Soul-Mates Forever (13 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Soul-Mates Forever
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After drinking some water he sits on the bed beside me and takes my hand. Even though my throat is scratchy and sore I tell him everything that happened with Darndage. I left out all the details around Tuck and him from his past as that is Tuck’s story to tell, if he even wants to tell it.

His eyes are wide in shock. “Girl, no fucking way! He could have killed you. We need to do something or tell someone!”

Sitting up quickly I almost push him over. “No! Please don’t. I’m fine and Tuck will be back tomorrow and we have the surprise and…”

“Queenie, I mean it. He could have killed you and Tuck will kill me because I am here and oh, my God! We have to do something!” He screams.

Reaching to the nightstand, I take my phone, look for a number and hit call. Marcus is sitting there, his leg pouncing as he waits impatiently. “Um, Detective Stiles? Yes, um. It’s Paxton.” I proceed to tell him everything, talking slowly so he can write it all down. “Yes. Ok. Please don’t tell Shane or anyone. I want to tell Tuck when he gets home tomorrow, ok? Yes. I will. Thanks so much. No, I’m fine now. Marcus is with me. Ok. Goodnight.” I end the call and lay the phone down in my lap. “There. Feel better now?” I look at Marcus and his look of concern turns into a smile.

He stands, takes my phone from my lap and places it back on the nightstand. Gently, he pushes me back and covers me up. “Ok, Miss Queen, you need your beauty sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you.” He rubs his hand across my cheek lovingly. “Need me to stay in here with you until you fall asleep?” I shake my head and smile. “Ok then. Night my sweets. I will see you in the morning.” He starts to walk to the door, and I hear him mumbling, “And I’m gonna go pray that your rocker dude doesn’t fucking kill me when he gets home and finds out what happened when you were on my watch. Damn fucking…”

I watch as he walks out the door and closes it quietly. Looking up at the ceiling, flashes of Darndage cross my mind. I can still smell him, and feel his hand on my throat, my breast and his slobbery lips. I shiver. There’s not gonna be any sleep for me tonight.

* * *

Man, I can’t wait to get home! I am dying to hold my beauty in my arms, kiss her luscious lips, her neck, and her whole body and make love to her all night. Shit! My cocks getting hard already. I am on the plane wishing it would go faster. At least, I only took a carry-on bag, so I don’t have to wait at the baggage claim, thank God! By the time we land, and I get to my car it’s late afternoon. Damn, a whole day wasted. I race to our house, park in the garage and run into the house, throwing my bag on the couch in the living room. “Paxton? Beauty? I’m home!” I yell. Nothing. Ok, that’s weird. I talked to her earlier today, and she sounded sick, like she has a cold, her voice all scratchy sounding. My poor beauty, I need to take care of her. I walk around the house, upstairs then back downstairs. “Pax?” Where the hell is she?

My phone starts ringing. Looking down I see its Pax. That’s weird. “Beauty?” I answer.

“Hello my sexy rocker. I can’t wait to see you. I’m in the unattached garage cleaning up. Can you come help me? I might have a great reward for you if you do,” she says in a fuck hawt sexy voice. Her voice sounds deeper and a little raspy. Hope she’s not getting sick but it sure made it sound hot!

I don’t even answer her. I shut the phone off and run out the front door, across the lawn, round the corner of the garage and slam open the door. My mouth drops open when music starts playing, and my angel’s velvety voice starts singing. I look at her from her high heeled, leather, black boots inching up her black, leather, skin tight pants to her black camisole under a black studded vest. A black leather scarf wrapped around her throat and hanging off to the side, to her porcelain face and watch her long blonde hair sway as she moves her body while singing one of our songs. Hottest. Thing. Ever! I finally tear my eyes from her and look around to see the boys smiling at me as they play. Granger is singing backup vocals with her. My head catches up to the rocking sound system and how awesome it sounds in our new studio. I can’t believe they did all this while I was gone. I have the best woman and bandmates!

As the song finishes, my eyes are back on my beauty. She smiles as she ends the song, and I rush over to her. She jumps off the stage and into my arms, her legs locking around my waist as our mouths lock immediately. “Beauty! Oh, my God! I can’t believe you all did this!” I say against her mouth as she slowly slides down my body, and her feet touch the floor. “I love you so much.” I rub my nose against hers, and she giggles then starts coughing. My hands cup her face. “Are you ok? You sounded like you have a cold on the phone.” I look at the guys who have moved to the corner talking to a huge bald and burly man.
Who the fuck is that? And why is he here?

