Sunshine's Kiss (7 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: Sunshine's Kiss
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“Mom said she pretty much did everything she could to hide it from me, right down to sending me to my friends’ houses during the full moon.” Sam shrugged. “I guess she planned to tell me one day, but it just never happened.”

“I wish I had known that before you came home.” Jesse leaned forward just a little, resting his elbows on his knees. “I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

Sam swallowed hard, suddenly feeling scared again. He just wasn’t sure why. Jesse didn’t feel so scary anymore but… “Would that have changed things? If you knew that I didn’t know, I mean?”

“Only in the fact that I would have broken it to you gently instead of shifting right in front of you. That was more of a shock to you than I wanted it to be.”

“I’m not sure that shock quite explains how I am feeling at the moment.”

Silence filled the room as Sam tried to put into words the wild thoughts rambling around in his head. He wasn’t sure he knew enough to tell Jesse, but mostly because he wasn’t sure how he felt.

“All of this was a shock, yes, but it’s more than that.” Sam drew his knees up to his chest and rubbed his hands over his face before letting them drop away. “Uhhggg, I wish I could put it into words, but there just aren’t any.”

“What can I do to make this easier on you?”

Sam glanced up at Jesse, strongly considering his words. What could Jesse do to make this easier on him? What did he
Jesse to do? That answer was easy. Sam said the first thing that came to his mind before he could stop himself.

“Will you hold me for a little while? Just hold me?” As much as his body protested otherwise, Sam didn’t think he was up for anything more. His stomach was still rolling. Right now he just felt so damned confused.

Jesse’s answer was immediate, but by the way his eyebrows shot up, he had totally not been expecting Sam’s request. “Of course.”

Sam swallowed hard and then scooted down in the bed enough that he could lay his head on one of the pillows and pull the blanket back up over his body. A moment later, he heard a rustling, and then Jesse slid into the bed.

Sam almost changed his mind when he realized that Jesse was only wearing boxers. Before he could say something, sleep started to pull him under. He must have been more tired than he thought.

Just before he fell asleep, Sam felt Jesse’s arms wrap around him and the man’s face nuzzled into his hair.

“Rest, sunshine,” Jesse whispered. “I’ll keep you safe.”

Chapter 5

Jesse felt peaceful and content, something he hadn’t felt in so long he barely remembered what the feeling was. He snuggled closer to the warmth pressed against the front of his body, grinning when he heard a small moan as he pushed his hard cock forward.

Jesse’s eyes snapped open when he suddenly realized that he held someone in his arms. It wasn’t his imagination or even a dream. Sam was in his arms…and pressing his ass back against Jesse’s cock in his sleep.

Jesse groaned, wanting more than anything in the world to stay right where he was, but he knew he couldn’t. Sam had had too much thrown at him in the last few days for Jesse to take advantage of him while he was sleeping.

“Sam,” he whispered into Sam’s ear. “It’s morning. It’s time to wake up.” Jesse couldn’t believe that they had slept the entire day away, and the night. The sun was just starting to come up over the mountains.

“Mmm,” Sam grumbled. His face wrinkled as he frowned and brushed his hand back against the side of his face where Jesse was.

Jesse chuckled softly as he leaned over and blew into Sam’s ear. His mate was obviously not a morning person. He’d have to fix that. He worked on a ranch. He was very much a morning person. “Wakey, wakey, sunshine.”

Sam’s eyes creaked open, and he tilted his head back to glare up at Jesse. “Wakey, wakey? What, are you two?”

Jesse knew his grin went from cheek to cheek. This feeling he had inside was the joy he wanted from Sam, and he was pretty sure only Sam could give it to him. “We have just enough time to get downstairs before breakfast is served.”

“I wanna sleep,” Sam whined.

“I’ll take you riding with me if you get up.”


Jesse knew Sam liked going riding. Growing up on the ranch, Sam spent as much time as possible in the saddle. Of course, Jesse would have promised to rope the moon if that would have made Sam happy, too. Riding was a small thing to offer.

