Stealing Parker (4 page)

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Authors: Miranda Kenneally

BOOK: Stealing Parker
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“Who’s your favorite Harry Potter character?” Drew asks, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

“Ron. Obviously. You?”

He chews. “Hermione. She’s a little sex kitten.”

I shove his shoulder, nearly knocking him off the bed. “That’s so perverted! She’s like ten years old in this movie.”

“She’s older than me now! How is that perverted?” he says with a laugh.

“Would you rather be Hufflepuff or Slytherin?” I ask, picking my first piece of popcorn. Mmmm, butter.

“Slytherin. I like green more than yellow.” He pops a piece in his mouth. “As a house elf, would you rather be responsible for combing Hagrid’s beard or washing Snape’s greasy hair?”

“Gross! Uh, I’d rather comb the beard because I might find interesting animals or food in there. I might even find mini bottles of butterbeer or something.”

We talk during the movie, making fun of Draco’s terrible slicked-back hairdo and Hermione being a know-it-all until Oliver Wood comes on the screen.

“He’s so hot,” I say, groaning. “I want to date a guy with a British accent.”

“You? Dating?” He snorggles.

“I’d forget about my no-dating rule for Oliver Wood. Just look at him ride that broom!”

Drew bursts out laughing. “If you absolutely had to date someone who lives in Franklin, or else you’d be eaten by a dragon, who would it be?”

“Brian Hoffman.” It pops out and I cover my mouth.

“Coach Hoffman? So that’s why you wanted to follow him today?”

When Brian and I were talking, I was smiling and laughing and I felt good. I want to know more about him. I enjoyed joking around and loved making him laugh. I liked what he said…
It’s a scary thing to wake up and realize the people you need most aren’t nearby anymore…But you keep moving.

I reply, “What can I say? That boy is hot.”

is a
but yeah, he’s hot.”

“You think Coach Hoffman is hot?”

“I can tell which guys are hot and which aren’t,” he says slowly, looking at the TV. “It’s not like it’s hard.”

I clap my hands. “Okay. Here’s a test. Oliver Wood—hot or not?”


“Okay, you pass the test.”

“What?” he blurts. “That was a short test.”

“Fine, fine,” I say, laughing. “Is Paul Briggs hot?”

“Oh, hell no.”

“Correct.” I tap my lip. “Is Coach Hoffman hot?”

“I believe we’ve established that. You sure are thinking about him, huh?” He taps the back of my hand.

My face heats up. “Is Corndog hot?”

“It’s weird thinking of my friend that way.” Drew quickly says, “If you could be any Harry Potter character, who would you be?”

“Professor McGonagall, so I could turn into a cat and sleep all day…If you could have any magical power, what would it be?”

He pauses long enough for Harry to fall in love with the Mirror of Erised. “I’d want to know how people would react ahead of time. To anything, you know?”

“So um, what did you want to talk about? Amy? Why didn’t you tell me things weren’t okay with her?”

He touches his throat. “Can I get a rain check? I want to watch the movie.”

I let out a sigh, relieved, glad he doesn’t want to chat.


Yeah, yeah, Brian probably won’t show at church, considering he’s never there—trust me, I would’ve noticed him—but what if he comes today?

I shave everything that needs shaving and moisturize everything that needs moisturizing. I even curl my eyelashes. “Ow,” I blurt, when I pull on them too hard. I still haven’t gotten the hang of that part of my beauty regimen yet.

I use nail polish remover to ditch the Bubblegum Pink. Then I pull open the top drawer of my vanity and dig through the heap of polishes. Malaysian Mint, Atomic Orange, Blushingham Palace, Canadian Maple Leaf…No, no, no, no.

Brian is older, classier. I bet he’d like a soft color. I paw through the bottles. Going once…going twice…Passion Peach it is. I hum as I redo my nails. Two coats of peach and a layer of clear. I keep messing up my right thumb. I remove the polish twice. Third time’s a charm.

I pull on a pink bra, and pinch the skin hanging over the elastic of the matching panties. Brian does not seem like a guy who appreciates muffin top. I drag my hands through my tangled hair, tangling it more.

Last, I put on a sleek black dress and pair it with my leather boots. I’ve been saving up my baby-sitting money for college, but I decided to treat myself to this dress. I admire it in the mirror, sliding my hands up and down my hips, making sure I look elegant. Not butch. I wince, recalling how Laura told people that.

