Struggle (5 page)

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Authors: P.A. Jones

BOOK: Struggle
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Chapter 11


"Hey, sugar. Let's go. I got three tickets for a kickboxing match tonight. I know you like sports, and this is one of the best in the world. There’s no major violence, but it’s a good fight. You will definitely love it," Chloe said.

I didn't want to
go. After the doctor’s appointment, I was a bit disturbed about the whole “sports” issue. "No, Chloe, you go. I am not feeling well."

don’t care. You’re coming.”

I had no choice but to
go. I kept thinking about Nathan as I was changing. "What the hell are you wearing?" Chloe burst out laughing when she saw me.

I looked
down. I was wearing a skirt with a shirt over it. Why am I attracted to a stranger? I giggled. "Give me a minute to change." I looked for my favorite red tank top and dark blue jeans.

“Awesome. Let’s go before we’re late.”
She grabbed my hand and dragged me out like I was a child.

In many
instances, I
a child, but not that day. I was still thinking about him. His scent was tattooed in my heart, his smile floating in my mind.
God, what is happening to me


When we entered the stadium, it wasn’t very full but, soon, it started filling up. Thanks to Martin, we sat in the front row.

A referee
announced the first match between Lee Parkinson and Jade Hustle. Lee was huge at almost 7 feet tall, and had a body like Sabretooth from the
movie. Jade was around 6 feet tall, and was well-built. When the two came face-to-face, Jade looked like an lion in front of a bulldozer. We could all guess Jade’s fate in the match. The referee rang the bell and the match started. I didn't know much about kickboxing, but I knew some rules.

Jade looked
dull from the start. Sometimes, he took advantage of his low height and avoided Lee's punches, but he lost in eight rounds. When Lee hit him with a brutal kick, he didn't get up. It was a bit violent, but certainly entertaining. I prayed that we would get a better match for the second one.

The referee
announced the next opponents. Because people were cheering, I couldn't hear the complete name. It was a Tyler-something. He was around 6'5” tall, and had a build that would make women faint.

When the second
opponent came in, my heart stopped beating. It was Nathan! I rubbed my eyes to conform that it was him. "Chloe, what's the name of the second opponent again?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

’s Nathan Brown," she said, looking at me. “What’s wrong?”

bit my lip. “It’s the guy from yesterday,” I whisper. My mouth went dry. I never anticipated that I would see him here. I wanted to get away from him, but he haunted my thoughts.

looked back at the ring. He was shaking hands with the referee and his opponent. I looked him up and down. I couldn’t get enough, but then my mind started running over the possibilities. What if he loses and gets beaten? What if he gets injured?

I could
clearly hear my heart. I feared that Chloe could also hear it so I looked at her, but she was busy talking with Martin. I looked back at Nathan.

"Isn't he
too cute to be a boxer?" Chloe asked. “I’d love my boyfriend to have a body like that someday." Martin punched her shoulder, playfully.

I pretended to laugh
at her joke, but I was worried and grabbed the edges of the chair edges for  support. I didn't want  him  getting injured. I was surprised at my own reaction.

"Martin says that he is a good boxer
. He saw his last match against a pro. He got hurt, but he was really good,” Chloe said.

I wanted to
run up to the ring and get him out of there, but how could I? I barely knew him. He might be a "Playboy", but I wanted him safe.

The referee started the match.
Nathan took a stance and Tyler
attacked him. He was hitting Nathan with punches and kicks, and Nathan was just protecting himself.
Why isn’t he fighting back?
I wanted him to punch Tyler
and finish the match, but he was getting beaten.

"He is a
pro-defender,” Martin told Chloe.

"I hope so
," I muttered.

rounds passed, and all he did was protect himself. The fourth round started, and Tyler hit Nathan on his chin. For the first time, his defense was weak. Nathan fell down on the ground, and my heart skipped a beat. I stood up, holding my mouth in my hands. Nathan stood up and, for a split second, I thought our eyes met. I saw the spark in his.

fifth round started and Nathan finally went on the offensive. Tyler was tired and a bit sluggish. Nathan didn't gave him any chance to go on the defensive. Nathan took advantage, hitting him with punches and kicks.

The sixty
round went the same. Nathan continued on the offensive, hitting Tyler with everything he had. He hit him with a side kick, then the same kick that ended the first match. I didn't realize it, but I had started cheering for him. Each point he scored
I stood on my chair to clap and cheer.

At the end of the
eighth round, Nathan turned it up a notch, He jumped in the air, delivering a roundhouse kick. That did the job. Tyler was through.

