Read Soul of the Wildcat Online

Authors: Devyn Quinn

Tags: #Romance

Soul of the Wildcat (18 page)

BOOK: Soul of the Wildcat
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tanding up, Dakoda quickly stripped down to bra and panties, spreading her clothes out on the clean grass to air. Washing would be impractical at this point. They'd have to be thrown away as soon as she could replace them.

Jesse drank in the sight of her like a thirsting man. “Can I have sex with you if I flatter you some more?” he asked.

She stepped forward, kneeling to put an experimental hand in the water. Though the day was warm, the water flowing down from the mountains was icy cold. She shivered. “Brrr. Going to make for one hell of a cold bath,” she said, trying to keep her teeth from chattering.

Stripping out of his jeans, Jesse stretched out on the warm grass. Rolling onto his stomach, he folded his hands under his chin. The curve of his shoulders and back made a nice path to the curves of his apple-firm ass. “The water's cold year-round,” he informed her.

Dakoda couldn't help remembering how he'd looked when he'd stepped out of the water. With his rippling muscles, ridged abdomen, and lean hips he was pretty much what she'd imagine male perfection to be.

Taking a deep breath, she mentally manned up and plunged straight into the water.
Holy shit!
The first shock of ice cut right to the bone. She considered dashing right back out.

Dakoda persevered. Teeth clenched tight, she kept walking until the water was waist deep. The bottom wasn't jagged, but the rocks were a little slippery. Her nipples were tight little buds beneath her bra.

Taking a breath, she lowered herself until the water came to her shoulders. It took a few minutes to get used to the temperature, but once she did she barely felt the cold. One palm scrabbled to find a stone with a coarse surface. Finding what she wanted, she ran it lightly over her skin, sloughing away the layers of grime. Since she had no real soap to use, this was the best she could do. Simply wetting the skin would still leave her with a layer of grime once she dried off.

Finished with her body, Dakoda dunked her head under the water, rinsing out her long hair. When her hair got damp it curled into tight little ringlets, almost impossible to pull a comb through. It was a snarled mess, and she'd probably have to cut it off when they reached civilization again. There would be no way she could salvage the mass of tangles. The best she could do was try to rinse off her hair and tie it back up in a bun.

Done with her bath, she splashed back toward shore. She flopped down beside Jesse on the warm grass. Rays of direct sunlight warmed her skin. The heat felt great after enduring the icy chill of the stream.

Jesse lifted himself up on an elbow and looked down at her. “Oh, man, the way that wet bra and panties cling to your skin is about to drive me crazy.”

Dakoda glanced down. Sure enough, the white cotton had gone transparent, offering about as much cover as plastic wrap. So much for trying to maintain a little decency. She might as well have stripped naked. It wasn't like Jesse had never seen her in the buff.

She started to unhook her bra.

Jesse stopped her. “Let me, please.”

Gut throbbing with need, Dakoda nodded. Just the thought of his touch caused her body to respond with a surge of red-hot lust.

Catching one strap, Jesse slowly eased it down her shoulder, peeling the wet cup away from her left breast. The rounded flesh came into view, tipped with a cherry-tinted nipple. He fondled the erect tip gently, causing it to pucker briefly before tightening again.

Dakoda caught her breath. “One of these days I'm going to turn the tables on you,” she murmured, “and put my lips around your delicious cock.”

Jesse traced a single finger around the nubbin, lightly at first, then with more pressure. “I'm looking forward to it. But first I need to take care of something….” A second later his mouth descended, teeth scraping against her soft areola.

Dakoda moaned, arching her back against the ground even as Jesse ran the palm of his hand over her smooth belly. He slipped his fingers under the elastic of her panties, probing the soft rise of her mound. Her thighs opened, welcoming his caress.

Barely able to catch her breath, she gasped. “I want you inside me,” she murmured. She wanted to feel the undulations of his body on top of her, to feel his surging heat stab into her with thrust after brutal thrust. Claiming her.

Making her his own.

