Read Stone Passions Trilogy Online

Authors: A. C. Warneke

Stone Passions Trilogy (42 page)

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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“That’s tonight!” She looked around the open roof in a panic. She was too late and she was going to have to wait an entire month….

“And so it is,” he shrugged calmly, humor dancing in his eyes. “With the blood bound to your soul, there will be just enough magic for your gargoyle to get an erection.”

“Pardon?” she was so thrown by Omari’s calmness, his words, that all she could do was stare at him and hope that she would finally understand what he was saying. He expected her to have.... No, there had to be a mistake.

“This part of the ceremony can be done at any time during the new moon." She must have looked as bewildered as she felt because he let out a long-suffering sigh. "With Medusa’s blood bound to you you'll be able to complete the ritual the same way it began,” he said slowly, waiting for her to comprehend what needed to be done. When her eyes widened slightly, he smiled. “Your body will adjust as necessary to make it work and don’t worry, it is a… quick mating.”

“How do you know about any of this?” she asked, thunderstruck.

“I simply do,” he answered without answering at all. He waggled his eyebrows, “Or perhaps you would rather fuck a man instead of a stone beast?”

She flushed from head to toe as she finally realized the full ramifications of what needed to be done. It wasn’t going to be easy but at least she’d get Vaughn back. She just didn’t get one thing, “Why are you doing this for me?”

“Well, you love him,” he said matter-of-factly. After a moment, he grinned, “But the question remains: do you love him enough to take him as a he is; as a monster?”

“Vaughn is
a monster,” she defended passionately, standing in front of Vaughn as if to shield him. “I love him and I don’t care how I get him back, I just want him back.”

“Fair enough,” Omari grinned. “Then tonight, fuck him as a gargoyle.”

Melanie inhaled sharply, her gaze flying to the massive penis, large even in its flaccid state. It was one thing to understand in theory, but to put it to practice…. Swallowing her fear, knowing that she was finally going to get him back, she nodded, “Okay.”

“You really are too trusting for your own good,” Omari chuckled. “You are very lucky a gargoyle fell in love with you. I fear what might have happened otherwise.”

She turned towards Vaughn, staring at his stone body, the thick stone penis that lay flaccid along his thigh. Licking her lips, she pursed her lips and let out a slow breath. “How do I do this?”

When there was no answer, she looked over her shoulder and saw that once again Omari had disappeared. Turning back to Vaughn, she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. How was she to give a stone Vaughn an erection? Glancing over her shoulder to make sure Armand wasn’t coming out or Omari didn’t decide to make another appearance, Melanie breathed a sigh of relief to find that she was still alone. It was a little bit embarrassing to be contemplating having sex with a statue, no matter that the statue was her lover.

With a gusty sigh, she ran her hands along the stocky length of his cock, hoping that the mechanics were the same even if Vaughn wasn’t. Before she could worry about whether or not it would work, the stone penis began to stretch and grow in her grip. Her eyes widened as the penis grew incredibly long and thick, even bigger than when she had stroked him before, when he was a living gargoyle.

Melanie stared at the erect stone phallus in trepidation. The thing stood nearly straight up between his thick calves and it was as big around as her fist! No, it was bigger. Gulping, she took a step back and looked up into Vaughn’s frozen expression, the sharp teeth and broad nose. Even in his gargoyle form he was beautiful! But she wanted him back as a man and she would do anything to have him back, even tear herself apart.

She reached beneath her dress and pulled her panties down, getting those out of the way since she was going to go through with it no matter what. Even if Omari lied about this being the only way to get Vaughn back, Melanie was absurdly aroused by the idea of having sex with the stone Vaughn. It had been over a month since she had had sex and she was feeling kind of horny.

There must have been an aphrodisiac, or something, in the blood she drank.

Already she could feel her tissues softening, moistening. Her belly tightened with excitement and her heart raced in her chest. She was going to have sex with a stone Vaughn.

The panties slid down her legs and she stepped out of them, enjoying the slight breeze that blew up her dress and caressed the damp folds of her sex. Licking her lips, she straddled Vaughn’s broad lap, setting a knee down on either side of his hips. His thick stone penis stood up proudly between them and she realized she was going to need some leverage to impale herself on the broad shaft.

God, she was insane to be doing this.

Pushing up on her knees, she arranged her body until the blunt head of his cock was pressed against her swollen sex. The stone was warm and smooth but her body resisted its intrusion. It was simply too big. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes but she was determined to make it work. She needed Vaughn back.

Leaning forward, she kissed the pointed fangs, the broad, snarling lips. She kissed along the curve of his jaw, along his neck and her hands moved frantically over his hard body, trying to find some evidence that her seduction was working. It wasn’t. He was still cold and hard even if his penis was hot. As tears leaked down her cheeks, she threw herself into the flames, reaching between their bodies and using her fingers to open her sex.

Her flesh stretched painfully around the broad, blunt tip of his erection and she could feel her skin burning in protest. Little whimpers stole out from the back of her throat and she murmured, “Shhh,” comforting herself even as she pushed her body to its limits.

Closing her eyes, she felt warm, phantom lips pressing kisses along her spine and sending tingles all over her skin. Relaxing, she was able to take more of the stone cock into her body. The burn was starting to spread outwards, turning into pleasure as a ghostly wall of warmth surrounded her from behind. Was it Vaughn? It felt like him, it had to be him. 

She managed to wiggle her body onto only an inch of his penis but she could feel him much deeper. Her flesh was stretched taut and felt as if it was on fire. Her face was glistening with tears but it didn’t matter because she was with Vaughn. Wrapping her arms around his thick neck, she pressed her body against his, resting her cheeks against his throat. Slowly, she moved up and down, trying to push further on each stroke.

