Sweet Downfall (3 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: Sweet Downfall
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“I love you, Jaq.”

He kissed her then.


He had to go slowly. Helluva job when his endorphins were having a Lollapalooza fest and his cock was so stiff it could bat a home run in the World Series.

The recent events of her life transformed Angie
from a starry-eyed teenager into a disillusioned young woman. The tears that she’d cried the past weeks all but dissolved her girlish idealism.

For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel the security provided by her family and home. For the first time she felt that they didn’t care for her or her feelings. All they cared about were their own selfish agendas. That eroded her faith in the power of goodness, the very thing that her parents had taught her since she was a child. To be good to people. To respect people. To care about people’s feelings.

They did not respect her. They did not respect Jaq. They did not respect their love.

She’d discovered that not all people would wish her well. Not even her own parents and brothers.

They hated Jaq. They wanted her to be with Jordan.

But she had decided to stand up for herself.

Fight for her right to be happy.

Fight for the man she loved.

And even though she was so afraid of what the future will bring now that she had ran away from her family, she didn’t want to waste these precious moments in fear.

She would spend these moments loving.

Loving Jaq.

Kissing him.

Like this. Sweet. He was kissing her so sweetly.

All over. From her lips to her toes...

Oh God, he was sucking her toes, licking them, sending little serpentine flames slithering along the length of her thighs all the way to the inferno blazing between her legs. He’d skipped touching that part of her after he’d kissed her breasts senseless.

But now, his lips stopped to investigate the inferno. She felt like a whirlpool of liquid fire down there from all the tingling sensations he’d evoked licking and sucking her nipples until she forgot her name.

He lifted her legs, pushed them up high. She closed her eyes tightly.

Goodness! Was he staring at her kitty?


He felt his fingers gently stroking her folds, combing through the fine fur which she kept trimmed neatly for her summer bathing suits. Her face was flaming. What was he looking at down there?

His fingers peeled her kitty lips wide open.

“Jaq!” she gasped, mortified. Why was he looking at it so closely? She wasn’t particularly a fan of her kitty and rarely investigated it for any reason other than washing and grooming. A man staring at it was the ultimate embarrassment.

But this was Jaq. He’d touched her there once before, made her feel so good with his magical fingers, but stare at it?! His face was close enough so he could smell her, too!

She squirmed under him, still embarrassed to open her eyes to see what he was doing.

“This virgin pussy is mine,” he rasped and then she felt his hot breath there at her very center.

Oh no!

She opened her eyes just in time to see his wicked tongue swipe at that very sensitive spot on the upper part of her kitty. Her hips jerked at the heat of his tongue and at the new but very delicious sensation. Oh my goodness! He was tasting her!


He did it again, another long wipe of his tongue, and another and another. Then he was flicking on it, tapping his tongue on that sweet swollen spot, then lapping the entire center, circling, making these slurping noises which made her secrete more juices, mingling with his saliva.

“Fuck, you’re so delicious.”

She couldn’t close her eyes again from that point on. The sight was simply too riveting.

And the pleasure! Her knees were weak with it, her toes curling, her breath coming out in puffs. She felt the pressure build up in her groin, centering on that place he was mercilessly punishing with such indescribable pleasure.

The sensations became sharper and sharper until she wanted to scream. That familiar peak loomed near. She knew that place now. He’d taken her there once and it was out of this world awesome. She clamored to reach that peak again, drawing nearer and nearer as he continued the rhythmic dance of his wicked tongue.

“Jaq, please! Please! Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” she sobbed, grabbing fistfuls of his hair.

He groaned, sucking her little nubbin now like it was her nipple. Then he went back to that flicking trick, fast, steady flicks until her eyes rolled in their sockets in delirious fever.

The pressure broke.

Her hips lifted off of the bed as the most intense pleasure ripped through her. Her core seemed to implode and she sobbed helplessly, feeling every delicious spasm her sheath radiated all the way to her extremities.

Tears seeped from her eyes as she was hurled to the stars, exploding into weightlessness.

She didn’t know how long she’d floated away. But when she opened her eyes again, he was gazing at her with a smug smile.

“Welcome back, baby.”

That knowing smile made her hot all over again. God, she had the most gorgeous boyfriend in the world and even now, she couldn’t believe he was hers.

The first time she saw him, she was like WOW. Like speechless wow. Jaw-dropping wow. Using her bestfriend Darry’s favorite description of a hottie beyond ten, he was ovary-exploding wow.

Jaq was of a mixed race but his Caucasian genes ran stronger than his Asian blood. He had this smoldering appeal that fairly leaped from the covers of those magazines, riveting the beholder. That appeal was simply devastating in person. She didn’t stand a chance.

His eyes were hazel which smoldered like embers when his emotions were high. They were rimmed with thick, long lashes women spent a small fortune to achieve at beauty salons. His nose looked strong, straight and slightly flaring, with a small bump on the bridge. His lips…oh his lips were so sexy and simply illegal on a man! His prominent jawline and cheekbones had inspired many artworks. The internet was full of his fan-made portraits. His shaggy hair was dark brown but when the strands caught light, they were like spun gold.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked.

She flushed then rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t know.”

He chuckled. “I like what I see very much, too.”

He rose above her. “Now…my turn.”

Jaq tapped her little clit with his cock head.