Jesse raised his head long enough to smile up at her. “It's coming,” he promised. “I want to make you hotter than hell.” Lips returning to her breast, he slipped his fingers through her damp labia, slowly easing a finger inside her creamy sex. He clearly preferred to be the one giving the pleasure rather than receiving it, a trait of the alpha male.

That was something she'd like to change.

Not that she had a chance at the moment. Not with Jesse's tongue stroking her nipple and his hand making all kinds of arousing moves below her panty line.

Dakoda's breath raged past her lips as she felt his first penetration. Adding a second finger to the first, he pumped into her rippling core. Strong inner muscles clenched, holding him tightly. A soft moan rolled up from deep in her throat. “Damn you,” she breathed. “I'm already hot enough.” She spread her legs wider, granting full access.

Jesse's fingers slipped away. “Oh, I have to take advantage of this.” Pushing himself off the ground, he repositioned himself on his knees between her spread legs. He hooked her panties and pulled them over her legs.

Palms tracing along the insides of her thighs, he kept her spread wide. “Oh, this is how I've wanted to see you. Out in the light, without a stitch on.”

“I still have my bra,” Dakoda reminded through a gasp.

He unsnapped the front hook, pushing the wet material away from her other breast. “Not anymore.” Arched up toward his abdomen, his erection was rock hard.

Her body throbbed with tremors of desire, and he hadn't even really done anything yet. “What are you going to do now that you've got me naked and willing?”

Jesse's big hands circled her hips, lifting her to the perfect angle for penetration. The tip of his cock pressed against her creaming slit. His crackling gaze locked with hers, the depths of his eyes smoldering with untamed lust. “I'm going to fuck you hard and fast.” He entered her with a single thrust.

The slide of his length into her waiting softness just about did Dakoda in. She exhaled on a breath of surprise. His penis felt like a bar of molten steel, penetrating her to the very last inch.

Fingers digging into her skin, Jesse pounded her like a sledgehammer striking concrete. It didn't take long for her to realize today's lovemaking wasn't about love at all, but pure sex. The desire of the male to claim the female. There were to be no soft words or caresses of foreplay. Just raw brutal need spurring him on.

Jesse's hips moved against hers, unrelenting in the force or brutality of his desire. A hungry male smile curled his lips. Each hard strike of flesh on flesh tore a whimper from Dakoda's straining throat. Every stroke took her breath away.

Orgasm arrived like a star gone nova. Dakoda felt herself go rigid as his cock scraped every nerve ending inside her clenching sex. He stroked her repeatedly, barely giving her a second to realize she was melting and contracting around his shaft. She heard herself begin to cry out. She wanted to scream his name but she couldn't get enough oxygen in her lungs to help form coherent words.

Jesse never stopped pounding her, never stopped pushing her closer to the dark abyss of pure pleasure. There were too many sensations to process, each streaking by at light speed. Her brain overloaded. Shorted out. There was nothing left but Jesse, delivering stroke after brutal stroke of pure white fire.

Dakoda reached for the sensations, desperate to hang on to them as long as possible. They slipped through her fingers like sparkling grains of golden sand. The tidal wave of climax built, sweeping her away into an endless void.

Just as she hit the edge, Jesse pulled out of her. She gasped in surprise when he rolled her onto her stomach and then pulled her up on her hands and knees. “Deeper,” he growled. “I want to go deeper.”

Dakoda didn't think that was physically possible. She was wrong. Jesse pressed the velvety tip of his penis against her slit, slipping through her dewy labia the way a hot knife slid though butter. Her nipples ached for the scrape of his teeth, the pull of his mouth suckling at the pebbled tips. She lifted a hand, twisting one nipple viciously for her own satisfaction. A hot coil of gratification snaked down her spine.

Jesse rolled his hips, each tight lunge taking him deeper than before. He pulled back, barely allowing the broad round head of his crown to peek out, before shoving his thick length right back inside. “Come with me,” he grated, delivering one final jolt. His rough command startled. The message was apparent: he was in control to the very end. The way he fucked her was unmistakable.