Her rhythm was jerky but it was a rhythm and suddenly, boiling liquid was bathing her womb and her belly constricted almost painfully as an unexpected orgasm washed over her. Already she was panting and her body was on fire and she didn’t know how much more she could take. Lightning crackled along her nerve endings as liquid heat touched her soul and the gargoyle’s hard body shuddered.  She could feel the stone phallus pulsing within her.

She slid further onto his cock, feeling it deep, deep within her body and she was afraid to look down because she feared seeing her abdomen distended with his stone cock. Even as worries began to bubble and boil, she felt the stone heat against her skin and suddenly she was fully impaled on a man’s cock, not a gargoyle’s.

Stone arms that were no longer stone but flesh and bone wrapped around her and she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and smiled. Holding him tighter, she could feel his body trembling, his shoulders heaving. Hot moisture splashed against her shoulder and she panicked, thinking Vaughn hadn’t wanted to be woken up.

“Oh, gods,” his gravelly voice croaked roughly. “She’s gone, isn’t she?”

“I’m right here,” she said softly, trying to pull back but unable to extricate herself from his firm hold. Lovingly stroking his golden hair, she pressed kisses against his cheek. He didn’t seem to hear her, so she repeated herself, “Vaughn, I’m right here.”

Abruptly, he pulled back and looked at her as if he was seeing a ghost. “Melanie? How?”

Tears streamed heedlessly down her cheeks as she laughed, grabbing Vaughn’s head and pulling him down for a kiss. It worked! Vaughn had been returned to her! She could kiss Omari for giving Vaughn back to her and she could kiss Vaughn for returning! She did kiss Vaughn but he wasn’t kissing her back. Looking at him, a brilliant smile tightening her face, she beamed, “Does it matter? I’ve completed the ritual and I’ve accepted your gift. You’ve come back to me and we have our whole lives together.”

He framed her face in his hands, his eyes devouring her as he gazed at her with love and adoration. And fear? That was odd. “Sweetheart, you have to tell me how you did it?”

She smiled through her tears, “Omari did it. He gave me Medusa’s blood….”

The color drained from Vaughn’s face and she could feel his heart racing in his chest, “You drank Medusa’s blood? Oh, dear lord, we have to get Armand out here to flush it from your system….”

“Vaughn, I’m okay,” Melanie insisted, holding his gaze and kissing his palm.

“You don’t understand,” he said, his eyes wide and panicked and wonderfully human. “If you don’t get it out of you, it’ll kill you.”

“I didn’t die.” She grabbed his head and made him look at her. Holding his gaze, she spoke slowly, deliberately, to break through his anxiety. “It hurt for a little bit,” laughing uneasily, she admitted, “It hurt a lot. But, I survived.”

“You survived?” he asked dumbly, staring at her for a moment before realization lit his eyes and his lips curled into a triumphant grin as he kissed her breath away.. “You survived! You have no idea what this means.”

“It means you’re back in my arms,” she crooned, brushing the golden silk of his hair away from his impossibly cherished face. Framing his face in her hands, she met his gaze and whispered solemnly, “I would have done anything to get you back.”

“You risked death for me, my love.” Wrapping his arms around her, he closed his eyes as he hugged her tight. “I’m never letting you go, Melanie.”

She laughed again, joyfully. She still didn’t understand the changes that were taking place – or what all of the changes meant – but she was back in Vaughn’s arms and all was golden with the world. There would be time to learn what had happened to her and what was to become of her. She had Vaughn and that was all that mattered. “I love you, Vaughn.”

“I love you, too,” he rasped, kissing her with hunger. “So much.”




Armand stood in the doorway with Omari, his body relaxed against the doorjamb as he watched his brother and Melanie renew their love for one another, her eyes sparkling with everlasting love. She saved his brother and in that moment she was the most beautiful woman in the world. “You’ve been helping her this entire time; why? Did you know Vaughn would fall in love with her?”

“Of course not,” Omari denied a little too quickly, shaking his head at the minor oversight. “When she first came into my lair, I thought she just needed a simple spell but then a unique scent of sweetness drifted past my barriers and I discovered she was a human.”

“How did she even enter your place?”

“I have no idea. She never should have been aware of it but there she was,” he chuckled at the memory. “And then she mentioned your name and I was delighted because she was going to take on the magnificent Armand in order to be with her lover.”

Armand scowled at the description but ignored it. Omari was simply being Omari. “Why did you help her?”

“She was human and she entered my lair of her own volition.”

Of course Omari would take delight at finding a human in his domain and it was foolish to have even asked. “Did you sleep with her?”

Omari sighed, looking at the girl in question with a look of longing, “I wanted to, she was a human after all and I had never truly expected to discover one able to be in such close proximity to me and not go mad, but your brother was well imprinted on her even then.

“Alas, I shall have to wait a little longer until I can sample a human’s delights,” he sighed. But then his lips curved and his hazel eyes sparkled, “But now I know it
possible and I shall anticipate the day when I can feast upon a human.”

Armand rolled his eyes at Omari but there was something else he wanted to ask, something he was afraid he knew the answer all too well. “Why did you send Rhys off with her sister if you already had the elixir?”

“To give them a chance,” Omari said vaguely, a half smile curving his lips.

Annoyed, knowing no further explanation was forthcoming, Armand sighed, “How did you know Mother’s blood wouldn’t kill her?”

Omari shrugged with indifference, “I didn’t.”

Armand’s head snapped around in horror, making Omari laugh. “I could kill you, old man. How would you have explained it to Vaughn that you were responsible for her death?”

Omari chuckled, “Like I told her, I protect what is mine, son. If she had died, I would have made sure Vaughn didn’t suffer too greatly by containing the pain and releasing it just a bit at a time until it was gone. It’s what I would have done with you but you didn’t love Katrina the same way.”

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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