Spellbound in His Arms

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Authors: Angel Sefer

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Spellbound in His Arms
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In His Arms




A novel of


The Greek Isles Series



Winner of the Crowned Heart award for excellence from
InD'tale Magazine



Reviews for Spellbound in His Arms

"Angel Sefer's
intriguing new novel, 'Spellbound in His Arms'...already has made its way onto
three best seller lists... The story takes place on the island of Corfu, and combines thrills, mystery, and romance."
The Greek Herald

"The chemistry
between the main characters, Jackie and Michael, is fiery and passionate right
from the start, but what I really liked is that they were able to keep their
heads to solve the mystery even as their relationship blossomed. There are
plenty of bad guys and plenty of action in this book-- "
Caroline Fardig, #1 Best-selling Author

"This book
LITERALLY sucked me in with the very first paragraph. I had a very hard time
putting this book down because it is so action packed!"
Joe Cool Review

"I would summarize 'Spellbound in His Arms' in one word: exciting!
This was a fun easy read that had it all; romance, excitement and mystery with
for the backdrop of the story.
Masquerade Crew

"The author deftly interweaves the plot as it twists and turns
until the reader fears for the lives of heroes Jackie and Michael. It's a fast
paced, suspenseful read, with diabolical villains, an intrepid heroine and a
super hot detective!" -





Spellbound In His

Copyright © 2013 by
Angel Sefer

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and
incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitious,
and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise), without written permission of the author, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles reviews.

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illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic
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copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


All rights reserved

Edited by Karen Block

Cover Design by Tracy Stewart at



In memory of my late mother Helen, a wonderful mother and my best
friend. She will always be remembered for her love, kindness and wisdom, and
will live in my heart forever…

Dedicated to my beloved family in Greece and USA for all their love,
guidance and support throughout the years and especially, to my wonderful
husband Bill and my amazing Aunt Angie.







Chapter One
Jackie stopped dead in her tracks. What was that? A light
noise, coming from somewhere in the back of the mansion, turned her blood to


Chapter Two
Running through
the woods, Michael heard a car engine starting somewhere nearby. He rushed
towards it, calling out for Jackie.


Chapter Three
Philip Manos watched Elizabeth through the hidden camera.
He suspected she wanted to turn him in.


Chapter Four
The noise became
louder and louder. Michael desperately reached for his father, trying to grab his
hand, but the wind blew wildly and the broken sail banged hard against the
steering wheel, sending the sailboat towards the rocks.


Chapter Five
Roussos rolled
with the pitching deck of the cargo freighter as the powerful storm tossed the
ship around like a piece of driftwood.


Chapter Six
It was a long
night and Jackie didn’t get much sleep. Mixed feelings of fear and desire
tormented her.


Chapter Seven
Jackie woke up with a roaring headache. She felt cold and
wet. Her body was aching from lying on something hard.


Chapter Eight
Jackie sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and
going over everything in her mind. It seemed this night would never end.


Chapter Nine
Jackie perused
the dim, damp basement where her kidnappers had dragged her an hour before, and
then turned her gaze on the tall, older man who stood silently in front of her,
intently studying her face.


Chapter Ten
By the time
Eric’s helicopter landed on the property, Eric’s men, seven out of the ten that
were there with Manos, had taken care of Roussos and then went to the house and
took care of Philip as well.


Chapter Eleven
It was late by the time they finally made it back to the
hotel. Michael wanted to take her to a hospital and have her checked out.


Chapter Twelve
Michael left the police station parking lot and headed
back for the hotel. He was glad, he had taken the briefcase with the contents
of the safe to a safety deposit box at the local bank yesterday, so at least,
he didn’t have to worry about that.


It was a
beautiful warm day in late September and the sun was shining brightly. Jackie
stretched lazily in the lounge chair on the second floor balcony of the mansion,
enjoying the amazing view.


About the Author
Angel Sefer was born in Athens, Greece. She has studied
and worked on both sides of the Atlantic.


Note from the Author
The Greek Isles Series


Contact information

Chapter One


Jackie stopped dead in her tracks. What
was that? A light noise, coming from somewhere in the back of the mansion,
turned her blood to ice.
She immediately
turned the flashlight off and stood still, holding her breath. Her mouth went
dry. What if there was someone in the mansion? How would she explain who she
was and what she was doing here in the middle of the night? Then again, would
her explanations make any difference to whomever, or even worse
was out there? The old mansion was pitch black, far away from any civilized
soul and the owner dead. Who could it be?

Jackie instinctively flattened herself against the wall,
waiting, trying to track the source of the noise and peer through the darkness.
Her heart pounded fast, so loud she could swear she could hear its echo in the
room. The back of her neck prickled.
Was it true?
She silently cursed
herself for laughing at Stephanos’ warnings. What if he was right? What if
something supernatural was responsible for the mysterious deaths in the family
of Greek tycoon, Andreas Demiris?

