Read Soldier With Benefits (Military Men Book 2) Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #military romance, #military romance series, #vacation fling, #heroine in danger

Soldier With Benefits (Military Men Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Soldier With Benefits (Military Men Book 2)
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“Steady, Mac. It’s okay.” Gingerly he reached out to stroke her arm. Just touching the warm, silky skin gave him all sorts of ideas. He quashed them. When she whimpered for a third time, he scooped her off the top bunk and placed her in his bed. He’d noticed in Fiji how soundly she slept so wasn’t surprised when she didn’t wake. Although, he’d probably catch hell from her later, this struck him as a good way of chasing away her nightmares. And damn if he wouldn’t sleep better with a luscious woman in his arms. Louie slipped into the narrow bunk, pulled her into his arms and sighed with satisfaction when she melted against him. He waited for her to start dreaming again, and when she didn’t, he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Mac woke slowly, toasty warm and content. With the stress of job interviews and setting up her father in the home before she arrived in Iraq, sleep hadn’t come easy. It was a surprise to waken feeling so refreshed.

“Mac? You awake?”

Her head jerked up, connecting with another. Stars danced through her head and tears formed at her eyes. Louie’s naked body was plastered against hers and he was pleased to see her. “Ow! What the fuck are you doing in my bed?”

“You’re in my bed.”

“What? But—”

“You woke me. You were having a bad dream.”

Mac wriggled, ceasing only when she realized Louie’s cock was becoming happier by the minute. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

Louie just looked at her, his dark brows rising while the beginnings of the smile hovered on his sexy lips. “Me and whose army?”

“There was no need to move me,” she muttered, silently conceding he had a point.

“I wanted to sleep.”

“I— Heck. What time is it?”

“Another hour before we need to move.”

“Is that a hint for sex?”

“Nope, but sex is a good idea,” he said, his lazy grin pushing against the restraint and good sense she tried to summon. “I’m game if you are.”

Lucky for him he didn’t follow-up his words with a crude thrust of his hips or something similar because then she would have felt justified in jerking her knee upward into his groin. Subdue a little of that happy morning feeling.

Oh heck. Who the hell was she trying to kid? She wanted him. And he wasn’t shy about showing his interest so she knew it was mutual. Weak, she thought. Really weak. A trace away from needy. At least he hadn’t asked what she’d dreamed about. Mac didn’t think she was up to explaining the fears that rioted through her mind when her defenses were low.

Perhaps sex was a good distraction.

She reached for him, curling her fingers around his shoulders as she forced away thoughts of morning breath. Their mouths met, her heart pounded. Yeah, she was weak-willed when it came to this man. Louie rolled over and almost fell off the bunk. He laughed, lifting her until she draped over him like a blanket.

“T-shirt off,” he ordered.

Mac couldn’t see any reason to disobey. She wriggled out her sleep shirt and removed her high-cut panties for good measure. Might as well jump in with both feet.

“Watch where you’re putting that knee. Your mouth, now that would be a different story.”

Mac snorted a laugh. “That could be arranged.”

“Really? I’d like that.”

Laughing again, Mac moved down the bed, reminded of the fun and playful times they’d had in Fiji. She grasped his cock and teased him by running a finger down his length, pressing a kiss to his hipbone and nibbling his inner thigh. His sigh of pleasure brought delight. He’d been such a generous lover, making her enjoy returning the favor. Yeah, they’d had a lot of fun in Fiji.

“Not that I’m not enjoying you touching and teasing but we’re on a schedule here, soldier.”

A reminder of where they were, the different situation they faced. She bent her head and licked across the head of his cock. His groan brought a smile, her mouth stretching around his shaft while the feel, the taste of him contributed to stirring more memories. Heat rioted through her breasts, streaking down to form a ball of fiery sensation low in her belly. She shivered, floating in a dream world where bombs and guns didn’t exist. Her tongue lapped lazily, under and over, pulling shudders and shakes from him. When her tongue pressed into his slit, he groaned, his hips jerking violently.

“Joanna,” he whispered, his blunt fingers tunneling through her hair, massaging her nape in silent encouragement.

She took him deeper, pushed a little harder. Teased his swollen sac. Caressed the base of his shaft and swallowed around his sensitive tip. His large body trembled, his deep groan of enjoyment and involuntary thrusts telling her he was close. She licked and laved, paying attention to the sensitive underside.

“Hell.” Louie pulled away abruptly, breathing hard. Before she could protest, he grabbed her, parted her legs and pushed roughly inside. She was so wet his cock slid to the hilt in one thrust. “Joanna.” Her name was an expression of male satisfaction.



