Spontaneous (7 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

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the documents she’d been reading for the past hour and rubbed her eyes. As a nurse she was used to reports, some even thicker than the three-hundred-page document Duan had given her. However, most of them were medical in nature and reached a conclusion at the end, a diagnosis. Although a lot of information was documented from various sources in this investigative report, there was no definite finding.

“Here, looks like you can use this.”

She smiled when Duan placed a cup of coffee in front of her. “Thanks.”

He eased into the chair beside her. After she’d started to read the report he had pulled out a laptop. For the past hour they had worked in amiable silence, the only sounds in the room those of her turning pages and him clicking on the keyboard.

But the one thing she was constantly aware of was his presence. Just knowing he was there within arm’s reach
was a comforting thought. All she had to do was sniff the air to breathe in the manly scent of his aftershave. Occasionally she would glance over at him, see how intense he was, and she realized how seriously he took his job as a private investigator.

She’d never been a woman who needed or even desired to have a man underfoot, but having Duan here with her felt good. And knowing they were, as he called it, a team made it even better. After giving her the report, he had reminded her that he had asked her to consider him as a pretend fiancé
she’d mentioned Villarosas’s name. That was the only comforting thought in this entire thing.

She took a sip of her coffee. It was good. Not for the first time, she wondered if there was anything Duan Jeffries wasn’t good at. She glanced back down at the report, thinking he’d certainly made it easy for her to follow along. The highlighted sections might as well have been her own, and all the questions he’d jotted on sticky notes were the same ones she would have asked.

“Is the report boring you with all that investigative jargon?”

She glanced over at him. Earlier he had been sitting on the sofa with the computer in his lap. Now he had placed the laptop on the table to take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee with her. And he had changed clothes. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and he was in his bare feet. He looked at home. Sexy.

“No, I find all that stuff interesting and I’m amazed at how police officers and detectives can tie it all together and bring the case to a conclusion.”

“Trust me, it’s not always easy,” he said, smiling over at her. “And in a lot of cases there are loose ends, things that don’t add up.”

She nodded. “Yes, I saw those.”

“And the sad thing is that without time, resources and money, those loose ends are never thoroughly checked out. There are a number of them listed in the report, but without proof it all boils down to speculation.”

“And a lot of legal loopholes to slip through.”

He held her gaze for a moment, then nodded.

She gave a frustrated sigh, beginning to understand more about him and his work. A couple of weeks ago she’d asked him to tell her about himself, the good, the bad and the ugly. This had been his bad. The inability to right a wrong because of legal loopholes.

“I refuse to let this be one of them, Duan. I will never be satisfied until I know the truth about what really happened to those women, and we don’t have months or years to find it out. There has to be something else we can do. Every day Mom is falling deeper and deeper in love with him, and I can’t live my life with her here in Shreveport. Whether in the Keys or wherever I’ll be living while in medical school, I’ll be constantly wondering if she’s safe or if Villarosas has decided to make her his next victim. If something has pushed him over the edge to make him want to harm her.”

She stood and began pacing. “There is so much we don’t know about him. So much that Mom doesn’t know. Maybe we should go back there tonight and tell her that we’ve decided to stay at her place instead of at the hotel so we can keep an eye on things.”

“And how do you suggest we explain our decision to do that without her getting suspicious of anything?” he asked.

She slid her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and threw her head back. “Do you have any better ideas?” she snapped.

This woman knew how to pump up his adrenaline, Duan thought, for the good and for the bad. He felt her anger, he understood her frustration and knew her mother was her main concern. And knowing that, he would deal with anyone who dared to hurt her or someone she cared about. Mainly because he was beginning to feel this connection to her that he didn’t want to feel.

He stood and moved toward her and she gave him a look that all but said,
Don’t mess with me.
He shrugged. She was a spitfire and was having one of her moments. He would help her through it.

He came to a stop in front of her. “Yes, I have a few ideas that we can discuss in detail later. Most of them involve those blue sticky notes I’ve placed throughout the report. But right now I think you need to chill and work off some anger. I’m going to help you do that.”

She rolled her eyes. “I bet. And how do you plan to accomplish that?” she asked with a look that said quite simply that whatever he had in mind, now was not the time to try it.

Duan smiled, reading her thoughts and knowing her assumptions were wrong. “Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll have things ready for you,” he said, moving away and heading toward the bedroom.

Kim looked confused. “Have what ready for me? Where are you going?”

