Read Star Cruise - Outbreak Online

Authors: Veronica Scott

Star Cruise - Outbreak (22 page)

BOOK: Star Cruise - Outbreak
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“Did he mention to you that he’s relying on a number of prominent and influential people among the healthy passengers to sway the authorities to allow us to stay at Hub?”

Nodding, Jake said, “He’s been meeting with them surreptitiously, one on one. Way above my pay grade. Glad it’s Fleming in charge and not me. He could be right, though. I like the boldness of the plan.” He rubbed his chin and frowned. “I’ll have to increase security to ensure no one steals a shuttle and tries to land.”

“Any special requests for dinner?” Jake asked as they exited the gravlift together and walked in a leisurely manner toward her cabin.

“I leave the menu in your capable hands. I’m going to go take a shower and change into something more comfortable.” Emily stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek and headed for the bathroom.

After a luxurious half hour or so under the hot-water jets, she felt like a new person. Belting her robe and grabbing her hairbrush, she strolled barefoot into the main cabin, enticed by the delicious aroma of a Chef Stephanie special dinner. Jake was putting the finishing touches on arranging the dishes and pouring wine. He glanced up as she came closer, eyeing her critically from head to toe. “You look better.”

“Thanks a lot, flatterer. Nothing like extravagant praise to cheer a woman up after a tough day.” Laughing, she took a final yank of the brush through her hair and sat in her chair.

He caressed her cheek lightly with his fingertips. “Those shadows under your eyes were worrying me, Doc, but now you’re glowing.”

“Enough hot water will put roses in a girl’s cheeks. So what do we have here?”

“Fresh bread, for a start.” Handing her the basket of assorted rolls, he named off the other dishes he’d ordered, ending with an apology. “Sorry there aren’t any flowers for the table.”

“I don’t have to have flowers,” she said. “As long as you ordered us Chocolate Decadence Supreme for dessert, I’ll forgive the omission.”

He showed her the plate off to the side. “One Decadence, two forks.” Admonishing her sternly, he said, “Dinner first.”

“Your mother’s influence?”

“Good nutrition is important for a growing boy,” he said virtuously. “I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”

“Merely testing the depth of your knowledge.” Emily took a bite of the stuffed pasta and rolled her eyes, moaning in sensory pleasure as the layers of flavor flooded her mouth. “Heavenly. For all her temper, the lady can cook.”

He reached over and wiped a bit of sauce from the corner of her mouth, licking his finger clean sensuously, all the while keeping his gaze locked on hers. “Does taste good.”

A little flustered, Emily reached for her wine glass. “Anything else interesting happen today?”

“It’s kinda strange having two-thirds of the passengers healthy and trying to enjoy their cruise like nothing’s happening.” Jake frowned. “I don’t want a panic. I know there’s nothing the uninfected can do to help the sick.”

“I have had a few more volunteers,” Emily said. “I’m grateful for all the help we can get.”

“More than ever, I feel like we’re on two ships combined into one. The cruise ship and the plague ship. It’s disorienting for those of us who move between the two situations.” Jake sat back in his chair, rubbing his neck. “I’m not complaining—I’m relieved we don’t have the entire shipboard population infected with Groskin’s, but it’s like sitting on a ticking bomb. The situation seems under control but isn’t, you know? I think it’s a testimonial to the crew that they can keep the healthy passengers calm and well enough entertained and fed, to stay calm and co-operative.”

“I’m actually glad Sid is making his trideo, which isn’t a sentiment I thought I’d ever express,” Emily said. “There needs to be a record of this, however it all turns out.”

“Some guy’s on a roll at the casino right now, been winning for two days straight at comets and stars poker. He’s been unbeatable at every variation of the game known to man, which has captured a lot of attention.”

“Did you make a bet?”

Jake frowned. “No, I’m not much for gambling. Goes against my training. Never rely on luck. I did check him out, and he’s legit—a passenger, not a card shark or a known cheat. Did you know there are a lot of unofficial betting pools about the outbreak? How many will die…” His voice trailed off.

