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Authors: Christine Wells

Sweetest Little Sin

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Table of Contents
Wicked Little Game
“Sizzling sensuality and powerful storytelling—Wells’s hallmarks—make this a fast-paced, enticing read. Wells lures readers into her stories with strong characterization, unique plotlines, and plenty of sizzle.”
—Romantic Times
“An exciting Regency romantic suspense thriller.”

Midwest Book Review
“Wells knows how write a full-bodied story, one where the focus on the romantic dynamics between the two main characters is supported by a carefully created surrounding world.”

All About Romance
“Wells does an excellent job of weaving a very complex, emotional love story with disturbing undercurrents, family secrets, and a murder mystery at its core.”

Romance Novel TV
“Fantastic from start to finish . . . I highly recommend
Wicked Little Game
. It’s hot, sexy, and action-packed.”

Royal Reviews
“Astounding. Wells wove a complex and intriguing story . . . Rarely do you find a historical that provides as many twists and turns as
Wicked Little Game
with the added bonus of incredible emotional depth.”

Lovin’ Me Some Romance
“A tale of love and passion . . . The love scenes—hot!”

Happily Forever After
The Dangerous Duke
“A witty, sensual seduction! Delicious!”
—Anna Campbell
“Wells sets bedrooms ablaze with more than candles in this sex-drenched tale . . . Romance and intrigue [with] sparks of genuine passion that will keep readers turning the pages.”

Publishers Weekly
“Lyle is one fabulous creation, tall, dark, and dangerously sexy . . . [Wells has] fashioned extremely well-done characters . . . I sincerely hope that Ms. Wells comes back with a sequel . . . Bottom line: good suspense, superb sensuality.”
S Kwips and Kritiques
“Wells has graced us with a historical romance overflowing with wit, charm, and passion . . . A delightful romp engaging us with a strong heroine, a flawed but very appealing hero, a mystery that keeps us guessing, and a love story sure to warm your heart.”

Fresh Fiction
“Wells demonstrates what it takes to be a fan favorite by satisfying readers’ cravings for adventurous, sexy romance.”

Romantic Times
“Wells expertly weaves a tale of danger, passion, and intrigue.”

TwoLips Reviews
Scandal’s Daughter
“A touching love story.”
—Mary Balogh
“Romance with the sparkle of vintage champagne. A stellar debut from a major new talent!”
—Anna Campbell
“A charming romance brimming with emotion and humor. The sensual intimacy between Sebastian and Gemma mellows like a fine wine within the friendship forged long before their first kiss. Christine Wells makes the Regency as fresh and real as her characters, and I expect it won’t be long before she’s a favorite on every romance reader’s bookshelf.”
—Kathryn Smith
“Witty, emotionally intense, and romantic—Ms. Wells beguiles us in this stellar debut. Put this writer’s name on your list of authors to watch.”
—Sophia Nash
“Wells captures readers’ interest from the very first page, and doesn’t let go . . . A sweet, tender love story that’s thick with sexual tension and subtle sensuality.”

TwoLips Reviews
Berkley Sensation Titles by Christine Wells
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
PRINTING HISTORY Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / May 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Christine Diehm.
Excerpt from
Damsel in Disguise
by Susan Gee Heino copyright © by Susan Gee Heino.
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For Maisie, who loved books and wrote in the margins.
Every time I write an acknowledgments page for a novel, it strikes me anew how lucky I am to be surrounded by people who share my passion for writing and books. To my editor, Leis Pederson, thank you for your insights and your support; to my publicist, Kathryn Tumen, and all at Berkley who work so hard to bring my novels to the shelves, my deepest gratitude.
Thanks also must go to Jessica Faust for guiding my career and to Kim Castillo for being this “author’s friend” in every sense of the word. I must also acknowledge the wonderful work artist James Griffin and the Berkley art department have done on my beautiful covers.
To my agent, Helen Breitwieser, thank you for your enthusiasm and expertise. I love working with you. To Anna Campbell, I value your friendship and your “junior pen of death” more than you’ll ever know. To Denise Rossetti, who helps unravel the knottiest of plot problems, my everlasting thanks.
To the Romance Bandits, who are more like sisters than colleagues, I’m so proud to be one of you, and to the fabulous Bandita Buddies, thank you for helping us build such a warm, welcoming community on the Internet. To all my friends in Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Australia, the Beau Monde and BRRAddicts, your passion, hard work, and talent is a constant inspiration.
To my family and friends—Jamie, Allister, Adrian, Cheryl and Ian, Michael, Robin and George, Vikki, Ben and Yasmin, my love and gratitude for your support, love, and friendship.
London, 1817
IN the deepest hours of a damp, dismal night, a glossy black barouche slowed outside a Mayfair house. The carriage’s door swung open. Without stopping, the vehicle ejected a long black bundle and sped away, wheels kicking up an arcing spray of water in its wake.
The bundle hit the pavement and rolled a couple of times before coming to rest against a boot scraper at the foot of a flight of shallow steps.
As the iron instrument dug sharply into his ribs, the Marquis of Jardine gave a soft groan. His body was a mass of unidentified agonies. His head pounded with a vicious, fiery pain, as if a blacksmith had plunged it into a furnace, then set to work with an anvil.
The flagway was damp from a recent downpour. Jardine sank his lean cheek into the blessed cold, relishing the wet shock that distracted him, if only for a second, from the pain. They’d damned near killed him this time. Hell, but he’d had enough of this game.
Buttery light waxed over him as a door opened above and footsteps clattered down the stairs. Pride urged him to launch to his feet, but he couldn’t summon quite enough will for that.
He bared his teeth in a ferocious snarl of a smile. The pain had been worth it, hadn’t it? Because at last—
at last
—he’d found the missing piece of a puzzle that had eluded his grasp for years.
When his footmen hauled him up between them, his legs couldn’t seem to do the job they were paid for. He was a tall man, with long, loose limbs—an awkward burden—and it was bloody ridiculous that he couldn’t seem to rely on his own two feet. His footmen half dragged, half carried him up several teeth-chattering flights of stairs, then heaved him through a doorway and tumbled him onto his bed.
The exquisite pain of this process sent Jardine reeling toward unconsciousness. He longed for that relief, wished they’d just kill him and be done with it.
BOOK: Sweetest Little Sin
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