Read Subculture Online

Authors: Sarah Veitch

Tags: #chimera, #palmprint, #sarah veitch, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Subculture (14 page)

BOOK: Subculture
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‘And would you like the other hand to go adventuring too?'

Lisa tensed. She hoped the other hand wasn't going to spank her arse - it already felt hectic. Then she felt something cupping the wet bud of her clitoris, and she relaxed. ‘I'd like... I'd like the other hand to stay where it is now,' she said gutturally, keeping her nub rammed against the source of friction, knowing that she was beyond making sarcastic remarks.

‘I think both fingers are happy now,' the doctor murmured, keeping the warm pressure on her clit and beginning to move the other digit up and down her vulva. ‘I think they'll stay in situ as long as they get to hear about your bottom and its relationship with the cane.'

‘The cane?' Lisa all but slurred, moving her bud against the pleasure-bringing base. She was nearing Nirvana.

‘Mm, my fingers want to hear about all the places on your bare flesh that the rod could land.'

Mind searching and discarding each shameful image, the herbalist hesitated. To her dismay, Michael stopped thrusting his thick digit up and down her. He also took away the palm that was pressing against her clit. Lisa groaned.

‘Oh dear, these poor fingers aren't getting to hear their bedtime story,' he said sweetly. ‘They've gotten so bored waiting they've gone to sleep.'

‘No! I - I'll say what you want - what they want,' Lisa gasped out, desperate for the friction to re-stimulate her pubis.

‘Tell me where you might receive the last three lashes of the cane, my naughty darling,' the doctor said.

‘On my rear end,' Lisa muttered.

‘On your arse, you mean?' She felt his fingers brushing past her clitoris. ‘I should explain that the fingers like to hear adult language. They don't play with girls who aren't humble, or those who are too coy.'

Lisa knew she'd be as humble as was humanely possible if only the source of her future orgasm would stay. ‘I could take the cane on my arse - on my bare arse,' she amended, then whimpered with relief as Michael Landers started to touch her clit and oiled entrance.

‘Where, exactly, should I cane you?' he continued, moving a thumb or fingerpad lightly over her lust-logged nub.

‘Could use the cane across the centre of my bott... of my bum,' Lisa muttered. ‘With me stripped from the waist and touching my toes.'

‘I think you'd jump up and try to run away, my dear. I'd have to tie your wrists to your ankles.'

‘Lower down, then,' the herbalist substituted. ‘Where my bottom curves in towards my legs.'

‘I thought we agreed that the word was arse,' Michael Landers said lightly, taking his pleasing digits away.

‘On my arse. Cane me on my arse,' Lisa got out, all but begging. ‘Bend me over a table and tie me over it and turn my arse bright red.'

‘Ruby red or crimson?' the doctor queried, returning his touch to her tender most parts.

‘Ruby,' Lisa said gutturally, rocking against his hand like a dog against a lamp post.

‘Good girl. Now I think you should describe that arse's heat.'

She was going, going. A few more ignominious words would take her over the edge to a new level of rapture. ‘So hot and sore I can hardly bear it,' Lisa whispered, then ground down upon his fingers and promptly came.

Her orgasm seemed to start somewhere behind her aching clitoris. It spread out, pleasure beyond description rippling deep within her lower belly. Every millimetre of her pubic mound was on fire. The electricity travelled all the way up her salve-slicked vulva. It suffused her outer petals and inner thighs. Lisa convulsed again and again, her almost eerie shrieks echoing around the private salon. Michael kept pleasuring her until the very last vestiges of sensation had faded and she curved her body to pull her mons away.

‘Let's make you more comfortable,' he whispered. He sounded tender. But hadn't he used similar words to Jamilla recently? Lisa allowed herself to be repositioned until she was sitting on his knee, her legs to either side of his, her feverish face against his shoulder. Surely she was special to him, she told herself.

‘Is it almost suppertime?' she whispered dazedly.

Heard him chuckle and sensed he was looking at his watch. ‘Don't worry. No one will come in,' he answered. ‘Are you hungry?'

