Southern Gossip: A Complicated Love Story (10 page)

BOOK: Southern Gossip: A Complicated Love Story
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“Wow, so this is where the Kent’s live?” Fen questioned.


“Yes, this is it.” Lynn stopped so that Fen could get a good view. Fen admired the white and black two story huge family home. “It’s nice to have neighbors like these.” She whispered while smiling as she spotted a horse walking in a fence behind it. The home was beautiful. The landscaping was amazing and the green grass definitely looked greener making her wish that she was a Kent woman.


“Are they as pretty as I read about?” she asked.


“Yes, I won’t take that away from them. They’ve always been known for their strong genetic features. That of their almond shaped eyes, long eyelashes, small button noses, and caramel skin color. Not to mention their shapely figures. It’s all the same.”


Fen smiled she couldn’t wait to finally see a Kent woman in person. The legend about these women had her feeling like she was amongst the most famous people in the world. “These people feel like celebrities to me.”


Lynn smiled. “In Rocky Springs, GA they are.”


“You all are living out here on the Gray Plantation.” Fen added.


“Maybe,” Lynn commented slowly easing past the Kent’s house. Lynn drove further down the road then stopped shy of a big mailbox that read: THE GRAY FAMILY and under it in smaller letters read:
The Big House


“So this is Mama Gray’s house.” Fen said as her heart pumped a little from the rush of being so close to the matriarch of the whole plantation.


“Yes, this is Mama Gray’s house.” Lynn said as she pulled up a little closer near the driveway. “But it’ll always be Mrs. Gray when you meet her unless she ever tells you otherwise.”


“Understood,” Fen said looking down the driveway wishing she could get a better look.  The house could only be seen a tad bit from the road. The winding long driveway and tall trees was the only thing that kept Fen from getting a better view. But what she could see was a fountain flowing with water, sitting in the middle of a fish pond covered with green lily pads and flowers. The
sign displayed on the fountain was definitely luring. “I wish I could see more.”


“You’ll have your moment to see more of the house. Trust me; it’s certainly full of southern charm and holds plenty of secrets. Her oldest son, Sheriff Evan Gray Sr. and his only son, Evan Gray Jr., both reside there. His wife once lived there too, but word was that she and Mama Gray couldn’t get along. Unfortunately, this took a toll on their relationship and she finally moved out of The Big House to somewhere in the city. I mean, I don’t see why nobody should move out anyway. The house is certainly big enough for them all.”


“Evan Gray Jr.,” Fen whispered. “Also known as Seth,” she added with a smile. Lynn grinned while passing by the big house, followed by green pastures, and then ending back up at the entrance gate. The plantation seemed to be of one big circle. There was one way in and one way out.


“I have enjoyed my tour.” Fen said as Lynn exited the gates. “I’m eagerly excited to get to work.”


“Good,” Lynn said. “The newspaper comes out in the morning. I would like to see what you can come up with for the gossip column before it hits the city.”


“Wow, that fast? I don’t even know where to start. Who should I get something on?” Fen asked feeling a little rushed and unprepared to have something that soon.


“It doesn’t matter. I would like to see how eager you are to actually get to work. It’s a story out there you just have to find it. What you need to do is find someone who can give you open access to meeting new people. Once you’ve found that connection, everything else should come easy.”




Chapter 7


Mrs. Gray sat on the side of her bed preparing to wind down for the night. She looked over on the wall at the clock. It was nearing 8pm and her husband hadn’t called or come home yet. She hadn’t spoken to him since after their late lunch date a couple of hours earlier. It was nothing unusual for them to have busy schedules but his schedule was starting not to add up. She knew he was working later hours and was bombarded with work, but something just didn’t seem right.


Footsteps heading her way caused her to look up. “Hey Mom,” Marlon said stepping inside of her master bedroom suite.


“Oh, hey son, you startled me a bit. I thought you were your father.”


“Sorry about that. I was just leaving Mama Gray’s then heading to Jennifer’s and I stopped by for a moment.”


“Have you spoken to your father today?” She asked.


“No, not today,” he responded leaning against the wall. “Are you okay?” he questioned, sensing that she had a lot on her mind from earlier that morning at the big house and whatever it was seemed to still be bothering her.


“I’m good son.” She said trying not to let her worry lines show. He could tell that she was stressed, but he was hoping that it wasn’t about Jada Kent because he wasn’t traveling back down memory lane if he could help himself.  “Where is your brother?” She asked while walking inside the bathroom to run her some bath water.


