Storm: (Blood Legion MC) (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Storm: (Blood Legion MC) (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 3)
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Chapter Eight

Battle Wounds and the Biker Babe




. WHY YOU WANNA be like that,
? Can’t you see I’m hurtin’ here?” Retreating as Blaize advanced, I wore a loose grin on my lips.

Maybe the bashes I’d taken to my head made me dizzy. But I doubted it. The closer Blaize came in that sinful biker vixen get-up, the more my pulse ramped up. The woman was seriously sexy any given day. Put her in a bitch-takes-no-shit professional suit and I was salivating. Dressed in head-to-toe, fuck-me-on-your-Harley leather and I was a major fan. Despite my battle wounds, I was revved up and ready to fuck.

thing has to stop.” Blaize stomped in front of me, her voice taking on that lethal low, about-to-lash-out tone.

Hip swing, finger point, strut strut strut.

Seemed Blaize had already forgotten I was in charge. I’d remind her later. For now I merely smirked.

“Yeah? Can call you
or sexy if you prefer.” I backed up against the wall beside the nearest floor to ceiling window.

“You’re getting into character far too easily.” She slid close enough I could smell her—the woman, the perfume, her shiny dark red hair.

“Part of the job.”

“Was Nikki part of the last job too?”

“Fuck.” I shook my head, hanging my thumbs in the low waist of my leathers. “You really wanna get into that now?”

Blaize aimed her gaze away.

Chucking her under the chin, I brought her face to mine. “Why’d you sign up for this detail? You have to know how I feel about you, Blaize.” Like I was a drowning man whenever I got near her and she was the only chance for a lungful of oxygen.

Her lips. Her warmth. Her body. Beneath mine.

Like my skin was on fire and no amount of water could put out the flames.

She coiled away from me, rolling back her shoulders. “How you feel is none of my concern and has nothing to do with this op, and you know that.”

A frustrated laugh blew from my lips, and I winched my head on my neck. “
. You know there’s no place to escape from me now, yeah? You get that if I can’t have you I’m gonna have someone else.”

“You won’t break cover.”

“Legion dudes are notoriously promiscuous. Ain’t no one gonna hold it against me if I sink my cock into another honey.”

?” Her heated words were like a slap across the face. “This mission is
about your cock, Storm. It’s about intel. About putting the Legion into a grave, RIP,” she hissed.

“I have needs.”

“Fuck your needs. You have a job. And I’m your superior.”

“Not in this instance. Not in public.”

“We are not in public right now.”

“I’ll ask you again. Knowing I want you, Blaize, want to fuck you, why did you volunteer?” I loomed over her, need stretching my skin tight. “You’re the smartest person I know, bar none. Playing dumb isn’t part of your repertoire. Never has been.”

She spun away, kicked her foot, sending a pile of seedy XXX magazines flying. “I can get in with the women of Legion. Get close to them. Something you can’t do unless you fuck them.”

From behind, I slid my hands up her arms to her shoulders. “Would that bother you? ’Cause right now I can’t get a read on you, and I’m usually an ace profiler.”

Blaize whirled around, shaking her head. She
without taking a single breath. All the while standing too close, breathing too fast.

“There’s no way we could work, Storm. Or should I call you Nash? Yes, I’m aware you look at me like something you’re starving for. But it’d be foolish to put my job on the line for someone like you.”

I pressed two fingers against her lips. Her heat spilled across my body, and she stopped shouting.

“Someone like me?” I asked.

“A player with easy pussy on the brain.”

“There’s no way in
I think you’re easy.” I dropped my eyes. “You’re a hard act to follow, Blaize. And I only want you.”

“Don’t. Don’t say that,” she hushed.

Raising my hands between us, I touched her cheeks. “What? That I want you?” I exhaled a curse. “Been beating my head on the desk, beating off over you for so goddamn long I feel like I’m dying for just one single taste.”

Her breath skipped out in shudder-stops that hit my throat as she stepped in closer.

“You’re bleeding.” Her hand slipped from my eyebrow—the one already scarred—to my cheek to my bare chest.

Now that she mentioned it, my cheekbone did twinge a little. I’d taken my fair share of hits, but I’d definitely rained down the pain, too. A few cuts and bruises compared to taking a long dirt nap way before my time went in the
column for me.

My skin shivered wherever she touched, chills rising on my flesh. When her knuckles brushed a nipple, her fingertips trailing through the black hair on my chest, I grabbed her wrist.

“You’re getting awfully close for someone who wants to be my old lady in name only,

Blaize pulled away.

I stood still, closing my eyes, unclenching my hands. When I was reasonably sure I could control my dick, knowing I’d be spending this night and many more with Blaize in the same goddamn room, I opened my eyelids.

Blaize was foraging through her pack.

Making my way to the far door, I said, “We can clean up in here.”

I opened the connecting bathroom door. And quickly shut it on the scene of what had to be some sort of crime.

A misdemeanor in slobbiness? A capital crime in sloth?


I stuck my arm in far enough to flush the crapper.

I couldn’t open the door all the way due to dirty clothes and damp towels cluttering the floor. And the shower? Probably cockroach heaven and marijuana roach hotel. The bowels of hell. The ashtray of Hades . . .

Blaize looked over at me as I cleared my throat and wiped my streaming eyes.

