Storm Front (The Charistown Series) (Volume 2) (40 page)

BOOK: Storm Front (The Charistown Series) (Volume 2)
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REALLY Thankful



“I CAN’T BELIEVE we’re having a real
Thanksgiving dinner, here at
house, as a couple, with
family.” Ashley’s face ached from all the smiling she had done since waking up
before the sun to start preparing for their feast. It was late morning and the
two of them were moving in what looked like a well-practiced dance around their
kitchen, even though this was the first home cooked dinner party they had ever
prepared together.

“I know, Princess.” Ryan slid behind her and as his hard
frame pressed up against her back he twirled satiny strands of her gold and
pink-streaked hair around his fist and pressed his lips firmly against the nape
of her neck. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted.”

His murmured words sent goose bumps down her arms as his
fingers slid over her shoulders to her firm full breasts. He could feel the
warmth of her skin radiating through the fabric of the thin sleep cami as he
rolled her puckered nipples between his index finger and his thumb.

After a mere teasing touch, he let one hand continue down
the firm contours of her tummy and straight beneath her boxers. His thick
middle finger slid between the sensitive folds of her most intimate place and
moisture coated the digit while he slowly pumped in and out of her greedy body.

“Mmm, Princess, you’re so wet and ready for me.”

“Ah, that feels so…so nice.” Her head fell back lazily
against his chest as he sunk two fingers in and out of her warm, wet pussy.

“Ashley, baby, I’m not looking for nice,” he growled as his
thumb rubbed circles over her pulsing clit. “I’m looking for
so fucking good
, but nice? No, Princess,
isn’t gonna
work.” He quickly spun her around and yanked the boxers down her legs.

“Ryan,” she giggled as arousal spiked through her body
sending fresh wetness between her thighs. Before she could say another word her
feet were lifted from the ground and her naked ass was planted firmly on the
cool, smooth granite countertop. Ryan sat before her on a barstool, pure
unadulterated hunger and determination glimmering in his chocolate eyes. His
big hands parted her knees as he leaned forward and pulled her closer to his
mouth. When he licked his bottom lip, her body melted.

She could smell her own arousal and by the look in his eyes,
she knew the fragrance was affecting Ryan too. Hunger seeped into his gaze as
he inhaled deeply and licked his bottom lip once again before taking her into
his mouth. He ran his tongue from slit to clit, collecting her moisture and
swallowing it down.

He’d told her often how he loved having her in his mouth, on
his tongue, weaving through all of his senses. She was like the blood that
pumped through his veins, vital to his survival. Back when they were teenagers
she laughed off his romantic musings, but since being back together, she
realized that everything he said was true. Every time they were together she
felt his energy flowing through her and she knew that he was her soul mate in
every way.

“Oh, fuck, Ry…” Her whimpers were his inspiration. Nuzzling
her engorged nub, he slid his fingers, knuckle deep, into her core, stroking
her sweet spot and making her writhe against his hand while she called out his
name. She pulsed around his fingers, coating them in fresh sweet cream as she
continued to fuck his face, searching for the release that was only a breath

“Give it to me, Princess, let go,” he demanded gently as he
pressed his tongue firmly to her clit using his fingers to coax another climax
from her. She felt her legs shaking and her breaths were shallow as moans left
her body quickly without her permission. She palmed her breasts and squeezed
her nipples as her climax built in her body like a fireball.

“Fuck, Ryan, I’m gonna come…” She screamed her release as
she pressed herself against his face one last time.

Her sated body felt boneless as Ryan lifted her off the
counter and carried her to the sofa. He placed a kiss on her lips as he lowered
her to the cushions and smiled. “Well, Princess, how was that?
enough for ya?”

“Not bad, Ry,” she giggled, “not bad at all.”

As a dark scowl crossed his face and she couldn’t help but laugh
at his expression. Glaring at her was the most beautiful man she had ever seen,
standing there looking down at her like a panther stalking his prey. Dressed in
sweatpants and a vintage Aerosmith concert t-shirt, he looked downright edible
and she was hungry. She slinked her arms around his hips and brought him closer
to her. She lifted her gaze from the arousal in his sweats to his sexy face
standing far above her.

“Ryan, I have so many things to be thankful for this year
and all of them lead me back to you. I promise to give the emotional
Thanksgiving speech later, but right now, I just want to show you how grateful
I am.”



Mesmerized by her hazel eyes he lowered himself to the couch
and pulled the chenille blanket over their partially naked bodies.

