T is for Temptation (18 page)

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Authors: Jianne Carlo

BOOK: T is for Temptation
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Depositing his carry-on baggage in the other room, he noticed the lit bar in the living area and meandered back to it. The ice bucket was full. Pouring a stiff Scotch, Jake took a sip and relished the burn of the fiery liquid as it slid down his throat.

Even if both Tee and he proved certifiable, he knew no woman had ever affected him like this, couldn’t remember the last time he sent flowers to a female, had actively pursued someone. His impulsive phone call to George Brown, the overwhelming desire to protect and cherish Tee, left him adrift, and although he hated to admit it, apprehensive. Needing someone was not part of his life plan. Being successful, independent, even isolated suited Jake. He savored the control he had over his emotions. Tee shattered it.

For a second the image of Tee and the child, a little girl with dark curls, teased a circle around his brain. He slumped onto a couch and gulped down the Scotch. Propping his head on his hands, he stared at the carpet unseeing, sifting options. A thud sounded, and a red book bounced off his shoe.

Reaching down, he picked up the book and noted a folded yellow sheet of paper sticking out of it. The title forced a muffled laugh from deep in his belly, and lurid scenarios chased away the somber thoughts occupying his brain.

through the scribbled handwriting, Jake made a mental note to send
a large bouquet of flowers. He flipped to the contents page, and his cock drummed against his belly at the chapter titles, particularly the first one, “Taste, the Long and Hard of It.” The vision the words conjured snapped the fierce leash he’d kept on his desire. Jake tiptoed to his bedroom. He showered hastily, dried off, wrapped the towel around his waist, and walked towards Tee’s room and her bed, one thought in mind, sheathing his rampant prick in her silky juices, feeling those muscles milking him.

At the foot of the bed, Jake clenched his fists into tight balls and battled the marauding instincts raging inside. He threw off the towel, slid under the sheets, and wrapped his arms around her body.

Tee’s eyes flew open. “Jake?”

When she tried to turn, he tightened his hold on her, savoring her hot, velvety flesh, inhaling her rose-lavender scent, thanking fate for this small glimpse of heaven.

“I love your neck,” he whispered against her skin.

Tee murmured something indecipherable and shivered.

“What?” Jake nuzzled her nape and slid his hand up to cup her breast. His cock leaked moisture upon discovering the rosy point stiff, ready. He flicked his thumb across her nipple, and she burrowed her naked bottom against him, her cheeks cradling his throbbing organ.

“Kiss me.”

This time he allowed her to turn around. Their lips met in an explosive yet lazy exchange.

“You’re naked.” He sighed against her mouth.

“I couldn’t decide what to wear,” she confessed. “I wanted to put on something you’d like, but they all felt too trampy.”

“Naked is perfect. You can model all the stuff for me later, and we’ll decide which ones to keep.”

Jake slipped his tongue into her mouth and cupped her rump. “Wrap your arms around me, Tee. Let me know you want this as much as I do.”

Her fingers fluttered at the base of his neck. She tangled the other hand in his hair. “I do.”

Tee nibbled along the line of his jaw.

“Hmmm? You smell so good, my wonderful witch.”

She stiffened in his arms.

“What?” Jake drew back and met her eyes. He waited.

Tee traced the outline of his lips with a finger. “What does that mean?”

“It means you’ve bewitched me.” His voice cracked on the truth inherent in the words.

She tugged his head down.

Jake let her lead for a few minutes. He remained passive, relishing her tentative explorations. Tee’s fingers flickered down his chest, stroking light butterfly touches, as if uncertain of his reaction. Her lips followed in their path, dry kisses turning into hot, wet licks of his flesh. Before her mouth firmed around his turgid nipple, she glanced up at him, pupils so wide her eyes appeared black.

, you wanted me to bite.” Tee’s voice wavered on the last word.

“Do it.” Jake barely got out the last word, staring at her red, swollen, mouth.

Uncertainty dogged Tee’s slow-motion descent to his burning skin. The slight grazing of her teeth sawing his nipple gently while her tongue laved it razed what little was left of Jake’s control. He teetered, on the brink of ravishment. When her fingers curled around the head of his penis, volatile desire sparked and ignited.

“Witchy woman,” he croaked.

Jake flipped her onto her stomach. He kissed his way down her spine, his hands kneading every inch of exposed, naked, heated Tee skin. He blew a breath over her bottom and licked his way down the center of her cheeks. Her muscles contracted. Jake moved lower and inhaled, the spicy aroma of her excitement unmistakable.

His balls tightened. The faint light in the room showed the film of pearly moistness beading her pink lips. He laid his tongue flat against the rim of her folds and sucked. Tee arched up.


She tried to turn around. He laid his hand on the small of her back and pressed her down. Jake flicked back and forth between her cheeks, all the way up to his hand, and the return journey took a southern diversion as her hips lifted and wriggled following his tongue.

“I thought of this all the way here, of imprinting your taste on my tongue, your smell on my nose.” He slid a finger in, and she ground against his palm, slick, fiery folds burning. He found the nubbin, that precious spot, and laved it with his thumb and tongue and earned a long moaned, “Oh my.”