In the cougar's world he was the male, her lord and master. She would submit, as nature intended. Each stab of his rigid cock burned, forcing her closer to the pinnacle of an absolute erotic meltdown.

Dakoda opened her mouth to protest against his dominance, but nothing coherent emerged. The sensations boiling through her core simply felt too damn good. “I–I, oh, God…” A sob broke from her lips, but she couldn't say another word. Jesse's cock surged inside her, spitting a stream of liquid flame.

Taking a grab at the euphoria pouring over every nerve ending, Dakoda caught the glittering wave, seeking to master it even as it attempted to sweep control out from under her feet.

One of Jesse's hands slipped around her body. His probing fingers found her clit, rubbing intense circles into the center of the small hooded organ. His touch felt more electric than ever before. “Take it all the way,” he urged. “Enjoy the beast raging inside.” His hot breath burned against her ear. His commanding touch seared her to the bone.

For a dizzying instant, Dakoda could almost imagine herself as a cougar, paws pounding the ground as she ran alongside her mate. Her heart thudded wildly against her rib cage—wild with craving and yearning for something she couldn't quite yet grasp.

At the last possible second, she let go, enjoying the fierce power of a mind-blowing orgasm. The shock of ruthless delight stole her breath all over again.

Giving a contented sigh, Jesse slowly disengaged their hips. His half-flaccid penis slipped away, leaving a cold spot in its wake. The breeze winnowing across the grass cooled the heat generated between them. “God, that was great,” he said hoarsely, panting hard between each word.

Dakoda huffed. “Glad you think so.” Arms and legs giving out beneath her weight, she collapsed facedown onto the ground. Cheek pressed against the soft grass, she lay gasping and shivering. The crushing waves of pleasure slowly receded, each lapping sensation growing weaker and weaker.

Though she'd been with men who tended to get a little rough from time to time, Dakoda had never had a man claim her in such a way. When they'd made love previously, he always played the gentle, humble lover. Today was different. He'd come after her in ruthless pursuit, determined not only to mark her with his scent but also to dominate and control her in every way.

He'd done it, too.

Like a branding iron against naked flesh, he'd burned his essence onto hers, so deeply that for an instant their two separate bodies seemed to become one, undulating with perfect synchronicity. Dakoda would've sworn for a moment their minds had touched, allowing her to feel the same sensations he did when in cougar form.

. It was just fucking awesome with a capital A. With that in mind it wasn't at all hard to imagine what it would be like to completely embrace his world. To give herself up to his primitive, carnivorous lust for the rest of her life.

And, God, it was so damn tempting…

Jesse stretched out beside her, pulling her into a light embrace. Lifting one of her legs over his hip, he snuggled his body closer to hers. A fine sheen of sweat covered their bodies. His hand came up, slipping behind her neck and angling her head. Lips nibbling hers, he was about to slide into a kiss when an ear-shattering yowl tore apart the sultry afternoon.

Acting with split-second timing, Jesse bolted in front of her. He hit the ground on his hands and knees, skidding a little as he smoothly transformed his shape from man to cougar. His change came none too soon. Another cougar burst through a nearby thicket, charging toward them at top speed.

Still too dazed to fully comprehend the source of the terrifying screech, Dakoda's eyes widened at the sight of a second cougar. By the look on the big cat's ferocious face, it had come to fight.

“Jesse, look out!” she shouted as the strange cougar surged across the clearing. Sweating, she scurried around to find her clothing, needing to cover her naked ass.

A series of thunderous roars split the air as the two cougars came face-to-face, anger boiling through them as each big cat released howls resembling battle cries.

Ears pinned back against his skull, Jesse acted first. He roared, leaping toward the intruder and closing his fangs around the other cat's neck. The two great animals fell, rolling together, a writhing heap of flying fur and razor-sharp claws. The screeching emanating from both huge felines was chilling, battering against her ears with vicious ferocity.

BOOK: Soul of the Wildcat
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