Read Spin the Bottle Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Spin the Bottle (3 page)

BOOK: Spin the Bottle
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Against the wall.

Mac pushed his hand beneath the hem of her too-short dress, palmed her bare arse cheek and squeezed. Her supple flesh filled his hand, her smooth skin like silk under his fingertips. Jesus, she either wore a thong or nothing at all. Both options had his pulse accelerating and his cock stiffening. Blood rushed through his veins, pounded in his ears and slammed his heart against his rib cage. Lilli’s fingers tangled in his hair and tugged. The sting of pain was an erotic thrill he never dreamed would turn him on.

Someone bumped into his back hard enough to make him stumble. He pulled his mouth from hers and let her go to brace his arms on the wall, shielding her body with his. She stared at him, eyes wide, her pupils dilated and those cherry-red lips wet from his kisses. A shudder rippled through him, the sight of her flushed cheeks and rosy mouth injecting another burst of lust into his system. This wasn’t the time or the place, but damn if he could get himself to care.

Her nipples were hard nubs digging into his chest and her breath came in harsh pants, mirroring his. Mac fought for some of his legendary control. Where had a lifetime’s worth of discipline disappeared to? What was it about sweet, innocent Lilli that cut the reins of restraint he’d lived by? He looked down at her, the skin-tight black dress she wore contradicted the idea of sweet innocence, but something about the provocative outfit didn’t ring true, he just couldn’t put his finger on why not.

She gained her wits before he did. Mac was still breathing hard and ogling her cleavage when she ducked beneath his outstretched arm and escaped him. Trapped in a lust-induced fog, it took him a moment to realise she’d gone. When he did, he lowered his head and cursed himself a fool. For the second time, he’d had her in his arms and let her get away. That stopped here and now. If their first kiss all those months ago hadn’t convinced him, this second one had. Lilli would be his, body and soul, he would own her before the night was done. It was only fair. After all, she’d owned him from the moment his body had begun to crave hers.

“Hey, Mac, there you are.”

Mac glanced over his shoulder to see his brother a few feet away. “Hey, Alec.” He took a deep breath and turned to face Alec.

“Not exactly the party you mentioned.”

“No.” The word sounded more like a growl than speech.

“I take it you weren’t privy to the plans,” Alec said with a smile on his lips.

“No.” Again with the growling.

Alec looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “You all right?”

Mac clenched his fists, his short nails digging into the soft flesh of his palms. He needed to get control of his emotions or Alec would be asking questions he wasn’t ready to answer. “Yeah, tough week at work, and I’m ready for a little down time not a raging party.”

“I’m with you on that.”

“Have you signed that contract yet?” Mac asked.

“Don’t start on that again, Mac. You know how I feel about it.”

“Alec, don’t be stupid. This is the biggest thing that will ever come your way.” Mac couldn’t fathom anyone turning down the offer a major US celebrity had extended to his brother, but as usual, Alec walked to the beat of his own drum.

“Come on, Mac, I’m not star material. I like getting dirty, and dirt doesn’t look so good on TV.” Alec brought the bottle of beer in his hand to his lips and took a sip. “Besides, I’ve got enough money to see me comfortable the rest of my life. I don’t need any more.”

“It isn’t about money. It’s about success.”

“See, that’s where you’re missing the point completely. And pissing me off. Right now I’m a thousand times more successful than I ever dreamed I’d be. I’m happy, content and nothing can make my life any better than it is. Not a contract from some American big shot. Not…” Alec’s gaze followed someone across the room. “Look, I’m done talking about his. I need another beer. I’ll catch ya before I head out.”

Before Mac could argue further, his brother disappeared into the growing crowd. He scanned the many faces in the room, most were familiar, a few not. He spotted their neighbours in the far corner talking to a redhead he’d never laid eyes on before. A shout from the group playing cards drew his gaze and he watched as three of the players threw their cards in the centre of the table and downed shots of tequila. This party might not be his thing, but he had to hand it to Lilli, she knew how to have fun and she’d certainly made sure everyone here tonight had a great time.

