Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3 (2 page)

BOOK: Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3
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“I don’t think
that’s a good idea Drake.”

“And why not?”

“What would people say?”

I heard the
hurt and the pain in her voice and it pissed me the fuck off, I knew she was in
love with me, she’d let it slip the second time I’d taken her, we’d both
pretended afterwards that it hadn’t happened but the memory was scorched into
my brain. I knew what the town’ s people thought of her and her family but
right at this moment I could give a fuck.

With one knee
pressed into the bed I leaned over and took her chin in my hand.

“Look at me, I
don’t care what they think, and neither should you you’ve got to get over that
shit fuck them. The only two people who matter here are you and I and I know
the truth.” My hand worked its way down to her pussy beneath the sheet she had
covering her.

“I know I’m
the only man to ever have this and I aim to keep it that way, now get up and
get your shit together.”

She scurried
off the bed keeping a wary eye on me as she threw her shit in a bag, bile
burned in my throat that she lived in such poverty when others who were so less
deserving lived high on the hog. The thing about Cherry that got under my skin
was the way she just took life’s kicks like she deserved them, like she wasn’t
expecting any different. Fuck that I was going to turn this town on its ear,
the seed had been planted and knowing my pigheaded ass I was pretty sure my
campaign would be in full swing by week’s end.
Already there had been murmurs about my comings and goings from her
place, it wasn’t like I’d been trying to hide the shit but neither did I want
people in my business. I had no idea what was being said to her because she was
one of those suffer in silence types, that was something I was going to have to
work on as well. I had to break her out of that shell she liked to hide in, as
my woman whatever the fuck that meant these days she was not going to cower to
these fucks.

“Did you get
all your important papers and shit?”

“Yes sir.”

“I told you
about that sir shit, I’m not the town judge or some fuck you don’t have to sir
me and you sure as fuck don’t have to sir any of these other fuckers in this
town either.” I knew she thought they were all better then her, she’d been
programmed to think that way because her mother was the town floozy and her
father some faceless unknown john. Whatever the case the two of them had come
together for a reason because the young girl sitting next to me was gorgeous as
fuck. She had a mile of wine colored hair, it wasn’t red and it wasn’t brown
just a rich deep almost burgundy color and the clearest bluest eyes, eyes I
sometimes found myself falling into. The shit didn’t stop there either oh no,
then there were her lips, wide and full with some sort of curve in the middle
of the top one that made me think always of feeding her my cock. Her body was
another man-eater. Long legs, a round ass that I’d had the pleasure of fucking
because my babygirl denied me nothing and two high firm tits that were never
far from my mouth whenever we were naked together. It had only been two months
since I’d taken her that first time, and what a shock it was. The girl who had
carried the taint of slut because of her mother’s actions had been a virgin,
she’d been so soft and sweet and shy that night after I’d picked her up at her
job at the local diner that I should’ve known something was up but I never
would’ve guessed not in a million years that the girl with the body of a
playboy centerfold was innocent.

Chapter 3

We’d been
doing the dance since the first month after my divorce came through. I’d gotten
into the habit of going to the diner for meals since there was no longer a wife
at home to cook for me. The first few times I’d hardly paid her any mind, too
fucking mad about my life and the fucked up turn it had taken, then I started
noticing how quiet and unassuming she was, I also started hearing some of the
shit some of the guys in there were saying about her and it made me pick my
head up and look. I knew her reputation, and wanted nothing to do with her, no
more tramps for Drake Kincaid thank you very much. But then one day I walked
out back to grab a smoke, a nasty habit I’d picked up for some unknown reason
and I’d heard weeping. Not wanting to get involved but somehow being drawn to
the sound I’d followed the sniffles around the side to the dumpster and that’s
where I’d found her. She was bent over crying, shoulders shaking, and something
inside me had shifted at the sight.

“You okay?” my voice startled her so bad she’d
almost fallen into the dumpster and when she turned those tear drenched blue
orbs my way with nothing but the moonlight framing her with all that
magnificent hair in a messy nest on top of her head I’d felt the kick.

“Yes sir.”
She’d hurriedly brushed her cheeks dry.

“Those guys
bothering you?”