“Baby, now don’t get any id…”

I take off for the man until Spike stops me with his hands pushing on my shoulders. “Tuck. Hold on. This is Bull. He…”

“I don’t give a fuck who he is. Why is he here? What’s…?”

Soft fingers wrap around my bicep. Looking down, I see my beauty biting her lower lip and her face filled with dread. “Tuck, let’s go talk calmly, ok? I promise I will explain everything.” Her chin quivers slightly so slightly that if you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t be able to tell. But I can tell. “Please?” She whispers softly.

I nod, take her hand and walk with her to the other side of the room where a table and chairs are set up. I sit down quickly, pull a chair over in front of me and help her sit down. Leaning my elbows on my knees, I take a few deep breaths to try to calm myself. No need in getting upset with Pax, yet.

“Ok, beauty. What the fuck is going on?” I say as calmly as I can.

She looks down at her fidgeting hands in her lap. Her bottom lip still clenched between her teeth. I reach up and pull it free with my thumb, her eyes going to mine, and I smile.

Taking a deep breath she lets out a small smile and begins to tell me who the hulk is over in the corner. “Darndage slammed me against the wall and…” My chair tips over as I abruptly get up, my head whipping around to the guys and then to the hulk. Not waiting to hear any more, I head towards the door only to be stopped by all the guys, the hulk and my girl racing around in front of me, her hands on my chest, which is heaving from my anger. “Tuck! Tuck, no! Wait! Listen to me. You said you would be calm,” she yells while pushing against my chest to stop me.

I stop and stare at her. “CALM? You want calm? Ok, beauty. Continue and let’s see how calm I can be, ‘cause all you have to say is that he touched you, in any way, and I am flipping the fuck out with rage!” Hulk steps beside me and puts his large hand on my arm. I look at him and feel the need to use him as a punching bag. “AND WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO THE FUCK THIS HULK IS?”

“If you don’t sit down and calm the fuck down, I am gonna have to handcuff you to the FUCKING CHAIR!” Hulk yells at me. I flinch, slowly back up, turn around and sit down in the nearest chair.

Hulk is now standing in front of the door. His beefy arms crossed over his beefy chest and a smirk on his face. In total confusion, I look up as Pax stands in front of me. She slowly squats down until she is on her knees, and she takes my hands in hers. “Are you going to let me finish now?” I nod still freaking out inside and wanting to take off after Darndage and beat him until he can’t touch my beauty ever again. My hands are in tight fists under hers, as she tells me the rest of what happened. Hulk only had to come over twice more to push me back down into my chair growling at me. By the time she finished the story, I had pulled her into my lap, my arms around her tight and my heart is once again in her hands. I was so fucking mad at first that I was ready to kill him, and I still do but now I realize she was scared, terrified and alone. My beauty needs me right now.

I push her back a little and pull the leather scarf from around her throat carefully revealing purple and redness all around the front and sides of her neck, blemishing her perfect skin. “Someone call Doc.” I choke out softly while touching her throat carefully. I’m seething, but her being hurt has overridden my desire to kill the bastard. For now.

“Baby, he was here earlier today and gave me some pain pills and ointment to put on it to help with the healing. It’s ok.” I look into her eyes, my heart breaking when I look and see her chin quivering again. “I’m ok now since you’re here with me.” I pull her to me quickly, her crying is soft into my chest, and I look up to find all the guys have left, even hulk.

Her fingers find their way into my long hair and start playing with some strands. Feels so good, I love it when she does that. I kiss her nose, each eyelid and then each cheek until my mouth finds hers. “I’m never leaving you again. Not as long as… Not until I either bury him or he’s locked away for good. He will never, ever touch you again. If he so much as…” My mouth closes along with my eyes, when her soft finger lays across my lips.

“Shhh, my sexy rocker. I’m fine as long as you’re here with me. Wherever you go, I go. I love you so much.” She removes her finger from my lips long enough to cover them with hers. Our kisses start out soft but start getting heated quickly. She pulls back a little, touching her forehead to mine as we are both panting heavily. “Now, take me up to our bed, my sexy man, and make love to me like it’s our last day on earth.”

