Somewhere Over the Freaking Rainbow (A Young Adult Paranormal Romance) (The Secrets of Somerled) (31 page)

BOOK: Somewhere Over the Freaking Rainbow (A Young Adult Paranormal Romance) (The Secrets of Somerled)
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“Isobelle!” Morna screamed. Monty’s other sister stood off to his right, restrained by her puny Gordon husband. “’Tis all my fault. Forgive me.”

Isobelle’s sober face came forward to fill the hole as she searched for Morna, giving Monty one last glimpse of red hair.

“Morna, love. Dinna greet. The faery will come to make it all right again. Watch for the faery...and keep away from your husband!”

“Silence!” the robed bastard roared.

Isobelle laughed again, backing away from the hole. After all, what could the man do to her now?

Monty would not ruin her00 trust in the blasted faery, but if the creature ever placed its magic toe on Ross land, it would be dead before it ever took a breath of heathered air.

Twas time

He looked at the stone.

‘Twas meant.

“I love you, sister mine.” His words were quiet, for Isobelle alone.

“And I you, Monty. Blow us a kiss.”

When he raised his crusted fingers to his lips, his palm filled with tears but they washed none of the nightmare away. He blew a kiss that was instantly returned.

“I’m stayin’ right here, pet. Ye’re no’ alone.”

“Get on, then.” The whimper in her voice was slight. “I’ll have a wee nap if ye’ll but douse the light.”

With a final wink she disappeared.

Monty reached for the stone, dipped its edges in muck, and pushed it home, breaking his heart in the doing. After long moments of stillness, his hands slowly opened and dropped away.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Morna swoon, but someone else would have to catch her—someone without mud or blood on his hands. Morna wouldn’t welcome his comfort anyhow. She claimed it was her fault, but he knew both sisters blamed him.

If he’d have known the outcome, would he have acted differently? What kind of bastard would not?

There was no stopping the twisting of his face, the sob from his chest. He turned his head to the side and bellowed, “Out!”

Nearly everyone fled or slithered from the hall, all but The Kirk’s henchmen who would stay until they believed his sister dead. Only then did he hear the muffled sobs of Isobelle. She sounded as if she were deep in the ground.

His heart shuddered with cold. Dear God, what had he been thinking? His plan was madness; she would never last. Not enough time. He had to get her out!

He reached for the odd stone...and was struck soundly from behind.


Castle Ross, Present Day

This wasn’t the first time Jillian MacKay had felt a holy-crap-moment coming on. She wouldn’t worry about it now, except for two things. First, her premonitions of holy-crap-moments were never wrong. And second, she was only minutes away from testing The Curse of the Ross Clan.

Jilly was alone for the moment, poised to enter the Great Hall of Castle Ross, the right heel of her green boots rocking nervously while she waited for the tour group to catch up to her. No sirens sounded. No trumpets announced that a simple girl from Wyoming was about to do anything noteworthy, even though, for the first time in her life, she thought she may actually
about to do something noteworthy.

She took a deep breath. Then another. Then tentatively stepped into the dimly lit Hall, turned to her left, and froze.

Holy, holy crap.

Silence stirred from its dreamy corner and rose to fill the Hall, pushing into every nook and cranny. There was no echo of her steps on the wood floor, no muffled voices of the tour group nearing the massive outer door—as if this moment was so pure, so important, that sound could not be allowed to sully it.

And all she’d done was look at his face.

For more on this book and series, please visit


Somewhere Over the Freaking Rainbow
would not have been possible without a truck-load of faith expressed by my husband and kids every time they brought me an icy drink, washed the pans, and did the laundry so I could stay in the zone.

Thanks to three wonderful beta-readers, Sierra, Lexie, and Keara. Without your honest feedback and dishonest flattery, I would have never dared go on.

Thanks to Diane for igniting the fire currently in my belly. And to Cori...for giving
the old college try!

And finally, thanks to my posse: Kelli Ann for helping me find the perfect wings for the cover, to Annie for not cringing when hearing the title for the one thousand and fourteenth time, Cindy for letting me in when I needed reassurances, and Tiffinie for always being
late at night.

One day, we’ll put you all on a cover!

About the Author

L.L. Muir lives with Superman in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains. They are raising numerous super-heroes for society, but none will wear tights. Currently, she writes historical romances, both Scottish and Regency, and paranormal fiction for both adult and young adult readers. She is represented by Three Seas Literary Agency.

Check her website often—
––for up and coming adventures. There is always something exciting in the works.

Table of Contents
BOOK: Somewhere Over the Freaking Rainbow (A Young Adult Paranormal Romance) (The Secrets of Somerled)
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