The referee
announced him the winner. I thought he would showboat a little bit after the announcement and look into the crowd. Maybe he’d even see me, but he did the opposite. He went over to Tyler and helped him up, then gave him a hug. He then disappeared into the crowd.

the way back to the dorm, Chloe and Martin were chatting about the match, but I my mind was occupied by him and his bare body.

Chapter 12


His punch was like a hammer. It wasn't a practice match so I wasn’t wearing any head gear.  Before the match, I was angry because of everything that had happened recently. I wanted to get that anger out somehow, but I lost focus and became defensive. Once I fell, I felt like I would never stand up. But when I looked at the crowd sitting near the ring, I gasped.  It was her. Eva. The girl at the bar, the girl who started the spark in me, the girl who stopped my heart when she visited my house. Now she’s watching my every move, holding her mouth in fear like she wanted me to get up and hit back. For a second, our eyes met and I knew that I had to win the match.

I carefully avoided
looking back at her, and the anger in me came out. However, it was covered in some soft emotions, emotions that I thought I had forgotten a long time ago. Tyler was in front of me and was a bit tired. I was defensive, but I didn't gave away many points. My energy was still high, while Tyler looked tired. I attacked him, putting him on the defense. I hit him with side kick, flap kick, crosses, jabs, everything I could throw at him. I was feeling light; I was feeling different.

Round six was a
tricky one. I was on the attack, but I didn’t score many points. I had to do something to lure Tyler into my trap. I went on being defensive. He took the bait and started attacking me. At a weak moment, he stopped protecting his chest. Now was my chance. I utilized it with an air kick, which I developed for something just like this. I pushed on my right leg and jumped in the air, keeping the left leg down and swinging the right into his chest. It scored me many points in the match and, hopefully, with Eva.

Before round eight was over
, Tyler was on the floor of the ring. I was happy not because I won the match, but because I won it in front of her. What would she have thought about me if I'd lost? I didn't know much about her, other than that she was a college girl. I didn't understand these feelings that I was having. I wanted to look at her, see if she was cheering for me, but I had to show respect to my opponent
When I looked back, she was gone.

I was happy
for a bit, but when I got home, reality hit me. I had lost four clients in the last three days, and I had bills to pay. I realized I had to ask for some time from the bank, but how much would they give? Also, how many clients would I get after this? I didn't have an answer for that.

There was one thing
that I could do…take Eva's offer. Another benefit of that was that I would be able to spend time with her.
Did I want to spend time with her? What if she already had a boyfriend? How would I deal with that?
There were too many questions, and I knew the only way to get away from them was alcohol. I deserved to celebrate, too. A bottle of Jack Denials could make me forget everything.

pter 13


I woke up around 11 AM, hangover from last night, thousands of hammers pounding in my head.
Shit, I should drink   less.
I had to call Eva. I checked over my options and I didn't have another one. I dialed her number, waiting for her smooth voice.

this is Eva Clark. I can't talk to you right now. Please leave a message."
I really wanted to hear her voice. I decided to go back to bed for a while.


My phone rang, making me jump. I thought it was Eva so I picked it up without looking at the screen. “Hello. You didn’t answer my call.” I tried to sound normal.


"What? You didn't call me." It was James.

it’s you. What’s up?” I tried not to sound too disappointed.

"Who were you expecting? A fan from your match
, or a girl?” James laughed. "I called to congratulate you and ask what you have going on tonight. We need to celebrate. I heard of a great bar where we can meet some good girls." James sounded exited.

, man. I have some work to do. Besides, I am already hung over.” I knew that sounded stupid, but it was a good excuse. I didn't want to go out with anyone but Eva.

“Dude, are you bailing?
Are you sure you don't have a date?”

, James. I just want to rest tonight. We can hang out some other time." I couldn't hide the unwillingness in my voice.

sounded disappointed, but said, “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.” After he hung up, I laid back down.


My phone rang, and I thought it was James again. He doesn’t give up so easily. I looked and saw Eva’s name on my screen. I jumped up. “Hello?”

. Is this Nathan?” Her voice soothed my heart.

. I called you before.”

"I know
. Sorry I couldn't answer that one. I was busy doing some work."

That’s okay. I just called to tell you that I will take your assignment. Can we meet up to discuss it in detail?” My heart pounded, waiting for her answer.

"Sorry, but I am going out
to the zoo. Can we meet up tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow is fine.” My voice faltered a bit.

As she hung
up the phone, I laid down on my bed. I kept staring at the ceiling. Eva's words started flowing through my mind.

My phone
signaled that a text was coming in. I didn’t feel like looking. After five minutes, it rang again. I checked and saw two unread messages from Eva.

