Summer Dreams (23 page)

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Authors: Hebby Roman

BOOK: Summer Dreams
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"Natalia, I'm not going back to teaching," her grandmother declared. "I phoned the superintendent yesterday and gave him my resignation. I'll need to send him something in writing, of course. Could you draft a letter for me?"

Surprised at Pura's sudden decision, Natalia found she agreed with it. At seventy years old, her grandmother deserved to be retired.

"Of course, I'll draft one tonight. And let me congratulate you, I think you've made a wise decision."

"Ready to put me on the shelf, eh?" Pura said.

, it's not like that. How can you say such a thing to me?"

"Because when you're old, you feel used up and unwanted. If you don't watch yourself, you become downright paranoid."

"I don't think you have anything to worry about. I barely kept up with you this morning. I hope you don't have a three-mile hike planned for this afternoon," she said.

Pura chortled and clapped her hands. "
Bueno, bueno
, I'm glad to hear you have trouble keeping up with your old
." She paused and then said, "I wanted to go over my land once more. To remember it as it is now." She glanced at Natalia. "I'm leaving the farm. I've decided to move to Albuquerque with José and his wife."

"You've what?"

"Don't look so astonished, Natalia. I couldn't live here forever. I want to enjoy my other grandchildren and get to know my two new great-grandchildren."

"But I ... that is, I've---"

"I'll keep the farm, of course, you don't need to worry," she silenced Natalia's surprised stammering. "And you won't need to stay and look after me," she declared. "It was a stupid idea, Natalia, giving up your future to nursemaid me. What were you thinking of?"

Amazed by her grandmother's perceptiveness, all she could do was shake her head.

"You love Esteban, and he loves you." Snorting, Pura continued, "You've loved each other since you were children. He's a good man. And you won't find one that loves you more. I can assure you of that." Reaching out, she touched Natalia's arm and admonished, "Don't make the mistake I made, Nieta. Living alone, fulfilling an empty promise, not finding love again. F
or you, it's your first time. Marry him!"

"Oh, Abuelita, how did you know?"

"I have my ways, and it helps if it's written on your face, every long-suffering hour of the day," she retorted.

"Am I that obvious?"

"More than obvious. When will you tell him?"

Natalia considered for a moment. It was difficult to gather her thoughts. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she couldn't gulp enough breath into her lungs. Could it be possible? Was she meant to be with Esteban after all? Had Pura absolved her of her promise?

Gazing into her grandmother's eyes, she knew the answer. And her heart soared with hope. "He's asked me out for a celebration of sorts. Really, it's a good-bye before he leaves."  Pausing, she added with a wide grin, "I'll tell him then."

She gathered Pura in her arms and hugged her tightly. "
, for your understanding.  I'll miss you, you know." Releasing her beloved
, she dabbed at the tears welling in her eyes and asked, "How can I ever repay you?"

"With your happiness."


They returned to the Staab House in Santa Fe for their farewell celebration. Natalia was touched that Esteban had reserved the same table. And the restaurant was exactly as before. What would have been a bittersweet parting had turned into a triumphant beginning.

Barely able to contain her news, Natalia waited impatiently for just the right time to tell him. She ached with her decision, wanting to share it with him.

When their drinks arrived, Esteban raised his glass and joined it to hers, solemnly declaring, "To next summer."

She clinked her glass against his and grinned. "And to this summer, and the next and the next ..."

His gray gaze pierced her. "What do you mean this summer and the next ..?"

"I want to go with you, Esteban, tomorrow, when you leave."

"But Pura---"

"She's moving in with her son, José, in Albuquerque. She's blessed our union.
Madre de
, she hasn't just blessed it, she's adamant that we be married." She snagged his gaze and murmured, "
Te amo
, Esteban. I want to be your wife. Today and forever."

The features in his face registered his surprise, progressed to amazement, and finished with undisguised joy. He rose abruptly and upset the table, spilling the dark red Cabernet over the crisp, white linen.

Pulling her into his arms, he ignored the mess. "
Te amo
, Natalia. To this summer and the next ... and the rest of our lives."

A word about the author

Hebby Roman is the author of eight print published romances, four historical romances and four contemporary romances. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the past president of her local chapter, North Texas Romance Writers. She was selected for the Romantic Times "Texas Author" award.

She lives in Arlington, TX with her husband, Luis, and Maltipoo, Max.

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The Princess and the Templar

A medieval romance

Published by The Wild Rose Press

Excerpt from The Princess and the Templar


The wind rose to a shriek, sounding almost like a woman in travail. The sea heaved and churned. The ship leaned sharply to one side. Again, Cahira felt her feet slipping. She grabbed for the rail, but her cold hands were too stiff. The rail slipped from her grasp, and she could feel herself falling.

Raul caught her in his strong arms and clasped her tightly. She placed one hand on his broad chest to brace herself and felt his heart beating beneath his tunic. At the touch of her hand, his pulse leapt and raced.

Realizing his response to her, heat suffused her. She licked her lips and removed her hand. She was steady on her feet now, but he didn’t release her. His unfathomable black gaze captured hers and they stood, clasped in each other’s arms for what seemed like an eternity.

He bent his head and his lips were within inches of hers. Her heart leapt, too, plunging in a mad gallop. Was he going to kiss her again? Without thinking, she leaned closer, willing him to kiss her, needing his warmth and passion, craving the forbidden intimacy.

But at the last moment, he drew back. Her breath stopped in her chest and she remained perfectly still. Her shoulders sagged with disappointment. But with her disappointment, came the sharp-edged stab of guilt. For surely, she was a wanton.

He, on the other hand, possessed iron self-control. She knew this because she’d felt his body’s response, sensed he wanted to kiss her as badly as she wanted him to.

She stepped back a pace and clasped the ship’s rail. “Thank you for stopping me from going overboard.”

He reached out, and his long, slender fingers cupped her chin, the touch of his flesh burning her chilled skin.

“No need to thank me.” His ebony eyes gleamed, the darker pupils narrowing. His gaze moved over her like a caress. “Your face is as cold as fresh snow,” he murmured huskily.  Without warning, his iron control reasserted itself, and he suddenly released her, clearing his throat. “You should go to your cabin. We can talk about the journey later.”

How dare he dismiss her? And his smooth words didn’t fool her, either. He hadn’t touched her again to learn if she was cold or not. Nay, the yearning she’d glimpsed in his eyes mirrored the throb in her own body.

How much longer could they go on torturing each other?

End of Excerpt

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, is business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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