He turned and a smile touched the corners of his lips. “You need to be pampered so I’m going into the bathroom to prepare your bubble bath.”


in the tub beneath all the bubbles and closed her eyes. No man had ever prepared a bath for her. Duan had done more than just run the bathwater; he had made her feel special. And what she found so amazing was that he probably wasn’t even aware he’d done so. Certain kinds of deeds seemed to be an ingrained part of his nature. She figured it had to have come from being the oldest and looking out for his younger siblings. Although she couldn’t imagine him ever being Terrence’s keeper, Olivia was a different matter.

When she’d come to the Keys to be fitted for their bridesmaid dresses, Olivia had told her and Sherri that both of her brothers had been overprotective while she was growing up, Duan more so than Terrence. There
were some things she could pull over on Terrence that she wouldn’t dare try with Duan. Kim could believe that.

Kim breathed in the scented bubbles as she thought about her mother. More than anything she wished there weren’t so many unanswered questions in the hundred or so pages she’d already read on that first case involving Edward. With all the evidence and eyewitnesses interviewed, no one would have reason to suspect foul play of any kind.

It seemed that Mandy Villarosas had been a bona fide flirt. Even the girlfriends with whom she’d gone away for the weekend had verified she had met some man in the club the night before she disappeared.

That was close to ten years ago, before video cameras were used in most businesses. After reading that report one could almost sympathize with Edward for having a wife with loose morals.

But what she wanted to gather from the reports—and she still had the second case to read—was whether there were similarities between the two women, physical or emotional. And more important, whether there were similarities between her mother and the two women. People became serial killers for any number of reasons.

She shuddered at the thought that Villarosas was a serial killer, but until he was cleared of all suspicions, she would do everything within her power to make sure her mother didn’t marry the man.

“Time’s up.”

Kim opened her eyes and glanced over at Duan. He was standing in the doorway with a huge bath towel in his hand. “But, it’s only been—”

“Almost an hour. Look at the bubbles.”

She did. Most were gone. Talk about not having any staying power. “I’m disappointed. I thought you would be joining me,” she said, easing her body to sit up straight. “The tub’s big enough.”

“Yes, but you needed this time to yourself.”

She agreed that she had needed the time. He was thoughtful not only knowing it but making it happen. “I’m still worried about Mom, Duan.”

He nodded as he slowly walked toward her and the hot tub. “Sure you are. You wouldn’t be the daughter that you are if you weren’t. Your mother has always meant a lot to you.”

And yours meant a lot to you until you learned to stop caring, to shield the pain,
Kim wanted to say. But she didn’t. Instead, when he reached the edge of the tub and opened the huge velour towel, she unashamedly stood up and he wrapped the towel around her before effortlessly lifting her out.

He placed her on her feet and began toweling her dry, patting her wet skin. Never had she felt so taken care of. She could get used to this kind of attention.

A part of her wanted to tell him that she could do it herself, but she didn’t. She liked the feel of his touch. And she especially liked his tender ministrations as he
gently stroked every inch of her flesh. So she stood there while he took his time drying her wet shoulders, all around her breasts and down to her stomach.

He bent down in front of her to dry her hips and thighs before gently patting dry the curls between them. She watched him and saw how long his lashes were, then noted that his breathing had changed. Without warning he grabbed one of his T-shirts and pulled it over her head, working her arms through the sleeves. It was then that he swept her off her feet and into his arms.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, looking up at him, studying the jaw that she found so fascinating.

He looked down at her from beneath those long lashes. “The living room. I want to hold you for a while.”

A part of her wanted to protest and say she didn’t need to be held. And that she didn’t want any man to assume she was a weakling that needed his attention. When he lowered his body on the sofa and cuddled her into his arms, for a moment she stared up at him, and he stared back. Then she snuggled closer to him, her head coming to rest against the warmth of his broad chest, and she could actually feel the beating of his heart beneath her cheek.

She closed her eyes thinking that yes, she liked being held by him.


was something just plain sensual about a woman who was comfortable within her own skin. A woman who knew what she wanted and didn’t mind going after it, no matter what it was.

He stood by the bed glancing down at Kim. She was a woman who embraced her sexuality like she had every right to do so, a woman so damn beautiful that his eyes were feeling sore just looking at her.

She had fallen asleep in his arms and he figured she would rest better in the bed. But for a while he had simply enjoyed holding her, listening to her even breathing. It was a peaceful slumber, one he had helped make possible, and he was pleased with that.

