Surviving Brooklyn (Brooklyn Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Surviving Brooklyn (Brooklyn Series Book 1)
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I watched as events unfolded in slow motion. First, Taylor ran his hand through his hair and turned to talk to the officers. Then he picked up his phone and began shouting orders to shut down the systems at the courthouse and our offices, as well as the police department.

Everyone was going to go into a shutdown pattern while they brought in FBI specialists to find out how this happened.

I needed to get the sweat off me, and clear my head, so I grabbed my luggage and rolled it into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm. I discarded my gun and purse; I had fallen asleep with them still on me. I dropped my clothes into a laundry bag and climbed in the shower.

I closed my eyes and envisioned Mark standing in the bathroom holding me, comforting me, even though it was because of him I was broken. I placed my hand on the wall as my sadness disappeared and anger stepped in.

I wouldn’t be upset for the victims anymore. It was sad what had happened to them and their families, but if I was going to make it, and strap the murderer into the electric chair, I needed to be angry and get vengeance for what had happened to those people.

After finishing my shower, I dried and straightened my hair. I applied new make-up and painted my toenails. I then heard Kate through the bathroom door, so I put on my black mini skirt with my fishnets and black thigh high boots. I pulled on a white silk shirt that was baggy and hung off my shoulder. I had expected to have a girls night with Kate and looked like I was ready for the club. I made a mental note to get permission to return to my apartment for more appropriate clothes.

After spritzing on perfume, I was almost ready. My skirt was too short for my holster so I placed it on my waistband alongside the skirt. I laughed when I imagined Mark would tell me I looked like a kick-ass hooker. Taking a deep breath, I walked out the door.

Kate was in tears when I reached her. The last time I saw her, she thought I was dead.

“Hey Kate, you okay? You know it’ll take a lot more than some killer with a hard-on for me to get me down.”

I tried to smile at her, but she enveloped me in her arms and bawled on my shoulder. I hugged her back and whispered that everything would be all right.

“I am so sorry, Brook,” Kate said in between her tears.

“Kate, you have no reason to be sorry. It’s fine. I love you like a sister and I would be crying all over you if the roles were reversed.”

Kate hugged me tighter and murmured something I couldn’t make out. Then I looked over her shoulder to see two of the officers had red rings under their eyes. The others would not look at me. Taylor walked over and stood behind Kate and had his phone in hand. His expression told me something else happened while I was in the shower.

I pulled back from Kate and allowed her to hold my hand. I looked to my boss for whatever had everyone so upset. I placed my hand on my stomach when I thought it could be another victim. What if he had hurt that little boy I gave my phone to? I thought I was going to be sick.

Taylor’s words sounded like gibberish through the roaring sound of my beating heart.

“What?” I asked, and tried very hard to calm my nerves so I could hear what had happened.

“Brooklyn…” My boss started to repeat himself but stopped to take a deep breath. It was never a good sign when my boss calls me by my first name. Whatever it was had him frazzled.

“Brooklyn, Mark has been shot. He has been rushed to New York-Presbyterian.”

Everyone in the room seemed to shed a tear while I stood in silence. I was still inside the dream. That’s what this was. My worst nightmare come to life.

“Is he alive?” I asked, wishing I could wake up and go back to the day I got my apartment. Everything was perfect and serene. Even Mark stopping by had been a perfect touch to the perfect day.

“We don’t know. He was unconscious and they rushed him there. There will be no update until the Chaplain or his next of kin can get there.”

Kate enveloped me into her arms and cried on me again. I stood tall and held her as if it wasn’t real.

“His mother died. His dad and step-mom are in California.” I took a deep breath. “He is an only child with no family here other than the department.” My voice cracked as I tried to keep the tears at bay. “Can I qualify as his family?” I asked my boss as if he had any say in the matter.

“Let’s just get you to the hospital and see.”


Chapter 9


Another storm had descended upon New York this one was angrier than the last and seemed to want to stay over us. I stood under the emergency room overhang and watched the rain blow in. It had created a waterfall over the end of the awning.

I stuck my arm out and relished the cold water that poured down my arm. Before my mom died, she had once told me there was an old wives’ tale about wishing on a star. The story says you should never wish on a star, that there is only one star everyone wishes on and it cannot keep up. She told me you make wishes in the water. Each drop can carry one wish and you have a better chance of your wish being heard.

I stepped into the waterfall and let the water cascade down my body as I made a wish. I wished I could stop this killer. I made a wish Mark would live. I made a wish my dad would walk the straight and narrow path so I would never have to visit him behind plexiglass again.

“Brooklyn?” I heard a voice call out my name as I stood in the water. I couldn’t see who it was and I didn’t care. The water was carrying my wishes away.

I started to say a prayer as well to make sure I covered every angle when I heard my name again. I closed my eyes and ran my hands down my hair, pushing it back from my face.

At that moment, lips crashed against mine. I could taste coffee and whipped cream. The same flavor I always tasted when Mark kissed me. I pushed him back and stepped out of the water to see him standing before me with a hello kitty band-aid on his forehead.

