes and his dark hair short in the kind of cut you’d expect a cop to have. From what she could tell with his uniform on, his body was even more fit than it had been when he’d played high-school football, and he’d filled out. He was all man now, that was for sure.

His gaze moved from hers and slowly traveled to her exposed breasts. He ducked his head and latched onto one of her nipples with his warm mouth and suckled. Erin caught her breath then let out a soft whimper when he moved his lips to her other nipple. She wanted her hands free from the cuffs to run her fingers through his short dark hair.

He raised his head and looked at her again. Her nipples were hard, aching and a little chilled from the dampness and the cool garage temperature.

Their eyes met and locked. “Damned if I haven’t missed you,” he said as he cupped her face in his hands. “Fifteen years, and just seeing you makes me feel like you never left.”

She swallowed. “I feel the same way. Can’t believe it, but I do.”


Cheyenne McCray

“I haven’t even kissed you yet,” he murmured as he held her face in his palms.

“Welcome home.”

Dave’s mouth met hers in a soft kiss that was so different from their wild lovemaking out on the side of the road. Her body knew him, welcomed him, wanted him.

Their tongues met and she sighed into his mouth. His familiar taste and the way he kissed brought back so many memories. The sweet nights they’d shared, learning one another’s bodies, then the wild, untamed sex that blossomed the more they came to know each other and the more they’d learned.

When Dave raised his head, her breathing had elevated and she felt flushed from her head to her toes. “Take off the handcuffs. I want to touch you.”

He shook his head. “You’re still in custody, and I’ve got some interrogating to do.”

Erin’s belly flip-flopped at the rough way he said it, while at the same time his eyes held such sensuality. She let him lead her into his home, through a laundry room that had a pile of dirty clothing, and into a large, airy combination kitchen/family room.

It was a really nice home, but definitely looked like a bachelor pad. A pair of jogging shoes sprawled by a coffee table that had a couple of empty beer cans and a half-full cheese puff package. Across from the leather L-shaped couch and coffee table was a large-screen TV, and she could just picture him kicking back and watching sports.

Back when they’d dated, he’d been into every kind of sport imaginable and she’d always enjoyed sitting next to him while he got into the games, and she’d laugh when he’d get to his feet and shout at the players on the screen. No doubt he hadn’t changed in that regard a bit.

Dave guided her to a square oak kitchen table in the kitchen, seated her in one of the chairs and sat across from her. The light that hung over the table was stained glass, causing reflections of various colors to freckle the walls. A few dirty dishes were scattered on the counter and there was a dish drainer full of clean ones.


Taking on the Law

Her shirt was still up and over her breasts, her bra below them, causing her breasts to be raised high. She felt exposed, vulnerable and a little more than turned on. “My arms are starting to ache,” she said as her gaze met his. “
take off the handcuffs?”

He shook his dark head. “Not yet, Ms. Wilson. You’ve got some answering to do.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Should I call my lawyer?”

The corner of his mouth quirked before his expression was serious again. “Why did you leave me like you did when we graduated?”

Erin leaned back in surprise. She hadn’t expected that question. “I, well—”

.” His expression was grim. “Did you stop loving me?”

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and thought back to the day she told him she was leaving. It was the hardest thing she’d ever done. “I was scared.” She opened her eyes as the words came out of her mouth. “We were so young, and I—I wasn’t ready, Dave.”

“You could have stayed.” His big palms were splayed out on the table. “I would have given you all the time you needed.”

“I know.” It came out in a whisper. “But you were all I’d known for two years, and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing out on what life had to offer. I didn’t want to have kids or even think about them. Whenever we used to talk, I’d get a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.”

A hurt expression flashed across Dave’s face, to be replaced by the firm mask again.

“Why didn’t you tell me instead of just breaking it off? I just asked you, did you stop loving me? Because I sure as hell couldn’t forget you.”

“I didn’t date for the first couple of years,” she admitted, “because I couldn’t get over you.”

“Why didn’t you come back?”

She sucked in her lower lip as she remembered those days when she’d missed him so badly it hurt deep inside. “After the way I left—I didn’t think you’d want me.”


Cheyenne McCray

“It took me a couple of years to get over you, too.” His gaze pinned hers and she couldn’t look away. “But I finally did. I finally moved on and you became a part of my past.”

Erin’s chest ached, and she wanted to cry. She’d been stupid to throw their love away. She’d realized it too late—or what she’d thought had been too late.

“And now you walk back into my life and it’s happening all over again.” He shook his head. “Goddamn, Erin. I want your—I want your body even more than I did then.”

And my heart
? She quelled the thought before it went any further. That was over. All there was left was lust.

Dave gripped his hands into fists and gritted his teeth even harder. He was admitting things to Erin he hadn’t admitted to himself in years. He’d told her what he wanted was her body, when a part of him yearned for her heart again, too.


s been fifteen goddamn years
What the fuck are you thinking
She left you

“Things have changed a lot since then.” His voice was hoarse, betraying some of his emotion, and he wanted to kick his own ass.

“I know,” she said softly. “And you don’t know how sorry I am.”

“Just how sorry?” He rose and withdrew the key to the handcuffs and held it up where she could see it.

Thank God he was going to take the cuffs off. “

“Good.” He pocketed the key again.

