Read Sweetblood 02.5 - Enchanted by Blood Online

Authors: Laurie London

Tags: #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Paranormal Romance Stories, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Vampires, #Christmas Stories, #Suspense, #Occult Fiction, #Love Stories

Sweetblood 02.5 - Enchanted by Blood (4 page)

BOOK: Sweetblood 02.5 - Enchanted by Blood
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For some reason, it pleased her that he’d actually looked at the pictures closely enough to notice that. “I’ve done some event planning, too. Small corporate affairs, mostly. Christmas, New Year’s, product launch celebrations, that sort of thing.”

When she sat down next to him on the sofa, her hand accidentally brushed his. In an instant, a snap of static electricity tickled the tiny hairs on her arms before she jerked it away. She laughed nervously. “That was, um…weird again. It doesn’t usually happen unless I’m walking around the carpet wearing my fuzzy socks.”

“Not a problem.” His tone, a tad deeper now, sent tiny chills along her arms. “How’s your wrist feeling?”

“Much better. Thanks.”

She glanced up to find him staring at her, as if he were looking at her for the first time. Her cheeks heated under his scrutiny.

“You…ah…sure you’re okay?”

She was touched by his lingering concern. Most men wouldn’t bother to ask, let alone notice that she might still be shaken up even if she seemed fine on the outside.

“Yes, I’m much better now.”
Because of you,
she wanted to add.

She was suddenly aware that her knee was almost touching his thigh. Less than a finger’s width separated them. If she relaxed her leg slightly, it would fall against his. Holding it very still so as not to brush him, she reached for the portfolio and turned the pages. “Here…ah…let me show you the pictures of one of the last events I did.”

As he examined the three pages she’d devoted to it, a tiny muscle in his jaw flexed and his nostrils flared slightly. Was he pissed off? she wondered, tensing her shoulders. Her dad used to do the same thing prior to one of his tirades, like he was holding back his anger for a moment before it all exploded.

“Does Xtark regularly employ you?” he asked icily.

Surprised he recognized the company from the event photos, she was confused by his reaction. “Xtark Software? How did you know? Are you a gamer?” Although they designed other software, Xtark was known mainly for its games, and Trace didn’t strike her as someone who played them.

“I’m familiar with their corporate logo.” He pointed to a picture. “It’s on this banner.”

Still, that was very perceptive. “It was the first time I worked with them.” She chewed on her lower lip, wondering whether to leave it at that. But she had to know what was bothering him. “Why?”

He hesitated as if he were considering his words carefully. “Let’s just say that I’ve heard about some less than positive things they may or may not have been involved in.”

Talk about a qualifying statement. He sounded like someone who didn’t want to commit one way or another. Aware that their knees were now touching, she didn’t want to move for fear she’d only draw attention to the fact that she’d noticed. “They seemed fine to me. Very supportive of my ideas. They paid well and they paid on time. I’d gladly do more work for them.”

He grabbed her hands, startling her, his expression ice-cold. “Promise me you won’t work with them again.”

“Um…” It was the biggest check she’d received all year. How could she say no if the job came up again? “I don’t understand. Why does it matter?”

“Because…I don’t trust them and…” He stared at her mouth. Her lips felt hot, almost swollen, under his gaze. Sparks of excitement shot down her spine. Was he going to kiss her? Her breathing grew shallow and she saw just the tip of his tongue before he spoke again, though this time it was more of a whisper. “And you matter to me.” He leaned in close and captured her mouth with his, stealing whatever it was she was going to say.

SHE WAS MUCH TOO VULNERABLE. He couldn’t believe she’d done work for Xtark. Guardians had become suspicious that it was a front for Darkblood activities and were planning an investigation. No matter how much they paid her, it wasn’t a place for a human—particularly not a beautiful woman like Charlotte.

Her lips were soft, her breath minty from the gum she’d chewed earlier. She leaned into him and he pushed his tongue inside before he could think about where that action would lead them. With a tiny moan that made him ache, she wrapped her arms around his neck, opened her mouth to his.

