Read Sunrise(Pact Arcanum 2) Online

Authors: Arshad Ahsanuddin

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Paranormal

Sunrise(Pact Arcanum 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Sunrise(Pact Arcanum 2)
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“A tempting offer.” Rory chewed his lip thoughtfully. “And what do you desire from us in return for your largesse?”

“For a permanent cessation of hostilities between us, I would require you to cease your efforts to expand the Armistice Zone beyond the territory you already hold. You may continue to offer the Grace to those Nightwalkers who come to reside within your borders, but you will refrain from applying your power to any Nightwalker whose allegiance is claimed by the Court of Shadows.”

“Those are heavy conditions, Imperator. I will have to consider your words carefully.”

Luscian stood straight. “I am perfectly willing to entertain a reasonable counter-offer. However, I have no intention of bandying words with you across your defense barriers. You may join me on my yacht so we can speak as civilized individuals, or invite me into your lands until our negotiations are complete.”

“He’s after something,”
Take thought over the link.
“He has no intention of negotiating. This is all a smokescreen to cover his real agenda.”

“Of course it is,”
thought Rory.
“But if we get him to swear to his concessions before witnesses, he will lose the respect of the other houses when he breaks his word. We might be able to generate some new allies if we play along for a while.”

“It’s dangerous,”
thought Take.
“He can’t be trusted. Either way, you’re not stepping onto that boat except over my dead body.”

“No kidding, Take,”
Rory thought, his inner voice shaded with amusement.
“I’m not completely stupid, you know.”

“You’re not?”
asked Take.
“Then why are you even considering this? We should just send him packing.”

“We’ll keep him under guard at all times,”
thought Rory.
“And as soon as he crosses through the defense grid, we tie a jumper block to him to keep him grounded. He’ll be neutralized.”

Take’s thoughts were grim.
“You’re trying to cross wits with the Prince of Nightmares, Rory. Even Nemesis is seriously outclassed when it comes to predicting his movements. He’s probably three moves ahead of us.”

“If we never take any risks, we’ll never get anywhere. This is an opportunity we shouldn’t ignore.”

Take sighed mentally.
“This is going to end badly, Rory. I feel it in my gut. But I won’t stop you if you decide to make the attempt.”

“We’ll just have to do the best we can to keep him contained.”

Rory turned to Anaba, who stood just behind them, her thoughts masked. “We need a jumper block, Ana, all the way up to the barrier.”

Ana nodded, and her lips moved quietly as she cast the spell.

Rory turned back to Luscian. “I will let you through the defense grid if you swear on the honor of your house to respect the terms of the Armistice Declaration while on our soil. You will also be required to remain under the close supervision of Armistice Security for the duration of your visit. Do you agree to these terms?”

Luscian chuckled. “So cautious, Sean? Am I such a terrible threat?”

Rory faced him squarely. “Yes, you are. Do I have your word to abide by these conditions?”

Luscian nodded. “You do. I swear on my honor and the honor of my house to abide by the terms of the Armistice Declaration until such time as I am ready to leave the Armistice Zone. I will submit to the supervision of Armistice Security from the moment they take me into custody.”

“Cutlass,” Rory said to his AI, “signal Armistice Security Headquarters to open a hole in the defense barrier as soon as Imperator Luscian reaches the perimeter shield.”

Luscian strode down the metal walkway until the green light of the defense barrier flared into visibility. A gap opened, stretching the width of the gangplank, and Luscian walked through the hole and made his way to stand before Rory and Take.

Take waved his Sentinels forward. “Will you come with me, Imperator?”

Luscian smiled. “No.”

They watched in disbelief as his form shattered like glass, falling into insubstantial crystalline shards that evaporated when they hit the ground.

“Simulacrum!” Ana shouted.

Rory’s eyes snapped back to the yacht. Luscian reappeared from behind a shroud of invisibility, standing on the gangplank just on the other side of the barrier.

Beyond the jumper block.

With a triumphant smile, Luscian teleported through the open barrier before Rory could draw breath to order it sealed. Rory stood there numbly as Take yelled orders to the other Sentinels.
Oh, my God,
he thought.
What did I just do?







Los Angeles, California; One hour later

Nick fished for his keys as he left the birthday party. The others were calling it a night, but he was still restless.
Thirty years old. It was a milestone, but what did it mean in a practical sense? Not much, in the grand scheme of things.
He was still the same old Nick, guitarist and lead singer of the Journeymen. They’d finally conquered the national music scene and were ready to turn their eyes on the wider world. The international tour they had lined up would take them all over the world over the next year, and Nick couldn’t wait.
So much to do; so much to see.

He pulled out his key ring and touched his thumb to the sensitized pad on the fob. The security system read his thumbprint and unlocked the door to his car: a sleek, Italian roadster that oozed power. Sliding behind the wheel, he contemplated whether he should just return home as he had planned, or try to extend the evening
. I should probably call security if I’m going out on the town. Then again, it would probably be all right if I stick to the VIP areas of the local clubs.
He’d still get a lecture from his bodyguard in the morning, but it wouldn’t be as bad as if he just went bar-hopping at random.