He pushed off the wall with a sigh and went in search of a beer. If he was going to be stuck with all these people in his house, he may as well get something out of it. And if he managed to corner Lilli again, he’d do more than kiss her. Of course he’d have to make sure they were in a room without any onlookers. He wasn’t into exhibitionism, even if her choice of career suggested she was. No, when he got his hands on her again it would be just the two of them.


The only problem with being the hostess was everyone wanted a piece of you. Lillian extricated herself from another conversation and searched for Cameron. Where had the woman gone? She’s been right beside her a second ago. At least her friend had put in an appearance. Lil had known the lure of meeting Lachlan would be too much for Cam to resist, and she’d used him like the proverbial carrot on a stick to convince Cam to show. It didn’t matter how much the other woman pretended disinterest, Lil knew otherwise. Over the years, Cameron Winters had developed a sight-unseen crush on Lillian’s big brother.

Lil couldn’t help the smile that curled her lips. Cameron’s interest may have been sparked by years of candid conversation, but Lachlan’s interest went all the way back to a teenage boy’s lust for the woman voted sexiest on the planet. Kole—Cameron’s former modeling persona. Lillian had clear memories of the poster on the wall in her brother’s bedroom. It was the reason she’d felt so at home with Cam on her first photo shoot. She’d never met the other woman until that day, and finding herself in an unfamiliar world, Lillian had gravitated to the only familiar face. They’d come away from that first job with a solid working relationship and a friendship that would last a lifetime.

She wanted Cameron to see the proofs for the Golden Lilli ad campaign before the other woman came up with an excuse to flee the crowded party. Cam’s photography skills were legendary, but Lil was pretty sure the woman had outdone herself this time. She wanted to get her friend’s thoughts before giving final approval. Lillian ducked out into the foyer and spotted Cam on the stairs a second before she spied Mac and Lachlan heading her way.
When had Lachlan arrived? She slipped behind a set of broad shoulders and hid until they’d passed.

Peeking out from her hiding spot, Lil watched as her brother and his best friend were swallowed up by the mass of designer-label-clad bodies moving about the house. She was just about to go in the opposite direction when Cam rushed by. Lillian wasn’t surprised to see her friend following Lachlan, and as much as she could do without another run-in with Mac, Lil found herself treading the same path as the others. The two men wove their way through the crush of bodies with ease. They stopped at regular intervals to talk. Unable to hear the conversation between them, Lil used her years of experience observing their friendship to determine her brother was pissed off and his best friend was taunting him mercilessly.

Mac pointed at the game of Twister currently being played in the library and both of them moved closer. Cam followed and Lillian edged into the room behind her. Lil quickly manoeuvred her way through the people watching the game set up in the middle of the floor. When Mac offered Lachlan as the next player, Lil held her breath. But her brother didn’t object and the game in progress continued until the well-known television host dropped to the floor ending the round. There was some nervous chatter and a smart-ass comment or two, but all eyes remained on Lachlan. The room frozen in place as everyone waited nervously for him to make a move.

Lachlan broke the spell. “I think you won,” he said to the young woman whose body was contorted above the plastic mat and her downed challenger.

A recent
Australian’s Got Talent
winner, she blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl before collecting an article of clothing from the TV weatherman in charge of the spinner. As one, the room held their breath when the reporter asked Lachlan to ante up a piece of clothing to play. No one was more surprised than Lillian when he whipped off his shirt and handed it over. Lil knew her brother took care of himself, but the murmurs of approval from the women around her opened her eyes to him in a whole new way. He could easily grace the pages of one of his own fashion magazines.

Lillian watched Cam move closer, and with the skill only a once-world-renowned supermodel could manage, remove her bra without revealing herself to the room. Lil didn’t need to wait for Cam to move to know what would happen next. Her friend was about to challenge her brother to a game. She had no clue what her friend had in mind, and she wasn’t sure Cam had even thought it through, but as the flimsy black strips of cloth changed hands there was no turning back.

