Read Sweet Revenge Online

Authors: Cate Masters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies, #A 1Night Stand Story

Sweet Revenge (3 page)

BOOK: Sweet Revenge
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He bet. Every house valued at a million or more. “Yep. Third one on the left.” He eased the car through the iron gates and down the driveway.

“It’s beautiful.”

So why did she sound disappointed? No—judgmental.

He clicked the garage remote, and the doors lifted. “The oldest house on the block.” He didn’t mean to sound so defensive. “Lots of character.” He pulled inside.

She made a noise of agreement and got out. Something about the way she stood outside the window gave her the appearance of being lost, like a little girl.

Weird, having her here. After all this time. Thinking about it so often.

She bent and peered inside. “Coming?”

He flashed a smile. Very soon. “Oh yeah.” He wouldn’t miss it.




Chapter Two



Nothing about this night was going as she’d imagined. Zoe lingered beside the SLS, wondering how the hell Madame Eve could have screwed up so royally. She had no interest in dating anyone rich or well known, and yet that’s who she’d ended up with. Ty Hardin, of all people. Geez, her condo could fit inside this garage. Such an assortment of stuff—Harley in the second bay, two mountain bikes on a wall rack, power tools arranged on another wall above a long, OCD-neat work bench. Way too high end, like the restaurant, everything overpriced, with a faux feel. Like Ty, too. She hoped this overkill didn’t represent overcompensation for other areas. In her secret heart of hearts, she'd harbored a fantasy that maybe, just maybe, this Ty might be the Tyson she knew and missed. A real guy. No chance. Her date flaunted his wealth. Probably why he wanted to bring her here.

Simplicity—that was all she needed. And reality. She’d left her old life behind, and all the shallow assholes who inhabited it. No more nights out clubbing, no more falling for men who promised her everything and then took it all for themselves. No more friends who jumped her guy’s bones right after she’d closed the door on her way out.

Zoe waited for Ty to exit the car, but he hadn’t. She’d peeked to be sure he hadn’t whipped out his cell to check messages, maybe make a quick call. No; one point in his favor, though sitting in a stupor didn’t earn him any points. Such a puzzle. His public image of an approachable, helpful man contrasted sharply with the in-person Ty. At least with her. The thought sent a chill through her, and not for the first time.

When he finally snapped out of whatever daydream held him, he climbed out and strode to a side door and flung it open. “This way.”

She halted on her way past and whirled to face him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Arm still braced against the door to hold it, he studied her at close range. “Am I?”

“Did you lose your appetite?” From his expression, she hadn’t needed to ask. She knew that look.

His gaze dropped to her mouth. “No.” His arm locked around her waist.

Her breath failed her when he pressed her against the wall. Alarm bells went off in her head. Or something else? Either way, it vibrated along her nervous system.

An inch separated them, but he still stared. Heat shone in his eyes, but something else—something darker. Colder. The slant of his brow said he meant business, but the tightness in his lips thinned them. Usually such a beautiful mouth, especially when he smiled. If only he would, just once.

She moved her finger along his lips.

The safety lights in the garage winked out, leaving them in darkness.

“Goddamn timer,” he muttered angrily.

“It’s all right,” she whispered. Why so tense?

His mouth crashed against hers, stealing the thought. She flung her arms around his neck, lost in the sensation of his lips moving against hers, tongue exploring. He held her almost too tight, like he feared she might get away.

No chance. If the rest of tonight was anything like this kiss, she’d send Madame Eve flowers in the morning. Maybe he’d acted so strangely because he was nervous?
Don’t flatter yourself, Zoe

He kissed her with such passion, her body responded. It had been way too long since she’d known such want. The kind that overtook her entirely, allowed no room for second thoughts. Her breasts swelled with an ache and her nipples tingled. She gasped when his hand encompassed one of them, massaged, and tweaked.
He’s a mind reader
. Arching her back, she gave herself over to the intense pleasure.
Not enough. Need more

Desire pressed her body against his, and his erection thickened between her thighs as she trailed her tongue along his neck.
So good, like salty ocean air
. He moaned into her shoulder. The vibration shot straight to her center, and she held him tighter..