He smiled.
Maybe it’s time to go hunting again.
It had been at least a week since he’d last gotten laid. Everyone at the birthday party had been a close friend, and he never slept with friends
. But damn, Rory looked hot tonight.
He didn’t know what it was about the older man that still captivated him, but he found it hard sometimes to keep to his rules about mixing pleasure with friendship. Rory never gave him any signals that he was interested in trying for something more, however, and Nick wasn’t really boyfriend material.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
So what’s on the menu for tonight? Men or women?
He shrugged mentally
. Might as well keep my options open and see what happens. A mixed club would probably be better for my image, anyway.
He’d never specifically hidden his preferences, but he didn’t advertise either, and he tried to be discreet for the most part. Not that he cared what people thought of him, but it might perturb Scott to find out that his best friend and bandmate played for both teams.
I should tell him the truth. It would be more honest.
But Nick stepped back from that thought, imagining what a disaster it might be if Scott finally realized how Nick felt about him.
No, thanks. Maybe someday.
He started the engine and felt a thrill at its deep purring. Then he pulled out of the parking lot and headed further into town.

Luscian watched from the shadows of the parking lot as the black sports car dwindled into traffic. Then he leapt into the air and flew across the night sky in pursuit.


Rudolph’s Nightclub, Los Angeles, California; Thirty minutes later

Nick dropped heavily into the soft leather embrace of the corner booth after walking off the dance floor of the private upper level of the club. He breathed a sigh of contentment as he relaxed. Dancing at his birthday party had been fun, but now he was dancing to impress, to size up potential partners to take home for the night. As usual, the chase exhilarated him, filled him with a sense of power as they came courting, men and women both. Flushed with excitement, he was about to order a drink, when the waitress placed a martini in front of him. He raised an eyebrow in question, not bothering to speak over the loud music. She pointed to a man at the bar and smiled before going on her way.

Nick looked closely at his benefactor as he sipped at the martini. He was relatively short, with fair skin and brown hair, and wore a red shirt and black slacks. All in all, he looked fairly ordinary, except for the air of confidence and self-possession he radiated, as if he were the most important person in the room. He gave Nick a lazy smile when he saw the musician watching him, then casually turned away to watch the press of bodies on the dance floor.

Nick was stunned at the dismissal, recognizing the gesture for exactly what it was, a sign of dominance.
Cocky bastard.
He was simultaneously amused and insulted. Still, the guy had to have something going for him. Access to the upper floor of Rudolph’s was restricted to members only. Only the elite of the city and the most dogged social climbers made it upstairs.

Setting the martini aside, he sauntered over to the bar and sat on the stool next to his opponent. “Thanks for the drink.” He held his hand out. “I’m Nick.”

The stranger looked him over nonchalantly, then took his hand and shook it briefly. “A pleasure to meet you, Nick. I am Lucas.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

The newcomer shrugged. “I haven’t been here before. I purchased a membership at the door.”

a membership?
“I thought you could only get in here by invitation.”

“They made an exception.”

“How much? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“One hundred thousand dollars.”

Nick gaped at him, then recovered. “Was it worth it?”

“That remains to be seen.” He stood and held out his hand. “Dance with me.”

Nick stared at the proffered hand, shocked at the brazen invitation.
Am I hunting tonight, or am I being hunted?
Then he took Luscian’s hand and followed him onto the dance floor.




Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California; Three hours later

Nick screamed, and shuddered violently before collapsing onto the bed. Luscian drank deeply of his prey’s ecstasy, the psychic feeding enough to push the vampire over the edge. He gave a few more thrusts before he allowed himself to climax. Nick jerked in response, caught in the aftermath of his orgasm. Unable to find the words to say anything coherent, the younger man just lay there enjoying the sensation.

Luscian stretched out behind him, still deeply sheathed in Nick’s flesh, and wrapped his arm around the musician. “I’m impressed, Nicholas. Not many have the stamina to keep up with me.”

“Well, we’re at my limit for now,” mumbled Nick.

Luscian chuckled and pulled free of Nick’s body, and the younger man whimpered. “Go get cleaned up. We’ll save round five for later.”

Nick climbed to his feet and stumbled toward the shower.

With his hands behind his head, Luscian settled back into Nick’s bed
. Four hours and still nothing. Are those fools at Armistice Security so incompetent that they actually can’t find me? How am I supposed to make an example of this miserable human if they can’t track me down to bear witness?

Miserable Sentinel,
he corrected himself. That had been a surprise. Nowhere in any of his intelligence reports had it been stated that Nick was a latent Sentinel. It had required some adjustment of his original plans. Latents were uncommon, and valuable enough that the opportunity to corrupt one simply couldn’t be passed up. Timed correctly, he would gain a new lieutenant from this operation and humiliate the Traveler to a much greater degree than if he had simply killed Nick. He smiled as he glanced at the clock.
Plus, the boy was attractive and relatively skilled in the bedroom. It would be enjoyable to train him properly.
He made a mental note to add some personal lessons to his new lieutenant’s future duties.

Nick’s Sentinel inheritance had kindled early in their sexual escapades, but he was still another three hours from reaching the third stage mutation, when he would become immune to vampire blood and impossible to turn. Ideally, the younger man would have to be killed just before that point, to carry the bulk of his Sentinel Gift into the second life. He had bitten Nick’s shoulder during sex, surreptitiously cutting his own tongue on his fangs so that his vampire blood mixed with the musician’s—sufficient to prime the conversion. Ordinarily, he would have just let his seed initiate the change, but the younger man was apparently a believer in sexual practices that would protect himself from more mundane diseases, so blood would have to do.

Luscian climbed out of bed and reached for his clothes as he heard the shower stop running.

A minute later, Nick walked out of the bathroom, toweling off his blond hair. Dressed in white sweatpants and a white T-shirt with the Journeymen logo on it, he raised an eyebrow at Luscian. “You didn’t have to get dressed, yet. There’s plenty of hot water for you to take a shower as well.”

BOOK: Sunrise(Pact Arcanum 2)
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