“He’s at Mama Gray’s getting ready to go out.” He responded. Mrs. Gray stood in the bathroom mirror primping a little. She didn’t want her behavior looking strangely to her son. Marlon stepped to the bathroom door. She was now putting on her facial cream as she looked at him through the mirror.


“So I take it that y’all will be at the
Lion’s Den
tonight?” She asked.


“You know its Saturday night. My spot is always jumping on the weekends.”


“You’re right it’s always jumping and forever in that nosey ass gossip column.” She responded as she looked over at him. Her pretty, smooth brown face was almost white from her facial cream.


“That gossip column is probably the main reason why my club has gotten so much exposure and business.” He responded.


“Exposure isn’t always good for business, Marlon.” She stated cutting her eyes at him.


“Well, in my case it is.” He responded knowing that she was never thrilled about him owning a strip club per say.


“Are you taking Jennifer with you tonight?” She asked.


“Yes, she’s getting ready now.”


“Have you filled the waitress positions since you had to fire one for prostituting herself to your customers during her work hours and the other one from screwing in the parking lot on the premises?”


Marlon grinned, knowing that if it wasn’t for ‘Here’s The Tea,’ it would’ve been hush hush and at least the girl screwing in the parking lot could’ve kept her job. “It was with her boyfriend, Mom.” He explained trying to downplay the girl’s actions.


“It doesn’t matter. It was unprofessional and if she wanted some that bad then she should’ve gotten a room.”


“You’re just mad, because it makes the bar looks worse than what you already think it is.” He said.


“It just seems to be one big orgy going on around your place of business.” She stated turning off the bath water then walking back into her bedroom.


“The only people that think like that are you and Mama Gray.” He said disappointedly shaking his head. “Well, I have to go. I have things to do.”


She looked over at him. He looked really nice in a button down, blue and white striped Polo shirt, a pair of Ralph Lauren navy pants, and a casual leather pair of Sperry shoes. His haircut was neatly trimmed showing off his deep waves which made him look very handsome. “Well, you do look very handsome tonight son.” She said.


He smiled. “Thanks Mom.”


“Just be careful and have fun,” she said opening a drawer and pulling out a long, sheer, white nightgown.

“I will and we’ll see you in the morning at breakfast.” he said kissing her on the cheek and exiting the room. She knew that she was pushing a few of his buttons, but she only did that to keep him from focusing so much on her.


She walked over by the nightstand and picked up the phone dialing Mr. Gray’s number, but he didn’t answer. She stood there for a moment thinking that he’d call right back, but he didn’t. Usually this wouldn’t bother her, but for some reason this time was different. She went back into the bathroom and began to undress but thoughts of her husband’s whereabouts played heavily on her mind.
Ian, what have you been up to?
She thought.




A’keem sat on the passenger side of Seth’s Range Rover as they rode to the
Lion’s Den.
He was anxious as he looked over at his cousin. “So you said that Jada was coming out with Serenity tonight?”


“Yep, that’s what Serenity said. Jada didn’t tell you?” Seth questioned.


A’keem sat quiet for a moment. His thoughts kept reflecting on Jada and their earlier encounter. He acted hard trying to push her off on his brother, but deep down he still loved her.


“Nah, we didn’t get on the subject.” He responded. “What was Serenity talking about? Did she say anything about Jada or why she was back?” Akeem pondered.


“Nah Cuz, she didn’t mention anything about Jada, but she did mention that she was fucking around with Flow.”


A’keem frowned. “Huh? Who Serenity?” he questioned as he looked over at Seth.


“So you didn’t know?” Seth asked.


“Hell no, I didn’t know nothing about that,” he responded. “If I knew about it I would’ve let you know Cuz.” Seth looked over at him. He knew that Flow was A’keem’s best friend, but he believed him. His cousin wouldn’t keep that from him, especially knowing that he really liked Serenity.


“Okay Cuz, I believe you.” Seth said thinking for a moment.


“I wonder why that nigga keeping that shit a secret. I usually know about all the women he’s fucking.” A’keem said.


Seth shook his head. “That shit is crazy. Then the nigga called me while I was out there talking to her earlier and asked me if I could handle some business for him.”


A’keem frowned again. “Handle some business for him?”


“Yeah, but I told that nigga I wasn’t coming to town until later. I wanted to say more, but Serenity  was standing there.”


“I don’t know what’s up with Flow. He knows that we don’t’ fuck around with that shit. We country boys, we don’t have too.”


“Right and he’s gonna make me straighten him on that shit too if he tries me again.” Seth said. “I’m already feeling some type of way about him and Serenity fucking around, but I’ma let that be and fall back off the broad.”


