Read Submissive Beauty Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

Submissive Beauty (8 page)

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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The look in his eyes sharpened. “I don’t fuck people for charity. But I’m not above taking over a submissive who could use my help when the simple sight of her makes my dick hard.” The desire evident in his voice stroked over her senses, her nipples tightened and rasped against the fabric of her bra.

A few rough words from him and her need went from simple arousal to unbalanced craving in two few seconds to count. “Does that mean we—?”

Faster than she could blink, Thomas grabbed her head and tilted it back, forcing her gaze to lock on his. “Yes, it means that tonight I aim to do a hell of a lot more than spank your ass and finger-fuck your pussy,” he growled. He caressed the side of her face with his thumb, that simple touch eliciting an electric reaction she felt clear to her clit. Silence stretched between them under his relentless glare until Gabby’s brain screamed with the need to move.

“I gave you last night to be sure. Tonight, I intend to put you on your knees and keep you there.” His lips covered hers in a kiss that seared clear to her core. A blast of heat filled her mouth as his tongue slid inside her. There wasn’t anything gentle about his touch. He demanded and took, leaving a burning trail of intensity in his wake when he finally pulled away.

“Tonight, you’re mine to do with as I wish. If that means fucking you all night long, I will. If it means watching you scream and beg for the orgasm you’ve waited hours for, I will. And if I decide to tie you to my spanking bench and fuck that gorgeous ass of yours, I will.”

Gabby gasped, desire overloading her system. A nag in the back of her mind warned her to be offended, something in the face of her need, she promptly ignored. “Are you trying to scare me?”

Thomas sighed. “This isn’t about trying to scare you away. It’s about facing your fears if and when you’re ready.”

Gabby tried to pull from his embrace, but his grip held firm. “If you don’t want me here, I can go.” Sudden tears burned behind her eyes. Mortification seized her. She wouldn’t cry in front of him.

“That’s my point. It’s not all about what I want. At least not directly. It’s your desires I aim to get at. Even the deep dark secret ones you’ve not told anyone about. When we’re done, there will be nothing I don’t know about you. Nothing I won’t be willing to do to make sure you have what you need.”

Everything in the room began to spin. At the same time her body melted under his sensual threats, her mind fought the terror. He intended to turn her inside out and upside down and for what? Sexual pleasure?

“You’re going to fuck the truth out of me?”

Thomas laughed, a deep mellow sound that crept through her blood like warm butter across a hot pancake. “Does that sound like a bad thing to you? Because from my vantage point, stripping you of control and pleasuring you to the point of begging me to fuck you is pretty much a win-win for us both.”

Another blast of heat exploded across her skin. Blood roared in her ears, and she swore her vision wavered under the onslaught of need overwhelming her. Her breath shortened and sweat popped out across her brow. The images flying through her brain threatened her ability to stand and hold a conversation. Not to mention the pressure now building behind her clit. To say she wanted him inside her became a massive understatement.

She craved his touch, oh God yes, his touch. Right between her legs where an orgasm threatened from the mere images he conjured in her mind. Gabby squirmed, seeking a modicum of relief.


She froze, embarrassment flooding her.

“Any orgasm you have from here on out belongs to me. If I want you to touch yourself, I’ll let you know.” His hand dug into her hip to the point of slight pain. The intense concentration on his face worried her. “Spread your legs, Gabrielle.”

His demand struck her in the gut like a jolt of electricity, sending a wave of desire to crash over her. She hesitated only for a second, a testament to how close to the edge she already stood.

“Don’t worry, I’m only going to touch you with my hands…for now. When you’re ready for more, I trust you’ll let me know.”

Trust. The linchpin in all of this. He apparently trusted her to follow his directions. Now, it was her turn to decide if she trusted him or not. Although he made it damn hard to think beyond the moisture gathering in her sex. One thing Gabby did know was that if she didn’t try she’d never know for sure. The intense but brief taste Thomas had given her the night before would never be enough. She had to know.

She moved her feet and took a deep breath watching his hand skim down her hip and underneath her skirt.

“There you go.” In seconds, two fingers delved between the lips of her pussy and skimmed through the wetness. To keep from falling to the floor, she grabbed his biceps and found the steely strength of muscles hard as a rock.

Hard shudders racked her spine. She bit down on her lip and held her breath—waiting. One minute, she wanted to say no, and the next, she practically arched into his hand. Confusion swirled in her head.

Then he rubbed her clit with his finger. Sharp pleasure seized her, building higher than before. An orgasm began to build. Just a little more pressure… Her stomach clenched with a ferocious hunger she barely understood. If only he would do something more. He rimmed the sensitive opening to her channel teasing her to the brink of tolerance. Her breath came in pants.

Ready to succumb to the mind numbing pleasure, Gabby dug her nails into his skin and whimpered. One second, she was about to explode in pleasure; the next, Thomas withdrew his touch.

“Not yet, Gabrielle. Not yet,” he murmured against her lips. The hitch in his voice grounded Gabrielle in reality like a dash of cold water on a hot day. She might have wanted to stomp her feet and demand he finish, but that one little sound stopped her. It was a heady feeling to know he’d been affected as much as her. Satisfied power surged through her. Now, if only the insistent ache would go away.

Thomas kissed her neck, a feather light glide across heated flesh that sent goose bumps racing across her skin. “You are going to be such a delight tonight. I’m glad you’re here. Now, you just need to trust me that I know what I’m doing.”

Gabby found it hard to do anything at the moment let along think straight. Thomas certainly had a knack for keeping her off balance. Still, leaving her like this seemed to mean. She needed. Wanted so much more.