He shifted her away from the wall and made short work of unzipping and removing her dress, mouth following its path of descent. At first startled, she gave in to the overwhelming sensations and clutched his head when he paused to trap her nipple between his teeth and tease his tongue across it. A small pain upped the intensity of the pleasure.
Yes, yes, more
. She tugged up his polo shirt. Hard ripples met her touch.
Oh good God. The poster boy of fitness wasn’t Photoshopped on those billboards
. All sinew and tight, smooth skin. Muscles that moved in all the right ways.

He swept off the shirt, then pinned her against the wall again. “I want to fuck you.”

“Yes,” she said on a breath. Had the air thinned? Or was she actually swooning?

Lips almost touching hers, he said, “Not in the dark. I want to watch your body move. I want to see your face when I make you come. Let me get the lights back on.”

Her knees buckled. She tried to say, okay, but only managed, “Oh.” More a sigh than a word.

His erection begged for attention, and she ground against it. If he didn’t hurry, she’d come, dark or no dark. Her fingers found his nipples, flat and hard, and massaged.

He moaned. “Ah fuck.” He angled away and, from his movements, seemed to grope along the wall.

The space she needed opened up, enough to unbuckle his belt. He helped her shove away his jeans, those whisper-light boxers. Stroking him, she licked his chest, sucked his nipple, thrilling at each twitch in his cock.


His gruffness surprised her, and she hesitated.
Or had he said it to himself?

Light switch abandoned, he shifted. “I can’t wait.”

“Me either.” But her panties…. His finger silenced her, moving them aside and twisting inside her. Her breath released in a shudder.

“I want you.” Wanted to explore all of him. It surprised her how much. How fast all her reservations fell away. She caressed his length, encased it, and dragged her fingers to the tip.

A groan, and then a tearing sound. A thrill shot through her when he batted her hand away, his fingers fumbling between them as he rolled a condom over himself. He grabbed behind her thighs and hoisted her to his waist. A small adjustment, and he glided inside. She tightened her knees and rocked against his rhythm. Fabric stretched, scraped. He groaned.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

He thrust deeper as if to prove himself, then trembled. “Shit.”

“What's wrong?” Had she disappointed him already? She rested her head on the wall and released an exasperated breath. It turned into a squeak when he scooped her up.

“Oh, we’re not done. Not by a long shot.” Jeans around his ankles, he shuffled to another room and set her on a flat, cold surface. A flick, and lights shone along the underside of the cabinets lining the wall.

“Ah, the kitchen.” Very nice, but she’d inspect it later. Right now, she wanted to inspect him. Thoroughly. “Let’s heat things up.”

 “I love the way you think.” Two steps and he’d shed both shoes. After kicking his jeans away and removing his boxers in one swipe, he lifted her knees to his waist.

She ran her hands along his contours. “Do you have any fat at all? Wow.”

His eyes narrowed. “Seven percent body fat. Completely normal.”

The attitude again. To put him at ease, she said, “You make me feel flabby.”

“Yes, but yours is in all the right spots.” He patted her rear and dragged her to the edge.

What? Not exactly a compliment. His touch put it out of her mind, especially when he caressed her panties off, unhooked her bra and followed through on his promise to watch her while he fucked her. Unlike earlier, he made it last this time, heat darkening his blue eyes. She’d never felt so thoroughly exposed. Or enjoyed it more.

God, it had been too long since anyone made love to her so well and so completely. Such luxury. She could get used to it.


He knew he shouldn’t, but Ty watched Zoe. Not because he’d said he would, because he couldn’t tear his attention away. With every slow thrust, pleasure showed in her face—her brow furrowed, or her mouth parted. Her breaths carried little sighs and moans, or his name. The way she said it, like a plea for more, made him pump harder, deeper. Grip her tighter. Her half-lidded eyes filled with such want, he wished his hard-on would last all night just so he could drown in her gaze.

No chance; he’d be lucky to keep it up another few minutes. She took him in so completely, arms around his neck, legs hooked behind his, and when he pushed inside, she clenched around his cock. So tight, so good, he locked his knees so they wouldn’t buckle.