“Princess”—Ashley snuggled closely to his body, her legs
tangled in his as her hand ran up his torso—“I can’t begin to tell you how
thankful I am for you.” His normally smooth voice was rough with emotion as he
spoke around the lump forming in his throat.

“I would have enjoyed anything we did for Thanksgiving as
long as I was in the same room with you, but spending it together, with you, as
your…” he paused, waited a breath and then continued, “boyfriend, is fucking
amazing. I love you, Ashley, There is nothing in the world I am more grateful
for than you.”

“Romeo,” Her eyes filled with tears and her voice thick with
feeling, “you always say the most wonderful things.” Then, true to form, she
added, “Do you write this shit down ahead of time?” Deciding that they’d done
enough talking, Ryan launched himself at her, pinning her beneath him and using
his talented fingers to tickle her ribs while she squirmed and gasped for

“Ryan,” she laughed gasping for air, “I’m gonna pee myself,
you have to stop…please!”

“Okay, Princess, I’ll stop.” Obeying her command he slipped
his tongue in her mouth and started a torture of a whole different kind, one
that neither of them had any desire to stop.




Unconditional Love



“SERIOUSLY, ASH, DOES he always walk
around that way? Or is he doing it just for our benefit?” Lyla stared at a
shirtless Ryan as he made his fourth round-trip from the basement with the
final box of Christmas decorations.

Ashley giggled at her friend’s dry humor. “Hey, Jane, you’re
sitting closer to her, do you wanna wipe that small spot of drool off her

“Oh, screw you, Ash,” Lyla whispered without any anger. “You
know his body is like a work of art.”

“Of course she knows my body’s hot,” Ryan said as he walked
over to the sofa and placed a soft kiss on the top of Ashley’s head. “In fact,
I think she decided to name each of my abs.” Ryan winked at a wide-eyed Lyla
before he chuckled and headed upstairs for a shower, leaving the women to
continue their coffee therapy.

“You guys seem so happy together.” Janie beamed. “I’m so
glad you finally, you know…worked everything out.” Ashley wrapped her hands
around her mug. The past month and a half had been the happiest she had ever

“I am happy, girls. I’m really happy.”





Julie. Thank you so much for having us all for Christmas dinner.” Ashley tucked
a green streak of hair behind her ear as she carried the bread basket from the
dining room into the kitchen.

“Yeah, Jules, the food was fab and your tree is gorgeous.”
Lyla swiped her index finger through the icing on the chocolate fudge cake.
“Ouch, Janie! That hurt. You didn’t need to flick me in the head, you could’ve
just asked me not to stick my finger in your cake.”

“Technically, it’s my birthday cake,” Ashley piped up,
laughing, but Lyla and Janie were already staring each other down.

“Okay, Ly,” Janie smiled devilishly, “
stick your finger in my cake.”

“Umm, it’s my cake,” Ashley interjected again.

“Ouch, stop it!” Lyla squealed when another flick followed
her second swipe. Ashley laughed at the two women. It still amazed her how far
they’d all come in just a year. Last year she hadn’t even met Lyla and Janie
and while she’d spent Christmas Eve with Danny and Julie, it had been a quiet
celebration and she’d spent most of the time trapped in her own thoughts. And
Christmas day—her birthday—was spent mostly alone and then with Danny and Julie
for a small dinner. Even Ryan had gone home to see his father. Everything was
so different now.

“Speaking of
…” Julie’s statement intruded
upon Ashley’s thoughts. “Tell us about the gorgeous boy you brought with you
tonight, Ms. Dalton.” Julie herded the women to the kitchen table so they could
speak freely without the threat of being overheard by the men, who were now
settled in the family room having after-dinner drinks.

“Honestly, there’s nothing to tell.” Lyla occasionally
brought what she liked to refer to as
around to family dinners.
While she claimed she did it because the men had nowhere else to be, Ashley
assumed it was because almost everyone else was paired up leaving Lyla and Kyle
the odd ones out.

Even though Lyla’s walls were up and she was always standing
guard, Ashley noticed the sometimes far-off lonely look in Lyla’s sky blue eyes.
“Rick’s nice, he’s great in bed and he’s harmless. We’ll use each other for a
little while and then move on without hurt feelings when it’s over. No biggie.”
Her shrugged shoulders may have seemed nonchalant, but Ashley could sense Lyla
felt something else entirely and it pained her to not only feel it but to
realize there was nothing she could do about it.

