Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story) (12 page)

BOOK: Someday My Prince Will Come (epic love story)
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thinking about morals. But nevertheless, I had promised my mommy when I had that first talk with her; not until. And I would hold that promise if it killed me.


"You okay, doll?" Freddie asked, lifting my chin so I could see his eyes. I nodded and took a deep breath. "Just fine," I smiled. Freddie seemed to understand my thoughts and nodded his head.


"I know," he muttered smiling. "It was amazing"


I laughed a little and he changed the subject taking a step back. "Do you want me to put on your necklace for you?"


I grinned and nodded my head, a blush coming over my cheeks. I removed it from its case and gave it to him carefully. I turned around and he carefully slid it over my neck, making the cold metal warmer at the touch of my skin.


Freddie surprised me by kissing me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I giggled and then turned around to tell him goodnight. A tear came to my eyes and he saw it. Quickly, he pulled me into a tight hug that seemed to say, 'Don't worry. We'll see each other soon.'


Then we let go then I opened the room to my door then I blew him a kiss then I shut the door. I solemnly undressed, redressed, then went to my bed and fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up to my alarm. Then we drove to the airport then I said goodbye then I cried my way through the taxi ride back to the














Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 1

Chapter 8


One week later


It was difficult with Finals coming up, to balance everything evenly. I found myself staying up until all hours of the night, and thankfully, I wasn't letting it affect my grade. Welcome to college life, right?


It had been one week since Freddie had left me. I wasn't bitter toward him, of course. Things were just so forlorn around here without him. It had escaped my mind of how much of a loser I was before my prince happened upon me. I had forgotten how dull my mornings had been without the 'good morning kisses' that I had grown so accustomed to. Everything now seemed even more tragically depressing.


Certainly, the terrible seclusion and tediousness was sickening, but do you want to know what the worst part was? There was absolutely no contact allowed with Freddie. I didn't think that was fair, but Freddie had explained it to me in this way:


"It's a matter of your safety, doll. If my enemy intercepts any calls or contact from me to you, you don't realize the immediate danger you could be put under. I know it's going to be hard," he said before taking off on his flight, "but I love you too much to let it happen. I'm sorry."


"But what about the man you were talking to when I walked in that one morning?" I argued. "You talked to him while you were here. What's the difference?"


"I thought you might bring that up," Freddie said, lightly tapping my nose with his finger, "but I used a special type of communication with him. The method is complicated and very, very expensive, and he was the only one I was in contact with besides Jameson while I was here. I wish I could get you one, I even asked the head of security if it would be allowed, but he said it was too dangerous. It's used in a special way, and I wouldn't have the time to explain it to you. I'm sorry, princess. I really am."


I nodded my head, I understood completely. That's what made it so awful. I looked back down to my homework, snapping to the present. I couldn't let these thoughts distract me; I had other things to worry about right now.


Two weeks later


It had been almost a month since Freddie's departure. Now, more than ever, I struggled to live; to breathe. I couldn't believe how big of an impact Freddie made in my life; and all in just two short, but oh so miraculous, months. Christmas was coming, and even though I didn't have the love of my life here with me to celebrate it, I couldn't help but feel excited. I had always loved this holiday! Something about it stimulated me and I decided to at least try to be cheerful. That's what Freddie would want me to be doing.


And then here were Finals. I was really not looking forward to what this torturous week would bring for me. Each day grew closer and closer, and I was constantly losing sleep. But just when I was convinced that it couldn't get any worse


Maybe it was Freddie's fault for making me so happy, but soon after he came into my life, my team-mates started warming up to me. I was constantly getting invitations to the 'hottest party of the year', but I always declined since I had plans with Freddie every night. They didn't seem as important as he was, but now that he was gone, I decided to accept the invitation one night.


It was directly after volleyball practice, so at first I told the girls that I was too sweaty and disgusting, but a pretty brunette named Jennifer told me that the whole team was going like this. I thought for a moment and then agreed. Jennifer gave me a smile and sprayed some sweet smelling perfume on all of us girls.


It was light-hearted and strangely amusing, so soon, I found myself laughing with them like little second graders. We were walking into the shaking dorm room, when I grabbed Jennifer's arm and stopped her. "What's wrong?" she asked, a worried look covering her face.


"Maybe this isn't such a good idea. I look like crap!" I said, a giggle randomly coming out of nowhere. Jennifer laughed it off. "Look at me, Arie. If anyone here looks like crap it's me." She grabbed my wrist and told me, "Just follow my lead," and we were suddenly in the middle of the room dancing; or at least she was. Turns out, the party was pretty fun. I decided that I wanted to save my insides, so I didn't partake in the beer or the smoking, but Jennifer and I had a pretty good time by ourselves, being crazy and laughing at a drunk,




red-headed girl who was making out with a random guy. "This is fun!" I screamed over the music.


"Heck, yeah it is!" Jennifer screamed back. "Why don't I ever see you around? You're really nice."


I blushed, and was glad that no-one saw it. "Thanks, but it's probably because my boyfriend and I are really close; we do everything together."


"Aw, that's adorable," she grinned. "It sucks that you're taken."


I balked at the comment. Was this blaring music affecting my ears? "What?" I gasped.


"Taken," Jen said laughing, "you know like 'in a relationship?' If you weren't, I'd totally be asking for your number right now."


"Okay!" I said awkwardly, backing away slightly. "I didn't know that you're"


"Yeah, I know. Most people don't except like, the whole volleyball team! Me, Ruthie, Alexis and Jennifer Millstone all are! How did you not know this before now? "


"I have no idea-" Oh my gosh. This was totally not cool. My first chance at a friend and she's hitting on me! I suddenly started feeling sick. "I-I'm going to go, okay?" I stuttered. "I don't feel very good. It must have been the food
or something."