Over the years he’d had affairs with many women, but he could now say, quite truthfully, he’d never been involved with one as bold, brazen and gorgeous as this one. But then tonight, she had surrendered to his care and he had enjoyed pampering her, trying to ease her stress and tension. In a way, he wanted her to know that with him she could lighten whatever load she was carrying.

She was worried about her mother and he knew that. And he was well aware that if she could do so, she would pack up and go stay at Wynona’s home for the rest of the trip. But he knew that wouldn’t be a smart move since they needed to convey as much normalcy in their relationship as possible so Villarosas wouldn’t suspect anything. Like he’d told Kim, they were now a team.

A team.

For some reason he liked the sound of that. While on the police force he’d had a female partner once. A very competent woman who was good at what she did, and he’d always felt secure that she was covering his
back. But he and Kim were a different kind of team. He felt a bond with her that he couldn’t explain but knew existed.

She shifted position in bed and the ring she wore drew his attention. The ring he’d placed there earlier that day. He felt a sudden tightness in his chest. Seeing that ring—his ring—on her hand did something to him.

He never wanted to see it on anyone else’s hand. Sweet mercy.
He rubbed his hands down his face, knowing what that admission meant. For all his bantering about how he never wanted to share his life with any woman, he knew if the circumstances were different, if she didn’t have dreams to pursue, he would make her a permanent part of his life. He could honestly say that he had never wanted a woman as badly as he wanted her. And that intense desire had originated the first time he’d set eyes on her.

He had been drawn to her because deep down, in spite of all the sexual chemistry they generated, there had been another pull just as strong.

They were alike in a number of ways. Both had parental issues they couldn’t let go of. Her father and his mother had turned them off ever having a fulfilling marriage of their own. But he could now say that the thought of settling down and committing his life to a woman didn’t scare the hell out of him like it once had, and he credited that to Kim. She was nothing like Susan Jeffries, and he believed she would never desert the man
she loved or the children she’d given birth to. She was loyal and dedicated to a fault. Definitely the kind of woman any man would want to claim as his own.

And the thought of any man doing that was something he didn’t want to think about.


at the feel of a hard erection poking her in the back, dead center where her butt cheeks came together, and a hot wet tongue gliding across the skin at her nape.

She closed her eyes and decided she wasn’t ready to let Duan know she was awake yet. She curled her hands into fists when he shifted and his tongue began moving down her spine.

“Since you’re awake, how about flipping on your back so we can play,” a deep husky voice said, his heated breath sending sensuous sensations uncoiling in her belly.

She smiled and glanced over her shoulder before turning onto her back. “How did you know I was awake?”

He looked up into her face. “By the way you were breathing. I didn’t touch you until I knew I had your attention. You didn’t fool me.”

And before she could make a comment to that, he shifted his body and leaned down to kiss her. The first thing that came to her mind was that his tongue was full of energy this morning, and the second was that she didn’t have one single complaint about it, especially after the way he’d pampered her last night.

She so loved the feel of his mouth on hers, the way he seemed to put everything into every kiss they shared. And how he seemed to greedily lap her up, feast hungrily on her as he drove his tongue deeper and deeper inside her mouth.

The ringing of her cell phone had them breaking apart, sucking in hard breaths. “That’s probably Mom making sure we don’t forget breakfast,” she said, shift ing to reach for the ringing phone.

Before she got too far away, Duan reached out, grabbed a thigh and leaned down to place a kiss right in the center of her stomach before sliding off the bed and grabbing his own cell phone off the nightstand. He had heard the humming sound as it vibrated before day break, but had decided to miss the call since he didn’t want to wake Kim.

He saw the missed call had come from Landon. While Kim chatted with her mother he moved toward the balcony to return Landon’s call. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

“Just wanted to check in to see if you’ve met Villarosas yet.”

“Yes, I met him and you were right. He seems like an arrogant ass. How is Chevis doing with the first case?”

“He’s trying to find out the identity of the man Mandy Villarosas was supposed to have flirted with that night at the club. Chev is convinced someone might remember something.”

“Even after ten years?”

“Yes. According to the report taken from one of the women, a class reunion party was also going on at the club that night, which means there was probably a lot of picture-taking. Chev is going to track down some of the partygoers to see if he can gather photos. I’ll let you know what we find out.”

Duan ended the call and flipped off the phone as he reentered the hotel room. He glanced over at Kim. She returned his gaze with troubled eyes. It was obvious something was wrong.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Yes, I guess. I just finished talking to Mom and she sounded so happy and excited.” She laughed bitterly and a fiery look appeared in her eyes. “It pisses me off that the man that has brought so much joy to her life could end up being a damn murderer.”

