Read Stone Passions Trilogy Online

Authors: A. C. Warneke

Stone Passions Trilogy (91 page)

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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“I’ve been waiting for this for five years,” she growled, sliding her hands down his flanks and grabbing his hips. Pulling his lower body against hers, she strained against him, “Hurry, please.”

“Uh uh uh,” he crooned, driving her mad with that barely there touch. He looked like a warrior after battle, with war paint smudged across the sharp lines of his jaw, the flawless length of his nose, the curve of his cheek. Passion poured off of him in waves, deep and powerful and so all-consuming she wondered how he managed to keep it behind a mask for so long.

Of course, she always knew he was simmering with passion.

Reaching up, she softly touched his lips, smiling when he kissed her fingertips. Sliding her hand upwards, she cupped the back of his head and pulled him down to resume kissing. She loved his kisses. His fingers continued to torment her until her hips were slowly undulating to the rhythm he set. A moan rippled from the back of her throat and heat flooded her face in embarrassment.

Until his cock twitched against her belly and she discovered that he enjoyed making her lose control, making her tremble and moan. Her body was weeping for his possession but he refused to speed things up, taking his time as if they had all of the time in the world instead of only until the sun came up. It didn’t matter if they only had a few hours until then. They had forever after.

He thrust a finger into her body, the sensation unlike anything she had experienced before and she craved more. As if reading her mind, he eased a second and then a third finger into her, stretching her pleasurably as he mimicked the movements of what was to come. He stretched her further, preparing her for the final penetration.

“I’m ready,” she growled against his lips, her voice low and throaty as she urged him on.

“Not yet,” he denied, lunging his tongue into her mouth as he rubbed his erection against her thigh, the sweltering length blistering her skin. He trailed a line of kisses along her jaw, capturing the lobe of her ear between his teeth before gently biting down and rasping, “I want you to come for me.”

Startled, she jerked her head back and looked up into the blazing green eyes of the man she loved. A slow, heated smile curved his lips as he encouraged her with smoldering eyes. “Come, Ferris.”

She stared at him as he deftly played her body, as he used those musician’s fingers of his and made her skin hum. Unwillingly, her eye lids lowered and she was straining towards the abyss. Warm lips embraced her nipple and she cried out, in astonishment, in rapture. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, breaking skin as an orgasm hit her and she came, her body shaking in ecstasy.

Before the tremors settled, the head of his penis was there, pressing into her. Armand’s big, hard body strained as he pushed past her virginity, past her soul. She cried out as pain struck her, taking her out of the dreamy bliss of being in Armand’s arms. His body froze, his breathing was labored, as he rasped, “Do you want me to stop?”

“Don’t you dare,” she growled threateningly as tears seeped from her eyes and pain radiated outwards from where they were joined. Grabbing his butt, she pulled him closer, feeling another inch disappear into her body, feeling the stretch of taking more than she should.

Resting his forehead against her shoulder he lunged forward until she was sobbing pathetically, pain and pleasure, joy and rapture burning up everything it their path. His body trembled as he held himself still, allowing her body to adjust to his pleasurable invasion. Sweat beaded on his skin, mixing with the paint until color bled from him onto her. She relished in the suffocation of being beneath him, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close.

“Ferris,” he panted, deep and rough. “I have to move.”

“Yes,” she breathed, closing her eyes and smiling in bliss. He shifted and she released him, letting her hands drift over his broad shoulders, to the paint-smeared chest, and resting on his ribs, enjoying the feel of his muscles flexing as he began thrusting his hips. The pain was still a dull ache but she didn’t care. She was with Armand and she knew that the next time was going to be even better.

Pushing his torso up, he stared down at her with those amazing green eyes, holding her gaze as he plundered her body. Silence descended until just the two of them existed, apart from the world. His soul burned brightly in his eyes, entwining with hers until they were one. She could see eternity in his gaze, to a spiritual connection that went beyond time. It was destruction and birth, death and life, to a sensual connection that went far beyond the physical.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, opening herself up to him, she took him into her body, her soul, knowing they were meant to be together forever. Tears stung her eyes as his body tensed, pouring his seed into the vessel of her body. Tears because she knew that no child would be conceived on this most miraculous coupling. Tears because she loved him completely.

His arms collapsed and he crushed her between his hard body and the unyielding chaise. Breathing shallowly since her lungs were compressed, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him, her heart thudding violently in her chest, matching the shuddering rhythm of his heart. She wanted the moment to last forever.



Slowly, Armand swam upwards towards consciousness, feeling incredible, the best he had felt in perhaps forever. A soft, sweet pillow cushioned his body and his cock was buried in the tightest, most fuckable pussy he’d ever had. It was as if she had been created especially for his pleasure. Nuzzling the woman’s neck, breathing in the heavenly scent of her skin, he stilled as two things hit him at once: the scent of oil paint and the hazy memory of the female beneath him.

