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Authors: Catherine Palmer

Stranger in the Night (24 page)

BOOK: Stranger in the Night
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As they left the building, he was still talking—lacking some of his usual enthusiasm, but not much.

“Will Haven take in any more strangers?” Liz asked Sam. “Things haven’t gone too smoothly with this bunch.”

“Sure we will.” Sam smiled at her. “Trouble pretty much goes along with obedience to Christ, doesn’t it?”

“Amen to that,” Terell told the group. “Listen, I heard the police talking in there. They booked Mo Ded. Real name is Darrell Jones.”

“Darrell?” Sam echoed.

“Yeah, our big bad
Mo Ded
had a rap sheet in Chicago,” Terell said. “Petty stuff. Problem kid—like most of ’em. His father went to prison for murder. His mother died. Guess he came to St. Louis trying to build a substitute family.”

“The Hypes are out of business now,” Joshua said. “Darrell Jones will go to prison on weapons charges. Pastor Stephen and I can visit him there. Teach him a better way.”

As the group separated for the evening, Joshua and Liz slipped through the front door. They paused for a moment beneath the building’s green awning. He slipped his arms around Liz and gently kissed her. For the first time that day, she felt utterly safe.

“You’re here,” she murmured. “In St. Louis. I still can’t believe it. How did you come so fast? You must have been right behind me.”

“Did I mention that Duff-Flannigan has its own airport? Small fleet—a couple of helicopters, a Cessna, a Learjet.”

Closing her eyes, Liz laid her head on his shoulder. “I truly believed I’d never see you again. But how can this be all right? You broke your vow to your father, Joshua.”

“A Duff never breaks a vow. Dad asked to talk to me after you left. Said he wanted to release me from my promise. After your conversation by the pool, he understood things about me he had never known. He gave me his blessing to live in St. Louis and help Sam and Terell run Haven.”

She looked up at him. “Then you’re staying?”

“I’m moving in. The road ahead won’t be easy, Liz.” He ran his thumb down the side of her cheek. “But I’m asking if you’ll walk it with me…as my wife.”

Joy welling inside her, Liz nodded. “I promise,” she murmured. “And, you know, I always keep my vows. It’s a Duff thing.”

With a low laugh, he bent and kissed her lips. Above them, the moonlight silvered the doorway to Haven, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

  1. What personality traits and interests do Liz and Joshua have in common?
  2. What threatens their growing love for each other?
  3. The “kill all the enemy” mentality is found worldwide, from armies to street gangs. How has genocide affected history?
  4. Does genocide occur in our world today? Where?
  5. In the Bible, what does God say about how His people are to treat foreigners and aliens? What did Jesus teach about strangers in
  6. Discuss your country’s policies regarding immigrants and refugees. What are your personal beliefs?
  7. Liz mentions that young refugees from Africa can become involved in African-American gangs. Why? How similar are these two people groups?
  8. Liz and Joshua question God’s will for their future. How can you know what He wants of you?
  9. By the end of the book, both Liz and Joshua have altered their original life goals. But they feel comfortable about this. Does God ever change His mind?
  10. Haven and its volunteers are impacting the community for good. What can you do to make a difference in your neighborhood? In your world?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3318-2


Copyright © 2009 by Catherine Palmer

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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*A Haven Novel

*A Haven Novel

*A Haven Novel

BOOK: Stranger in the Night
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