He leaned into her, pushing her back onto the sofa, and slid a hand roughly up her shirt. His residual anger about Xtark morphed into a driving need to care for and protect Charlotte.

Did she still wear the bras with the closure in the front?

He reached up, caressed the soft flesh spilling out the top of the lacy cup. Yes, she did. His fingers easily unfastened the clasp and her breasts sprang free.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered against his lips, as his thumb brushed over her nipple. Her fingernails scraped across his scalp, grabbing a handful of his hair possessively. “Yes.”

That was all the invitation he needed. With one hand, he unfastened his jeans, eager to feel her from the inside for the first time in almost a year.

Although he’d slept with other women since they’d been apart, it had been mindless, meaningless sex, meant only to keep his aggressive tendencies in check. Most vampires were very sexually active because of this, Trace included. But with Charlotte, things had always been different. Sex with her hadn’t been to simply satisfy a need. Sure, that was how it started, but they had connected on so many other levels, as well.

“The bed,” she mumbled against his lips. It was a command.

Not one to ignore an order like that, he pulled her from the sofa and led her down the hallway. He didn’t bother to ask directions; he knew the way.

By the time they reached the bed, his erection was straining painfully behind his zipper. Without a word, he pulled off her boots and tossed them behind him. When he reached under her skirt to pull off her tights, she gasped, her eyes widening.

Had he somehow read her wrong? Was this too much? Had he gone too far? Too fast? He hesitated, his fingers curled under the waistband of the tights, not moving. After all, he was a stranger to her and he was acting as if he’d done this with her before. Which he had. Only she didn’t know it. “You don’t want this?”

A laugh bubbled from her lips. “Um, quite the opposite. It’s just that I don’t normally do this sort of thing with men I’ve just met.”

Relieved, he flashed her a smile. The last thing he wanted to do was freak her out in any way.

Without looking, he opened her nightstand drawer, found the condoms she kept there—he resisted the urge to count how many in the box were gone from the last time he was here or see if it was a new box entirely—and he quickly sheathed himself. Although a vampire couldn’t get a human woman pregnant, he needed to keep up the illusion that he was human. A twinge of guilt nagged at him, but he shrugged it away.

She’d found out about the existence of vampires once and he’d suffered the consequences of losing her to a memory wipe. He wasn’t about to arouse any suspicions that he was anything but a normal human male. A man she’d never seen before. He was simply a one-night stand.

“Oh, my God, you’re…you’re… It’s really big.” Her eyes widened as she stared at him.

Masculine pride surged in his chest. Having her think that this was the first time they’d made love definitely had its advantages. He pushed open her legs and settled above her. Her inner thighs were warm and smooth, just the right amount of softness under his fingers.

“Will it fit? I mean, well, of course it will, but…” Her nails dug into his forearms, her hair splaying out on the pillow beneath her like a dark, wild halo.

“I’ll go slow, Char. I promise.” He kissed her mouth, her neck, the tender spot right behind her ear where her pulse beat frantically beneath his lips. All the while, he kept his fangs carefully in check.

He reached between them, slipping a finger inside her. She was warm and silky soft. She moved against him, encouraging him to continue. Easing in a second one, he pressed his thumb against the little ball of flesh at her opening. She moaned against his lips and his fingers slipped in deeper.

He chuckled. “It’ll fit now.”

Her heart was pounding so loudly that he heard it in his head, like a drumbeat calling a warrior to battle. Thank God he’d taken blood not long ago and it was only desire that called to him now.

Her fingertips were cool as they tracked up and down his back. He knew from experience that he’d be feeling her nails in a minute. “Good, because I really want you.”

He grabbed the base of his erection and positioned himself carefully. As he slipped the tip between her folds, he stared at her heart-shaped face to gauge her reaction. Her lashes were thick against her cheek, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as she waited for him to continue. Slowly, he pushed into her warmth.