“I haven’t been riding since I left.”

Jesse blinked for a moment. “Then that means—”

“The last ride I went on was with you.”

As much as he was saddened that Sam hadn’t had a chance to go riding since he left, knowing that the man’s last ride had been with him filled Jesse with a sense of delight that he knew he shouldn’t be feeling, but he did.

“Then get up, sunshine,” Jesse said as he smacked Sam’s ass under the covers, “and I’ll take you riding.”

“I hate mornings!” Sam shouted as he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow, growling into the fabric.

Jesse moved over to stroke his tongue across the bite mark at the nape of Sam’s neck, grinning when he felt the man shudder beneath him. The mark drew him like nothing else could. It was a symbol of Jesse’s claim on Sam.

He stroked his hand down Sam’s back and scooted it under the edge of his boxers, wiggling his fingers against the top of Sam’s ass before sliding them down to caress the naked flesh below.

“I could make you love mornings, Sam.”

Sam glanced over his shoulder. “Really?”

Jesse groaned. The desire flushing Sam’s face sent a shot of lust right to Jesse’s groin. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted more right at that moment than to than to fuck his mate into the mattress. Not even air. But he had to be sure that Sam knew what he was doing and that it wasn’t just sleep talking.

Jesse slid back to the side of the bed and pressed his body up against Sam’s. His chest ached like a huge weight sat on it, making it hard to breathe. Sam was just so damn gorgeous. He made Jesse ache every time he looked at the man.

Jesse reached over and pushed a light brown curl back from Sam’s face. He needed to be truthful with Sam. Too much had already been withheld from him. “I want nothing more than make your mornings perfect, Sam, but I need to know that it’s what you want as well.”

Sam’s eyes dropped down, and Jesse was suddenly afraid he had talked himself right out of claiming his mate again. He had the urge to smack himself for even opening his mouth, but he knew it was the right thing to do, especially when Sam turned on his side to face him and the man’s uninjured hand tentatively pressed against his chest.

“Can it be just us?” Sam whispered.

Jesse was as confused as hell. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked at Sam. “Us?”

“No Lycan or shifting or any of that stuff,” Sam said softly. “Just us. Just you and me.”

Jesse swallowed the despair building in his throat and nodded at Sam. It killed something deep inside of Jesse to know that Sam didn’t accept his Lycan. He could feel his beast roaring inside of him at the rejection of the other half of his being.

He didn’t know how to get Sam to accept that part of him. He didn’t even know if it would ever happen. Maybe Sam just needed time, and maybe Sam would never accept the Lycan part of him. It would be like living two separate lives to keep that part from Sam, but what was his alternative? Giving Sam up?

“Okay, Sam, just us.”

Sam’s wide smile was well worth whatever misgivings Jesse might have at the moment. Once again, Jesse felt like he was basking in sunlight. He was surprised when he even felt his beast calm and start basking as well. Apparently, Sam’s joy affected both sides of Jesse, the man and the beast.

Jesse fisted his hand in Sam’s hair and tilted the man’s head back enough to slant his mouth over his. His heady groan filled the air when Sam’s tongue eagerly met his and Sam’s lips parted to allow him access. The kiss sent the pit of his stomach into a swirl.

Putting a large hand to Sam’s waist, Jesse drew him closer. He was conscious of every spot where Sam’s skin brushed against his and the way Sam trembled in his embrace as their legs tangled together.

“Jesse,” Sam groaned as he ripped his head away, “you make me feel so hot.”

“That’s a good thing, Sam.” That was a very good thing. Jesse wanted to make Sam feel hot. He wanted to make him feel hot and achy and needy. He wanted Sam to crave him like his next breath.

Jesse reached down and pushed his boxers off his legs then did the same for Sam. He tossed them over the side of the bed, grinning when Sam laughed. He reached back behind him and grabbed the bottle of lube off the nightstand. He popped the top and dribbled some out on his fingers then dropped the bottle on the far side of Sam.