Now, trapped here, feeling something lurking in the
dark, she wished she’d thought better, before flying six thousand miles away
from home on this weird, creepy assignment. But she always jumped head first
into every new challenge. She should have known her impulsiveness would get her
into trouble one day.

She waited, motionless, for a couple of minutes that
seemed as eternity, too scared to even breathe. The fact that she couldn’t see
anything around her made matters even worse. The dim moonlight behind the
threatening clouds didn’t penetrate the stained glass windows. The interior was
as pitch black and eerie as the forest surrounding the old mansion. Jackie
desperately tried to pick up the slightest noise. But, there was nothing—only
dead silence.

She knew she was being foolish.
There is nobody here
she reassured herself. Why should there be? The place was deserted and had
been for months. All she needed to do was to find what she had come for and get
out as soon as possible.

Blind in the complete darkness, she took a couple of
steps to her right, keeping her hand against the wall. At the same time, her
other hand clung tightly to the flashlight, ready to use it as a weapon. All
her senses worked overtime to detect the slightest noise or movement
whatsoever. Even though she sensed nothing, the warning bell going off inside
her head was impossible to ignore.

Suddenly, Jackie stiffened. Something was moving closer
to her…a lot closer. She froze in place and held her breath.

A strong hand grabbed her by the throat and shoved her
violently against the wall. A sudden strong light shone in her face blinding
her. She instinctively closed her eyes.

She struggled to breathe, but the grip tightened around
her throat. Fear paralyzed her. On the cusp of fainting, she heard a deep,
masculine voice, commanding in Greek, “Who are you?”

She gasped for air and flailed at her assailant with her
flashlight. He blocked her move with impossible speed and effortlessly knocked
the flashlight out of her hand. Jackie raised her arms and frantically tried to
free her throat from the deadly grasp. It was no use. The hand seemed to be
made of steel.

A second later, the question was repeated, more
insistent this time. The grasp loosened just a little bit, allowing some air
into her lungs and giving her a chance to answer.

“Please…” she managed to whisper.

She heard him taking a deep breath, but couldn’t see
anything with his flashlight shining in her face.

“Who are you?” he asked, in English this time. His voice
was deep, with a clear foreign accent.

Who is he and what is he doing here?
Jackie wondered anxiously. What could she possibly say to him? She
couldn’t tell him the truth. But, on the other hand, would he settle for
anything less?
Her mind worked double time as she sensed him shifting

“You do speak English, don’t you?”

“Yes…yes,” she whispered. “Please, I can’t breathe” she
continued, trying to buy some time. Actually, it was the truth. She could barely
breathe with his strong hand wrapped tightly around her throat.

“Who are you?” he insisted, without relaxing his grasp any

“Jackie...Jackie Alexander,” she muttered.

“And what are you doing here, Jackie Alexander?” he

Now, that was the hard part. She had prepared a few
things in her mind, just in case there were questions raised for her sudden,
unexpected visit to the island. But she hadn’t expected to find anyone in this
old mansion in the middle of the night.

“I’m…a relative of the owners,” she said. This part
wasn’t far from the truth.

The man hesitated for a moment.

“I’m a relative of Constantinos Demiris,” she repeated.

His hand released her throat, and she sucked in a ragged
breath. He remained unbearably close though, blocking every possible escape

She heard a distinctive click, and the bright light of a
chandelier filled the room.

Jackie looked around her, disoriented, and finally, her
eyes rested on him. He was tall, at least six inches taller than she, and at
five feet eight inches, she was no shrimp. He had jet-black hair and a well
built muscular body any athlete would envy. His face was very handsome, with a
strong jaw and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Those eyes now searched her
face intensely. Jackie felt uneasy under his piercing gaze. It was as if he
could clearly see all the way to her soul.

For a moment, they stared into each other’s eyes and
Jackie felt her heart suspended in her chest…but not from fear this time. Even
though he looked tough, she had to admit he was startling handsome and manly—a
“seductive stranger” as Aphrodite, her romantic teenage cousin, would call him.

The thought of sweet, innocent Aphrodite jolted her back
to reality. She had to find out who or what was causing the deaths of all the
heirs. They had died one by one, all in accidents, starting two years ago with
the oldest. Now, her dearest cousin back in Atlanta was next in line. Jackie
was desperate to find out how and why. And coming to the Demiris mansion on the
island of Corfu was the right place to start her search.

“That still doesn’t explain what you’re doing out here
in the middle of the night.” He watched her closely.

Jackie could tell that he was on guard, ready to prevent
any attempt to escape. He was obviously stronger and faster, but didn’t seem

She began to relax. Now that the initial shock of her
capture was behind her, she needed to regain control of the situation.

“And who exactly are you?” she demanded.

A smile appeared on the handsome stranger’s face and he
gave her an appreciative look. “You’re a tough cookie, aren’t you?” he said.