When I bought the dress at Cool Springs Mall yesterday, Drew said it seemed like a waste of money. “You look hot in anything,” he’d said, holding a polo up to his chest, admiring himself in the mirror. “No need to go all Rodeo Drive.”

I’ve got a few minutes before we need to leave for church, so I unzip the dress and lay it carefully on the back of my desk chair. Then I lock my door, lie down on my bed, and slip my fingers under the elastic of my underwear, wondering what it would feel like if a guy touched me there.

I’m praying Brian comes to church with his parents today.

He must’ve felt the connection too, right?


Reasons Why I’m the Worst Christian of All Time

Exhibit One:
I drop the F-bomb at least twice a day. To tell you the truth, I kinda love the word. It’s so versatile. It can be an adjective, a noun, a verb. Also, I take the Lord’s name in vain. Sometimes.

Exhibit Two:
I break all sorts of Bible rules. I do not treat my body like a temple, like Brother John tells us we should. When Drew snuck wine to school in a Dr. Pepper bottle, I didn’t hesitate to take a few sips in the janitor’s closet between French III and World History.

Exhibit Three:
I don’t see how a loving God would split a family up like he did mine. Nor would he mess with Dad’s head like that. Brother John always says, “God tests our faith.” My question? Why would an all-powerful being be so jealous?


Church is the one thing Drew won’t do with me. Not because he’s atheist or belongs to some other religion or cult or anything. He specifically dislikes Forrest Sanctuary. Mostly for how the congregation talked about us after Mom left, but also because the church gives him the heebie-jeebies.

Dad pulls the Durango into the church parking lot. Ryan rubs at his face and the smell of beer and cigarettes and weed sweating out of his body wafts over. If someone gave him a breathalyzer right now, it’d beep louder than a fire alarm. Just call my father Daddy Denial.

Thank heaven our church uses Food Lion grape juice instead of wine at communion, or my brother would probably pass out in front of the altar. Hey, it’d give new meaning to bowing before God. Ryan wouldn’t come to church if he had his way, but if he’s going to live under Dad’s roof, he has to play the game. Ryan
a very nice guy. A very nice and always stoned or drunk kind of guy who sometimes gets it on with random girls before Dad comes home. Okay, okay, it’s not “random girls.” But I’m probably “random” in Macy’s eyes. She ignores everything that isn’t a really boring book about political science. In that regard, they’re a good couple because they are moody and ignore each other for the most part.

I always wear my headphones, to distract myself, when his bedframe slams against the wall between our rooms. I confronted him once, asking why he screws himself over like he does, and he said, “I want to forget.” It makes me sad that he wants to get away from the world so bad. I think it’s because he’s so smart, and sadness comes with knowing so much. I feel sad in that way sometimes.

That’s when I see Rachel, Tate, and Aaron waving at me from the church playground. Our parents usually let us hang there instead of subjecting us to Coffee Time before Sunday school. But where’s Seth? He’s usually attached to Rachel’s hip. I think he has a thing for her, but he’s too embarrassed to get involved with her, considering the whole scandal with her dad, the district attorney, screwing his secretary and all.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and blurt, “See you at Big Church.”

Mom started calling services Big Church when I was little, because the adults went there while kids went to Children’s Church. I can’t seem to break the habit.

“Bye, Dad!”

“Wait, wait, wait,” he says, turning to face me. “You won’t miss Sunday school this time, right?”

I rub my palms on my new dress. “It was just that one time. We got to talking about Death Cab for Cutie, and then Laura told us that Brother John believes that any secular music is from the devil! And then Aaron said that at his old church, a bunch of the youth decided to burn all their secular music. Aaron said one girl burned a new iPod. Isn’t that fucking outrageous?!”

“Young lady, watch your mouth,” Dad replies, glaring at me.

“I don’t like you hanging out with all those guys,” Ryan says, rubbing his temples with his fingers. “You know what they want, right?”

I shove his shoulder and he groans and leans against the window. His forehead leaves a sweaty smudge on the glass.

“Aren’t you cold?” Dad asks me.


I love that Ryan’s bombed
and Dad’s worried that I’m not wearing a coat. My brother’s been getting trashed a lot lately. Sometimes I don’t know what to do, like two weeks ago when I came home and found him curled up in bed with an empty bottle of Robitussin on the floor. He had drunk the whole thing. And when I confronted Dad about Ryan, he asked me to pray with him.