She’d refused
to answer but I was pretty sure that that’s what it was, something about the
way she straightened her spine and squared her shoulders struck me. There was
pride there, pride and a tinge of something else that I just couldn’t put my
finger on but whatever it was something inside me changed that night when it
came to the town reject.

I’d walked her
back in and sat at the counter, which seemed to be her post; I hadn’t said two
words to her all night but I knew she knew I was there.

After that every
time I went in I made sure I was in her section, gradually the smiles had
started and the little sideways looks when she thought I wasn’t looking. I’d
kept up my new nasty habit of smoking and I noticed that more often than not
whenever I was outside having a smoke she’d find some excuse to come out there
and peep at me. The turning point though had been when one of the other
waitresses, a busty chick named Wendy had started flirting with me outright in
front of her. My girl hadn’t said a word she’d just turned red in the face with
anger and clenched her fists before she withdrew into herself. That had pissed
me the fuck off, after weeks of little conversations I’d come to learn that
Cherry was a sweet, smart girl and though I knew of her reputation I hadn’t
seen any evidence to support it. With me still being in my I hate anything
female mode I hadn’t been looking too hard though. It had just been something
to pass the time while I was there our little chats, but the way she stepped
back when the other girl came on the scene made me feel off somehow, like as
young as she was she’d given up on life or some shit, like she really didn’t
think she deserved any better than her lot.

She lived with
her mother in a rundown little house like I said on the wrong side of the
tracks, I hadn’t seen her mom in years come to think of it but as for Cherry
she was a well kept young lady though her clothes could do with an upgrade,
they were clean and well ironed. She always looked neat, no make up that I
could tell except for the gloss on her lips but she didn’t need any her
eighteen almost nineteen year old skin was flawless and the truth was she was
the prettiest girl in the town and maybe for miles around.

I’d learned
from our talks such as they were that she was saving enough to go to the local
community college because she wanted to be a nurse, she’d had good grades in
school so she wasn’t sure why she hadn’t gotten a scholarship like some of the
others who she claimed she knew for a fact she’d done better than all through

I didn’t see
the loose bed hopping trollop that the town gossips would have you believe she
was but what the fuck did I know look at what I’d married. Anyway after that
day with the whole Wendy thing I’d started looking at things differently, I
wasn’t looking for love and romance but being a healthy heterosexual male who
was used to fucking at least three times a day my shit was starting to back up,
I hadn’t seen a pussy in months and that shit just wasn’t normal.

One day out of
the blue I’d just said fuck it, no more beating around the bush and laid it all
on the table. It was an hour before her shift was over, I hadn’t bought this
girl so much as a coffee but my dick was about to fall the fuck off from disuse
and she was the only thing he’d shown any interest in for a long time so what
the hell.

“I want to see
you after work.” Her eyes had flown up to mine and she’d blushed pretty as fuck
at me before hanging her head down.

“Hey babe a
simple yes or no will suffice, if it’s no there’s no hard feelings we go on as
if nothing happened if it’s yes there are some ground rules. What’s it going to

She’d given me
the softest yes I’d ever heard in my life but I’d heard it all the same.

“Fine meet me
in my car when you’re done.”

I’d paid my
tab and left her a tip and walked out, the same Wendy person was giving me the
come hither look but I looked right through her needy ass and kept going. I
wasn’t interested in being hunted felt too much like prey I wanted to be the
hunter this time.

She’d slid into
the passenger seat an hour later after I’d gone home and come back.
It hadn’t even entered my mind to take her
home with me so instead I’d driven to her place and parked out of the way so
nosy fucks wouldn’t be all in my business. I didn’t want this shit getting back
to my mother after all.

“I’m not
looking for love and marriage been there done that so if that’s what you’re
after we can end this right here and now.” She hadn’t said a thing just hung
her head and bit her lip.

“If you even
glance at another dick while you’re with me they’ll never find your body, can
you deal with that?”

“Yes sir.”

“My name is
Drake, another thing, I like to fuck this isn’t going to be a once a week
thing, I’m a grown man with a healthy appetite try to keep up.”

I hadn’t given
her a chance to answer just climbed out the car and walked around to get her.

Inside the
place was clean if a little threadbare and I could tell she was embarrassed to
have me there.

