Stony Creek Cowboy [Stony Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) (20 page)

BOOK: Stony Creek Cowboy [Stony Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“My mom has broken the man laws and turned all our old rooms into either guest rooms or other stuff. You should see what she did to Ben’s. That is now the pottery studio. I think he needs some therapy for that one.” His eyes had that predatory look again as he turned off the light. Moonlight streamed into the room, casting a cozy feel to it.

“So I figure you didn’t want to show me your buckles then?”

“I am going to show you one, all right. See this?” He used both hand to quickly undo his buckle and pants, not bothering to pull them all the way off. Her mouth watered as she eyed his monster erection that slapped back against his stomach as he pulled his pants down. Jackson didn’t say a word of warning as he spun her around and pushed her roughly over the desk that was behind her. He lifted her slightly, and helped her simultaneously kick off her heels while deftly undoing her pants as well. He used one hand to hold her down by pressing in the center of her back. His heated gaze ran over her naked ass in the moonlight.

“My teasing game seems to have backfired on me, darlin’. I hope you don’t mind, but I am going to fuck you now ’cause, well, I can. I want to. I need to.” Jackson ground his steely rod against her naked ass while dipping his knees. She felt his need and answered him with a moan of her own. She couldn’t move as he controlled her by pressing her into the desk. It wasn’t painful at all but rather arousing to be held at his mercy. He palmed his cock in his hand and slid it from behind through her gushing folds. He began a rhythm of thrusting back and forth through her slick lips and felt a rush of primitive need. He drew back and almost violently plunged up into her pussy until he felt himself hit her womb. She cried out in sharp pleasure, causing him to growl in response. She could hear the wet, slapping sounds as he jackhammered into her wet, heated depths, almost out of control. She felt as he cupped her breast with his other hand, squeezing tightly, as though trying to not be overcome by the extreme pleasure she was giving him. His thrusts and growling had her so aroused, she knew that he could feel her cream dripping from her pussy. His hand lowered from her breast and, with one stroke of her clit, she tightened and clench down on his cock. She bit down on her lip as delicious ecstasy ripped through her body at the same time he exploded, shooting his hot cum against her womb. His pulses of seed seemed to go on and on, filling her to overflowing. When he finally stopped, he lay over her, panting onto her back. Without dislodging himself from her pussy, he lifted her up a bit and took two steps back to the bed. He sat with her on his lap, her legs dangling over the outsides of his thighs. Billie rolled her head back onto his shoulder and kissed his salty, sweaty neck.

“Oh my,” was all she could say.

“Baby, any better and I think I won’t be able to walk for a week.”

As she got up and they both redressed, Billie looked up at him with concern. There was no way anyone downstairs was going to miss the sated expressions, wrinkled clothing, or swollen lips. Jackson, almost sensing her distressing thoughts, reached down and nuzzled her neck from behind.

“Don’t stress so much, baby. We didn’t lie. I did show you my buckle.”

Chapter Fourteen


The week flew by with the excitement of Thanksgiving on that Thursday. Julia was singing like a lark throughout the whole office and answering the phone with, “Dr. Rothman’s office, almost turkey day, can I help you?” Billie gave her another look suggesting that she was cracking up as she answered the phone again in that manner. The patients in the waiting room sat chuckling at Julia’s antics. She was such a warm, special woman to work with. Billie felt like she was blessed to have met her. If only Julia had a stronger stomach. How the heck could the woman want to work in a doctor’s office and not be able to stand the sight of blood, she would never know. Billie was just hugging Lizzie Carmichael good-bye and wishing her a happy Thanksgiving when Nat Winston came in practically carrying his mother, Mabel. Billie ran forward and immediately didn’t like Mabel’s coloring. She directed Nat into the first treatment room and yelled out the door for Julia. The only response she got was the view of Julia peeking around the doorway of the room.