I open the door, step out onto asphalt spotted with overgrown weeds, and make my way to the playground. It’s freezing outside, but I can’t cover up this rockin’ dress.

“Remember what I said about Sunday school!” Dad calls out. “I love you!”

“Love you too!” I yell back.

I skip toward Rachel, Tate, and Aaron, who look me up and down as I approach the seesaw. Aaron’s eyes grow wide as he takes in my hips and chest.

“You haven’t returned my calls,” Aaron says slowly, his eyes becoming narrow slits.

“I’m sorry, I’ve had a busy week.” Now that I know this dress will have the desired effect, I’m ready to go inside to see if Brian’s here with his parents.

“You cold?” Aaron asks, slipping his gas station jacket off. Its faded blue linen smells like dust and rain. Last week I buried my face in his shoulder and cringed while he peppered my neck with kisses.

He moves to slide the jacket around my shoulders, but I wave him off. He starts to put his jacket back on, looking disappointed. Corndog’s comment about me messing with his friends rings in my mind again. I didn’t realize I was hurting guys so much. It never occurred to me that they might want more. Does Aaron actually like
me? If so, I feel bad.

“You guys want to get a doughnut?” I ask.

“You? But you never eat anything,” Tate says, looking up at me. He’s 5'3". He laughs and runs a hand through his shaggy, honey wheat hair. I love how he wears his Converses with black church pants. Leather bands are wrapped around his wrists, and a hemp necklace with a cross charm hangs from his neck. Last week he wore an X-Men tie. I said, “I knew you were a mutant!” and he laughed.

“I love stale powdered doughnuts,” I say in a monotone.

“And I’m starving,” Rachel adds. She’s a sophomore. A younger, tinier version of her brother, Tate. She has a thing for wearing sweet little dresses and ballet flats.

Tate’s nose wrinkles. “You actually want to go inside 15 minutes before Sunday school starts?” I see his hand moving inside his pocket, touching something. Must be a cigarette he’s dying to light up.

“Please?” I whine.

“Doughnuts for the win,” Aaron says, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I whisper to Rachel as we walk. “Do you know a Brian Hoffman? I think his parents go to church with us.”

“No, I’ve never heard of him,” she whispers back. “Hey, I love that dress. Goes great with the boots.”

I smile. “Thanks. How’re things going with Seth? Did he ask you out yet?”

She scrunches up her face. “No. I invited him over Friday night and his parents said he couldn’t come, but he snuck out and came anyway. We kissed a couple times, but I don’t know what’s going on with us.”

I give her a sympathetic look. “I’m around if you want to talk or anything.”

She smiles and takes off to find Seth. We trudge up to the Fellowship Hall and get in line for Coffee Time. I avoid Mrs. Carmichael, this ninety-something-year-old lady who thinks I’m Sophia Loren. For real. She believes I’m an actress and always tries to touch my face and hair. If she gets hold of my arm, her grandson will have to pry her off me.

Then Laura and Allie strut past, giggling.

“Where does she think she is? A strip club?” Laura says, taking in my outfit.

I don’t reply—it’s not right to hurt other people’s feelings, even if they’ve hurt mine. I smooth my dress. My eyes water.

“Prudes,” Tate says under his breath, making me smile. “Jealous prudes.”

That’s when Brother John walks by. The youth pastor says, “I hope you haven’t been smoking again, Tate. God never intended for you to abuse yourself like that.” He scans my dress, and my body tenses up as he stalks off.

“Good morning to you too,” Tate says, the corner of his mouth edging up.

I don’t know why we still come here, what Dad’s trying to prove. I look across the room as he chats with Tim Anderson of Anderson’s Paint and Hardware and Jack Taylor of the Jack Taylor Ford dealership. Sometimes I hear them teasing Dad because he works at City Hall, stamping housing permits and whatnot, and doesn’t own his own business or have stock or anything. Whatever. He says he comes for “fellowship” and “friends,” but what kind of friends don’t stick by you after your wife leaves? No one from church ever invites him to bingo parties or to play golf anymore.

So what if he’s been coming here since he was a boy? Gramma and Poppy retired to Florida—it’s not as if they’d notice if we stopped coming. But Dad’s always talking about the good times he’s had here, hoping the good times will start again. For years and years, he ran the church-wide barbecue and held barbecue sauce contests. All the men went wild for it. But Brother Michael canceled it last year, claiming interest had gone down. Dad said he understood, but I was so sad for him.

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