Jackie shifted uneasily, as she felt his gaze caressing
her skin. Her pulse accelerated. She could see the desire in those beautiful
eyes, as blue as the waters of the Ionian Sea surrounding the island.
God! How easily I could get lost in those eyes.

“Michael Apostolou” he said suddenly, catching her off
guard. “
Michael Apostolou” he added, putting emphasis on the

Oh no!
He was with the
police. That was the worst thing that could happen to her right now. She had
only been on the island for a few hours and here she was, caught by the police
breaking and entering. How would she get out of this? Why hadn’t she waited
until tomorrow morning to talk to the attorney, as Stephanos had instructed
her? But no, she wanted to check out the documents in the safe, without anyone
looking over her shoulder.

Having no clue who or what could be causing the deaths
in the Demiris family, Jackie hoped to find something in the folders hidden in
the safe to shed some light on this mystery. She intended to read through every
single one of those documents, searching for information which could possibly
prevent another murder and uncover the one who would benefit from killing the

Knowing that he was watching her closely to see her reaction,
Jackie remained as calm and apparently relaxed as she could possibly manage.

“And now, Miss Alexander, would you mind explaining,
what you were doing breaking into this house in the middle of the night?” There
was a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

“I didn’t exactly break in,” Jackie explained.

Michael took a step closer and leaned over her, watching
her very closely. “And what would you call breaking a window and climbing
inside a building that doesn’t belong to you?” The sarcasm was even more
obvious now.

Jackie raised her chin and looked at him puzzled. “But I
didn’t break any window.” This whole damn thing was getting out of hand. She
needed a way out of here and as far away from
as possible. Now, why
would that thought make her feel sad? What was the matter with her? Had fear
paralyzed her and messed with her ability to think straight?

“Oh, really?” he asked. He grabbed her arm, and pulled
her towards an arch, which led to what seemed to be the living room.

Jackie gasped. A window hung wide open and pieces of
broken glass peppered the carpet. She hadn’t done that. Turning to look at him
though, she was absolutely sure she was going to have a hard time convincing
him of that. Those amazing blue eyes were looking at her accusingly. Suddenly,
she realized that someone else had broken the window. She tensed, looking around

Michael followed her look but didn’t release her arm.
“Well?” he asked. “What do you have to say about this?”

“I didn’t do it,” she said, looking at him straight in
the eyes. “I came in through the front door.”

“Oh, is that so?” he asked and his lips pressed into a
thin line. She could tell he was losing his patience.

But it was the truth. She had tried the front door first
and was surprised to find it unlocked. It had seemed kind of strange, but she
wanted to get in and out as fast as she could and didn’t give it a second
thought. Being out here, miles away from any living soul and especially in the
middle of the night, wasn’t something she was crazy about. However, she had a
job to do, and she wanted to do it fast and clean.

“I swear I didn’t break that window.” She tried to free
her arm from his grip.

“Now, you listen to me…” A loud noise, like something
falling on the second floor, interrupted him. He immediately let go off her arm
and took off towards the foyer. A gun appeared in his hand.

“Don’t move!” he ordered over his shoulder. He rushed
towards the massive staircase, with the grace of an athlete and the swift moves
of a panther.

Jackie stood still. She watched him climb the stairs,
two steps at a time. Her mouth went dry, and her heart pounded fast in her
What now

On a sudden impulse, she turned and climbed out the
broken window. She moaned as she scratched herself on the pieces of broken
glass still hanging from the window frame. Stepping on the veranda that
surrounded the ground floor, she frantically looked around. She rushed down the
front steps and ran towards the thick woods.


Michael rushed upstairs, holding his gun in his right
hand. Reaching the second floor, he stood still at the top of the stairs. He
looked down the corridor, towards the direction the sound had come from. Dead

He tried the light switch, but the lights didn’t come
on. No lights seemed to be working on the second floor. Only the light from the
chandelier in the foyer downstairs helped him find his way around. He walked
down the hallway, opening doors and searching every room. Still nothing….

He reached the last room and carefully opened the door.
Stepping inside, he flattened himself against the wall. He stood still,
listening, when a soft breeze of fresh air struck him in the face. He looked
towards the open window and approached it, just in time to glimpse Jackie
entering the woods.

Damn that girl! She got away!

He was ready to turn and run back downstairs when he saw
. The man was tall and slim and dressed in black. He was running
towards the woods in the same direction Jackie had taken.

Michael drew a deep breath. He could feel it in his
guts—the girl was in grave danger.

He stormed downstairs and out of the mansion, following
the direction the other two had taken.


Pushing through the heavy shrubbery, Jackie raced
towards the small dirt road where her rented car was hidden. Reaching the car,
she panicked. Where did she have the car keys? She searched her pockets and was
relieved to feel the key in her hand. But to get it in the lock was another
story. Trying hard to control her trembling, she finally managed to unlock the
door on the third try. She jumped inside and locked the door behind her.
Breathing heavily, she leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes for
a moment.

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