“What about Gage?” Ashley blurted. “It looked pretty damn
steamy between you guys for a bit and then what…?” Was she imagining the pale
pink flush that rose in Lyla’s cheeks?

“Gage is, well…he’s…” Ashley had seen Lyla Dalton in all
kinds of moods, states, and situations, but never had she seen her in a state
of speechless fluster.

“He’s what, Ly?” Janie goaded their friend with a light
elbow to the side.

“For the love of chocolate, Jane, if you lay a hand on me
one more time tonight, I’m gonna twat-pop you! We clear?” When Janie
acknowledged the open threat, Lyla continued to explain her relationship with
the sexy and illusive Sebastian Gage.

“He’s sexy as hell, okay, I’m a big girl and I can admit it.
But the man comes and goes. He’s like the fucking wind.” She flipped her sable
hair over her shoulder and sighed. “And it’s fine. I’m not looking for anything
thing serious.” Ashley wasn’t sure who Lyla was trying to convince with that
little speech, but it certainly wasn’t convincing her.

“Hell,” Lyla continued, “I’m not looking for anything more
than a night or two. But Gage says he won’t give me that. So as far as I’m
concerned, he can keep blowing past ‘cause I don’t need any boy drama in my

Danny bellowed from the family room bringing an end to the
girly chat. “Ladies, get your fine behinds in here. It’s time to open



Flames crackled in the fireplace and the Christmas music
playing softly in the background enveloped the group in warmth and love that
could only come from being around honest love and friendship—a family made of
choice, not of force.

Sitting on the plush rug that backed up against the soft
leather sofa, Ryan leaned forward and placed another soft kiss on the top of
Ashley’s head. Her sweet scent traveled up his nostrils and splintered like a
firecracker in a hundred directions through his body. With her sitting between
his legs it was hard to hide the affect she had on him.

So when she shimmied herself backward, closer to the apex of
his hardening center, and giggled nonchalantly at a comment Max had made, Ryan
knew she was playing a little game with him. She was throwing down the
gauntlet. Warmth ebbed through his body as he leaned forward, breathing in her
citrusy smell. She wiggled herself a little closer.
Oh yeah, she started
this game, but I’m gonna finish it,
he thought to himself smugly.

“Keep it up, Princess,” he whispered huskily in her ear,
“because I have no problem with lifting you over my shoulder and leaving right
now. I’ll fuck you in the car, in the snow, hell, in the goddamn
street—anywhere just to see if you’re still giggling when my cock is plunging
in and out of your sweet cunt.”

Her gasp was inaudible but he didn’t miss it, he couldn’t.
Her chest rose and fell at the same time that goose bumps lined the skin of her
arms. Nipping at her ear, he heard the faintest whimper and knew his sexy words
combined with his nearness probably had her all keyed up and wanting.

“I can smell you, Ash. I can practically taste your
anticipation,” his low voice was barely a whisper, “so keep giggling, I dare

“Ahem, I know you all wanna get home and get to your own
gift giving,” Danny cleared his voice and chuckled, “but Julie and I have a
little something we’d like to give each of you before we go our separate ways.”
Ryan watched as Danny linked his fingers with Julie’s and twirled her closer to
him. They were his idea of the perfect couple, so much like his parents were,
and everything he aspired to be if he and Ashley ever got married.

Julie handed small wrapped boxes to Max and Janie, Ashley
and Ryan, and Lyla. There was one box left that had Kyle’s name written on the

“While I’m pretty sure you each know how Danny and I feel
about you, I know for a fact that you can never hear enough how loved and
appreciated you are.” Julie’s eyes glowed with the dancing flames in the
fireplace and shimmered with tears. Ashley felt her throat tighten as Julie
continued to speak.

“We love each of you as if you were our own children. While
the three of you—she addressed Max, Ryan, and Ashley—“have been around for many
years, you two women”—she looked carefully at Janie and Lyla—“have the same
unconditional love, trust and respect as if you’d been here forever. Even Kyle,
who we all know has been a little difficult lately, is our son and we will love
and support him in whatever way we can.” Tears rolled down Julie’s porcelain

“Alright, sugar.” Danny rested his big hand on Julie’s
petite shoulder. “What my beautiful wife is
to tell you kids is
that we would have never been able to make it through this past month and a
half without each and every one of you. Plain and simple, you are our family.”

Ryan was trying to understand what point Danny was trying to
make, but he couldn’t see through the emotions to understand the words. “Julie
and I are going to start rebuilding
Danny’s on Main
but, well…we’d like
it if you were all part of the process.”

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