“Julia, get me the defibrillator and oxygen, now!” Billie heard the odd sound of Julia actually running down the hall and no singing. She began examining Mabel’s sallow coloring and hitched breathing when Mabel suddenly closed her eyes with a roll and stopped breathing. Nat stood next to his mother’s head, yelling her name. Billie grabbed the defibrillator that Julia had brought into the room with her own eyes shut. Great, Billie thought quickly. No help there. She had Mabel hooked up in two seconds to see her in ventricular fibrillation.

“Clear. Nat! I said clear, now!” Nat let go of his mother as Billie gave her a zap. Nothing changed on the EKG. Damn, Billie thought.

“Clear.” Zap. A regular rate and rhythm was now running across the EKG monitor. Billie let a sigh of relief as she heard a sob ripped from the normally very in-control and dominant town deputy.

“It’s going to be okay Nat,” she said comfortingly as she continued to tend to Mabel. “Take a deep breath. She is doing okay and I am not going allow her to change that by ruining your Thanksgiving,” she said with a nervous laugh. That was a close one. Her rock-solid calm was now beginning to fracture as Mabel cracked her eyes open and slightly motioned to Nat to take her hand. Mabel kissed her son’s hand lovingly while grimacing in discomfort.

“Mabel, darling, I am so sorry about the pain, but I had to zap you a couple of times. You were being difficult like everyone said you could be! Stay still, the ambulance should be here any second. Be strong and smile for your son. He is very worried about you.”

She heard a hitched sob from the hallway as Julia felt free to vent her relief. The EMTs came in and quickly took over the situation. Mabel was whisked away to the hospital with Nat kissing Billie’s cheeks, hugging her tightly until she thought he would break a rib. Billie smiled inwardly, so thankful that she hadn’t left early for the day. She had done what she was good at and again felt so thankful.

She heard a clink of glasses and the slam of a bottle. Looking out, she was just in time to see Julia slam back her second shot of tequila. The three patients that had been waiting gave Billie a hug as she walked out to them, all in awe of what had just occurred. Julia hiccupped, promising to call all of them to reschedule for the next week. With the shutting of the door, Julia turned back to Billie and in silence poured another shot and handed this one to Billie. Billie was surprised to see her hand slightly shaking and gulped it down without comment. The burn going down her throat felt so calming. She felt the warmth of the liquor spread in her belly as another was pressed into her hand.

“I am just going to come right out and say this, young lady. I have never been so afraid one moment and so impressed by you in the next,” Julia said with obvious tremors in her voice. “I thought we were going to have a holiday tragedy on our hands and be setting up a funeral for my poor friend Mabel. You were amazing. You always are, but this, I am just speechless. I am so proud of you. Thank you for saving her gossip-loving, crabby old woman life.” She hugged and kissed Billie for a full minute before forcing another shot on her.

Billie was so taken aback by the love in Julia’s voice that she drank the drink again without question. The move to Stony Creek was definitely proving to remind her of who she was, how strong she was, and that she in fact was worthy of all the love she was getting. She was glad she was here.


* * * *


The scent of mixed grasses and leather hit Jackson as he walked into the Braxton Feed and Seed across the street from Billie’s office. It was a scent that always made him smile as he was assailed with memories of coming in here with his grandfather, Abner. His grandfather used to bring him, his brothers, and his cousins in here whenever he had to run into the store for supplies. He always bought them ice cream, no matter what time of year, and kept it a secret from his grandmother. Now he had another sweet reason to love coming into the feed and seed. His beautiful lady love’s office was just across the street, and every time he came in, he would happily glance over to it, knowing she was in there. Today it not only warmed his heart but he also felt the stirring of his cock. He got a flash of her in his head on her knees in front of him, gorgeously naked, while shyly looking up to his face for permission to taste him.

His erotic thoughts were interrupted by Gus’s bellow of welcome and query as to how he and everyone on Rugged Hill Ranch were doing. Exchanging pleasantries, he was informed by the very knowledgeable Gus that an ambulance had just taken Mabel Winston to the hospital and that the very beautiful Dr. Rothman had saved her life. A surge of pride rushed through Jackson and ended with a smile that he couldn’t quite hide.

“That woman of yours is something else. Eh, Jackson?” Gus looked slyly at him.