“Humans will bet on anything, I guess.” Emily pushed her plate aside, appetite depressed by the idea of people taking odds on the mortality rate. “I’m ready for dessert.”

“All right, your wish is my command.” Jake moved the main course and set the cake between them. With a flourish, he handed her a fork.” You can have the first bite.”

Licking her lips, Emily sliced through the tip of the wedge and raised the laden tines in his direction. “I want you to have it.”

Obediently, he leaned toward her and opened his mouth to accept the generous morsel. Delicately, she fed him, watching with a delighted expression as he enjoyed the cake.

“My turn,” she said, resting her fork on the plate.

He got an equal amount of the rich chocolate onto his fork and shared the delicacy, a bit more awkwardly than she’d managed, but with a grin. She washed the bite down with a sip of wine and patted her lips with the napkin. “Good, but could be better.” Picking up her wine glass, she skirted the end of the table and seated herself on his lap, twining her free arm around his neck. “Kiss me,” she said, and although he was half afraid he might be dreaming, he was only too happy to oblige.

She tasted of the wine and the chocolate, and her mouth was a warm heaven. He adjusted his angle to deepen the kiss, and Emily set the glass down to hold him close with both arms, her breasts pressing against his chest. Instantly hard, Jake couldn’t stop himself from groaning. Emily broke off the kiss for a moment, and he released her, unsure what she wanted.

Rising from the chair, she grabbed the belt of her robe and undid the simple knot, all the while staring at him with a sultry smile. The plush fabric fell open, exposing her rosy-tipped breasts and the sweep of her beautiful curves, accented at the hip with a tiny tattoo. With a deep sigh, he allowed his gaze to travel down her body then return to her face. “Beautiful,” he said, his voice hoarse.

She came to straddle him on the chair as he held her close, wrapping one hand in her hair to hold her to him so they could kiss, the other hand busy exploring the soft weight of her breast, teasing the budded nipple, stroking her soft stomach. The robe cocooned them in warmth as she rocked on his crotch, where his erection stretched his trousers, desperate to plunge into her. Emily unfastened his shirt, running her hand over his chest in a sensuous circle, gliding past his nipples before trailing her fingers over his abdomen and beneath the waistband of his pants. He sucked in his gut to give her better access and then groaned again as she caged his aching length in her skillful fingers.

He broke off the kiss as she stroked him, her hand firm and possessive. “I won’t last if you do that.”

She nibbled his neck, moving up to nip at his earlobe. “I’m not on duty again until morning, unless there’s a new emergency or the doctors on duty fall ill. We have time to do whatever we want. More than once.”

He cupped her with his hand, finding her aroused and ready for him, which only heightened his own arousal. With determination, he lifted her off his lap. “I want to come inside you, with nothing between us.” He threw his head back against the chair. “I didn’t bring any protection.”

“I’m protected,” she said. “No worries. And we’ve both had the required physicals.”

Relieved by her answer, he stood up, fumbling with the fastening of his trousers. She pushed his fingers away. “Let me.”

It took her a moment to undo his pants and push them to his ankles, freeing his caged penis, which surged to attention. He sighed in relief, toeing off his shoes with difficulty and stepping out of the clothes. Emily was kissing him again, yanking his shirt down his arms while she captured his mouth. He helped her as best he could while fighting to remove her robe, then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Gently, he laid her on the bed, immediately lowering himself to cover her. His rock hard penis lay cradled in the vee of her legs, pushing insistently against the soft, slick opening. Jake knew he was perilously close to finishing, and he craved nothing more than to feel her wrapped around him as he came. He moved one hand to stroke her most intimate lips, penetrating easily with two fingers because she was so ready for him. As he rubbed the sensitive nub in small circles, Emily shifted under him, moaning and holding him closer. Their kisses grew more frantic, tongues tangling.