Like everyone else, Lillian stood mesmerised as tension arced between Cam and Lachlan. Her brother looked ready to tear Cameron apart, while Cam eyed Lachlan as though he were a smorgasbord and she hadn’t eaten in a month. Neither appeared willing to back down, and Lil waited for the fireworks to begin. The spin of the arrow started the game. Lost in the couple waging war on a Twister mat, she didn’t notice the person edging closer to her until it was too late.

Lillian knew who it was the second he touched her.
The familiar feel and scent of him were imbedded in every cell of her being, branded like the signature of a master painter—only no one else could see the mark. His arm slid around her waist from behind and yanked her back against him. Lil sucked in a breath as warm air rushed over her neck and his lips brushed the outer curve of her ear. She shivered. A delicate quake that shimmied from her head to her toes.

“You’re not getting away from me this time, Lilli.” He wrapped his other arm around her middle and spooned her body with his.

“Mac.” Lillian straightened her spine, tried to put space between them, but Mac tightened his grip, keeping their bodies pressed together.

“Watch the game. Things are about to get interesting.” His words, whispered against her ear, sent a shower of warmth down her back.

Heat radiated off him and soaked all the way through to her bones. She couldn’t stop her muscles from softening, couldn’t prevent herself from melting into his embrace. Lil focused on the game in front of her but she didn’t really see it. The room and people filling it faded out as her mind zeroed in on the pounding of Mac’s heart as it beat a steady tattoo along her back. Each thump hammered home the knowledge that this man could ask for anything and she’d be powerless to refuse.

He took a step backwards, tugging her with him as he moved to the rear of the crowded room. They could still see the game, but Lil no longer paid attention. How could she when Mac’s fingers were stroking her flesh through the thin material of her dress? The silky cloth sliding over her skin added to his sensual caress and fired starbursts of sensation through every nerve ending. His hand slid higher until his fingers brushed the underside of her breast. Her nipples pebbled and goose bumps sprang up like waves on sand. The tiny mounds of awareness rippled back and forth as Lil’s body flushed with arousal.

Mac dipped his other hand lower. He palmed her hip before inching his way to the hem of her little black dress and slipping questing fingers up the back of her thigh. Lil’s knees shook as he teased her with a barely there touch. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip to stifle the moan bubbling in her throat. He skimmed his fingertips over the seam between her arse and leg, the stroke light, her reaction anything but. Her hips bucked, drove her buttocks into the cradle of his pelvis and the hard ridge of his cock pressed between her cheeks, the material of their clothes not hiding the evidence of his desire.

Lillian whimpered when Mac thrust forward. He cupped her breast and tweaked her nipple, the hard pinch turning the nub into a throbbing point of need. The hand beneath her skirt pushed higher, his fingertips probing the crease between her legs from behind. Moisture soaked her underwear, the thin strip of her thong no barrier to the flood of arousal he was drawing from her core. Mac nuzzled the side of her neck, his lips and tongue dancing on the sensitive area below her ear.

His grip on her breast tightened and the hand beneath her dress grew more daring. With ease, Mac pulled aside her underwear and strummed the slick folds of her pussy. Lil gasped as her body jolted with the electric touch. He probed deeper and she shifted her feet to part her legs. Her hands came up to grip his forearm and her elbow jabbed the man beside them. The sudden reminder of where they were—that they weren’t alone—worked better than a bucket of cold water dumped over her head.

“Mac, stop.” She dug her fingers into his arm and tried to pull away.

“Why? I know you like it.” To prove his point, he swirled his fingertips through her wet slit.

Lillian clamped her legs together and angled her pelvis away, breaking the contact between his knowledgeable touch and her heated centre. “No.” She pulled free only to find herself spun around and brought nose to nose with an angry Mac.

“Isn’t this what you want? For me to touch you?”

“Yes. No.” Lillian quickly took in the people around them, making sure no one was listening. “Not here. Someone will see.”

BOOK: Spin the Bottle
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