Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)
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“Benjamin told me your parents are planning a
surprise visit this weekend.” He saw the look of shock on her beautiful face.

“I just….” She tried to speak. “I need…a little
more time.”

Shane stood in front of Jasmine, who was trying
her best to keep her sight fixed on the floor. “Austin and Farrah will be back
on the ranch tomorrow, I already spoken with her on the journey home about
fixing an appetizer and she agreed. I recalled that you have a friend named
Sandra, get her over here to help you.”

Just the mention of Sandra’s name caused Jasmine
blood to boil. “We’re not friends anymore.” Her eyes finally met his. “We had
this huge disagreement.”


“Girl stuff.” Jasmine shrugged and placed the
plates on the table. “Eat,” she said.

“Yes ma’am.” He pulled out her chair.

Shane was an absolute southern gentleman, her mother
used to tell her those types of guys were a dying breed. He was always polite
unless you rubbed him the wrong way, and very hospitable. Shane was the type of
man who would give you his jacket if you said you were cold, not to mention he
was a passionate.

“Thanks,” she said softly and sat down.

Shane walked to the bassinet and brought it into
the kitchen and placed it onto the table. “I think everyone will have a heart
attack, when they find out about the cute baby we made.”

“Yep, I can see it now.” Jasmine cringed as she
thought about her parents, brothers and what they would say. “Remind me to hide
all the knives.”

“I will,” he said with amusement, as he dipped his
tortilla chip into the fresh guacamole. “I got you a tostada salad.”

“Yeah, but I rather have some of your nachos.”
Jasmine reached over for his plate only to receive a slap on the hand. “Are you

“Yeah,” he groaned as he ate another chip. “Eat
the salad.”

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She pouted.

“I have an hour to burn with you, did you want to
shower before I leave?” he asked. Shane placed a few nachos on Jasmine’s plate.

“Alright,” she said happily, and gobbled down her
salad. Standing up she gave him a slight peck on the cheek, taking one last peek
at her peaceful sleep baby.

 Jasmine made a mad dash to her bedroom,
where she slipped out her clothes and into the hot water that greeted her skin.
Her mind was whirling around the fact that she told Shane she would stay with
him until her maternity ended but there was no way Jasmine could do that. Every
time she was around him words seem to get stuck in her throat. The kiss from
earlier had her mind in a loop, she was confused and the sexual tension between
them was becoming stronger each and every moment. Jasmine made her mind up at
that moment, she would leave Texas next month if not she would do something
with Shane that she would eventually regret.

“Jasmine? Jasmine?” Shane voice called out. Knocking
on the bedroom door, he held the baby monitor in his hand. Walking into the
bright room, he heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

Damn was she still in the shower? Jasmine had been
in the shower for ten minutes now. Did she forget he had to go back to work, he
rapped on the door again, waited for a response. Nothing. He knocked again,
still nothing. Shane began to worry; horrible thoughts surface to in his head,
did Jasmine fall and couldn’t get up.

“I’m coming in!” he yelled, making sure she heard
him. He opened the door and peeped inside.

When he was walking in, Jasmine was walking out
the glass door, she must have sensed him in the bathroom because she jumped
back slightly but made no moves to cover her bewitching silhouette.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” she asked.

“Umm…well you been in here…for an hour,” he
stammered awkwardly.

“You could have knocked.”

“I did a thousand times…not to mention I thought
something seriously happened to you.”

Jasmine gave him a
yeah right

“I have to…get back to work,” he mumbled. Shane
tried to stop staring at Jasmine’s completely naked body, but everything time
he focused on something else, his eyes would revert right back to her figure.

“Well, you can leave,” she said, clearing her

Shane couldn’t think straight, he felt like he was
a teenage boy filled with lust. He was standing in front of her within two
steps; he placed his mouth over hers. Their tongues battled each other for
control, but Shane knew this was a battle that Jasmine would lose.

“I don’t know what’s happening,” he murmured into
her mouth.

His hands started to move up and down her wet
body, he knew her every spot.
when they danced around in the bed
months ago, the feel of her body was still etched in his brain. He grasped her
breasts, a small gasp escaped from her lips. His member grew harder and

“Shay?” she asked against his mouth.

“In the living room asleep,” he groaned as her
hands fumbled with the button on his jeans. Opening slowly and lowering the
zipper, Jasmine’s fingers grazed his harden length. He needed release. Shane
shrugged off his pants all while kissing. Lifting her up in his arms, he
carried her to the bed.

No words were spoken between them, it’s like they
were reading each other’s minds. The feel of Jasmine’s naked body taunted him
like no else. This was embarking on a journey of no return. Jasmine’s warm
hands pulled down his briefs, stroking his length.

“Baby,” he sighed.

“Shh…” Jasmine replied as she ripped the buttons
off his white shirt.

He was taken aback by her brazenness until she
gripped his member.

Shane shuddered with pleasure as Jasmine moved her
hand in up and down motions. Damn she was making him feel incredible.

“Jazz…Ohhh” he yelled.

Those perfectly manicured hands sped up. With the
strength he didn’t know that Jasmine had, she flipped him onto his back. Her
mouth formed in an O shape as she lowered her head to his cock. Shane closed
his eyes, as she took him deep. He’d never felt pleasure like this before. He
grunted and groaned as she sucked harder, making his hips buckle. Her tongue
flickered across the head. Shane gripped the sheets, and grunted as he released
into her mouth. Her eyes met his, with a wicked grin as she swallowed.