With a laugh he looked at Gus. He was worse than the Ladies Guild meeting. He liked to know all the gossip and intrigue that ran through the inhabitants of Stony Creek.

“What woman?” Jackson said with a laugh.

“Don’t be an ass. Your woman, Jackson! You know, the one we all saw you maul at The Pump last weekend. The one who looked like she would die if you ignored her another second. The one you looked like you would kill your brother and cousin for when they forced you to finally take action. That woman, you dope!” Gus proudly recited.

“For a man who is happily married for thirty-seven years, you have been doing a lot of noticing of a woman who isn’t your wife, Gus.”

“Hard not to notice a woman like that, Jackson. She’s got a gorgeous body to go with her brains. Yep, very hard indeedy!” he said, and the innuendo wasn’t lost on Jackson.

“Well, you had better develop an eyesight problem my friend, or I may have to pop you one for too much observing. Better yet, let’s call Millie and see what she thinks of your powers of observation. Whatcha think about that idea?”

Gus shuffled his feet back and forth while muttering something about dumb kid cowboys and their big fat mouths. He shot Jackson a look saying that he would get his comeuppance soon and went off to get him the antibiotics he needed for an ailing cow.

Jackson heard the jingle of the door chime and turned to see who had come in to join him in annoying his friend Gus. Pricks of angry heat stabbed into his gut when he saw Len pause just inside of the door. Gus looked momentarily nervous and then cleared his expression. Len sauntered down the aisle straight toward where Gus and Jackson stood.

He nodded at both men. Jackson leaned casually with his hip against the counter, which belied the cold, stern stare he sent Len.

“Got a problem, Powell?”

“Yup” was the only reply from Jackson.

“So what is it, asshole?” He heard Len say with far more bluster than his body language gave off. Hell, he knew that Len had never liked him, as he had his gentleman’s manner and bull riding skills. They had done some of the rodeo circuit together and he knew that Len had also resented him even then for his far superior riding skills, both in the ring and with the bunnies afterward. It was hard to be cocky when Len had to look up to Jackson’s six-five frame to see his face. He knew that Len hated that he had that advantage. It was obvious that Len felt he was an arrogant asshole and was trying his best to shake his confidence a bit.

Since Jackson hadn’t answered his last question, he knew that Len would be aware of his anger rise by Jackson’s cold gaze.

“You couldn’t even hold a wife, asshole. Gwen found her pleasure with a real man. I gave it to her good. She told me what a lousy fuck you were. Needed herself a real cock,” Len said proudly.

“Well, Len. I guess it’s true. She got herself a real dickhead. Seems to me that you both deserve each other,” Jackson said calmly, still leaning against the counter.

“I wouldn’t be so smug yet, cocksucker. I noticed a real pretty little doctor over there just dying to give me an exam, an oral one, if you know what I mean.” Len laughed with a nauseating leer.

Jackson’s green eyes went black as without even thinking, he lunged forward and grabbed Len by the throat. He pinned and lifted him at the same time, choking him as he growled out a warning.

“I don’t ever want to hear you talk about that woman again. Don’t think about her, talk about her, or look at her. If you do, I promise you, so help me, I will make you wish you were dead,” he said with a snarl. Len was thrashing violently, trying to rip Jackson’s hands from his throat to take a breath, when Gus intervened. Jackson threw Len to the floor with a growl and wiped his hands on his jeans, as though to get rid of the dirt. Gus looked at Jackson, almost shivering at the dark, threatening glare that he was leveling on Len.

“Get out, Len, and don’t let me see your ass in here until you can talk respectfully about the doc,” Gus yelled out as the door slammed shut on the retreating cowboy. “Jackson, you okay, boy?”

“Yeah. I just hate that asshole. Billie has received some threatening messages and I have to wonder if Len has anything to do with them. Keep an eye on things, will you? If anything ever looks amiss across the street, I want you to call me. No matter how small. I don’t trust that fucker. He is messed up and I don’t want Billie in the middle of his shit.”

“You upset about what he said about Gwen?” Jackson heard Gus say. “He probably thought that he would get a rise out of you, Jackson.”

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