I looked him over and saw nothing else wrong with him. My emotions were mixed with disbelief and joy. The thought of him dying or leaving me was agonizing, and I needed him now.

I pulled him back out into the water and then dragged him across Madison Avenue into Marcus Garvey Park. I felt his hesitation when we passed the pools and walked through the trees. As we descended upon the baseball field, Mark had an idea of what it was I wanted.

He then led me to home plate and kissed me with the tenacity of a man deprived. With the trees and the weather we had all the privacy we wanted, but the thrill of being outside was still there. I dropped to my knees and pulled him down to his knees with me.

I was drenched by the rain and my thighs coated in my own heat. Mark laid down on the mound and I climbed on top of him. The cold rain did nothing for the fire burning in my skin. I reached between us and unbuckled his belt. I then unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.

The thought of never having him inside me again flourished and I couldn’t move fast enough. I lifted up and Mark’s fingers found my clit through my underwear. I nearly crumbled as he rubbed the tight little bundle of nerves. I cried out as he ripped off my underwear. He stuck one finger inside me and I squeezed it, wanting more. I needed more.

“You’re ready for me,” Mark shouted as the thunder rumbled.

He pulled his finger out and I put his cock at my entrance. I slowly lowered myself down his length and found it difficult to get him all the way inside me. Mark tilted me back a little and he slid right in. I wiggled at the new position that had me filled to the brim with his hard member. Every time I breathed, it seemed his cock hit that bundle of nerves inside me.

“Mark, I am always ready for you. Don’t you get it? I love you!” I began to slowly lift up, and then crashed back down. I repeated this again and again.

“Brooklyn!” Mark called out as I leaned back again and had him crashing into that rough patch behind my pussy. My walls vibrated with need as the intensity of the moment came to light. I grabbed my breasts and pinched my nipples through my wet shirt. 

“Oh God,” I screamed as lightning descended around us. I should have been mortified that we were out in public. I should have been scared that we might get struck by lightning, but I wasn’t. I was never afraid of anything when Mark was with me.

Mark sat up and pulled my soaked blouse off and pulled my bra down. He took one nipple into his mouth without warning. My head fell back and I moaned into the sky as the rain danced on my face. He wrapped one arm around my waist and showed me the pace he wanted. It wasn’t fast like the other times. It was slow.

“I love the way you taste,” Mark declared, as he moved to my other breast.

I was going to orgasm just from those words. I continued to ride him on home plate as he kneaded and caressed my breasts. At times, he even bit down on my neck and pulled my hair.

“I love the way your skin turns rosy when you get turned on,” Mark whispered in my ear before he bit down on my neck again.

I dug my fingers into his soaked clothes as I rode us higher and higher. My movements were growing sporadic as the need to climax increased.

“Mark,” I called out and suddenly I was flipped onto my back. Mark was on top of me. He lifted my knees to hang over his forearms to get him deeper. Then he grabbed my ass and lifted my hips off the ground. I screamed and clawed at the ground as the new position had me squirming in ecstasy. I tried to pull off of him and he laughed.

“Where are you going, Brooklyn? Don’t you want to finish what you started?”

I shuddered as moisture flooded me. The rain was only adding to the intimacy of the moment. I needed him and would do anything at this moment to have him. He owned me in every possible way.

“Yes, Mark, yes! Please…oh, God!”

My orgasm stole my breath, my mouth parted. My veins breathed fire as blood coursed through them quickly. My heart expanded its beats as my pussy walls tried to implant Mark inside me forever. I clamped down on him and came with the intensity of the sun.

I was sure my screams could be heard for blocks. I needed more, I needed less. I didn’t know, but I didn’t have to know because Mark was leading me through every crest that came. I shuddered and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes to find my body completely on the ground and a hardened male still waiting to finish.

“You all right?” Mark asked.

“Um, I think so. What happened?” I asked.

“You blacked out,” Mark replied with a caveman smile on his face.


“My guess would be the massive orgasm I just gave you. You know that G-spot never gets enough attention. Maybe I should play with it again.”

My cheeks flamed and my skin turned a shade of crimson, but it didn’t last long as he began pushing in and out of me in a slow, methodical manner.

I rubbed my hands through his wet hair. I pulled his lips down to kiss me. At first it was a light peck and he lifted off me to look down.

He was gorgeous. The rain poured down around him and lightning shattered in the distance. The thunder rolled in sync with his pulsating cock. I was hopelessly in love with this man.

“Brooklyn, when you look at me like that I want to wrap you in bubble wrap to keep you from getting hurt,” Mark whispered, before he sucked my earlobe into his mouth.

“God, Mark, you fit me perfectly,” I murmured with no control over the words leaving my mouth.

He looked down at me again and I saw the look on his face. The look that said he would never be with me, that this was the last time I would ever have him inside me. My words had somehow stolen the spontaneity of the moment and turned it into a goodbye.

“Brook…” The veins in his neck and forehead protruded, telling me he was close.

“Mark, look at me when you come. Please, let me have that much,” I whispered, as a tear streamed down my face. The rain helped to hide it, but Mark and I both knew it was there.

