Read Stardust Online

Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (15 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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My people call me Winoka and you are Selina Moray. Why have you enlisted the services of such a young one for Bartok?

The woman was frank and to the point.

Do not question me

Selina hissed, but she kept her voice low and even, afraid of disturbing Aerial

s restful swim.

I have obeyed the order of my master.

Which master is that? Bartok or Saatan?

Selina jerked in surprise. She had been very, very careful to keep her midnight meetings with the ruler of Yulon a secret.

The slightly silvering head nodded at her surprise.

Saatan is a most unusual man, would you not agree?

I will not be questioned in such a manner!

The woman turned and the crystal eyes were filled with censure.

You will be questioned by more than the likes of me, young woman, if you do not mend your ways now, while the opportunity presents itse
lf. To give yourself to a male –


s shriek of anger cut the older woman off. Uncaring of her watchful audience, she pulled the sleeve of her garment past her shoulder reveling a mark burned within the tender skin of her flesh.

I was not asked
permission, old woman.

Aerial had risen from the waters at her wail and hurried to her side.

Oh, Mistress Selina, you bear the mark of the unloved as well.

Selina did not turn from the blue gaze.

Yes, Aerial, I bear the mark.

Slowly she released the sleeve, allowing the fabric to cover her skin once again.

The older woman began to turn away.

We all must work within the pathway of the gods, Selina. When the pathway is guided by the beauty of the morning sun, the choice is clear. When the darkness of the night hides the true meaning, our way must be shepherded by the inner self.

With that she left, disappearing
as abruptly as she had appeared

Selina watched the retreating figure, her heart weighing heavily within her chest. She clenched her hands at her side. She

d had no choice. The Compassioners had delivered her into the hands of Saatan, just as they had sold Aerial. Neither of them had made the choice to lay with a male not of their choosing. She thought of Bartok

s touch, the feel of him against her flesh. For the first time in forever, she did not feel the rise of passion the mere thought of the act of oneness aroused. Instead she remembered the softness of a kiss.

She knew she should not allow her mind to travel such a forbidden path, but she could not seem to control her wayward thoughts. Of late, she did not have the will to do those things which would lead her closer to the victory she had sought for so long. She must strengthen her resolve. The remembrance of lips, firm and strong, and the touch of gentle hands brought a flush to her already heated face. How could a male whose freedom had been taken away, whose way of life been totally destroyed, still have feelings of warmth? How could he be so controlled? Where was his anger? His touch had arou
sed feelings in her
she had thought long ago dead and buried. She could not allow herself to be tortured by such longings. Nothing must come between her and her dreams.

Mistress Selina, it is time for the evening meal. Did you not hear the calling?

Selina felt Aerial

s hand upon her shoulder, shaking her from her reprieve.

No, I did not. Come we must hurry. Bartok will be most displeased by our lateness.

She helped the younger girl dress quickly. Satisfied with the way the blue sleeveless tunic showed off the younger girl

s flawless skin and made the wide eyes glimmer like stars in the summer sky, she hurried her up the stairs toward the huge dining hall.

With each hasty step she
prayed to the ancient ones
Bartok had not yet presented himself for the evening meal. He would surely take his anger out upon both of them this night for their tardiness. For many moons, he had used any such excuse for punishment. And Selina did not think she could bear the pain this night. Glancing at the younger woman, she allowed her feelings to show for one rare second
. She could not--nor would not –
tolerate Bartok

s continu
ed abuse of this lovely child. A
child that reminded her of herself at that age. Surely this child deserved more. Didn

t she? She deserved to know of parties and laughter. And she deserve
d to know the true feelings which
could exist between a male and female when they found each other through their own mutual attraction. She thought of the old woman

s words. Did she have a choice? And dare she make it?

* * *

What has happened to you, my friend?

Jalon eyed his second-in-command and dearest friend with unconcealed curiosity.

What do you mean, my Lord?

Darvek questioned.

I am well.

You are here in this cell with my lady and myself, yet you are far from us.

Jalon shook his head wearily.

Of what do you think so deeply?

Darvek smiled, murmuring a brief excuse. He would never tell
his kind and loyal friend
his heart had been stolen by a woman who even now warmed Bartok

s sleeping pallet. Not that he would be concerned of his friend

s censure, for it was true, King Jalon was a most kind and forgiving ruler. No, he would not burden his friend with his heartache.

Leave Darvek to his thoughts, beloved.

Lalona took her husband

s hand and led him to their bed of straw in the far corner of the room. Low, intimate murmurs filled the silence until the king and queen of Palermos fell into another night of restless slumber.

