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Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (2 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Entering the still dark ship, Aurora made her way cautiously to the control console.

Strap yourself in. We

ll be taking off in just a minute.

Suddenly Aurora was filled with a panic she could not squelch. She was leaving the only home she

d ever known. And she was leaving with a total stranger.

I don

t even know your name,

she whispered.


s Darton,

he answered shortly, swiftly checking the controls.

Aurora heard the steel in his voice and mentally chastised herself. There was no room in her plan for fear. She mustn

t show it, no matter what. Gently she removed Talena from her cozy hiding place.

Darton adjusted another control and turned around. Large, cool blue eyes stared at him without blinking.

What in the name of all the galaxy is that?


pet. Her name is Talena.


s a damn turin. Get the
thing out of here.

I will not.

he was outraged
he would even suggest such a thing. She wrapped her arms protectively around her best friend. She knew turins were looked down upon, not being the prettiest of creatures.

Female,” the stranger growled

My name is Aurora.

She ground the words out between gritted teeth. She was about to reach the end of her patience with his superior male attitude.


He waved his hand dismissively.

That thing is not coming aboard my ship.

Your ship!

Aurora fairly screeched.

You arrogant, insufferable Tragon leech. You forget who helped fight off those Bawna warriors to get this ship.

Well, your highness, this arrogant, insufferable Tragon leech is a lot bigger than you are and I say that filthy creature is not coming with us.

His voice brooked no argument.

If she goes, I go.

She would not leave without her friend. It would simply be the last straw.

The insufferable man merely shrugged his broad shoulders.

Feeling defeated, she turned to go. Surely she could make it to another ship before the alarm sounded.

Damn it, woman, give me that thing and sit down.

He plucked the turin from her arms and turned to place the creature, none too gently, aside and out of his way.

The small ball of fur protested the rough treatment.

Aurora, save me from this wretched male!

He almost dropped the animal, his amazement unfathomable.

This blasted thing can talk!

Aurora nodded her head, puzzled by his surprise.

His gaze narrowed.

Only a few turins are born with the ability to speak. They are highly prized.


ll find I

m quite an unusual woman with quite unusual tastes.

She eyed her shipmate with disdainful superiority.

And next you

ll be telling me you can help me fly this thing?

Of course.

Supreme confidence coated her honeyed voice as she flipped a switch, bringing the large machine to life. They had precious seconds to clear the bay, obtain hyper speed, and break out of the atmosphere. Without exploding into a fiery ball. And without being caught.

Just were did a Palermonian female learn to fly a G12?

Darton asked as they made their way through the stormy atmosphere.

Aurora allowed herself to relax slightly as Palermos grew smaller and smaller
through the rear viewing port
. She was finally free.

In the Royal Flight Service. Women were allowed to work on the ships in order to get them ready for war. I just learned a little more than most.

Her uncle Darvek had raised her after her parents had been terminated in a shuttle accident when she was four. As leader of the Bawna warriors and second in command to King Jalon, he had been able to provide very well for his only blood relative. He had taught her things most Palermonian femal
es were never allowed to learn –
in secret, of course. For some unexplained reason, twenty years ago King Jalon had banned the education of the planet

s females.
Aurora could read the Craton, the highest, most prized books of history, art and foreign cultures. And she could fight as well as any Bawna warrior on the planet. At five foot seven, she was agile and graceful in her movements.


s see just how much you do know. Prepare for hyper speed.

When she did not confirm status, she felt the searing heat of his gaze and heard him groan out loud. But she could not help it. She knew her face was a pasty shade of gray and her white -knuckled grip on the arms of her chair betrayed her weakness.


t tell me,

he sighed in exasperation.


ve never flown in hyper speed.

As you said, Palermos is not exactly famous for the luxurious lifestyles afforded to its females,

Aurora replied through gritted teeth.

Ah, geez, female

My name
. I
s Aurora.

She glared at him through watery eyes.
Sighing, he retrieved a small glass vial from a compartment at his side.


