Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2) (21 page)

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He had been taking in the room, but at her words, he turned to look at her and was astounded to see there were tears in her eyes. In one movement, she was in his arms. He held her close, “Why are you crying?”

“I’m afraid that something will go wrong and this may be out last time together.”

“Oh, baby. I’ll take care of you. Now and then.” Eric carefully undressed her as if he were unwrapping a priceless, precious gift. Evangeline watched the evidence of love, desire and unadulterated need transverse his features.

“Undress, Eric. I want to look at you.” He didn’t take the same care or leisurely pace with his own clothes, but tore them off and threw them off the side of the bed. She sat up in the bed and ran her hands over his body, exactly the way she had done with the sculptures. “You are so beautiful. I remember when I first saw your precious face in the darkness of the mirror. I fell in love with you at that moment. You weren’t some random good-looking guy, I had asked to see the likeness of my beloved, my destiny—and there you were. And it happened so fast, one moment, we were strangers and the next we were in each other’s arms. Did we move too fast, love? Do you have any regrets?”

“Not a one.” His voice choked with emotion.

“Well then, come to me, let me hold you.” She held out her arms and he lay down with her.

“How can I make you happy, how do you want to be loved?” he asked her tenderly.

“I love everything you do to me, but I have three favorite things.” She smiled into his eyes.

“What are they—or shall I guess?” He nuzzled her neck, nipping at it with gentle teeth.

“My most favorite thing encompasses it all, and that’s you inside of me. Only then, during those moments when we are connected in that way, am I complete.”

“I agree and your words are making him homesick.” He pushed his erection against her thigh. “Tell me more, before I go mad.”

“The second is your mouth on my breasts.” At this not so new news, a low growl of sexual awareness erupted from his throat and his lips closed over the nipple that was nearest to his face. He pulled it deep into his mouth and began sucking on it, knowing that every sensuous pull he gave to the highly sensitive nub brought her extreme pleasure and awakened answering sensations deep in her feminine center.

The welcome attention to her breast almost took Evangeline’s breath away, but she found the strength to keep talking. “My favorite position, as I’m sure you can guess, is you on top. I can look in your face when you come, and I adore the full body contact and the ultimate thrill of your possession. Will you do that for me, Eric?” She had no doubt he would comply, but he did something unexpected.

“I will gladly fulfill your every desire, my love. But first—let me tell you my three favorite things.” He pulled away from her body and sat next to her, his hips even with her knees. She watched him, waiting expectantly to see what he would do. “My first is the same as your first; being inside of you is like discovering the true meaning of life—absolute contentment.” Running a hand from her ankle to her knee, he spread her legs. “But where your second is my mouth on your breasts, my second is my lips curved around your pink pearl.” Evangeline’s hips lifted involuntarily as his hand moved from her knee up to her quivering inner thigh. “Looking at you—let me tell you what I see. You are swollen with desire—for me. Your beautiful pink folds are glistening wet—for me.” He dipped a finger into her tight channel and she tightened her muscles around it, begging to be filled.  Repositioning himself, he knelt on the floor and pulled her over to the side. Spreading her legs even wider, he lowered his head so that his tongue could lave a path from the tight, hot channel that hungered to be filled, to the plump clit that peeked out from beneath its hood, seeking attention.

“Ahhh, Eric! More! More!” Evangeline’s hips bucked and he held her down. His tongue repeated the same mind-blowing action over and over again—licking, twirling, feasting on the succulent pink flesh.

“That’s it, babe. Come for me.” Pulling the little pearl into his mouth, he gently pushed two fingers deep inside of her, pushing them in and out as he twirled his tongue round and round her sweet spot. She let herself go, allowing the celestial winds of ecstasy to lift her up and out of herself. But still Eric continued the sensual assault. Even as she came off one high, he pushed for a second. At first, she tried to push him away—the nerve-endings he was manipulating were just too highly charged. But he did not bend to her will; instead he intensified the pressure of his tongue, lapping up the cream of her orgasm. Two fingers were replaced by three and he alternated the assault by his tongue with tiny nibbles on the lips of her labia and all around the protruding bud of her desire.

