Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3]

BOOK: Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3]
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Brac Pack 3

Sunshine’s Savior

Dakota Amergan, beta of the Brac Pack, is sent on the hunt four states away by his alpha. As he scours the rough streets for a mystery man, he is approached in a dark alley by Blair, a male prostitute who begs to show him a good time.

Blair Weston, first abused by his father then kicked out of his home, survives on the streets by selling his body. But when he offers himself to a fiercely protective werewolf, he finds Dakota isn’t the typical john.

Dakota, anxious to keep his mate off the streets, will do anything to keep Blair close. But can Blair overcome his self-loathing and let the warmth of Dakota’s love remove the clouds of shame from his mind?

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,


24,554 words




Brac Pack 3


Lynn Hagen





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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove



Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-372-7


First E-book Publication: March 2011


Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Sunshine’s Savior
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


This book is for my friend Cassandra.

You’re a diamond in the rough.



Brac Pack 3



Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Kota Amergan left the club. He hadn’t had any luck tracking down the man Alpha Maverick had sent him here to find. He was tired and ready to get some shut-eye. The club had been too loud, too crowded, and the women kept groping him at every turn. It would have been nice, if he swung that way, but Kota never preferred women.

There were a few prospects in there, but none of the men had had even given him a hard on. He was a forever kinda guy, and they were all one night stands. No thanks. He’d had his share of those, and he wanted more than meaningless sex. He wanted his mate, if he was ever lucky enough to find him.

Kota decided to head back to his hotel and unwind with some television and his hand. Jacking off was lonely, but it had its uses. If that was his only choice at the moment, he would take it.

He pulled the collar of his coat up as he made his way down the seedy street. This was one fucked-up ass neighborhood. Drug dealers littered every corner and hookers came out of the woodwork like roaches when you turned the lights on. They were everywhere.

He stepped over a homeless drunk begging for change. The only reason he didn’t give it was because he wasn’t contributing to the
Sunshine’s Savior


disease. Having seen the destruction alcohol and drugs did to someone’s life, and he would rather buy the guy a hot meal and a cup of coffee. Kota shoved his hands in his coat pockets, moving further up the street.

Kota wasn’t afraid to be out here. He was a Timber wolf, the baddest of all wolf breeds. At six eight, and two hundred forty pounds of pure muscle, no one fucked with him. At three hundred and sixty-six years, he was too mature to get tangled up with all the bullshit.

Besides, being his Alpha’s Beta, Maverick would kick his ass.

A gust of wind blew his waist length blond hair up in a whirlwind, Kota cut around another corner, getting out of the cold draft. He looked around at the drab buildings that surrounded him, wishing he were back home in the small town he lived in where the sound of the forest caressed his fur as he ran through the woods. Not hookers yelling for him to pay for pleasure. The exhaust fumes alone were choking his lungs.

What the hell had Maverick been thinking sending him out here?

Kota ducked into one of the many corner stores that crowded the city streets. Cheap beer and cigarettes advertisements littered the storefront windows.

“Can I help you?”

Kota stood at the counter. Thick Plexiglas separated him from the cashier. The man picked at a scab before rearranging the chicken in the tray under the heated lamps. He shuddered to think of anyone eating anything those fingers had touched with no gloves on.

“Do you have any shaving cream?” He didn’t want to think of the man touching the canister as he pulled it off of the shelf. Once he was back in his hotel room, he would dump the bag into the sink and rinse it before handling it.

“We have condoms. You need condom? We have Steel Reserve

beer, ninety-nine cents a can. We also have cigarettes at state minimum prices.” The foreign cashier beamed a mouthful of missing and discolored teeth at him proudly.



Lynn Hagen

“No, just the shaving cream.” Kota knew he could get it at the hotel, but since he was here he might as well take care of it.

“Five thirty-two.”

Kota tossed a twenty down into the Plexiglas covered tray.

“Four sixty-eight is your change. Have a nice night.”

Kota stared at the change in the scratched chrome tray. “I gave you a twenty.”

“No, sir. I received a ten dollar bill. If you cause me trouble, I will call the police.”

Kota growled. He wasn’t pressed for the money. It was the

principle of it. His hand reached into the tray, grabbing the Plexiglas and giving a tug. The thick barrier groaned under his strength.

The man gaped at Kota, hurriedly opening his register and tossing a ten dollar bill with the rest of the shifter’s change. “Now, go.” The man waved his hands at Kota to shoo him. “I don’t want any trouble.”

“Then stop ripping people off.” Kota fisted the change from the tray, shoving it into his slacks as the man wheeled the turnstile around. Grabbing the brown paper bag, Kota shoved it into the pocket of his coat then rubbed his hand on the tweed. He would spray his hand down with disinfectant when he got to his room.

“Have a good night.” The cashier waved at him as he exited the store. What a crackpot.

His gaze drifted around him, noticing the bar across the street was one of the names on his list of places to check. Aggravated, Kota stepped off of the curb as he made his way over.

Dodging around traffic, Kota trotted to the other side of the street.

The bar was one of many, nothing special about it. Neon lights flickered in the windows with the different alcohol logos.

As he entered the place, cigarette smoke assaulted him. The new law should have stopped these people from smoking inside, but apparently the owner turned his head. Kota waved his hand in front of him as he made his way over to the bar.

He turned for a moment, watching the stripper dancing on stage.


Sunshine’s Savior


The guy had a nice body, one Kota could appreciate.

“You like?”

He turned to see a stocky man with his arms crossed over his chest staring at him. The man’s head nodded toward the stage. “You can rent him out.”

Kota turned his head once more to stare at the jiggling ass swinging from side to side as the young man danced for the lust filled men cheering him on. He had to admit the guy was nice looking enough, and he did have a hotel room.

“No, not my thing.” Although it was tempting—he was a guy after all—the thought of purchasing a human being didn’t sit right with him. Some did it for the thrill. Most had no other choice. He wouldn’t take advantage of someone else’s misfortune.

The bartender laughed deeply. “Then what the hell are you doing in here?”

“Looking for someone.” Kota pulled the paper from his inside pocket, handing it over. The guy took it, scanned it over, then handed it back.

“Sorry, can’t help you.”

It was the same story Kota had heard for the past two days.

“Drinks are on the house. Enjoy the show.” The man winked at him before walking off to help others customers.

Kota leaned his back against the bar. The man on stage was watching him, licking his lips in a suggestive manner toward him.

BOOK: Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3]
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