Hi, Nathan.
I was wondering if you wanted to join us at the zoo. Then maybe we can discuss things in the evening. It will be just four of us.

My heart was racing
. I clicked on reply, but decided to check her other message first.

Hi again
. Sorry if I disturbed you. If you are busy, we could meet tomorrow. Just thought that we could save time doing it this way.

face darkened. She didn't want to meet me, but just wanted to save time. But the spark in her eyes at the match felt real.

I decided to go. I texted her that I will meet her in an hour
, and she texted the address to me.


Chapter 14


Tension rose when I saw the missed call from Nathan. Why had he called? To say that he wasn’t going to help me with the project? I didn't want that. I got only 2-3 hours of sleep yesterday, his gaze locked in my brain. My phone was on silent so when I finally decided to get up, I saw that he had called.

I dialed him back. "I called you before,” he said. His voice calmed me. It assured me that he wouldn't say no.

"I know
. Sorry I couldn’t answer, but I was busy with some work."

"I called to tell you that I will take
the assignment. Can we meet up to discuss things in detail?”

I wanted to jump
up and down. My brain ran through my schedule.
Shoot, it's the evening out with Chloe and Martin. Why did I say yes to them?
“Sorry, but I am going out to the zoo.  Maybe we can meet up tomorrow?” My voice was breaking, but meeting him tomorrow was better than nothing.

“It’s okay. Tomorrow is good." Was there sorrow in his voice? I couldn’t tell. Maybe it was just a business meeting for him.

I hung up, and
Chloe came back from class. "Let's get ready, girl. We have to go in an hour."

I thought for a second. "Hey, Chloe, mind if we take Nathan with us? We kind of need to talk business.” I bit my lip.

Chloe looked surprised.
“Nathan? That boxer?”

. He called me to tell he is taking the assignment.”

"That's great
. I don’t have a problem with him coming, and Martin is a big fan of his. He would love that."

You are too sweet." I picked up my mobile to text him.
Hi, Nathan. Would you like to come out with us to the zoo?

I typed
it, then deleted it. It sounded like I was asking him out. I needed something professional.

, Nathan. I was wondering if you wanted to join us at the zoo.  Then maybe we can discuss details in the evening. It will be just four of us.

was good so I pressed the send button. I kept starring at the screen for the next five minutes, waiting for his reply.

"Why are you staring at the screen
, sweetie?” Chloe asked.

“I’m waiting
for his reply,” I said without thinking.

?” Chloe said, smiling.

,” I said. “I’m going to change.”

must be thinking what a fool I am. I doubted if I did right thing to ask him to come with us. I regretted sending him the text and decided to text him again. This time apologizing.

, again. Sorry if I disturbed you. If you are busy, we could meet tomorrow. Just thought that we could save time doing it this way. 

My message tone rang,
and I picked up the phone.  He was coming! Shaking, I texted him the address.

, Chloe. What should I wear today?" I wanted to look my best.

Chloe had a strange
look on her face, then smiled. "You should try your new ocean blue dress. It looks good on you." I ran into our room because I didn’t want her to see the expression on my face.

Chloe and Martin were a funny couple
. They planned a trip every fifteen days, and I had to go with them. They treated me like their little sister. Chloe was so sweet that I could never say “no” to her, and today was no different.

took a cab to Central Park Zoo. I had been in NY for almost four years, but I have never visited the zoo. Sitting in the cab, I thought about how much I love New York traffic. It makes you feel alive. Chloe loved our suburb more. I always am amazed when I see the people moving around the streets in cars, footpaths, bicycles. I usually wonder how their life is different than mine, but that day I just kept thinking about Nathan. From the moment he entered my life, it had been changed. Is it affection, or just a mere attraction? I didn’t know the answer. 

, sugar. We’re here.” Chloe shook my shoulder.

I looked around
and noticed that we were in front of the zoo already. I was lost in thought for almost 45 minutes. I looked for Nathan, but he wasn't there yet. My heart fluttered a bit. Maybe I expected too much from him. I took my phone out to search for his number, but I stopped myself. Maybe I was being too forward.

is your friend coming, Eva?” Chloe asked.

. I am eager to meet him,” Martin said.

I was hoping that he would
get there soon. I kept looking around, but he was nowhere to be seen. “Let's go inside. He might join us late." My heart was fighting with my brain. The heart wanted to stay, but the brain felt a little insulted.

Nathan ran up behind us.
"Hey, guys. Sorry I am late. I got a ticket for speeding. I hope I haven't disturbed your plan."

