Stardust (30 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Aurora said.

I do remember the feelings. But this time I will not be alone.

She bent and picked up the shocked tur
in, placing the resisting creature
inside her seka.

I do no want to leave these quarters. I am quiet comfortable, thank you,

Talena screeched as Aurora opened the door and walked outside.


Aurora whispered.

You do not wish to gain the guards


Her eyes twinkled as she looked at her pet.

I fear they would think you a very tasty midnight snack.

The turin was immediately silent. Aurora felt along the solid rock wall, retracing her earlier steps.

He was here, Talena. He called me from the land of dreams.

Who was here?

The turin took her mistress

warning to heart and whispered softly.


Do not be bemused by the images of the night,

Talena warned.

If Darton had indeed escaped, we would
be here now.

She knew for certain the mighty warrior could not have broken his bonds.


Aurora said.

He did not touch my flesh with his own.

The turin growled in exasperation.

Then how was he here?

she demanded.

I do not know,

Aurora stated.

But there was someone, something else with him.

Talena struggled to break free of the seka

s lightweight material. She poked her head out, her blue eyes sparkling with anger.

So there was not one, but two invisible things that visited as you slept?

Oh, do be quiet,

Aurora said.

You do not understand and I have not the time to educate you in s
uch matters. All I know is
I must reach the crystal cave, even if it is filled with such hopelessness.

She moved forward quickly as the guards moved around behind her. Ten more steps and the cave was before her. Hiding near the wall she waited until the snake creatures passed before drawing Talena from her breast.

See how it glows. Can you not feel the calling?

Talena licked her paws with her small pink tongue.

All I can feel is the dankness of this place.

Then you are not close enough,

Aurora placed the turin on the edge of the white crystal.

Now tell me you are immune to such things?

she demanded.

Talena felt a strange pulse start to beat deep within her body. As the sensation grew, she leapt from the edge and landed on the floor by Aurora

s feet.

By all that is holy, what is that thing?

It is the sacred keeper of the light,


s voice answered from the entrance.

Aurora swung around, her stance alert as any Bawna warrior

Do not be frightened, my dear. It is but I, your plighted one.

Aurora did not relax her body except to move her hand to the hidden recess of her seka. Her courage swelled as she felt the smoothness of the tagua rock. One sure blow to the exposed side of his head and he would be felled.

If you are plighted, then why did you place a force within my door?

she asked, wrapping the long leather string around her wrist.

Slamock frowned his confusion.

I did no such thing,

he protested, his yellow eyes focused on her face.

You are free to go where you please. Although I must question why you are not asleep during the low cycle of the moon.

Talena jumped upon her shoulder, curling her furry body around her neck.

Do not be taken in by such a story,

she purred in Aurora

s ear.

How else do you explain the force?

Talena was right; Aurora would not let herself be beguiled by the look in Slamock

s eyes.

If it was not your doing, then explain this?

She held forth her hand which was red from the bluntly cut nails to the soft palm.

Slamock grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the blue light.

When did this happen?

he demanded.

Just now,

Aurora answered, tugging her hand free.

Slamock turned to his entourage of guards.

Go immediately to Mistress Aurora

s chambers and search it thoroughly.

The guards looked at each other questioningly before the senior one spoke.

For what do we hunt, my lord?

he asked.

Slamock shrugged his question aside.

If it is there you will know.

The guards left quickly and he turned his attention back to Aurora.

Tell me what happened last during the dark hours. I know you entered this chamber after you retired and then went back to your quarters.

She does not have to tell you anything,

Talena spoke, her fear of the snake man overridden by her fierce protectiveness of her master.

Ah, a talking turin. No wonder Aurora did not seek my company. She had you to entertain her. Do not taunt me, you poisonous rodent, or you will find yourself on the end of a stick, roasting above the fire.

He dragged Aurora to the crystal and forced her injured hand upon its smooth surface.

Did it feel such as this?

he asked, his voice filled with urgency.


Aurora said. The touch of the stone was pleasant and warm unlike the coldness from her previous visit, and certainly nothing like the shock she received at her chamber door. She resisted the urge to leave her hand on the great crystal boulder.

Slamock seemed to shrink within the great headdress.

Then it is not to be,

he whispered to himself, dropping to his knees.

She is truly gone.

Aurora felt a strange stirring of pity for the half man. Tentatively, she placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder, then withdrew it immediately.

The feeling was more like a warning, something to keep me from leaving my chambers.


Slamock nodded his head.

And did you dream of your lover last night?

he asked, his eyes filled with a weary type of defeat.

Aurora was not certain if she should answer such a question. Her visit from Darton was much more than a night image.

Slamock rose to his feet.

You do not need to answer me. Darton is a male of many talents, a worthy adversary. I may have underestimated his power.

He cupped one long jointed hand under Aurora

s elbow and led her from the room, hissing as Talena growled at his closeness.

The sun approaches and we will sleep no more. We must prepare ourselves for the festival of the choosing. There is no more time to wait. By the rising of the third moon, you shall be my new queen.

Opening the door to her chambers, Slamock pushed Aurora

s unresisting body inside, leaving her too stunned to make any argument to his startling comment.

* * *

At the passing of the first sun, Slamock stuffed the last piece of dripping gottar liver in his mouth and smacked his lips noisily.

Talena, hidden once again within the safety of her mistress

seka, groaned. The low sound reached Aurora

s ears and her stomach rolled in harmonious response to such barbarism.

I swear I

m going to die. I

m not lying.

The scratchy pads of the turin

s small feet pushed rhythmically against the soft skin of Aurora

s stomach.


she hissed, moving as un
obtrusively as possible so
Talena was forced to stop the irritating pawing movements.

Did you say something, my dear?

Every eye turned toward her as Slamock asked the solicitous question.

Aurora could feel bright color staining her cheeks. She had no desire to be stared at like a rodent who had wondered into the den of hungry serpents.

I, um, was just going to ask that I be excused. I

m very tired.

Slamock inclined his bald head, the flickering light dancing off the glistening pink skin revealed by the removal of his headdress.

Of course, my dear. You should have spoken sooner. Your well being is of supreme importance.

Thank you.

Aurora managed to control her stride long enough to walk sedately from the dining hall. However, once out of sight of the beady eyed monsters, she hurried to her chambers and promptly lost what little bit of breakfast she had been able to eat.

After Aurora

s hasty departure, Slamock drank the last of his wine and sat the goblet on the table with a decisive thump.

Mother, may I speak with you in my chambers?

Schooling her surprised expression into compliance, Somora nodded agreeably.

Very well, my son.

Please excuse us.

Slamock rose, smiling genially at his sisters and the remaining warriors of his great nation. Waiting until his mother had
seated herself in a gilded chair,
Slamock moved around his large curved desk and took the chair opposite her.

Somora eyed her only son thoughtfully, her expression carefully blank.

What is it you wish to discuss?

She had an idea.

I wish to speak with you about the female, Aurora.

Slamock tried to ignore the sudden pounding in his chest.

In two days time I will take this woman as my partner.

Even though she had secretly known, hearing the word from her son

s own lips shocked her nonetheless.

Slamock, you cannot. This is not to be your destiny.

Do you think it was our destiny to be driven from the beautiful land above, forced into these decay
ing, rotten damp cells of rock?

Slamock shouted.

A mating with the Palermonian female is the only hope for our people, my mother. I must make it my destiny.

Somora moved to the edge of her seat, agitation evident in her rigid posture.

But my son, what about Nalene?



s open hand connected with a solid thud against the heavy desk. Drawing a deep breath, he struggled to compose himself.

I am sorry Mother, I did not mean to raise my voice.

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