“Babe I’m not
here to see your house you don’t need to be embarrassed.” By then my cock
knowing he was about to sink into a pussy for the first time in forever was
trying to bust out of my jeans. Now I’m usually a considerate lover but it had
been so long I knew the first time was going to be hard and fast no build up,
I’ll eat her little pussy for round two.

I sat on the
couch, which had seen better days while she put her stuff away and I tracked
her with my eyes.

“Would you
like something to drink?”

“No come
here.” She walked over to me and I pulled her down onto my lap her back to my
front. The little short dress uniform they made them wear rode up on her hips
and I really saw her legs for the first time. With one hand around her middle I
eased the other up to her chest dying to see if her breasts were as good as
they looked. I ran my thumb over her already hard nipple through her clothes
but that wasn’t enough for me.

“Open your
top.” Her hands trembled as she released first one then two buttons; by the
time she reached the third I had my hand on her bra pulling the cup down. My
cock throbbed at the sight of the prettiest pink nipples I’d ever seen. Her
tits looked like they’d never seen the sun, and they were so soft I wanted my
mouth on her in the worst way, but not yet.

“Give me your
tongue.” She turned her head and we kissed for the first time. She kissed like
she was new to the game, all shy and uncertain while my fingers plucked her
nipple. My other hand worked its way down to her pussy and I rubbed her through
her panties, she already had a wet spot in the gusset and the sweet scent of
pussy was in the air.
She moaned into my
mouth and ground herself down harder on my cock that was resting in the crease
of her ass.

“Fuck babe
you’ll make me cum too soon.” It had been too long and I couldn’t wait, it felt
like if I didn’t get into her pussy right now I would bust.

“Take off your
panties and then take me out and sit on my cock.”

She pulled her
panties off before turning to me and unzipping my pants her cheeks flaming red
the whole time. I saw the hint of fear when my beast first made an appearance
but I didn’t give her enough time to worry about how it was going to fit.
Pulling her back in the same position as before I wrapped my arm around her as
I whispered in her ear.

“Next time
you’ll have to suck him he likes that but right now I can’t wait to get into
your hot little cunt.” Lifting her I sat her down on my stiff ten and a half
inches, her tightness hadn’t registered at first, after all I was accustomed to
women having to stretch to fit on my rod since I was a teen, but her cry of
distress when I hit that piece of skin inside her pussy was like a bucket of
cold water and an electric shock all at the same time. Pulling her up and off
my meat I turned her in my arms and hugged her close. She was shaking in my
arms as I held her close.

baby why didn’t you say something you little fool? I
could’ve hurt you.”

I rocked her
for a little bit my cock really insistent now; he wanted in that virgin pussy.
Standing with her in my arms I looked around.

“Which one is yours
baby?” She pointed to the second door on the left and I walked over bumping it
open with my hip before pushing it closed with my foot. A cursory glance around
the room had shown it to be Spartan but neat as a pin, just like she was. I
laid her gently on the twin-sized bed and laid down beside her, I had to rein
my shit in, a virgin who would’ve thought it possible? Her little pussy was red
and there was a little blood from where I’d bruised her hymen so I cleaned her
off so I could eat her out first even though my cock was leaking pre cum like a
son of a bitch. Opening her up I inhaled her scent before teasing her with the
tip of my tongue; I licked her slit up to her clit that peaked out at me. She
didn’t moan as much as she mewled like a kitten it was the sexiest thing I’d
ever heard. I licked her clit but refused to finger her, not even my tongue
entered her wetness,
just licked her and sucked her
fuck hole until she came in my mouth. I wanted my cock to be the first thing to
breach her. With her legs spread and her clit in my mouth I reached up and
tweaked her nipples until they were hard points. When she was wet and swollen I
rose up and stroked my cock a couple times before guiding it to her small
opening. My heart was beating the fuck out of me, she was my first virgin that
I know of, no one else had ever been there before, the thought did some crazy
shit to my insides but I ignored it, all I wanted was to get inside her. I was
so gone I hadn’t even taken the condom from my pocket. At the feel of her hot
pussy on my cock head I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to go slow, to take it

BOOK: Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3
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