Using his one hand, he peeled her pussy lips wide, pulling and stretching upward, making her clit protrude. Hot damn! He gripped the base of his dick and rubbed his entire length against her throbbing little pleasure-button, bathing his shaft with her copious juices. He could do this forever, but not right now. He wanted to be inside her so bad it was killing him.

He rimmed her opening. The breadth of his crown alone would rip her sweet little hole. Shit, why did she have to be so damn small? He’d already fingered her, tongued her, made her cum twice but her hole was still so tight.

“Jaq, please, please!”

“Are you coming again, babe?

“Uhmmm, uhmmm…”

He rubbed the underside of his cock head directly on her nub, making a steady, sawing motion. She went crazy, writhing until she was coming again, her juices oozing out of her. He pressed his shaft flat against her cleft, absorbing every little vibrations of her orgasm.

He’d reached the point of inevitable. He choked his cock in his fist and pumped hard. He bent and kissed her, his tongue driving inside her as he jacked himself off.

Fuck, he was coming, coming coming!

With a guttural cry, he shot ribbons and ribbons of his load all over her pussy, mixing with her cream.

He slumped on top of her, all energy diffusing from his body.

Her arms and legs wrapped around him. She idly scratched his sweaty back.

He shivered at the feel of her fingernails on his skin but he could hardly move.

The intimacy was sublime.

He still had not popped her cherry, but man, that was an atomic blast.

He rolled on his back, bringing her sprawled on top of him and dozed off, the weight of her like a soft pillow pinning him deep into the mattress and her musky feminine scent lulling him to sweet oblivion.

After some 30-minute zone out, his mind drifted back to the business of popping her cherry.

Shit, why was he afraid to do so?

“Are you hungry?” He knew she was awake and just snuggling like a kitten above him.


“You’d need energy for the things we’re gonna do next.”

She giggled and slapped his chest lightly as if to chastise him.

He loved it that she was still so shy after what they did earlier. He’d never eaten pussy like he did hers tonight. Sure, his latex-clad cock had slid into lots of slits but his mouth didn’t care much for cunny. Call him a selfish bastard but plowing his tongue on random fields was just not palatable. Not safe, too.

With his girl, however, he knew he was safe, because what she had between her legs was unsullied by nature. Well, not too unsullied anymore because he did perform a good deal of suck ‘n lick action on her tonight than all the times he could remember sniffing on a snatch. He couldn’t get enough of her and he wanted to taste that sweet little clam again, feel it clamping around his cock for real. The thought made his jack-in-the-box twitch excitedly. Before he could cave in to his immediate need for speed, he kissed her pert nose and jumped out of bed, cock bouncing and all.

“Stay there. I’ll whip up some snacks for us.”

Angie watched in total fascination as her boyfriend
strolled out of the room naked. She dropped back on the bed and snuggled on the sheets in lethargic contentment.

She felt so good. She didn’t know being intimate with a man was like this. The closeness she felt with him was just amazing. She wondered why he hadn’t taken her virginity yet. She didn’t feel like a virgin anymore after coming thrice from his manipulations. She giggled. Coming. That was how he called that marvelous phenomenon. No, awesome. No, fantastic. No, wonderful. She giggled again. Simply indescribable!

She was so in love! And she wanted more. She wanted to know how it felt to be truly one with Jaq.

She hopped into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

A few minutes later, wrapping a towel around her, she walked back into the bedroom and waited for him.

He came back shortly with a tray.

By this time, her shyness was reduced to a minimal. This was Jaq, her beloved. She should not hold back anything from him.

“Sexy waiter,” she said with an impish grin, admiring his tall, broad-shouldered frame. Jaq was slender but his muscles were toned and well-defined. He looked good in anything he wore.

“At your service,
” He laid the tray on the bed.

Sausages and hotdogs plus toasted bread and coke. “Perfect!” She clapped her hands.

He knelt on the bed, his weight dipping the mattress. Her eyes were riveted on his...thing.

Scary! But awesome to look at. That thing seemed to have a life of its own!

He picked up a hotdog. “Practice on this first.”

She blushed. He was grinning at her like a rascal.

He held the hotdog alongside his thing. “See, it’s a starter kit for bigger things to come.”

She giggled, picked up a hotdog and put it in her mouth.

“Slowly...” he said, his eyes smoldering.

She slid the hotdog by inches deeper into her mouth, her lips clinging to the delicious skin, then she pulled it out again...slowly...then pushed it back again...

“That’s right. Man, where did you learn to do this?” His brows were knitted now.

“Fayeh Heyfon”, she mumbled.


Grinning, she bit the hotdog in two.

“Ouch!” He covered his crotch with one hand. “That hurt!”

She laughed, spewing bits of hotdog on the bed.

He opened the can of coke and handed it to her.

“Thangz.” She gulped the ice cold drink.

Jaq sat on the bed, resting his back on the headboard, stretching his legs in front of him. “Let’s cover this for a bit,” He put a pillow on his lap. “You might mistake it for a jumbo Frankfurter and bite it, too. You need to practice the art of eating my hot…dog.”

She laughed out loud. “Stop it!”

He made a sandwich and handed it to her. He made another for himself.

“So, wher’d you learn to do that?” he asked her.

“Paris Hilton.”

“That ancient vid?!” He chuckled and bit into his sandwich. “So, you watch those stuff?”

“What...Oh, you mean porn? Oh no! That was the only one I saw. I just got curious of her, you know… Darry showed it to me once.”

He had this really naughty grin. “So did you like watching what Paris did to her BF?”

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