Lisa realised that she just wanted to lie in his bed and in his arms. ‘Uh uh,' she said, closing her eyes and feeling something akin to love for him. ‘I just want to go straight home.'

‘Home?' she felt him tense up slightly.

‘To Vitality,' she said.

‘Alright, let's get you dressed.' He set her down carefully on her caned and spanked bare bum. She realised that her climax had somehow robbed her buttocks of the pain caused by the punishment. They just felt pleasantly warm and tingling like her vulva did. ‘Can you stand, sweetheart? Lean against me. That's it,' Michael Landers murmured. Lisa stared down at his strong hands as they lifted each shod foot then pulled her pants back, edging them carefully over her cheeks. She smiled as he smoothed down her curve-clinging blue dress. Her flirtation might not have gone to plan, she mused, but the results had been out of this world.

‘Back in a moment,' Michael said. He took his wallet from his inner pocket and left the room. Lisa sat down and finger-combed her hair, then took a phial of lavender oil from her bag and smoothed a drop of it behind her neck and along her hairline. She was aware of the perspiration which tends to grow with arousal, but she didn't think Michael would care. Now, surely, they'd stop trying to outdo each other. Now they'd go to his bedroom and make love for the very first time.

As she mused, the doctor returned. ‘My chariot awaits.' he said with an endearingly broad smile.

Lisa stood up and managed a little curtsey. Her panties immediately stuck to her soaking slit. She'd better shower when she reached the Clinic, she told herself. She needed it.

He kissed the top of her head when they reached his car, then held open the passenger door for her. As she got in, he drew the rattan cane from his sleeve.

‘I'd forgotten about that,' she muttered, swallowing.

‘I hadn't,' Michael said. ‘This is how I smuggled it out - and, of course, smuggled it in.'

Lisa forced herself to make eye contact. ‘So the management didn't know?'

‘Of course not. It's a highly respected establishment.' He looked at her evenly. ‘You must learn to trust me, Lisa. I'm very discreet.'

‘All the time you were...' baring my bum, she finished silently. ‘I kept thinking someone might walk in on us and see.'

‘Of course you did. And that same danger just made your climax the sweeter,' Michael Landers said. ‘The discos will still be buoyant here,' he continued as he nosed the car out into the St Julian's streets. Lisa stared at the half-drunk youths. They no longer looked appealing. She had a real man here. A man with intellect, sexual prowess and verve. She wanted to tell him so, but couldn't quite find the words, or the right moment.

Still, she'd show him half an hour from now as she undressed him and herself and slid rapturously into his bed.

There were downstairs lights on at Vitality when they finally got back.

‘Bakar may be entertaining one of his lady friends,' Michael said.

‘Hope we don't disturb some big seduction scene,' Lisa murmured. She wasn't too worried. With Michael as her partner she felt that she could deal with almost anything.

‘I think he tells new girlfriends he owns the place,' the former surgeon continued, a trace of amusement entering his voice. ‘But he's young and just finding his way, so what the hell?'

He unlocked the door and the two of them walked into the perfumed lounge. ‘Michael,' a high-pitched voice squealed. Lisa took a step back as a raven-haired woman of around thirty launched herself at the immobile doctor. She wound her arms around his neck and lifted her face to receive his lips.

‘You're back,' he said, kissing her. ‘I've missed you so much.'

‘The feelings mutual. That's why I waited up.' The woman kissed Michael once, twice, thrice. Her breasts were against his chest, her thighs against his thighs. Her crotch was pressed close somewhere in the region of his.

Lisa stood swaying with shock and pain and disappointment. She felt dislocated and slightly sick.

‘Well, see you tomorrow.' she muttered to her clearly distracted employer. Then she fled.