“I don’t know if I can stand any more, Eric,” she pleaded. He didn’t take time to reason with her, he devoured her. The intensity of his arousal and the fierceness of his hunger continued to surprise Evangeline. Her second climax was twice as hard and Evangeline thought she would actually pass out from the sheer, overpowering, head to toe spasms that shook her body. And Eric acted like a man possessed; no sooner had he brought her to the second powerful climax, that he pushed himself up her body and began feasting at her breasts as if he were starving and they were the only sustenance in the universe.

Evangeline was completely out of her mind with pleasure. She held on to him, her hands rubbing his back, his shoulders, his neck. She feverishly kissed the top of his head and she mindlessly ran the soles of her feet up and down his muscular legs. Finally, Eric gave them both what they needed. He slid upward and into her. Ragged sighs of relief escaped their lips. Evangeline relished every pull and draw of his dominating possession. In and out. In and out. Their world condensed down to that age old rhythm, of in and out.

“I’m trying to last, but you’ve got me too excited.  Going down on you plays havoc with my staying power.”  He pounded into her, loving the feel of her pussy caressing his cock. “Sorry, babe. I’m too far gone, I can’t wait any longer.”

“Harder, Eric! Faster!” Evangeline knew that hearing those words would send him over the precipice, but when he complied with her directive; the pumping, thrusting, ramming, jack-hammer movements of his rock-hard cock jettisoned her over the cliff with him. Their cries of mutual satisfaction lingered in the air as Eric shifted to one side and cupped her to him. “You never did tell me what your third favorite thing was,” Evangeline whispered as she reverently kissed the palm of his hand.

“We’ll save that till next time, love.” His assurance of their future allayed her fears and she slept peacefully in his arms until the time came to breach the wall of evil that hid Aimee from their sight.


* * * *


It was time to make the donuts. All of the furniture had been taken out of the big dining area except for a small round end table that sat in the center of the circle. It held the candles and other items necessary for the spell. Nanette had instructed everyone to bathe and cleanse themselves before the time came for the ritual. Angelique had readied the room itself by burning sage and letting the smoke enter every nook and cranny of the location. Elizabeth had further cleansed the room by sweeping it with a broom made from sassafras. Eric didn’t say anything, but he thought it odd that the bristles of the broom never touched the ground. Symbolic, he supposed.

No one put on any special clothes and there was no wand in sight. But magick indeed was afoot; the very air tingled with its electrifying presence. “Let’s begin.” Nanette instructed. They stood in the circle; it was him, Evangeline, Zak, Arabella, Jade, Elizabeth, Angelique and immediately to Eric’s left, Nanette. Elizabeth took the lead by stepping in back of the circle and clockwise behind them. As she walked she spread a line of salt. “I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust—a place of protection and power.”

As she neared the place where she began; Arabella stepped back and followed the same path, sprinkling spring water over the purifying salt. “I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust—a place of protection and power.” As soon as she completed her walk, Evangeline stepped out with a tall, white pillar candle and followed in the footsteps of her family. She reiterated the same words. Eric realized they had done this before—many times.

Next, they proceeded to summon the Deities; the God, the Goddess, the Spirit, the Archangels and finally they called the quarters—asking the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water to do their bidding. Eric was mesmerized. After the preliminary ceremony; Angelique took the helm. She looked different, Eric noticed—younger, bigger, almost as if there was two of her, one overshadowing the other. In truth, Angelique was not alone. As a priestess of Santeria, she knew how to bond with the spirits—letting them connect with her—doubling and tripling her power. Angelique carried an instrument in her hand that was a cross between a rattle and a drum, and with it she kept a pounding rhythm. Her voice seemed bigger than it had before and the words she spoke resonated throughout the room. The circle closed around her and Eric found that his hands were clasped by Evangeline on one side and her grandmother on the other.