“Or maybe not,” I said. “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“It can’t be that bad.” Sauntering over, Blaize ducked her head inside the toxic waste zone before I could stop her. And came out gagging. “Oh my God!”

Falling together, we laughed.

We laughed.

Hadn’t done that with a chick.

Her arms hugged around my waist, and I circled her in my embrace. I kept it light, too taken with the way small bubbles of giggles trailed from her lips and caressed the skin of my neck.

We laughed until our voices grew hoarse. Until Blaize sighed and yawned, relaxing against me. Until awareness of the proximity of our bodies became a bold promise, a dangerous thing she’d said was totally off the table.

She looked up at me, her eyes soft and blue.

“Sorry I’m not looking so hot tonight.” I pushed a tendril of so-red hair behind her ear.

“I never thought you were hot anyway.” Blaize did the denial thing again, but her hands were still on me. Still wandering up and down my back.

Ouch. Kick my ego while it’s down, why doesn’t she?

“So those kisses downstairs?” I asked.

“All in a day’s work.”

“What about a night’s work?” I husked near her ear.

She slid free. “If me kissing you in order to cement our position here is going to cloud your judgment, that can be rectified.”


“My judgment isn’t clouded.”

“Our relationship shouldn’t be cloudy either.”

“Crystal fucking clear,
.” I snapped the heels of my boots together and stalked to the gallery doors.

to you,” she sailed back at me.

Banging the balcony doors open, I muttered, “Actually, it’s
Mizz Cahmichael

While she did whatever, I worked on airing out the room. I turned on the overhead fan until it
like the rotors of a chopper and flipped the mattress.

Blaize gave me wide berth. Probably a good thing.

Being back at this place made me think of two things I did well: fucking and fighting. I’d already done the fighting.

No chance of fucking tonight.

I made sure my loaded Sigs were at the ready. I noted Blaize did the same with her arsenal, including her sidearm of choice—a Walther PPKS .380.

Setting her pistol aside, she rolled her neck, loosening the laces on that naughty skintight corset.

I watched her take a deep breath, popping the top button on my leathers to give my cock some breathing room.

Blaize watched me.

I cleared a path on the floor from the balcony to the door, kicking Lenny’s shit out of my way. As per my MacGyver role, I set a wire booby trap at the bedroom door, then locked it, and shoved a chair beneath the knob.

When Blaize screwed up her face and headed for the bathroom, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Baby, you really riskin’ going in there? You’ll probably catch a disease on contact.”

“I’ve had all my shots.” She headed inside, plugging her nose.

Ballsy woman.

She came back out, holding a wet washcloth she added to a few gauze strips on a side table she’d wiped clean.

“Come here, Storm.”

As per our new arrangement—me docile, her in charge, an arrangement that wasn’t gonna last—I hauled up a rattan seat and sat in front of her.

Given my height and her position when she leaned over me, I had an epic view of her cleavage.

Bet she had pert pink nipples.

I tried to erase that thought. My hard cock butting against the leathers, and her scent washing over me, made it all but impossible.

Blaize cleaned my scrapes. She taped the side of my nose. She got so close I held her hips to steady her, wanting nothing more than to seat her on my lap.

Her hands stopped at my shoulders. Her ministrations halted. She froze.

I touched the skin of her waist, “What is it?”

Blaize crouched in front of me. “I can’t tell you. Can’t tell you that thing that haunts me, Storm.” She glanced away. “I’m sure you have the same pain inside you.”

“Pain?” I eased her up, watching her lips part. “I never want that for you.” Hungry for her touch, I seated her in my lap. “Won’t happen here. I swear I’ll take care of you.”

“You shouldn’t have to.” The depths of her oceanic irises completely mesmerized me.

“We made it through the easiest part,
.” I slipped my hands around her, holding her gently.

Blaize swallowed. “I thought they were going to kill you down there, Storm.”

Her arms linked behind my neck.

She kissed the cut on my cheek.

Shallow breaths rushed out through my nose.
“You wouldn’t let that happen.”

With a greedy growl, Blaize rushed at me.

She kissed me like our lives were at stake. She clung to me, grasping my back as I two-handed her ass in the short skirt.

Grinding on me, Blaize orgasmed as soon as I drove my fingers into her top and cupped her tits, palming her nipples.

I wasn’t that lucky.

I wasn’t sorry, either.


The way she flew apart in my arms was so hot I’d never forget it, even if it were the first and last time.

So hot my belly quivered.

We devoured each other’s mouths. Gasping. Moaning. Her climax shattered my brain, reached down to my heavy ballsack, made my cock almost wreck my leathers to get out, get into her.

Blaize wound her arms around my neck and kissed me hard.

When she was done, she disengaged.

Didn’t regret that either.


She wasn’t a talker.

I wasn’t gonna force her.

Downstairs the outright dirty orgy continued. The happily ever after end of every good night at Thunder Road. I’d done my fair share of fucking in that room—and this one—with Nikki as my centerpiece tail.

The bad nights for the Legion crew ended in bloodbaths.

Blaize and I were still alive, so I counted this as a good night.

Giving her some privacy, I stepped out onto the balcony.

I was gonna strangle my cock to death tonight.

Leaning on the balustrade, I lit a smoke and drank from my personal stash. Whisky rolled down my throat as I watched late night wanderers on the narrow street below.

A presence behind me.

I didn’t go for the Sig Sauer snugged at my back.

BOOK: Storm: (Blood Legion MC) (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 3)
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