“Hey!” She narrowed her brows. “You promised.”

He shook his head. “No. I told you I was taking you into custody, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

Erin flopped against her seat, an expression of disbelief on her face. “We talked.

What more do you want from me?”


Taking on the Law

“A lot.” He took her by the arm and helped her to her feet. She tried to jerk her arm away, but he gripped her tight as he guided her to the one room he’d wanted to take her to all night.

They walked down the hallway to the farthest—and largest room, and he opened the door.


Cheyenne McCray

Chapter Three

Erin’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as Dave closed the door behind them.

. She’d been introduced to a little bondage and domination by one of her boyfriends, but nothing like this.

He had a table with floggers and other devices, a stool with restraints, what she was certain was a sex swing, chains hanging from the ceiling, some kind of machine with a metal ramp, and at the top of the ramp were grips and arm- and belly-rests, all leather padded. There were wrist restraints at the grips and restraints at the bottom of the ramp. The thing that really got her attention, though, was the tall metal cage against one wall.

“Um, Dave?” She looked up at him and licked her lips. “What are you planning to do to me?”

He cupped the side of her face with one of his hands and brushed his lips over hers.

“It’s not want I intend to do
you, it’s what I intend to do

Her stomach flip-flopped once again. “How do you know I want to?”

He moved his lips to her ear and gently nipped. “All those sexual games we played when we were teenagers…we’ve grown up and so have our toys. And you want to try them out. You want me to fuck you in every way imaginable. Admit it.”

Dave released her arm as he raised his head and looked into her eyes. At the same time he brought his hands to her nipples and squeezed, causing her to gasp from the sheer pleasure of it. She tried swallowing, but her throat was dry.

Erin’s pussy ached and her nipples grew harder as he cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. She had to admit it did feel so erotic having her wrists handcuffed and being at Dave’s mercy.


Taking on the Law

He moved his hands from her breasts to her ass, raised her skirt and massaged the naked globes, pulling them apart and releasing them again. “Are you ready to play?”

“Yeah.” She shocked herself by how easily she answered him. “I’m ready.”

The corner of his mouth turned up in a devastatingly sexy smile. “Pick a safe word.”

Safe word. Safe word. Oh, yeah, that ex-boyfriend who had introduced her to a little bondage and domination had mentioned that people heavily into BDSM chose a word they could use any time they thought things were getting too out of hand.

Memories of earlier this evening hit her hard. “Dirty, stinking, lying, cheating bastard and bitch.” A moment’s fury was in her words at the memory of her
-best friend, and her

Dave looked taken aback. “Uh, angel. That’s a bit much. Maybe you’d better tell me where that came from.”

Erin’s shoulders slumped and she shook her head, still unable to believe what she’d walked in on. She told Dave about her day from hell and how it ended finding her boyfriend with her best friend.

In the meantime he unfastened her handcuffs, put them back into the pouch on his belt and massaged her wrists.

“Of course that was before you stopped me for speeding and littering,” she said as he rubbed the slight ache in her shoulders.

“Your day sucked.” He kissed the top of her head. “And I’d like to kick that sonofabitch’s ass. But wouldn’t you say it ended up pretty well?”

She smiled up at him. “Getting fucked by a cop on the side of a road was definitely hot.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Any cop?”


Cheyenne McCray

Now that her arms were free, she wrapped them around his waist and snuggled against his chest. She breathed deeply of his masculine scent. He smelled so damn good. “Definitely not just any cop would have done.”

Dave gave a soft laugh. “Now about that safe word. How about you choose just one.”

“If you insist,” she said with a smile as her cheek rested against his chest.

“Ballerina. I always wanted to be one when I was a little girl.”

When she tilted her face up and met his gaze, he had a serious expression on his face. “You know how this works, I’d bet.”

Erin shrugged. “Not really.” She had a feeling it wouldn’t go over well if she admitted to indulging in a little bondage with an old boyfriend. “It’s just one of those things I’ve learned about over the years.”


“Really.” She did her best to look innocent.

He swatted her on the ass, hard, and she yelped. “Always tell me the truth or you’ll be punished.”

Her face flushed as he rubbed one of her ass cheeks with his palm. “An old boyfriend used to tie me up every now and then, but we never got into BDSM.”

“You have several punishments coming to you.” He was now rubbing both ass cheeks. “Five counts. Speeding, littering, bribing a police officer, lying…and leaving me.”

At his last words she caught her breath and met his gaze. He lowered his mouth and took hers in a hard kiss that made her head spin. He mastered her mouth with his tongue, his teeth and his lips. By the time he finished kissing her she was so dizzy she almost couldn’t stand.

When he finally raised his head and she managed to catch her breath, he said,

“You’re to refer to me as Officer Bennett, or Officer at all times. Do you understand?”


Taking on the Law

Wow. This went a little more than beyond what they would play when they were teenagers. It made her hot enough that moisture dampened her thighs and her nipples ached in the cool air of the bondage room.

“Five punishments, Officer?” she asked, coming back to her senses.

“More if you deserve them.” He took a step back. “Strip—but leave your heels on.”

Erin’s pussy was positively aching now. She slipped out of her sweater and he took it from her, along with the other pieces of clothing she stripped out of. When she wore nothing but her heels, he gave a smile of pure male satisfaction.

BOOK: Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw
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