“More, a few more oh mys,” he coaxed, transported by her passionate response, approaching heady delirium. “Babe, more, just for me.”

All the while, he stroked and nibbled, his fingers glossy with her desire, his mouth coated with honey. He toothed her lustrous button, gnawing lightly, and she mewled, “Oh my, oh my.”

His hold slipped, and her bottom rose higher, saucy rump suspended above the sheets, her glory displayed in the soft lighting, glistening swollen folds, polished dewy pink with desire.

“Come inside of me,” she pleaded and whimpered when his fingers discovered a new pressure point, which drove her into a taut bow.


Jake’s growled command came out harsher than he intended. Her head whipped up, and she stared at him over her shoulder, bafflement clouding her golden eyes.

“Pardon me?”

“On your knees, babe.” Jake’s hoarse voice echoed around the room. Tee stiffened as he lifted her into position. “Hold onto the rails of the headboard.”

She obeyed, her fingers curling around the round bars.

He positioned her, his hands shaking with the effort of maintaining a gentle hold on her sweat-slickened flesh. Jake circled the base of her thighs, his thumbs sliding up into hot folds, and he widened her stance and pressed forward. Tee’s grip slipped, and she grabbed the cotton sheets in her hands.

“I need to be inside you.” He rubbed the crown of his cock up and down the center of her folds. “I can’t wait, babe. I’m not going to last long. I’ll make it up the second time. Promise.”

A guttural snarl broke from his lips, and he went up in rocket ship flames, reached for her hips, and pulled her back against him. He bucked into Tee’s moist tightness, thrusting deep. His finger rubbed against her folds, found the tiny hood, and pinched it lightly.

She convulsed against him.

“Oh Jesus,” Jake groaned. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead onto her back, and he froze, battling the orgasmic race, desperate to prolong the poignant agony.

“Again.” Tee’s soft command shattered all pretense of civilization.

He drove long, hard thrusts into her heat. His thumb grazed against her nubbin with each pulsating, hammering penetration, stroking back on his withdrawal and forward on reentry, biting his lip to keep the rhythm slow, even.

“Jake, please.”

She buried her face in the sheets and his angle of penetration deepened. Her legs slipped further apart, he looked down at the juncture of their bodies, the blood rushed to his engorged cock, his balls tightening as his control fried and vanished. He slammed into her, and she met him thrust for thrust, her sexy, throaty cries muffled by the sheets.

His world narrowed, his eyes shackled to cock and swollen folds, the delicious friction surged higher with each plunge and retreat until Tee spasmed, milking him. He exploded into paradise.

When his brain returned from its journey to his cock and his breathing slowed to labored pants, Jake noticed her all-over flush, her skin a rosy, bewitching hue. He ordered his hands to loosen their hold on her hips, but they only tightened, fingers caressing her delectable belly.

Their reflection in the dresser’s mirror made him want to roar with savage pride. He’d put that glazed look in her eyes. On her elbows, face turned to the dresser, different shades of pink danced across Tee’s features. Their eyes met in the mirror, and she groaned before breaking their gaze and shading her face with one hand.

“What’s wrong?” He stroked the length of her spine, knuckling each vertebra. “You’re blushing all over, Tee. Your white lines are a deep pink.” Jake outlined the pale triangle on her firm bottom. “Tell me, witchy woman, why are you blushing?”

She buried her face into the sheets, and her skin tone turned a shade darker as she mumbled into the cotton.

He pulled her up against him, caressed the soft swelling of her breasts, and tongued the side of her neck. “Tell me.”

Her eyelids drooped closed, and Jake stared at her reflection and willed an answer.

“No woman wants a man staring at her rear.”

“I’ve never seen anything more erotic in my life.” Jake feathered a hand down her back.


Jake fastened his gaze on her doubtful, surprised eyes. “What’s the Trinidadian word for bum again?”

“You mean bumsey?”

“You have the sweetest, most delectable bumsey I’ve ever seen. Come here, babe, I need to kiss you.” Jake cupped Tee’s chin and turned her face to his. He tugged her lower lip down and sucked it in between his.

Nibbling along the strong line of Tee’s jaw, sprinkling open, wet kisses at the crook of her neck, a sharp aftershock shook her slender frame, and Jake’s breath caught in his throat as her muscles clenched around his shaft. Impossibly, he stiffened to half-mast.

“My little witch.” Jake guided her hand to position it at the base of his cock. “I’m ready again. Are you sore?”

A draft from the ceiling fan swept over his flesh.

Tee shivered, bit her lip, and ducked her head.

He covered her bare shoulders with his palms. Using every ounce of willpower he possessed, Jake eased himself out of her still-spasming heat. He sat back on his heels and slid his arm under Tee’s thighs, curling her naked body against his chest.

“Speak to me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I know it’s ridiculous after what we just did,” she muttered. “I’m, um, feeling a little shy.”

A delightful cherry hue stained her tanned cheeks. Jake flicked his tongue around the whorls of Tee’s earlobe, savoring the breathy whimpers he earned by tasting her honeyed skin, the soft velvet texture. He rose, walked over to an enormous armchair, sat, and shifted her into a comfortable position in his lap.

Tee covered her shoulders with her hands.

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