Special Delivery (12 page)

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Authors: Traci Hohenstein

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Novels

BOOK: Special Delivery
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“I love you, too, pumpkin. Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”

A tear slid down my cheek as they wheeled him down the hall.


Chapter 23

While my father was in surgery, I sent my mother home to shower and change. Then I checked in with the office. Heather said everything was running smoothly and put Brad on the phone.

“Hey, I’m so glad you called. How’s Frank?”

“He’s in surgery. Single bypass.” I paused. “With Dr. Charles Borago and your friend, Olivia.”

“Well, they’ll take good of him.”

“What’s going on there?” I leaned against the wall.

“I went by and saw Janessa on the way to the office this morning. She’s still bleeding some, but it’s slowed. She’s coming in tomorrow for another ultrasound.”

“Good. What else?” My tone was more clipped than I wanted it to be. Blame it on stress, or worry for my dad, or that I wasn’t at the office and making the decisions. I heard Brad sigh on the other end.

“Hope, everything is fine. I promise to call you if anything urgent comes up. Take care of Frank.”

Part of me was relieved that Brad was there handling things and taking charge. I guess having another qualified doctor at the practice was a good idea. It gave me the ample time I needed to spend with my parents during their time of need.

“Sure. I’ll check in later.” I disconnected with Brad then decided to call Venus. We hadn’t talked since I’d left her a message on the way to Palm Springs.

I spent the next three hours pacing the hall in front of the surgery waiting room. My mom returned looking refreshed just as Olivia came out to the hallway dressed in her surgery scrubs.

“Dr. Borago is just finishing up,” she said to both of us. “The surgery went as expected, and Frank is doing well. He’ll be taken to recovery very soon.”

I looked over at Mom, who sighed in relief. Whatever negative feelings I’d had for Olivia dissipated. She’d just saved my father’s life. I would be eternally grateful.


My father recovered well and was in the hospital for only three days. He might be a great physician, but he sucked as a patient. I made sure he was set up at home – at first he refused an at-home nurse, but my mom and I assured him that it would be only for a couple of weeks. On my last night in Palm Springs I took Mom out to dinner.

We went to her favorite restaurant in Palm Springs – Chop House. While we waited for our table, we had a drink at the bar. We both got our favorite cocktail, the French Flirt, which has Ciroc vodka, Chambord, and pineapple juice. Just as I took a sip of the heavenly drink, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned and saw two men sitting at a table near the back of the bar.

Even though his head was turned away from me, I instantly recognized Mr. Vanderbilt. The young man he was with looked very familiar, but I couldn’t place him. He was the ultimate California boy stereotype with blonde, wispy hair, a deep tan, and big, white teeth. He looked very preppy in a starched pink polo shirt with a Kelly green sweater thrown over his shoulders. I couldn’t see his pants, but I would’ve bet he wore pressed light khakis and topsiders with no socks. He must be one of Mr. Vanderbilt’s many real estate clients, I decided. Venus had told me that Mr. Vanderbilt was in Palm Springs on a golf trip.

“I’ll be right back, Mom.”

“Where are you going?”

“I see someone I know. I just want to say hi.”

I got up and started walking to the back of bar where Mr. Vanderbilt and his companion were seated. It was quieter and more intimate back here. I passed a couple sharing an appetizer and a bottle of wine. By the girl’s giggles, I surmised they were on a first date.

When I was just two tables away, I saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks. Mr. Vanderbilt reached over and placed his hand over the young man’s hand. In an intimate way. The young man smiled and stroked Mr. Vanderbilt’s hand. Mr. Vanderbilt leaned over the table and whispered something, and his guest laughed. It looked seductive.

I was frozen in my spot. The young man suddenly looked up at me and saw me standing there – probably with my mouth hanging open. His smile faded, and he said something to Mr. Vanderbilt. I quickly turned and headed back to the bar table where my mom waited. Luckily the hostess was there to escort us to our dinner table. I grabbed my purse and didn’t look back.

“That was fast, dear,” my mom said as we followed the hostess.

“Oh, wrong person. I thought I knew him.”

All through dinner I tried to forget about Venus’s husband. I poked at my Australian sea bass as all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind. Maybe I had misinterpreted the hand thing. I replayed the events in my mind. No, I was pretty sure that what I’d seen was an intimate gesture between two men. Venus was right. Mr. Vanderbilt was cheating on her. But with a man.

Now the question was – how should I tell Venus?


Chapter 24

The next morning I headed back to LA. My father was recovering, and I knew he’d be in good hands with mom and his nurse. He was still squabbling about it, but that was my father for you.

On the drive back to LA, all I could think about was what to tell Venus about Mr. Vanderbilt. I replayed the images in my head. Mr. Vanderbilt’s hand caressing another man’s. The look on the young man’s face – one of love, of passion. I knew in my heart that he was Mr. Vanderbilt’s lover. Venus already suspected her husband was having an affair, so that part wouldn’t be hard to disclose, although I knew she’d be crushed to have it confirmed. How to tell her that he was with another man? She would be pissed – that’s for sure. And not pissed in the British way – meaning drunk – but extremely angry.