A’keem raised an eyebrow with a confused facial expression. “I just don’t understand why he’s so hush hush about it, but time will tell.” He said as they pulled up in the crowded parking lot of the
Lion’s Den.
He sat silent for a moment still thinking about how slick Jada and her bestie could be. “Damn, them some tough ass country girls.”


“Tell me about it.” Seth agreed.


“Man, le’me get my mind right,” A’keem said firing up his blunt. “If they’re gonna be here tonight I’ma need this one and another one.”


“Fuck it, le’me hit that shit too.” Seth chimed in. He knew that he’d quit smoking for at least a year, but tonight he was ready to get back on it. Serenity’s news had definitely fucked up his night, but he was determined to make it better.




Meanwhile, Jada and Serenity were headed to the
Lion’s Den.
Jada looked over at her homegirl wanting to be nosey. “So, what did Seth say when you told him about Flow?” she asked as they exited the Gray Plantation passing the security booth


Serenity looked over at Jada who was chilling on the passenger side rolling up a jay. “Are you really gonna do that?”


“Yes, why not? This is my homecoming party to myself.” She said feeling herself from the shots of Ciroc that she and Serenity taken before leaving her residence. She lit up the joint. “Are you gonna smoke or what?” She asked after puffing twice on it.


Serenity thought about her earlier conversation with Seth then looked back over at the luring feel good medicine. “Fuck it, le’me hit that shit.” She said taking the joint and puffing from it.


“Soooo, what did Seth say about you and Flow messing around?”


“He was hurt. He acted as if it wasn’t a big deal but I knew it was, because he said that he was going to fall back.” She said puffing from the joint again.


“Damn, how does that make you feel?” Jada asked.


“It makes me feel fucked up; because I knew for sure that he liked me a lot.” She said puffing from the joint again. “Trying to figure out Flow’s feelings is sometimes complicated.” She puffed again.

“Aye, Aye, Aye,” Jada called out. “Pass that shit already.”


“My bad girl,” Serenity said passing the jay over to Jada. “I never should’ve said anything. I don’t know what I was thinking. What should I do?”


“Hell, I don’t know. That would be like the blind leading the blind, girl. I know you feel bad about telling Seth, but you’d rather tell him than Flow, right? It’s just funny to me that Flow hadn’t mentioned you to them yet, especially to A’keem because he would’ve told his cousin. I’m sure about that.”


“I know right, that’s how I knew that Flow hadn’t said anything. If Seth knew about it in the first place then he would’ve never hollered at me.”


“And, let me guess, you’ve always liked Seth,” Jada teased.


“I did and you know it too,” Serenity blushed. “But, he always hooked up with one of those suburb city gals, like Serenity Foster doesn’t live on the plantation.” She said speaking of herself in third person.


Jada laughed out loud. “Your ass is crazy, but it’s true. He just never looked at you in that way or maybe we just didn’t know it.” She said puffing the last bit of joint and throwing it out the cracked window. “I don’t know girl, but maybe those horseback rides have finally paid off for you. I saw that ass from the front when you picked me up from the airport Thursday. I said, look at Serenity. That bitch is fine!”


Serenity burst out laughing. “Well, it had been almost a year hadn’t it since we last saw each other in person.”


“Yep, almost a year,” Jada said remembering back when Serenity totally surprised her by coming to visit. She ended up staying for three weeks. It was the best time of her life.


“Well, I’m glad you’re back so I don’t have to be taking that three hour flight all the way to Sweetwater, Montana. Damn, when you went away, BITCH YOU WENT AWAY!” They laughed.


“Girl, you know I had to get as far away from this place as possible. Plus, with my aunt living there it made it that much easier.”


“I know.” Serenity said knowing all too well the reason Jada departed so suddenly.


“It was bad enough that I turned down Marlon’s marriage proposal in front of the whole plantation, but even worse that I couldn’t explain my reason for having to leave.”


“I didn’t even know that Marlon was throwing you a surprise engagement party. Apparently, the only people who knew were your mom and him.”


“Funny huh, because nothing is ever usually a secret on the plantation,” Jada said.


“But that was. Your mom had everyone fooled like she was just throwing another one of the Kent’s infamous barbeques. You know no one on the plantation is going to miss that. It’s always something juicy going on anytime the Kent’s and Gray’s come together.”


“You telling me,” Jada commented. “I bet Mrs. Gray was somewhat pleased with the way things went down. The only thing that probably bothered her was Marlon’s broken heart.”

BOOK: Southern Gossip: A Complicated Love Story
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