“We don’t want to lose that.”

“I’m guessing here but since you didn’t grab a condom…”

“We don’t need them,” Jesse said as he brushed his lubed fingers over Sam’s puckered hole. “Lycan can’t contract human diseases.”

Sam’s breath hitched in his throat. “Th–that’s a plus then.”

Jesse frowned. Was Sam keeping track of the pros and cons of being with a Lycan? If so, he’d definitely have to do something to tip the scales in his direction. He had a few tricks up his sleeve that he hoped would work.

“Hitch your leg up on my hip, Sam.”

Jesse groaned when Sam did as he asked, bringing his leg up to rest over Jesse’s waist. The position created an extra bonus besides giving Jesse better access to Sam’s ass. It also made their cocks rub together, and that was just about as arousing as knowing he would soon be sinking his cock into Sam’s tight entrance.

Jesse loved watching the different shades of color that flashed in Sam’s eyes, everything from lightest brown to the darkest amber. Sam had extraordinary eyes, flecked and ringed with gold. They were compelling, magnetic, like summer lightning.

But the sounds he made as Jesse loved on him were even better. Every little nuance told Jesse whether Sam liked something a little or a lot, or not at all. From the ever-increasing volume of Sam’s cries, he liked it all.

Everything about Sam sent Jesse’s senses spinning out of control—the way he smelled, the way he tasted, the sound of his voice, and even the way he responded to Jesse’s every touch. It wrapped around Jesse like a warm cocoon, making his heart flutter wildly in his chest.

Jesse grabbed Sam’s face with his free hand and held it gently, pulling him in for another kiss. As his lips claimed Sam’s, Jesse felt the touch like a shock running through his body. He groaned and deepened the kiss, his lips hard and searching.

He breathed lightly between his parted lips as he leaned back a mere inch from Sam’s face, just far enough to look into his dazed eyes. He traced his fingertip over Sam’s swollen lips. “So very beautiful,” he murmured.

Even after all of these years, Jesse was still stunned that he had not seen the beauty that was innate in every fiber of Sam before the man turned twenty-one. How had he not seen it? Felt it? Sam was simply gorgeous.

How had he not known?

He moved his hand gently down Sam’s chin and over his throat to his chest. He paused to kiss Sam with each movement, whispering words he knew the man wouldn’t understand, words that only he understood.

Eres mi todo, el amor de mi vida
.” You are my everything, the love of my life.

Besarte es como ver las estrellas
.” To kiss you is like seeing the stars.

No puedo vivir sin ti
.” I can’t live without you.

Te necesito
.” I need you.

Each word was punctuated with a kiss somewhere on Sam’s body—his jawline, his shoulder, collarbone, his chest, a nipple. Jesse peppered Sam’s body with kisses and nips, soft touches and light scratches.

The pleasure he received in giving to Sam, in loving on him, was pure and explosive. By the time Jesse fit his body to Sam’s and sank into his silky, tight ass, Jesse felt like their bodies were in complete harmony with one another.

Sam met him thrust for thrust, his hands digging into Jesse’s arms as his cries filled the air. Jesse gasped in sweet agony as Sam’s body wrapped around him and sent his world spinning on its axis.

Jesse’s body cried out for release. He could feel the beast just under the surface, fighting to get out and claim their mate, but he had promised Sam it would just be the two of them. Jesse ruthlessly pushed the beast back, reining him in as he pounded into Sam’s eager body.

“Come for me, Sam,” Jesse growled, unsure of exactly how much longer he could control himself. “Let me feel you.”

Sam’s eyes blazed and turned dark golden brown as he tossed his head back and screamed out his release. Jesse howled when he felt Sam’s inner muscles clamp down on his hard cock. He couldn’t prevent his claws from extending as a mind-blowing orgasm was pulled from the depths of his soul.

He pushed into Sam’s tight hole as far as he could go and let the ecstasy careening through his body take him away. His breaths came out in long, surrendering moans as pulse after pulse of pleasure washed over him.

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