“Blood calls blood across the miles.

I break the blackness of lies and guile.

Free the air of clouds that hide,

Bring us insight with the tide.

Break down the barriers of deceit,

Show us how to make complete

The family circle that has been broken down

Let our beautiful Aimee easily be found.

As she chanted the words, Angelique walked around the circle with a small black cast-iron cauldron and gave each one a different sterilized needle so they could prick their finger and deposit a few drops of their blood into the small container.

After collecting the blood from everyone in the circle, she mixed in rosemary, patchouli and angelica root and then poured in some oil and lit it with a candle. As the mixture flamed, she called Arabella from the circle. “This is your strength sweetie, find Aimee.”

Arabella carefully sat down on the floor in the center of the circle and picked up a map and a pendulum. Laying the map flat on the floor, she held the pendulum over it and let the spirits guide the movement. “I ask that the location of Aimee Beaureguarde Landry to be made evident.”

Suddenly, outside the wind began to howl. It blew so hard that every window in the old mansion began to shake. The sound was intimidating; it almost seemed as if several freight trains were barreling toward the house. The limbs from the overhanging oaks scratched the roof, as if trying to either tear it off or rip their way inside. Every door knob in the house began to shake and the chandeliers started to sway. No one moved from the circle, but everyone stilled waiting to see what Nanette would do. She listened to the onslaught and then said quietly. “Don’t be troubled. This is a good sign, it means we’re about to succeed. That black-hearted rascal knows we have broken through and all they can do is set loose this little squall. “Go ahead baby,” she motioned to Arabella. “Do your stuff.”

Arabella looked to Jade for strength. She sat on the floor, swollen with his child; he gave her an encouraging sweet smile, telling her with his eyes that he would move Heaven and Earth to keep her safe. So, Arabella, as well as the rest who stood in the circle, held their breath and watched as the pendulum began to swing. After a few moments, it began pulling in a southerly direction. “She’s in the quarter,” Arabella announced. Then the pendulum stopped, “She is at 1140 Royal.”

“My God, she’s at the LaLaurie House.” Nanette gasped.

“What’s the LaLaurie House?” Jade questioned, ready to put their plans into motion.

Angelique cautioned, “Nobody move. We must properly close the circle before anything else can be done. Quickly, but reverently, Evangeline led out to close the circle. She thanked the deities for their assistance and dismissed the quarters.

As soon as the circle was closed, Eric took Evangeline in his arms. “We’ll get your mother soon, love, I promise.” She clung to him, her mind reeling from the fact that her mother was alive and so close. But now she knew what stood between her and her mother was not distance—it was danger.

“What’s the plan?” Eric asked Jade and Tyler.

“Well, we can’t go in with guns blazing. Royal is a busy street and tourists are everywhere,” Jade explained.

“I’m sure there’ll be some magical defenses in place as well. So, we’ve got to be prepared for both,” Tyler explained.

“That means one of the girls has to go with us.” Eric already knew what was going to happen.

“Obviously, Arabella can’t go.” Jade was quick to interject. “Her due-date is like now.”

Nanette walked up about that time. “Elizabeth can’t go either.” Tyler turned to look at his mother-in-law.

“It’s not like I want to put my wife in danger, but what are you getting at?”

Nanette smiled. “She’s almost lost her psychic ability and the last time that happened, she was pregnant with Arabella.”

Tyler visibly took a step backward. “Pregnant?”

“That’s right, baby. Why are you so surprised? She’s only forty, it happens all the time. But let’s keep it quiet, don’t even tell her. There will be time to celebrate that new life when we get our Aimee back.”

Jade patted Tyler on the back. “Congratulations, Father-in-law.”

“Wait until you have a sister-in-law in diapers?” Tyler joked back at Jade, still reeling from the news that he was going to be a father.

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