Holy mother of God. His fingers curled around the sheets beneath her and balled into fists. Her body was tight—so damned tight around him. Every fiber of his being urged him on, demanding he claim this woman as his own. Deeper, harder, all the way to the hilt.

But he couldn’t. He needed to go slow.

She hissed in a breath.

“Are you okay?” he asked, hesitating.

“Oh, my God. Yes.” Her short nails dug into his back, urging him to continue.

Inch by inch, he continued to ease himself in, pausing several times to give her a chance to adjust to his girth. It was a lesson in patience, but he didn’t want to hurt her. Finally, when she arched her hips a little more, he slid the rest of the way in. Out of habit, he reached for the small decorative pillow beside her head and tucked it beneath her bottom to keep her hips tilted up. She giggled.

“What?” he asked, but then he remembered. She’s always found it funny that he used her pink polka dot pillow this way.

“Nothing,” she answered. “It’s…this is…incredible.”

Yes, yes it was. “Char,” he managed to say into her hair. “You feel amazing. I’d forgotten—” Man, he needed to seriously slap some sense into himself. He’d almost screwed up and told her this wasn’t the first time he’d made love to her.

When they’d been together, they could hardly keep their hands off each other. It was as if their bodies were calling to each other on a totally different plane, demanding more than each of them expected. Then, in the car tonight, he’d tuned in to the beating of her heart.

Want me. Take me. Love me,
it seemed to be saying.

And he couldn’t get that rhythm out of his head.

Oh, God, how he’d missed this. Forgotten how it felt to have this woman beneath him. He kissed her and slid his fingers into her hair. There was that tiny moan again, vibrating against his lips. Rocking his hips back, he began to move inside her. A voice in his head said maybe it had been foolish to take her home, because it would be harder to stay away now, but he told it to shut up. He’d worry about that tomorrow.

“So…so do you,” she said.

He had to have her this one last time. The Fates had put him on the street tonight when she needed him the most. Yes, he’d indulge himself in her sweetness, then he’d never be back again.

He pushed himself up and glanced down. He was now completely hidden within the walls of her body, liquid heat surrounding him. Like this, they were one entity with one goal, joined intimately for each other’s pleasure. He sensed the rapid beat of her heart as if it were his own.

Slowly, carefully, he eased himself almost all the way out. Moisture glistened on his shaft, a visual indication of how her body was reacting to his.

“Don’t stop,” she said breathlessly, her nails digging into his arms.

He laughed. “Believe me, I’m not. I’m just very visual.” Although he could tell she was ready for more, seeing it with his own eyes, rather than just feeling it, totally turned him on. Her lips were parted, her chest rising and falling. If he hadn’t been in such a hurry, he’d have undressed her properly so that he’d be gazing at her breasts right now.

He grasped her hips and thrust back inside. Harder this time.

With a half gasp, half moan, she arched her head into the pillow, exposing her graceful neck. “Oh, my God,” she groaned, grabbing the headboard behind her.

He almost laughed again from the sheer joy of it all. This felt so right, so perfect. Just what he’d been missing. The hole in his heart, present since last Christmas when he’d watched her drive away, suddenly seemed less empty.

Her muscles tightened in successive waves around him, signaling her approaching climax. He sped up his rhythm then, pushing deeper into her warmth each time. The added friction incited every nerve ending along his shaft. In his body. Hell, even his toes tingled. Her body was coaxing, compelling him to let go, as well. “Jesus, you’re incredible, Char.”

He considered holding back in order to fully experience her pleasure, but it was too much. The whimpering sounds she made were driving him mad with desire.

One last mighty thrust was all it took to send him over the edge with her. She dug her nails in as he came, stilling his hips, locking him deep inside her. A million tiny lights sparked behind his eyelids, his release so intense, it almost hurt. Even though he wore a condom and even though he couldn’t get her pregnant, he still imagined his seed shooting out and traveling to all the corners of her body. Leaving a part of him with her when he left.



BOOK: Sweetblood 02.5 - Enchanted by Blood
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