Darvek lay down, envying their closeness. In the silence of the night, he could not stop the hunger that plagued his dreams. How many times during his forty moons had he prayed for a love of his own? How he had ached in the lonely years past fo
r the presence of his life mate?
To feel a heart beat in the darkness next to him and know it beat for him alone.

And now, in an instant,
fate had played the cruelest tricks upon him. 
His lonely heart, destined he thought to be forever imprisoned within him, had been ripped from his chest by the one woman he could never have.

Surely the gods are laughing at me this night,

Darvek muttered as he got up and walked to the small window of the cell. His hand c
lenched the cold steel bars which
held him prisoner. The fourth moon of Palermos stepped behind a cloud as a brilliant flash soared across the sky. Darvek closed his eyes as a dusting of light burned for a brief second turning the darkness into day and prayed to the forces that be. He prayed for his king and queen. He prayed for the return of his niece and Darton. But most of all he prayed for himself and his love.



Dropping a kiss on Aurora

s smooth brow, Darton watched in fascination as she came slowly awake. She stretched, arching her nubile body in complete unselfconsciousness.

Wake up, sleepy head; the day has eaten up the night.

Aurora opened one eye, then blinked, sitting up quickly.

Why are you already dressed?
Are you going out before we break fast?

Darton laughed softly
at her puzzled expression.

I have already been out into the light of this beautiful day.

Aurora could not contain her astonishment.

But why did you not wake me? You should not have traveled alone.

Do not worry, my love. No harm came to me, as you can see.

A devilish twinkle lit his warm brown eyes.

And I brought you something.

With a squeal of delight, Aurora sat up, clapping her hands excitedly.

Give it to me, Darton, Give it to me at once!

Darton laughed, enjoying her pleasure. Easily he evaded her searching hands.

Close your eyes and I will give you your surprise.

Obediently, Aurora sat back and closed her eyes. In seconds he placed an object in her waiting hands

You can look now.

Aurora opened her eyes and stared at her


. Raising her bewildered face, sh
e looked at Darton

I do
understand. Where did you ever find such treasures?

Just down the mountain, barely a mile from this cave, there is a land of great beauty.

Aurora took a bite of the succulent fruit. Wiping the juice from her chin with the back of one hand, she frowned.

How can that be? This planet is barren. We traveled for several hours yesterday and saw no sign of life.

Darton watched the juice of the tangy berry make its slow descent down Aurora

s chin. Clasping the back of her head, he leaned forward, licking away the errant juice.

What were you saying?

he murmured against her throat, his velvety tongue warming her sleep-chilled skin. Pictures of their shared intimacy of the night before flashed through his mind.

I have forgotten,

Aurora gasped, lifting her head higher.

Before he could give in to his rising passion, Darton pulled back.

If you keep looking at me in such a way, woman, I will not be responsible for my actions.

Darton could not believe how suddenly this woman could arouse him. Without any effort at all, she filled him with incredible power and an insatiable hunger.

Can we not continue that which we began last night?

Darton watched Aurora

s cheeks blush a delicate pink at the boldness of her words.

You are the loveliest creature I have ever seen.

With reverent awe, he traced one finger over the stain in her cheeks. She was a delightful combination of shy virginity and bold vixen.

Dropping his hand, he pulled himself to his feet.

There is nothing I would like better than to love you until we could no longer move.

He fixed his gaze upon a point above her head. If he continued to look upon her beauty, he would give in to the demands of his body and know the feeling of their coupling once again.

Please, Darton, show me the ways of pleasure.

Sensing the tension in her body and knowing the day would be long and arduous, he knew it would be better to burn off the edge of passion then ignore it.

Do you trust me, little one?

Yes, of course,

she answered quickly.

With a grunt Darton pulled her to her
feet and strode the barrier of the pool.

I will ease our ache, Aurora, but we haven

t much time. Lean forward.

With a gentle hand in the small of her back he bent her over the rocky edge.

What are you doing?

she asked, her hands automatically going out to support the weight of her body.

I am pleasing us,

Darton replied, lifting the folds of the seka above her waist and moving away the fabric of his karta. He took his now swollen manhood in his hand and rubbed it against her entrance. With the other he reached around and found the center of her being.

This will be quick and swift,

he murmured, leaning
forward over her back. He pressed himself against her, moving to cup her breasts as they hung heavy and ripe away from her body. He gently pulled her nipples, elongating them as they responded to his touch.

Do you still want to experience the oneness?

BOOK: Stardust
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