He purposefully emphasized each syllable of her name.

Take this and you

ll be fine.

looked dubiously at the two tiny white pills held in the strong brown palm.

What is it?

It is for hyper sickness. If you

ve never flown before, I

d just as soon not chance you getting really sick on me.

Aurora hesitated. How did she know he was telling the truth? It could be some kind of drug to make her subservient to his will. She had read about similar drugs used in the concubine houses on Trarmack.

e haven

t got all day. If we don

t hit hyper speed soon, we

ll be laser leavings. Take the blasted things.

She knew he was losing patience and a look of uncontrollable panic stole across her face before she could prevent it.


m not going to hurt you, Aurora,

the man said, his voice gentle.

You trusted me back there in the holding bay; trust me now.

She plucked the pills from his hand and swallowed. She had to trust someone.


s get this bucket of bolts to really move.

He flipped a switch and the stars disappeared.

They were in this together, for better or worse.

* * *

Turning to and fro, Bartok surveyed his image in the large, ornate mirror hanging on his chamber

s velvet wall. The long, flowing tunic of blue silk caressed the tight leggings he wore of the same color and accentuated his sleekly muscled form. Had it not been for the maniacal gleam in his pale blue eyes, he would have made a striking figure of Argonian maleness. But Bartok saw nothing wrong. He had lo
ng ago buried any goodness which
might have been within him.

My love, it is almost time for dinner. Our guests will be waiting.

Selina, my dear, let them wait.

His mistress lay draped across t
he colorful silken pillows which
decorated his sleeping quarters, a striking female even after so many years. Saatan, Bartok

s uncle on his father

s side, had taken her
from The House of the Unloved –those without parents –
many moons ago and given her to him as a coming of age present. She had been lovely, even in the rags and filth in which they

d found her. And the years had only added to her beauty. The tight bodice of her dress revealed her state of arousal but he felt no answering stirring of lust.

Lately he
had grown quite bored with the lovely Selina, ever since he had invaded Palermos and first laid eyes upon the female known as Aurora Dante. Now that he ruled Palermos, he would claim the dark haired beauty for his own. There was just one small flaw in his plan; the blasted female had eluded his guards for days. She had somehow escaped during the overthrow of the palace. But he would have her, make no mistake. So
he had vowed – so it would be. F
or now he must not reveal anything of his true feelings to Selina. She had a vengeful streak and he had too many other things to worry about besides
a meddling female. I
f she became impossible, h
e would
have her terminated.

He smiled in delight at the thought.

Turning, he courteously offered his arm while politely inquiring,

Shall we greet our guest?

Of course. It shall be –


s scream echoed off the walls as the heavy oak door was abruptly thrown open.

Bartok relaxed, replacing his saber as two of his own warriors entered.

What is the meaning of this? Have you a good reason why I should not serve your heads on a platter this night?

The larger of the two guards spoke quickly as both fell to their knees.

Your lordship, we are very sorry to disturb you and the mistress, but it is very important.

Spit it out, you fool. What has happened?

Bartok smoothed a non-existent wrinkle from his clothing.


he warrior

s voice trembled.

The female called Aurora has escaped the planet in your starship, the Galentina.


Bartok snarled.

Where were the guards when this happened?

They were overpowered, sir.


he shouted, his face purple with rage.

Are you telling me that one small female battled Bawna warriors and defeated them?

The palace guards rose clumsily to their feet, backing away as their ruler advanced.

She had help, your great one.

Bartok stopped, momentarily startled.

Help? Help from whom?

The guards did not recog
nize the warrior. They say
both he and the female fought like Grade 1 warriors.

And you believe this idiocy?

Bartok bellowed.

No female could possibly possess the skills of a warrior. Have those guards brought to the garden for immediate termination.

He smiled at Selina, offering her his arm once again.

We shall have entertainment for our guest tonight after all, my dear.

BOOK: Stardust
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