I thought about the few interactions I’d had with Venus and Mr. Vanderbilt as a couple. Trying to remember any sign that he was gay or bi-sexual. Any sign that he was interested in men. He dressed very well, took care of himself, got mani-pedis, facials, and massages frequently, but so did half of the straight men I knew. Looking your best was a motto to live by in LA.

I contemplated waiting a couple of weeks to see what transpired between Venus and Mr. Vanderbilt before I said anything. Venus and I had a standing lunch date and shopping trip to buy our gowns for the Heart Ball coming up. Maybe I’d say something then.

The traffic got heavy just as I pulled into town. I decided to head straight to the office and get back to work. I called Frederick to let him know that I’d be home later.

As I pulled into Hollywood Healthcare, I noticed the parking lot was full. My usual spot was empty – Brad had parked his Mustang on the side of the building. I put my mind in work mode and headed inside.


Chapter 25

After an exhausting day of seeing patients and getting back into the groove of things, I just wanted to go home and pour a large glass of wine and vegetate. But there was one thing on my mind that I couldn’t ignore any longer. I hopped into the Cayenne and drove the few blocks to my best friend’s house.

Venus answered the door in her black yoga pants and a sports bra, her body still glistening with sweat from the workout with her trainer.

“Hey. Come on in.” She leaned in to give me a quick air kiss. “How’s your dad doing?”

I followed Venus into kitchen. “He’s doing better, thanks.”

Venus pointed to a carafe of wine on the counter. “Help yourself. There’s some cheese and crackers in the fridge. Give me a minute to towel off. I’ll be right back.”

After tossing and turning all night, thinking about Mr. V and what he was doing behind Venus’s back, I knew I had to let her know sooner rather than later. If the situation were reversed, I had no doubt that Venus would tell me straight away. She’d have my back.

I nibbled on a piece of cracker and washed it down with a gulp of red wine. I wondered how in the hell I could tell Venus that her husband was having an affair. With a man. Oh, boy. This was going to be hard.

Venus re-entered the kitchen wearing her bathing suit, a towel around her shoulders. She swam every afternoon after her yoga session and swore that it kept her strong and limber. Swimming was like Valium to her.

“What’s going on? Is everything okay with your dad? Brad?” She asked me.

I knew Mr. Vanderbilt would most likely still be at the office or having drinks with clients. Or whoever. He was rarely home before ten in the evening.

“Yes, everything’s good.” I fidgeted with my hair.

“Well, come on then. Something’s on your mind. Spit it out. What is it?” Venus grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

Like a Band-Aid on a hairy arm, I thought. Just rip it off quickly.

“Mr. Vanderbilt is having an affair.”

Venus looked at me. She was strangely calm. “Yes, I know.”

I must have looked shocked because she added, “Remember? I told you that at dinner a few weeks ago. He comes home smelling like a hooker. Cheap cologne.” Venus twisted the top off her water bottle and took a sip. “Did you see the bastard out with someone?”

I slowly nodded my head.

“Damn. To think of all the money I’ve been paying out to that private investigator and he hasn’t found anything. Yet, my best friend sees him with another woman. Go figure.” Venus laughed. “So what does the little hussy look like?”

“Well, that’s the funny thing,” I said getting up my nerve. “It’s not a woman.”

Now it was her turn to look shocked. “What do you mean? He’s shagging another man?”

Again, I nodded.

She contemplated that for a minute. “How do you know?”

Here comes the hard part, I thought. Telling her that I’ve known for a few days.

“When I was in Palm Springs, my mom and I went out to dinner at the Chop House. I saw Mr. Vanderbilt at the bar – a private table – with another man. They were, um, kind of holding hands across the table.” I blew out a breath. There. I’d said it. It was out there now. No going back.

“Are you sure? He told me he was there with clients that weekend. Golfing.”

“I’m sure. I was just a few feet away when I saw it. It was definitely a romantic gesture.”

Venus looked skeptical. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Call me when you were in Palm Springs?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know how. I thought it through several times. I wanted to be wrong. But I know what I saw. And with everything going on with my dad, I just…” I let the thought go.

Venus took a big swig of her water. She seemed to be processing the information. “Well, thanks for finally telling me.”

I got up from the bar stool. Venus isn’t a touchy-feely kind of person. We rarely hugged, but I felt like she needed one. I started toward her, but she waved me away.

“I need to get my laps in. I have a busy day. We’ll talk later.”

“I’m so sorry, Venus. If you need anything…”

She headed for the door, and I followed her out. “If there’s anything I can do…I’m so sorry.” I whispered.

She didn’t respond and just shut the door behind me.

I know I messed up by not telling her sooner. I hoped she’d cool down and call me later. We’d never had a fight, so I didn’t know what to expect. Giving her some space and time to process the information was probably the best thing to do right now.


Chapter 26

“Okay, here we go. Right hand on hip, chest out, and lean towards me.” Under five feet tall with long blonde hair and wielding a camera that was probably half her weight, the photographer shouted directions at me.

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