“My turn,” he said, yanking her body to him. His
mouth crushed her with a fury of kisses as he pushed her back into the
mattress. His lips traveled to her neck, and kissed downwards until he reached
her breasts. “I’ve been wanting to do this.” He took a chocolate nipple into
his mouth. He sucked harder onto her breasts as one hand dipped into her wet

Then he tasted something on his tongue, his
daughter’s food source was delighting his taste buds. It was a sweet, nutty
taste with a hint of fruit. Shane became greedy and bit her nipple causing
Jasmine to scream out in delight and pain. For weeks, he dreamed about them in
his mouth. He sucked and swallowed like a starved baby.

He slipped two fingers into her wet box. Jasmine
gasped, small noises emitted from the back of her throat. Moans erupted from
her as he moved his fingers in and out, teasing her side. He rubbed her clit,
causing her hips to buckle.

Her moans grew louder as he stroked her nice and
slow. Shane fucked her with his fingers, stroking deep and hard, giving her his
full attention.

“Yes, oh yes,” she chanted as spasms seized her
body. “More,” she gasped huskily.

Shane’s goal was to give Jasmine any and
everything that she wanted and more. Thrusting his powerful member into her,
her nails scraped his back. The yearning to be with her was consuming him, not
just in a sexual way. He wanted to claim Jasmine St. Clair. Not because his
cock was embedded inside of her, this was beyond lust.

Their tongues tangled as they kissed each other

Having a baby three weeks and two days ago was a
blurred to the both of them. Neither one of them stopped to think about the
repercussion of having sex. Jasmine knew her body, she was healed and the fact
that giving birth to a 5 lb. baby didn’t tear her gave her the green light
signal. If she wanted to stop she couldn’t or wouldn’t; it was like her body
was in a trance.

She moaned and writhed beneath him as Shane filled
her almost to the point of pain. Shane was very well endowed and he stretched
her to capacity. Placing her hands on his waist, she couldn’t resist stroking
his back, over his bulging biceps and shoulders.

“Yes,” he rasped as he lifted her legs onto his
shoulders. “You feel so good.” Each word was punctuated with each thrust, he
tried not to slam his hips into her with each stroke but he couldn’t help it.
Jasmine felt so good around him. He grasped her hands in his and he captured
her mouth. Shane’s tongue darted in and out her mouth. Fingers entwined, their
mouths paired together, and the bodies joined as one.

Jasmine’s heart beat in rhythm with Shane’s. There
was no other place in the world she wanted to be except with him. Were they
supposed to be united together like this? She didn’t know what this meant for
them. Opening her eyes, she stared into his green eyes. Jasmine submitted to
his sexual expertise, body teetering on the brink of orgasm. Excitement mixed
with fear raced throughout her inner core.

“Let it go,” Shane said against her lips, his
shaft thrusting deeper, harder with every surge of his hips.

Jasmine’s climax hit her like a bolt of lightning,
electrifying, intense and uncontrollable.

Shane spread her legs wider, plunging into her
again and again, frenzied as he found his own release. “Jasmine!” he groaned.
His hands planted on both side of her, he buried himself deeply inside of her.
Completely spent and slightly disoriented, Shane laid on top of Jasmine,
soothing her and kissing her face.

Neither of them said a word. Jasmine could feel
Shane’s rapidly beating heart and hot breath on her neck. She lightly stroked
his back up and down.

“Shane,” she said softly. “I need to take another
shower, can you bring Shay into the bedroom and I think your lunch time is

“Yeah,” he groaned rolling over. Jasmine winced as
he pulled away from her, it didn’t go unnoticed by Shane. “Shit! I’m sorry,” he

“I’m okay,” Jasmine said. She read online that
some women didn’t wait until their six weeks postpartum check up to have sex. There
wasn’t any blood and she did feel fine except for the soreness, you have after
you lose your virginity.

“Call Dr. Matthew and try to explain what happen
today,” Shane said.

“I will.” She blushed and walked to the shower.
Turning on the water, she cursed under her breath. They just complicated their
relationship further.


“Must have been some good lunch,” Benjamin joked.

“What?” Shane said, trying to play it off.

“You’re not wearing the same clothes.” Benjamin
laughed as he maneuvered the 4x4 truck East on I-30.

“Shut up man, I spilled something on my shirt.” He
slyly looked down at his black button up shirt. Shane was wearing different
clothes, because Jasmine had ripped them.

“Man, I don’t even want to know.” Benjamin looked
over at him sternly. “If she makes you happy that’s all that matters. God knows
you need some pleasure in your life.”

Shane looked straight head. He couldn’t look his
friend in the eyes. Knowing Benjamin and the St. Clair family for seven years,
Shane knew that they were overprotective over the baby girl and the fact that
they would all threaten any guy who came knocking on the door vying for
Jasmine’s attention. It was so bad that St. Clair men would surprise Jasmine at
her door room on the weekends to make sure she wasn’t entertaining any guys in
her dorm room.

He wanted to tell Benjamin about his relationship
with Jasmine and the daughter they shared together. It felt like he was
disrespecting their family and Jazz by not coming forward about everything.

“So…Is Jasmine dating?” Shane asked, trying to
feel him out.

“Man, Jazzy became so distance and secretive
lately. We don’t know what’s going on with her,” Benjamin replied.

“If she’s happy that’s all that matters…right?”
Shane asked.

The truck was filled with silent tension as it
traveled down the bright highway. They had nine miles to go before reaching
their destination. Somehow and someway, Shane was going to figure out a way to
tell his friend about Jasmine and him.

“Fuck no!” Benjamin snapped, and shot him a glare.
“No one is perfect for Jasmine.”

Shane shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
could this get any worse
? He thought to himself.

Ten minutes later, they stood in front of an old
white run down house, that’d seen better days years ago. Stepping onto the porch,
the floorboards crept beneath his boots. Knocking on the door they waited for a
response. Shane could hear kids laughing from behind the door, it took a minute
before the door open and a heavy set, Latina woman with raven black hair stared
at them with a scowl.

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