Jen looked confused but nodded. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" I nodded and made my way out of the room.


After the party, while walking down the hall to my dorm, I was thinking about a nice hot shower when suddenly I stopped at my door and sucked in a breath. My dorm door was open; I was sure that I had shut it before I left today


Panic surged through my veins, leaving me standing stark still for about twenty seconds. Dare I move? Dare I breathe? I did, slowly but surely because believe me; it was starting to hurt… My heart rate increased as I thought about who could be in there? Was it some crazy physco college student? Was it Freddie's enemies? Had they found out about us, and were now lurking in the depths of my room, waiting to whisk me away? I tried to calm myself as I searched my bag for my pepper spray. In dismay, I realized that I had left it in my room this morning. I inwardly cursed myself and took a deep breath.


Slowly, I opened my door, and was thankful that it didn't creak. Maybe I could take the enemy by surprise! I crept inside my room; chills flying throughout my nervous system. At first glance, I could have sworn that I saw a dozen ninjas with swords ready to attack! But as I entered my room, nothing looked amiss. I let out a deep breath and felt like a silly child for over-reacting. I must have just forgotten to shut it behind me this morning.


Suddenly, the door slammed behind me! I screamed in surprise and I was about to turn around when a huge, strong hand grabbed my waist, and another hand covered my mouth in one smooth motion. I was terrified! I could feel my lungs tightening and my heart beating desperately inside my chest. I was trying to scream, but the hand muffled any possible sound from reaching farther than my lips. I was fighting like a crazy bull; trying desperately to get away from this humongous human being! Then, I heard him whisper in my ear. "Arianne, please calm yourself! We can't put you in any more danger than you are already in!" The sound of his voice was steady and reassuring and this made me stop struggling. Suddenly, the man let go of me, and I turned around and stared up at him. It was Jameson, Freddie's body guard. I almost fainted.



















Someday My Prince Will Come : Chapter 18


"What do you think you're doing???" I said slightly pushing him against his chest roughly. (He didn't even stir.) "You aren't allowed to just barge in here and scare me out of my wits!"


After I was finished hissing at him my head began to spin. Oh man. I put my hand to my forehead and Jameson offered his explanation.


"My apologies. But I could think of no other way to keep you from screaming. But, my lady, there is no time for chatting. You must come with me at once. Time is getting smaller."


"Smaller? Am I in danger?" I asked, not quite understanding. He had a very strong French accent, and it was hard to comprehend completely. Then something clicked in my head. Bodyguard…Freddie's bodyguard…where was Freddie?? "Is Freddie here?" I said, my voice becoming hopeful. A warm feeling crept into my core, and I started darting my eyes all behind him.


"I am afraid not," he grimaced. "But I cannot say anymore, Miss Arianne. We must go. Now." Jameson finished abruptly and gently but firmly grabbed my arm and started leading me to the door.


"What about all my stuff, don't I need to pack?" I said, resisting slightly.


"No. All will be provided for you. Now please, hurry." Jameson opened the door and I shut up. I figured I may as well do my best not to disconcert the man, so I let him lead me through the halls. We went down to the main parking lot, and there was a black SUV with tinted windows waiting for us. Jameson got in first, and then as soon as the door was shut, he nodded to the driver and we were off. I watched the trees rapidly flying by us and wondered where on earth I was going. To be in Bieland with Freddie would be more than wonderful! But why would they randomly take me to the same place that I thought they were trying to keep away from me? It didn't make any sense. I wanted desperately to ask Jameson, but he already had told me once that he couldn't say anymore. So I let my mind wander and kept my mouth shut during the rest of the ride.


We arrived at an airport about an hour later. The drive was long but judging on how fast the driver was going, I'm assuming it could have been longer. Jameson got out of his side and ran over to my door and opened it for me. As soon as my feet hit the gravel, his hand was around my arm again, making me feel safe in this dimly lit parking lot. It was dark now, being about 8 o'clock, and I shivered as I saw a rat scamper in front of our path. Eww!


I looked around and saw a few random cars scattered in this parking lot, and wondered why we weren't with everyone else. Our next move answered my silent question for me. We went behind a building and descended down a stairway going underground. Jameson silently opened the creaking door and pushed me inside, then followed a second after. I was being led through a tunnel, much like the one in the phantom of the opera movie, except I was being mesmerized by a delicious looking man in a mask. The only light sources were the dim lights on the ceiling and I was glad I was being held in custody by a tall, strong bodyguard. I didn't like this at all.


The corridor ran like a maze, and we turned a numerous amount of times before going into a rusty blue door. This led to a stairway going up; back to the normal world. As we ascended the stairs I noticed that it was windy. As we reached the peak, I realized why. There was a humongous black jet emitting a crazy amount of energy, and the door was open with removable stairs in front of the entrance.


"Whoa," I whispered. The jet didn't have any logos on it, but that certainly didn't take away from the effect. It looked fast and expensive and I was thrilled to be experiencing this right now! Maybe it would get even better and Freddie would be waiting for me inside! My hope was burst, however, as I entered the interior of the jet.


But disappointment was replaced by complete awe when I saw how gorgeous royal living was! There, before me was a lush carpeted floor and couches nailed to the floor of the plane in random places. A small bar/kitchen was located near the back of the room, and as Jameson let go of me to attend other business, I touched my fingers to the dark brown suede couches. Each was equipped with a seatbelt and a cup holder built into the arms.

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