He kissed the tear falling on the side of my face and pumped into me faster. I felt the pulsing behind my clit once more. Mark altered his position slightly so he was hitting that spot over and over again.

I stared into his eyes as my body tightened down on him. My breasts swelled and felt heavy. I caressed his cheeks as the orgasm rammed into me. I kept my eyes locked on his as the waves of pleasure flowed through. It was a mixture of release and pain as the orgasm shattered my heart. I seemed to find myself here a lot lately, but I wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.

I kissed Mark to drown out my cries and tightened down on him. The guttural moan he let out told me he was in the same ecstasy. He stared into my eyes as he pumped into me and came inside me. Then he bore down on me and kissed me as if he was starving for my lips.

I hadn’t noticed the rain had stopped until he pulled out of me. I instantly felt empty again as he stood up and pulled me with him. I picked my soaked shirt up off the ground and pulled my skirt down while he fixed his pants.

“Brooklyn, we need to talk. It can’t wait any longer. Let’s go get dry clothes and have some coffee.”

I nodded my understanding and let him take my hand and walk back to the hospital. Kate was waiting for us with Mark’s Escalade.

“You guys are loud,” Kate whispered as she smiled at me.

“We weren’t doing anything,” I replied with a smile on my face. I really wasn’t in a laughing mood, but considering what could have happened to Mark, I would allow for Kate to lighten the mood.

“Geez, Mark, is your dick that big or did you stick her on a vibrating Harley and take her for a ride?” Kate winked at him and Mark’s face didn’t change. He had turned into the tin man and acted as though he didn’t have a heart.

“Kate, we are going to drop you off at home, and go talk, if that’s okay with you,” I said.

“Actually, take me to your hotel. You have single cops waiting for you and I could use some company. Just bring wine when you come back to the room.”

I nodded my acceptance, and Mark grabbed my hand, holding it while he drove.

“Mark, you can’t scare us like that again. We thought you were dead,” Kate said, as we headed for the hotel.

“So did I,” Mark admitted.

“What happened?”

“It was a trap. We went to arrest this guy who was already dead. We saw him through the open door to his house. When we entered there were traps set up. I tripped on the door frame and fell back which is why I got a graze instead of a bullet in the brain.” Mark squeezed my hand. God, I loved this man. Even in the face of that danger, he was there reassuring me. He was giving me comfort for his turmoil.

“What happens now?” Kate asked.

“We are now sharing the case with the FBI. They have the bomb squad, SWAT, and an EOD team in route to clear the house. They are having to evacuate part of the neighborhood before anyone else goes in. We don’t want to risk losing more people or evidence that can lead us to his killer.”

The ride was turning ominous. Everyone felt it, but no one said anything about it. I turned to Kate and gave her the biggest smile I could manage as my way of saying thank you to my friend. She stared at Mark holding my hand and back at me. I shook my head that there was nothing there, but she had to add her two cents.

“Mark, you know you two would make an adorable couple.” Kate giggled.

“Is that so?” Mark responded sarcastically.

“Oh, yeah. I bet the sex would be hot and the babies would be adorable. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t want to see a bunch of little Brooks running around.” 

I turned to look at her with a pleading stare to stop, but she merely giggled harder.

“I think Brooklyn would have beautiful babies with anyone,” Mark said. “She is gorgeous, and she would have no problem finding someone because she is like a fine wine. After one taste, any man would want her.”

Kate took the bait and did what most friends do. Her attitude and mood did a one-eighty and she uttered the question that was rehashing what I was trying to put behind me.

“You have tasted her, so why don’t you want her?” Kate asked, and I turned my head to look at her again. Her statement caused a tear to betray me and fall down my cheek. When Mark didn’t answer her, she turned her giggles into anger.

“Let me get this straight. I can hear my best friend screaming your name from an orgasm nearly a block away, and you enjoyed that, but you wouldn’t enjoy spending your life with her?” Kate asked with disdain dripping off her words.

“Kate, it’s not like that,” I whispered.

“Its fine, Brook,” Mark answered, telling me not to say anything more. Kate huffed and before anyone could say another word she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed forward. I turned my head to look her in the eye, and she saw more than I wanted her to.

“Mark, pull over!” Kate demanded.

“Why?” Mark retorted.

“There is no way in hell you are being left alone with her again. You can call your little cop buddies, but I am taking her with me.” Kate dismissed him and wrapped her arms around me.

I didn’t want a scene, so I pleaded with her to sit back in her seat by whispering in her ear. Mark pulled into a parking garage and flashed his badge to get inside.

When the vehicle stopped, Kate climbed out and opened my door. She nearly ripped me from my seat as my seat-belt caught my arm. Mark got out and walked around the vehicle and leaned against it with his hands in his pockets.

“You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. You men are all the same. As long as we are riding you, you never have to do any work. I can see she loves you and is doing all the work to try
to want you! So where are you, Mark? Where is your halfway point? When will you do any work?”

BOOK: Surviving Brooklyn (Brooklyn Series Book 1)
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