Chapter Eight


Good God - she'd run out on him again. Michael stared over Ria's shoulder at Lisa's retreating back. She'd been so huggable and sweet after her orgasm in the salle privee that he'd dared to hope... If she could climax like that just by moving against his fingers, how much more intensely she'd orgasm if he made love to her deep and slow in his King Size bed. He could talk her down whilst staring into her eyes as he thrust inside - every cell in her body would love it. Her vulva would pulse its pleasure even as her mind tried to deny each sexual charge.

Feeling temporarily jaded, Michael carefully removed Ria's fingers from behind his neck. He kissed them lightly.

‘Save these fingers for massaging the patients, darling,' he said. He watched her lips part then tighten.

‘You mean you don't want...?' she muttered disconsolately.

‘Oh, I do.' He looked down at her full firm breasts in the sheer silk suit and realised that he would always find her desirable. ‘But I'm involved with someone else.'

‘That's never stopped you before,' Ria said, moving her hands to his waist. But then he'd never met anyone like Lisa before, Michael admitted to himself. The intellectual, emotional and sexual energy between them was almost tangible. He'd never tire of her thoughtfulness, wit and physical charms.

‘So who's the lucky woman?' Ria asked, letting go of him at last. He watched distractedly as she walked over to one of the overstuffed chairs and settled herself elegantly within its confines. Her legs looked alluringly slim and long as she put them together and slanted them to one side. She'd always known how to make the best of herself, he acknowledged, taking the chair across from her. But then as a Sexual Surrogate she had to have widespread appeal.

‘Lisa, our new herbalist - that's who I'm seeing,' he said slowly. ‘She arrived with me a moment ago.' He was still coming to terms with Lisa's abrupt departure. Had she been jealous of Ria? He'd have to explain.

‘So it's serious, huh?' the therapist prompted.

To his surprise, Michael found he didn't want to discuss his newest relationship. He shrugged. ‘It has potential, yes.'

‘And three's a crowd, right, doc?'

‘Got it in one.' He hesitated, feeling he should offer Ria some kind of alternative satisfaction. But that was ridiculous - they were adults who knew the score. Their affair had been mutually pleasant. Neither of them had pretended it was anything more.

‘Gets off on being thrashed, does she, Mike?' Ria continued. Michael felt his jaw tighten with a rarely-experienced rage. He stared coldly at the Sexual Surrogate until she looked at her nails. How dare she pry into his emotional life or refer to Lisa in this derogatory way?

‘I think we'll confine our future conversations to work,' he said. ‘Marie-Rose has a list of patients who'd like to hear from you. Jamilla's kept your suite aired and Dania's updated your accounts.' He stood up. ‘I'm glad that you're back, Ria - Vitality needs you. Now I'm off to bed.'

Before she could object, he turned and walked smartly from the room. His prick had been straining when he'd caned and spanked Lisa and brought her off, but now it had deflated. His whole body felt unusually tired. Damn Ria for choosing tonight to return to the Clinic. Damn Lisa for rushing out of the door so fast. Maybe she was still awake and he could talk to her. Perhaps... He made his way to her bedroom door to find it closed. No chink of light escaped from under it. She'd gone to sleep. He'd better let her rest.

Thoughtfully Michael made his way to his room. He locked the door - he wouldn't put it past Ria to try to join him. She had an enthusiasm for sex that he'd initially adored. Unfortunately her passion was for almost every kind of sexual activity, whereas he only wanted to raise his spanking hand as he pulled down a woman's pants...

Neither approach was wrong - they just hadn't been right for each other, Michael acknowledged sadly as he stepped into his en suite shower. Yet at the onset she'd seemed ideal. She'd been a week into the Sexual Surrogacy job at Vitality, and they'd been having a casual discussion in her therapy suite when the talk had gradually turned to CP-style sex.

‘I get the impression that performance pressure is the biggest problem,' he'd said, thinking of the jaded fifty year old businessmen who came to his surgery.

‘Mmm, I get round that by forbidding penetration,' Ria had replied.

‘And they get sufficiently aroused?' he'd asked.

‘Trust me, doc - they get rampant.'

‘A satisfied customer that hasn't actually been satisfied,' he'd said.

BOOK: Subculture
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