Strength in Numbers (2 page)

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Authors: Reagan Hawk

BOOK: Strength in Numbers
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The male
out and the crowd roared. She stilled
as she tried to figure out how she could possibly fit into the equation.
Everyone had someone.

The man behind
her seized hold of her tunic and ripped it from her body. The action was hard and
hurt. Cool air struck her already swollen nipples. He took the tunic and
wrapped it around her neck tight enough to act as a lead but not tight enough
to harm her. He shoved and she came to a halt at the head of the

“She is here,” her
keeper stated.

The man getting
his cock sucked by the
pulled free and sat
back on the alien’s chest. A sly smile spread over his face as he motioned for
to sit. She went to but he held up his hand.

“No, with your
back to me,
. You have been gifted to another. He will be the one
to break your barrier. It will be his cock that soaks in the blood of your
innocence.” He licked his lips. “I shall take your virgin ass instead.”

gulped, her cheeks flaring red as
the crowd stood, stomping their feet and shouting for her to be claimed fully.
She tried to look at the man who had hold of the tunic around her neck, but he
pressed on her head.

“Get down,” he
said, his voice full of authority.

She obeyed,
averting her gaze as she sank to a seated position. Something cold traced the
edges of her cunt and she realized it was the
tongue. The man pushing on her head chuckled as she stiffened. “Be still,
innocent one, he is merely preparing your pussy for me. I am not a small man and
you must be ready to receive me.”

pulled his tongue free of her cunt and slipped it
into her ass before she could think too hard upon it. At first, it was strange
feeling something cool and wet buried in her ass, but soon heat began to build
and she found herself rocking on his face, careful not to put too much pressure
on the alien.

The man behind
her let out a soft laugh as he pulled her free of the
tongue. Something large and round pressed against the cleft of her ass. The man
before her grabbed her chin and yanked on the tunic around her neck. She kept
her gaze down, still refusing to look upon his face as a large, ruddy cock
appeared before her. She knew what was expected of her. She licked the tip of
the cock before opening her mouth to take as much of him as she could.

“More,” he
whispered. “You can accommodate more. Relax your throat.”

She did as he
instructed, and he slid in to the point where he touched the back of her
throat. Tears welled in her eyes even though she felt no pain. She bit down
slightly as he began to move in and out. He hissed, and for a second she
assumed she’d injured him.

He yanked on
the tunic once more. “Rake your teeth on my cock again, innocent one.”

followed his orders. White-hot pain
shot through her lower half as the man behind her shoved his cock deep into her
virgin ass. The
pushed his tongue against
her clit and began licking it quickly. The act chased away the pain and giving
way to pleasure.

She sucked
harder on the cock in her mouth. As the man’s balls drew up, he pulled on the
tunic, forcing his cock deep in her throat. He yelled something that sounded
remarkably like a battle cry as hot cum jetted into her mouth and down her
throat. The man fucking her ass slammed into her, his cum releasing as well.

was on the cusp of an orgasm. A
tiny whimper escaped her lips as both men withdrew their cocks.


She wanted
more. Needed more. The pressure inside her needed to be free.

“She is ready, my
lord,” the man who had claimed her ass said.

“Yes, my lord,
she is most certainly ready,” said the

“Very well.” He
jerked on the tunic. “You may look upon me as I claim your barrier.”

She obeyed, and
looked up into the face of a ghost.


It couldn’t be.

, the boy she had known and who’d
held a special place in her heart as a child, was now a man. A gorgeous man.
Long waves of silken black hair hung over his shoulders. Gone was the skinny
boy with mischief in his eyes. Now he was toned, powerful and held a gleam of
desire in his blue gaze. Long scars marred an otherwise perfect chest and
couldn’t help but reach out and run her fingers over
one. It was clear he was a warrior. One of the elite by the looks of the
markings on his inner wrists. “Who hurt you?”

His gaze
flickered and he yanked on the tunic. “Lay back.”


He jerked once
more, cutting her words off. The man who had been behind her moved off the
lay back on
chest. One of the women still riding
the alien reached over
head and cupped her
breasts before leaning down to capture her mouth.

The woman
nipples and twisted enough to send
pain through
. Something cool and wet slid into
her ass and she knew then that the
was once again inside her. The woman continued her sensual kiss, tweaking her
nipples as she went.

heavy weight moved onto her and
tried to break the kiss to look upon him, but the
woman refused. He pressed the head of his cock to her wet pussy and stilled.
The woman tweaking her nipples pulled away and began to ride the
once more.

glanced up and into
eyes. Something tickled the back of her mind and
she blinked.