Without a second’s hesitation, I pick her up as I stand, walk to the door and take her back to our house. Never do I falter one step as I take her up to our room, set her on the bed and undress her hurriedly, my clothes quickly following hers onto the floor. My cock is inside her before we barely lay down. My pace is fast and steady with her hips meeting mine each time in perfect rhythm. Without kissing or fondling, we reach our climax together, our bodies both wet with sweat. We lay there entwined with each other until I finally break free and carry her beautiful body into the shower, setting her down on the shower seat while I turn on the water.

As I am testing the water with my hand, she takes the other and pulls me back until I am sitting beside her for a short time. She immediately puts her leg over my lap, straddles me and sits back on my knees. Her hands take my already growing cock. My head leans back against the wall and my eyes close as she strokes me back and forth. My cock grows with each pass of her soft hands rubbing, caressing until she stands up on her knees, her hands guiding my cock into her until she is full of me to the brim. “Ahhhhhh!” I moan. Taking her mouth with mine, our tongues lapping at each other’s, I move my cheek and rub against hers. “I’m so full in you. I love how we fit perfectly, like puzzle pieces that connect together.” She moves up and down, my hands on her hips to help. Our breathing becoming heavier as she rides me faster and faster.

“Uhhhhh!” She screams when she reaches her ecstasy. I follow quickly but my cries are muffled by her hair as my face is still pushed against hers.

We take our time washing each other and make love again, her back pushed against the tiles and my arms holding her up. I dry her off in a big fluffy towel, and then myself. I pick her up and take her to our bed. Covering up her sleeping form, I grab my clothes and dress quickly. I’m exhausted, but I need to find out what is being done to protect my girl and finding that fucker. I don’t have to wait long as I find hulk sitting in a chair on the front porch when I open the front door. He looks up at the noise and nods at me, pointing to the chair beside him. I sit down, lean on my knees and look him straight in the eyes.

“Who the fuck are you and what’s being done to find that fucker and protect Paxton?” I demand. He follows my position and leans over to me.

“We have an APB out on him and I am here to protect Miss Paxton until he is caught and tried.” He rubs his brow with his large finger, sniffs and gives me a gruff look.

I lean in closer yet. “That ain’t good enough. You have no idea what he’s capable of and how much he hates me. He’ll do anything to get at Paxton to get to me.”

Leaning back in his chair, he cocks an eyebrow. “Well, why don’t you just fill me in?” We spent the next hour talking about my past, how I helped to put Darndage away for good only to find him on my doorstep and trying to take the only thing in my life that I have ever loved, my beauty.

Chapter Twelve

Waking up next to my girl is like being in heaven. Hearing her light breathing, smelling her sweet fragrant hair, feeling her soft skin, my arm wrapped around her and my hand in its favorite place between her thighs. Life doesn’t get any better than this. I quickly remove my hand as she rolls over and snuggles into me. Her eyes still closed as her nose rubs against my chest, up my neck, wiggles against my chin, then I lower my face to her until her mouth finds mine. I suck on her upper lip and then her lower one, my favorite.

We spend all morning in bed our only nourishment is each other. Once we dragged ourselves to the kitchen, we made a late lunch and cuddled on the couch together.

“So, you fucking rocked our song,” I tell her with a cocky smile on my face. “You should sing with us this weekend at the bar.” She sits up quickly, her eyes as wide as they can get. Sitting up, I take her hand rubbing the top with my thumb. “Hey, it will give you some exposure and the crowd will love you.”

She snickers. “Yeah, they’ll love me alright. They’ll beat me up because I would be on the stage with you.” She ends up snorting and giggling.

I push her down until she’s lying on the couch, hover over her and start tickling her sides. “Come on. You know you want to.” Her giggles turn into laughter.

“Stttttooopppp! Tuuucckk!” She yells out as she squirms beneath me. I continue my tickle fest, her laughter going silent as she laughs so hard, an occasional snort making its way out of her cute mouth.

I lean into her ear as my onslaught keeps going. “Give in, beauty. I can do this all day but can you?”

“OK… Oh… kay!” She screams out between breaths.

I jump off her, walk towards the kitchen while turning my head her way. “Great! The guys will be here in about an hour for practice. Best get yourself upstairs and change.” I give her my cockiest grin when I see her bolt up and run to the stairs.

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