Fucking her tested his will power on all levels. After tonight, he’d never be able to screw anyone else without seeing Zoe’s face, wishing she was beneath him. Hell, every time he closed his eyes, a vision of her would appear.

Before the thought ended, it hit him. His fingers dug into her ass as he rode it out. So powerful, his knees gave way, legs trembling hard against the cabinet handles.

She cried out and clung to him so sweetly, protectiveness surged through him. Anger forgotten, he whispered, “Are you all right?”

She nodded and nestled into his neck, a vulnerability that erased his need for a vendetta. He lifted her, carried her to the family room. Each step made him feel more of a man, his tenderness more powerful than anything he’d ever experienced. A kind of strength that had nothing to do with muscles or workouts or machismo. It stripped away everything but the emotions washing over him. His want for her ran deeper than the physical. It encompassed so much.

By the time they hit the rug, he’d hardened again.

He laid her down. “I want you.” Could she take it so soon again? She’d appeared so fragile moments ago.

The words seemed to infuse desire in her, too. Focus set on him, she tightened her arms around his neck. He didn’t need to ask if she wanted him, too. She said, “Yes.”

Mesmerized, Ty gave himself over to the need gripping him, conscious only of Zoe. Good God, the way she moved against him. With him. Her skin, her scent, her warmth.

By the time he snapped out of it, they were in his bed. Holy shit, how long had it been since a lover had exhausted him? Ty never imagined she’d be a wildcat in bed. Well, first the hallway, then the kitchen counter, the family room rug—then the bed. He couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t stop wanting more. An instant addiction, worse than any craving he’d experienced for food.

No disguising that she’d felt it, too, every bit as strong as he had. Her soft whimpers urged him on and on, nearly driving him crazy with want. He’d unleashed everything he had on Zoe, and she still wanted more. When they’d climaxed together, he’d stayed inside, slowly pumping to milk every last bit of sweetness from her, and finally understood how satisfaction went beyond the physical release. He’d smoothed her damp hair away, trailed kisses all over her face, lingering at her mouth in a languorous, decadent kiss that promised easily rekindled passion.

More than sex, she’d touched him in deeper ways. Her soothing murmurs and gentle caresses reached inside him to those scars he’d borne for so long, and smoothed away their roughness. Healed them.

So good, Ty couldn’t keep his hands off her, couldn’t stop holding her. Zoe fit into his arms like she belonged there.

Belonged there? Fuck, fuck, fuck. You’re so weak. Finish it.

His jaw pulsed, he clenched it so tight.
Yeah, too bad I’ll never see her again. At least I had her in all the ways I dreamed. And then some

The thought echoed, hollow as he felt. False bravado. He hated it, hated himself.

But tonight had to end it, before she could rip into him and create new wounds that would take longer to heal. She’d always had a talent for it, and this time, the old scars would rip open, and she’d cut him to the bone. Man, he’d really set himself up for a fall this time. He had to get out of this mess before she slaughtered his soul again.

Just wait. She’ll give herself away

Sprawled across the mattress sideways, she appeared as spent as he felt. “So incredible. I had no idea tonight would be like this.”

“You didn’t expect to end up in bed?”
Bullshit. Strike one

With a sigh, she rolled to her side. “I don’t know, maybe. I was hoping to talk, get to know my date before letting him knock me into the headboard. Hope I didn’t leave an impression on it.”

No, but she had made one on him. “Don’t worry about it.” He fell onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Goddammit. It would take a long time to erase her from his memory. The last thing he’d expected. She’d gotten to him worse than before. He closed his eyes, willed himself not to move. Not to wrap himself around her soft skin.

“Right, you can always donate it to charity or something.”

. Or was it disappointment? “No, I’ll keep it as a souvenir.” He’d need a reminder every time he reached for the phone to hear her voice.

She froze with a look of shock, and then seemed to shake it off. “Oh. Good.”

What, she expected a second date? Maybe he could stretch out the torture for another night….
No. Get it over with. Ditch the bitch before her claws come out

Rising, she gathered the sheet around her. “I guess I should find my clothes.”

At a twinge of regret, he shifted. He wanted to call out, tell her no, come back, and he’d keep her warm.

BOOK: Sweet Revenge
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