Soon it will be
just you and me,
. You must not reveal you know

Her eyes
widened. Had
truly spoke in her mind?

She gave him a
questioning look.

Nodding, he
bent down and kissed her full lips.

Yes, it is me
you hear, innocent one. It is not safe for me to speak aloud to you. They will
steal you away should they realize who I am to you.

The man who had
claimed her ass moved in behind
gaze darted away as the man behind him licked his
fingers. The man moved his hand downward and
was unable to see what he was doing. As he aligned himself with
back, she had a fairly good idea. He was planning
on claiming
ass as well.

The man thrust
, who in turn rammed into her, breaking
her virgin barrier and sending slight discomfort throughout her body. The
feeling washed away quickly, making room for pleasure. His lips crashed onto
hers and he darted his tongue in, finding hers and mating with it as he
continued to pump into her cunt. It continued for what felt like forever,
in her pussy, the other man buried deep in his ass
and the
tongue-fucking her anus.

was the first to cry out, pulling his tongue free
from her. The women riding him were next. Each one sounding as if they’d found
their release. The man behind
slamming into
so hard it felt as if she’d be
ripped in two.

changed his pace, rotating his hips
in a way that left her clit exposed to him. Each swipe past it left
gasping for air. The moment he rooted himself within
her and let his seed spill, her orgasm struck, causing her legs to numb at
first before tingling. Her pussy clenched his cock, milking it for all it was

“Ah, yes,” he
ground out through gritted teeth.

You are and
will forever remain mine. They cannot take that from us. They will announce my
ownership of you shortly. Once that is complete, we will leave this
moon. I have waited long to have you,

Own me?

His gaze stayed
locked on hers.
They intended to sell your title to another, leaving you to
be a slave to a cruel master. One who would beat you as well as use you to
his needs. He also intended to force you to work off
his debts by fucking those he owed. When news of you and what they planned for
you found me, I came at once.

The man behind
pulled free and stood, yanking
with him. The loss of his cock in her pussy left
reaching for him, needing him back where he belonged, deep within her.

The man lifted
arm in the air and then used his free hand to
point to
cock. It was tinged with blood—her
virgin blood.
watched in awe as the crowd went
wild and the blood seemed to soak into

said, looking
at the man holding his arm up. “I claim my prize, the female to be my personal
sex slave.”

nodded and his gaze moved to
ass. “I told you I would one day know the feel of
you as I found release within you. Did I not?”

Something dark
passed over
face. “Yes, you did. Now I wish
for you to acknowledge my prize.”

“Patience, my
put his hand out to
and she took it. He pulled her to her feet and
cupped her chin. “I found her to be most delightful. I am not so sure we should
let her go so easily. I had no idea a virgin could fuck as well as she. She was
certainly trained properly.”

said, his tone

stared at
her chin beginning to wobble as her chest tightened. She’d been raised with the
knowledge she would do nothing more than please audiences who came to watch a
sex show before going off to be a personal sex slave for someone, but the
revealed himself to her she wanted no
one other than him.

winked as he leaned in close and
pressed his mouth to her ear. “Worry not, beauty. I am merely here to assure it
looks real.”

The owner of
the arena and the man currently in charge of her slip came forth. They talked
amongst themselves, seeming to argue at first before nodding. The owner of the
arena neared the microphone. “Ownership of slave number 763-A has been
transferred in accordance to policy 2190.”

neared her and swept her up and off
her feet. “Then she is mine.”

“She is,” the
owner of the arena said, giving the man with her slip a shove. “Give him the

the man did.

seized hold of the slip and
motioned with his head to
. “Now, we go.”

“Of course, my
bowed to the women and the
. “It was certainly a pleasure.”

scolded, whisking
her out of the arena in the direction of the exit.

Chapter Three

“Remain here,”
instructed. “Do not move. We must ensure the vessel
is ready for
and that we have not been

He and
ran off, leaving her in the dimly lit corner of
the hall. She backed up, reaching for a piece of tapestry upon the wall.
Anything she could use to cover herself. So much had happened so fast that she
could scarcely wrap her mind around it. She eyed the preparation room, knowing
clothing resided within. Quickly, she crossed the hall to the room and pushed
the door open. Varying lengths of material of all
were thrown about. She selected red silk and wrapped it around her body,
fastening it with golden cord under her breasts and around her waist. She
stepped before the mirror and did her best to tame her wild tresses.

As she turned
to exit the room and return to the hall, she spotted the man who had been
reluctant to hand over her note of ownership. His dark gaze locked on her.
Anger flashed over his face. “What a pretty little whore,” he said.

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