Slowly, desperately praying for it to not be true, he raised his head and stared in horror at the face that had always been precious and untouchable. The dark curves of eyelashes brushed against the creamy skin of her cheek, only a few streaks of paint marring the clear complexion. Her lips were rosy and swollen from his kisses and a slight smile tilted her lips, even in sleep. Tenderness swamped his heart and he had to tramp it down before the warm feelings caused him to give in to madness once more.

Her words hit him with the force of a sledge hammer.
I’ve been waiting for this for five years
…. Fuck! What the hell had he been thinking?

Carefully so as not to wake the temptress, he disengaged his body from hers, his penis protesting having to leave the warm, wet depths of her body. A slight frown marred her forehead and she winced, making him freeze. It was almost dawn. If he could get out of there before his brothers got home he would be able to figure out how to handle this. If he could get away from Ferris he would be able to think with the appropriate body part and not the one that yearned to burrow its way back into her luscious body.

His hands hovered uselessly over her body lying in repose, desperate to touch her and make sure she was okay and knowing that if he touched her he would be lost. Deliberately, he stepped away from her, ignoring the siren’s call of her very passionate soul. He had succumbed to lust because they had spent so many hours together talking, laughing. He had been all-but-naked and she had worn those sexy tank tops that hugged her feminine body and shorts that showcased her gorgeous legs. It was no excuse, of course, because he was far older and more worldly than an innocent like Ferris. He should have kept his dick to himself.

Fuck! He just screwed up big time. He was a lecherous fool to give in to his baser instincts. She was a fucking virgin! He should have been able to withstand her charms. Hating the weakness that had struck him dumb, he scrubbed his hands through his hair and stalked towards the door, grabbing the robe and pulling it onto his naked and paint-splattered body. He knew that if he was thinking rationally he would have pulled a blanket over her delectable nubile body. Hell, if he was thinking rationally he never would have succumbed to the madness of Ferris.




Ferris heard the door slam shut and blinked her eyes open. When she had felt him stir, a smile tipped her lips because she knew he was going to kiss her awake and make love to her one more time before the sun rose and he became a gargoyle for the day. But he had stiffened almost immediately and she knew that something was wrong. He wasn’t acting the way he was supposed to act.

At first she thought it was because it was much closer to dawn than he had expected, that he wasn’t going to be able to wake her up in a way that cemented their new relationship. But then she had felt the heat from his hands as he held them over her body but refused to touch her. Despite his peculiar behavior she made excuses for him. It was close to dawn and if anyone discovered them together….

Abruptly, she sat up as horror dawned and her eyes widened in alarm. They could have been discovered! No wonder he was so freaked out. While she was a grown woman, nearly the same age her mother and aunt were when they met their gargoyle mates, she was still a child in their eyes. Armand was only putting space between them until they could sit down and figure out how to tell everyone that they were together now.

That was going to be an awkward conversation.

Smoothing her hands over her thighs, she looked down and giggled a bit hysterically. She was still smeared with paint, even more so now that she had Armand’s paint on her body, too. There was a twinge of pain between her legs and she winced as she shakily rose to her feet. Numb in body but not in thought, she mindlessly picked up her ruined clothes and got dressed. The tank top had survived, albeit stained, but her bra, panties and shorts were victims of last night’s passion and a slight smile curved her lips in memory.

Languidly, she wandered over to her painting, smiling fully as she looked into the passion glazed eyes of her Armand, her warrior, her lover. Together they would be able to ease any ruffled feathers. After all, he was her destiny and destinies always had a way of working out.

With a giddy laugh, she covered the painting and headed to her room. She was going to soak for at least an hour in the Jacuzzi tub and then she was going to head off to class. Everything was going to work out. She had absolute faith in Armand and their love.

Chapter 5


Another Battle is Waged



The sun had set nearly an hour before Ferris was able to get out of the art supply store. She worked there a few hours a week to pick up a little extra cash and art supplies. And after last night she needed to replenish several tubes of paint. While she had grown up surrounded by the wealth of gargoyles, she still enjoyed earning her own spending money. It wasn’t a lot but it was hers and it gave her a little bit of pride that if necessary she’d be able to survive on her own.

With a frown, Ferris looked around the living room. It was strange that everyone was still at the Castle since the trio usually headed out as soon as the sun set. Maybe it was a family meeting, or something because everyone was there: her mother and Rhys, her aunt and Vaughn and their two children, fourteen-year-old Alex and the adventurous toddler, Georgia, in Melanie’s arms, Michael, Leo and Raphe. Everyone was there except for… “Where’s Armand?”

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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