My face turned red when I saw
him, and I think Chloe noticed. "You could have informed us,” I said, as sternly as possible.

His mouth dropped open a fraction.
"I am very sorry. I wanted to, but my phone hasn’t been working for the last two hours. Some issue with the account, I think."

couldn’t stop myself from watching his lips as he talked. I felt like I would rather watch him than the animals. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt, which showed his muscles. He looked like an angel. His lips and his smile all had a mysterious effect on me. It drew me in and left me wanting more.

“Nice excuse.”
My brain spoke before my heart could stop it again.

He looked at me and
didn't say anything. He grabbed his phone, dialed my number, and put the phone to my ear. The operator was saying how sorry they were for the service interruption.

looked at him as he put his phone away. "I didn't mean to doubt you. I was just waiting for you." My hand went to my mouth, as if I could capture those words before they were heard.

Martin just shook his head, smiling.
"Leave it, man. Let me congratulate you on your awesome victory."

. I am glad you all were there to see it." Nathan smiled back, and his eyes met mine.

So he really saw me
My heart started pounding again.

"Let's go
, guys. We’ve got so much to see,” Chloe said.

We entered the
zoo. The first thing we saw was the beautiful garden and small children's playground. “This is a very nice place to visit, especially the penguin area and rainforest,” Nathan said, looking at me.


I shrugged. "Have you been here before?"

, a couple of times. The animals are beautiful. Let me lead you to the rainforest first. Then we can catch the penguin feeding.”

I was
surprised to know that he had visited here before. He was a boxer by hobby, an IT guy by profession, and a zoo lover, too. I started thinking about the girl I saw him with that night. "You could have bought your friends with you.”

“I really only have one friend…James. He’s not a zoo guy.”
Nathan smiled again, and it weakened my knees.

Chloe moved
to my shoulder. "Let's go to the rainforest. I am dying to see it." She spoke to ease my tension.

We started
walking, Martin and he talking about his boxing. I kept looking at his long hair without listening to what they were talking about.

He broke into my daydreaming.
"Once we are in the forest, prepare to be still for couple of minutes. If we stand still, birds will eventually walk to us. It’s great to watch.”

We entered the forest
, and Nathan motioned for us to stand still. In less than five minutes, we could see birds walking freely around us. It was so beautiful that I couldn't control myself and bent down to touch a parrot. The moment I moved, all of them flew up.

Chloe and Martin started laughing
, and I hid my face in my hands. Smiling, Nathan put his hand on my shoulder. Electricity flared in my body and I looked into his eyes. “No worries. It happens. After we see the penguins, we can come here again.”


He moved his hand, but the warmth of his touch was still there. Speechless, I   followed him. We stopped in front of penguin feeding area. People were gathered there to see the feeding. It was so beautiful to see those small animals running here and there that I felt the urge to touch one again. One small penguin ran towards our area, escaping from the enclosure. Nathan quickly moved and took that small one in his hand, folding one hand on top of the other. He moved and carefully put him back in the enclosure.

The instructor came running and smiled.
"That smaller one always succeeds in getting out. Thanks to you, we won’t have to look all over for him this time.”

"It's my pleasure
. Do you mind if I fed him?”


Holding him in one hand, he fed him with the other. When he was done, he waved for me to come near and pet the penguin. He was so small that I was afraid of touching him, but Nathan's eyes assured me that it was okay.

Once we left the penguin enclosure, Chloe said
, “Why don’t you guys go talk business, and we will enjoy a boat ride." I looked at Nathan, raising my eyebrows, and he nodded.

"I know a nice place to sit
. Would you mind?" Nathan said.

go." I walked behind him.

We walked
to a garden near the rainforest. It was beautiful and not many  people were around. “It’s peaceful here.” Nathan gave me a sexy smile as we sat on a bench.

went through your documents, but I will require more things from your college. I would require a visit to it sometime next week. Until then, I can start covering the bases.”

I don't know much about your programming, but I can help you if you require anything."  My heart wanted him to start talking about himself, his life, but not where this conversation seemed to be going.

"I will definitely require you to clarify some requirements.
Maybe we can meet somewhere and discuss those things."

"That's fine
. I can come to your office after my classes, if you’d like.”

"That's good
. When I can expect you?"

"Around 4 PM."

Nathan smiled and then said the sweetest thing. "You know, Eva, your smile is like a droplet of water. Everywhere it lands, it spreads joy and happiness.”

and Chloe came around the corner. “Shall we go?" Chloe said. I was still in shock over the words that he said.

"I need to talk to you when we
get home," Chloe whispered in my ear. I knew what she wanted to discuss.





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