He guided himself into her channel, thrusting powerfully as her body accepted him, drawing him farther into her embrace. Hips driving, hands under her soft butt to hold her in place, he broke off the kiss, burying his face in the soft curve of her neck as he felt himself going over the edge of pleasure, unable to stop, unable to do anything but race into the sweet oblivion of an orgasm more powerful than any he’d ever experienced before. As he thrust, her tremors increased, clenching and milking his cock. He managed to hang on, to continue to pleasure her until she was screaming his name, climaxing in the throes of passion, his own release following within seconds.

He didn’t want to ever let her go, wanted to stay seated in her luscious body till the end of time, but eventually he felt compelled to roll to the side to avoid crushing her uncomfortably beneath him. He was a big man, and Emily was petite. Reluctantly, he moved but gathered her close again immediately. He stroked her hair off her face, planted little kisses on her lips and forehead. He was afraid to speak, afraid to ruin the moment with some clumsy remark. He didn’t want anything to spoil the bliss that was making love to Emily.

She snuggled close to him, throwing her leg over his, resting her head on his shoulder. Nothing had ever felt as right to him as holding her close at this moment did. Softly, she stroked his cock, cupping his balls for a moment before running one finger over the sensitive skin behind them. Unbelievably, his body already fought to prepare itself to make love to her again.

“You were amazing,” she whispered.

He laid one finger under her chin, raising her face so he could gaze into her eyes. “Only because I was with you, special lady. I never felt this way about anyone before. I-I don’t have the words, not enough words, not the right words to tell you—” He choked off his fumbling speech in frustration.

She put a hand on his lips. “I don’t need the words. I see the truth in your eyes. You told me with your touch, in the way you made love to me.”

“You were right, you know.” He let one hand slip to cup her breast, enjoying the silk of her skin and the perfect way she filled his palm.

“About?” She ran her hand over his thigh, fingers teasing at the edge of his crotch as she stroked his body, exploring the contours.

“About us, about waiting.” He rolled her onto her back and leaned on his elbow, staring into her face. “I don’t ever want you to doubt my feelings for you, the woman I’ve fallen for in the last few weeks. No one else, just Emily.”

He thought he glimpsed the glimmer of tears in her eyes, but she pulled his head down for a kiss, and next thing he knew his body was covering hers again and rising to the occasion.


Emily woke early, stretching judiciously so as not to wake Jake yet. Deep inside she felt a few twinges, as they’d played hard, all night, but the pleasure and closeness shared with Jake were worth a bit of discomfort after the fact. She was out of practice. Rolling onto her side, she surveyed him from head to toe. He hadn’t said he loved her, in so many words. She hadn’t said she loved him. Her lips curved with happiness and satisfaction as a warm sensation of security swept through her. It was good to feel a close connection with another human being, with
, not have to touch him through a contamination suit and hope he wasn’t going to die.

Being reminded of her own healthy state and his was a tonic for her nerves, a safe harbor from the unceasing illness and death on Level C. She hoped the military injects continued to keep the disease at bay. She’d wanted to investigate that aspect of the outbreak more closely, but so far the military had stonewalled requests for data on the injects Emily, Jake and the other former soldiers received during their careers. “Classified” covered a lot of things for Sectors Command.

Emily wasn’t ready to let her mind jump onto the outbreak treadmill again just yet. She craved a few more moments of happiness first. Based on last night, there wasn’t any doubt in her heart about her feelings for Jake, but she liked the idea of taking this relationship in stages, working on getting to know each other. The words would come in due time, she was sure.

She missed his warmth already, even remaining this close to him in the bed. Emily murmured, “Now, how might a big tough security officer like to be awakened in the morning?” She reached out with one hand and lightly caressed his cock.

Jake’s eyes flickered open, and he tensed. “You’ve definitely identified one method. Beats the alarm clock. I can make other, extremely explicit suggestions if you’d like.” He gathered her close. “Do we have time before the morning staff meeting?”

“No, probably not.” She kissed him. “We both need quick showers.”

BOOK: Star Cruise - Outbreak
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