“Thomas…” Before she could finish her stomach rumbled loud enough that anyone in the house probably heard. His eyes grew wide, and she covered her mouth to stifle a surprising giggle.

“I take it you’re hungry.”

Gabby nodded. He had no idea. “Well, you did invite me to dinner, didn’t you?”

“Of course. In fact, I think dinner is about to be served so let’s get you comfortable in the dining room before our guest arrives.” He held her tight against him as he steered her to an open doorway in the far corner of the room where she spied the corner of a dining table.

“A-a guest?” She wasn’t sure she was up to much conversation at this point. Hunger for food aside, he’d left her body strung tight with need, and she’d happily forgo dinner for something more.

“Don’t worry, little one. This will be a very casual dinner, and I’ll keep you right by my side in case you need me for anything.” Fingers cupped her chin and turned her face to his. “I believe we’re going to be very good together, and while full trust takes time, know this…I will have control of our surroundings and your safety will always be my priority.”

Before she could say a word, his lips pressed softly to hers in a kiss that was chaste in comparison to the other and considering what had already transpired between them last night. Her bottom still smarted from the spanking he’d given. Although if pressed for the truth, she’d have to admit that after their time together last night she’d had the most restful night in a long time. In fact, with her muscles loose and warm, she’d slept like the dead. An amazing sense of calm had settled around her like a warm, fresh from the dryer blanket, giving her a sensation of peace she hadn’t felt in a very long time, if ever.

When Thomas moved away from her, she got her first full glimpse of his dining room. A long, narrow rectangular mahogany table dominated the neutral colored area with ten matching chairs arranged around it. There were three formal place settings already arranged and candles flickered in shadows from every surface of the room.

“It’s beautiful in here.” Her fingers reached out and traced the hard wood surface as she followed Thomas around the table to the two place settings that were side by side. He pulled her chair out for her like a perfect gentleman answering her unspoken question of how she would be treated at the dinner table.

At least tonight.

She’d read various accounts of submissives and slaves being forced to sit on the floor at their Master’s feet while being fed from their hands alone. And while those stories had piqued her curiosity as well as sparked her submissive desires in every way possible, she doubted she’d be ready to handle that tonight.

After getting her situated comfortably, Thomas took the seat next to hers. She fought the temptation to slide her chair closer although right now even that didn’t seem like enough. She wanted to be sitting on his lap, his arms curled protectively around her. What the hell was wrong with her?

As if reading her mind, Thomas reached for her, his hand brushing the sensitive curve of her neck.

“You look at me with such needy eyes, my girl. Makes me want to do so many things to you—things I doubt you’re ready for…but soon…soon, I think you will.”

Gabby rubbed her cheek in his palm, savoring every velvet word he spoke. She could listen to him talk about anything all night and would be willing to bet this constant buzz of lust fueled adrenaline would continue as long as she was near him.

“Yes, Sir.”





Chapter Seven



Damn, his dick was so hard it hurt. Gabrielle and her responses to his domination pushed at him to the point he wanted to break his own rules and take her to bed now. He doubted she would object and just the thought of sinking into that hot little pussy of hers made his erection press painfully against his pants. The way her moisture had coated his fingers when he touched her played over and over in his mind.

He hoped David got his ass in here quick so he wouldn’t be so tempted to do something they both might regret in the morning. He worried about rushing things with Gabrielle, but he had made a commitment to David as a mentor and this was the ideal opportunity for them all. To engage from the beginning with the sweet submissive at his table would be more effective than any training session at Sanctuary would be.

Maybe he should explain to her in advance and give her some time to let it sink in…

“Good evening,” a voice rumbled from the doorway.

Too late.

“Evening.” He stood and shook David’s hand when he approached, avoiding eye contact with Gabrielle. He admired David a lot and hoped that even when their training sessions were complete, they’d remain friends.

“Gabrielle, I’d like to introduce you to my houseguest, David.” Thomas caught David’s raised eyebrow from the corner of his eye while watching Gabrielle for her reactions. A pink flush traveled up her neck and face as the implications of houseguest sank in. He could imagine her mind moving a mile a minute as she debated whether he’d been here the night before and overheard. She shot Thomas a quick glance before settling her gaze on David and giving him a soft, sweet smile.

“It’s nice to meet you, David.” Both men had to strain to hear her response as she whispered and quickly cast her eyes downward.

“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. David did not watch your punishment last night, although he likely overheard you when you came.”

Her head jerked toward him, and her face mottled bright red even while her eyes sparked at him with a hint of anger. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen in his life. Her embarrassment added to the experience even now as she sat there fully clothed, hiding her body from both of them—something she’d learn soon enough was not acceptable during their training phase. While David settled in his seat across from Gabrielle, Thomas longed to confirm her heightened state of arousal. Along with her embarrassed blush, her nipples had pebbled against her shirt, and the energy had ratcheted a few levels higher in the room. But he wanted the evidence of it on his fingers.

Sitting next to her, it was easy enough to slide his hand under her skirt and rub her cream-coated slit.

“Don’t.” The one word slid from her lips, catching him off guard. His hand stilled, shocked by her refusal.

She hadn’t turned to look at him or David but instead stared down at her plate.

“You would deny my touch, little one?”

“No, but he…”

“You think it matters to me that there is another man at the table? That my new submissive will only submit to me when it’s comfortable for her? Look at me, Gabrielle.”

Her head turned slowly until her hooded gaze settled on his.

“Stand and take off your clothes.”


He narrowed his eyes and pursed his mouth. Fortunately, she clamped her lips together.

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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