Duan knew how she felt, but he also knew they needed to play the game well with Villarosas, which meant perfecting their acting abilities. “Forget the personal now, Kim. Put a lid on the anger. We need to
concentrate on nailing this guy if he’s guilty, and the only way we can do that is to find out everything there is to know. We’ve come this far and the last thing we need is to have my cover blown. Villarosas has to believe he has us snowed, especially you. You can’t in any way let him know you suspect something. The questions you ask him should be the same ones you would ask any man about to marry your mother. And you want to make him feel comfortable in telling you anything you want to know.”

He reached out and traced the line of her jaw with his fingertips. “Can you do that, Kim? If you can’t, I’ll understand. No questions asked. No explanation required. But a lot is at stake and—”

“I can do it, Duan,” she said with clear certainty and unwavering confidence. “And I
do it. If he isn’t what Mom thinks he is, then I need to help expose him. We’re not doing this just for my mother. I have to remember the families of those other two women who don’t know if they’re alive somewhere or really dead. I have to do it for them, too.”

He smiled and cupped her jaw before lowering his mouth down to hers. The moment their lips touched, a fiery heat exploded within his gut and he slid his tongue inside her mouth, tangled with hers, and laved the insides from corner to corner. And when she wrapped her arms around his neck he dropped his hand from her jaw and slid it around her waist.

Her body melted into his and he could only continue to kiss this woman who affected him like no other. The woman responsible for making him want things he never wanted before. The woman who made it possible for him to consider all the possibilities, but only with her.

She was one and done. If he could not have her, then he would not have anyone, because he was convinced she was his other half, the one that made him whole. He was letting his emotions come into play and get the best of him, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth away and pressed his forehead against hers. There was so much passion between them. How could that be possible?

He took a step back. “I was just talking to Landon and he indicated that Chevis is in Orlando following up a possible lead. The report you read indicated that the night before Mandy Villarosas, wife number one, disappeared there was a party at the club—a high-school reunion.”

Kim nodded. “Yes, I recall reading that in the report.”

“As with most reunions, there’re always people taking a lot of pictures at random. We’re contacting a few of the attendees to see if someone got a shot of this man—the person Mandy supposedly flirted with that night. The women she went out of town with that weekend think he’s the same man that she was to meet the day she disappeared.”

Kim frowned. “But if that’s true and there is a possibility there was another man involved, then…”

She stopped talking, hoping Duan was following her train of thoughts. He was.

“That means if there was another man involved, then that man could very well be the person behind her disappearance,” Duan replied. “Remember, we’ve never said Villarosas is guilty of any crime, but he is under suspicion.”

“With the scenario you just presented, I don’t know how he can be a suspect, Duan. What if the man at the club is the same man she went to meet? He would be the main suspect, wouldn’t he?”

Duan nodded. “Yes and no. There’re still a lot of gray areas. That’s why we’re looking into all the possibilities. Just remember, it wasn’t the first case that roused Landon’s suspicions because he never worked that one. It was the second case and now we have access to both. And we’re going to proceed as if Edward is innocent until proven guilty, or at least until we can establish a motive.”

“And if Mom insists on marrying him before then?”

“Then we’ll level with her and tell her our suspicions.

But as I told you, chances are she might not want to believe that he’s capable of harming anyone. And you need to apprise me of everyone your mother might be
inviting to the breakfast this morning so there won’t be any surprises. I don’t want to be caught off guard about anything. You can school me on the drive over.”


“And remember, no matter what, we’re a team.”

She smiled. “I’ll remember.”

Duan glanced at the clock on the wall. “Ready to take a shower?” he asked, heading in the direction of the bathroom.

“You go ahead, I need to call the hospital and check on someone who came through E.R. Thursday, a little boy who’d gotten bitten by a poisonous snake. They were flying in the anti-venom and I want to see how he’s doing.”

“Okay.” He turned to enter the bathroom and then stopped to look back at her. As if he needed to taste her again, he walked over and pulled her into his arms, covering her mouth with his.

Unlike the one earlier, this kiss was unexpected, spontaneous, and sensations immediately flooded Kim’s body. The breath she’d been about to take was reduced to a shudder. His tongue was making a quick but thorough study of her mouth and the tip of his finger was making erotic circles on her back. She needed this. She wanted this. And he was giving it to her in perfect measure, using his tongue to stroke her into tranquility, to give her the peace and calm she needed at that moment.

Reluctantly, he pulled back and released her. He held her gaze for a moment, and then without saying a single word he crossed the room to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

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