Mac wanted to ask questions but he withdrew and steadily pushed back inside, filling her. She clutched his broad shoulders, arching up into his thrusts while sensations built inside her. He nuzzled her throat, nibbled at the fleshy part where neck and shoulder met. The bite of his teeth pulled a muted cry from her.

He lifted his head, stilling while buried deep. “Too much?”

“More,” she whispered. “It feels so good.” And it did. No wonder her one-night stand had made her feel so dirty. It had been about sex, but this…this was more. The intense rightness of being with Louie. It frightened Mac, made her feel vulnerable. A knot of panic closed her throat. She couldn’t have said anything if she’d wanted to. Instead, she held on to Louie, using him like an anchor in a storm. The pleasure built rapidly, each breath a ragged gasp. A sheen of sweat coated their skins, the scent of sex and arousal heavy on the air.

Louie reached between them, smoothed a finger across her swollen nub. Mac wanted to cry out her delight but bit down on her bottom lip, not wanting anyone to hear. Another stroke of his finger sent sensation streaking from her clit. Her pussy rippled, clenching his cock. He drove inside her again, hard and fast, before stilling abruptly with a hoarse moan of pleasure. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head thrown back, his face a contorted mask of what looked like pain. Mac’s heart thumped erratically until he opened his eyes, the blaze of chocolate-brown stealing her breath. They stared at each other until she dragged her attention away, panic beating a rapid tattoo against her ribs. She couldn’t care for him. This was sex for mutual benefit, just like any casual relationship.

Mac gulped and retreated, separating their bodies without looking at him. “Guess we’d better get moving.”

Louie studied her intently and ran his hand across her upper thigh. The callused drag of his fingers pulled a shiver from her. The temptation to linger hovered in the back of her mind.

“Thanks, Mac.” He climbed from the bunk and stretched, the ripple of muscles and flex of tattoos a beautiful view to watch.

Disgusted with her girlie gaping, she turned away, reminding herself she was a soldier. She rapidly cleaned up, sending silent thanks for the impulse that led her to pack wet-wipes. They were doing a training session this morning before taking the CBS crew out in the afternoon. No time for a shower. Mac yanked on a pair of panties and pulled khaki trousers over the top.

“I’ll see you at breakfast,” Louie said, already dressed.

Mac nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Suddenly she had a lump in her throat and the backs of her eyes ached. She reached for a bra, tense shoulders relaxing after she heard the thud of the door. Mac sank onto the bottom bunk and doubled over to hold her head in her hands. Sleeping with Louie was a mistake.

“Stuff it,” she muttered, standing to don her sand-colored shirt. Mac dragged a comb through her hair and pulled it into her usual tight knot. Time to move out and face the day. Time to shove all the crap loitering in her mind right to the back and to take her place on the team. Her father was counting on her.

Mac stalked the narrow corridor, pausing at the doorway of the room where they took meals.

“How’s it roomin’ with Mac?” one of the men asked.

“The same as roomin’ with any of you lot,” Louie retorted. “Except she smells a lot better.”

Ribald laughter greeted Louie’s words. Mac had known there would be comments because of her sex. She’d expected—hoped—Louie wouldn’t mention their sleeping status to anyone and eased out her breath with relief when he diverted the nosy questions while joking with the rest of the men. Lifting her head, she sailed into the room, stopping by the coffee machine to grab a cup.

“Did Louie’s snoring keep you awake?” someone asked.

“Nope. I’ve trained myself to sleep through anything.” Mac grinned and grabbed a tray, loading up her plate with food.

“You could room with me,” one of the men said, his suggestive leer saying a hell of a lot more.

“I’d prefer not to room with a shark,” Mac said sweetly.

The other men laughed as she’d meant them to and she moved down the cafeteria-style line.

“Don’t you diet?” Simon asked, moving behind her to grab his breakfast.

“Hell no,” Mac said. “I’m a soldier and I like food. Do you diet?”

“Got me,” Simon said with a grin. “Merely working out which box to stuff you into.”

“Now you know. Soldier box.” Mac took a space at one of the tables and was soon in the middle of a spirited conversation about rugby and which team was the best in the world. Since they were an international force, there were lots of opinions.

With eating done, they drove out to the training grounds, keeping a wary eye on everyone and everything on the journey there. A distant pop-pop sounded like guns, the tension immediate inside the vehicle until they realized it was kids letting off fireworks.

Soon they were in full training mode. Louie and Simon barked orders at them, hollering instructions and drilling them on what to do if insurgents attempted to kidnap their clients. They ran through the different scenarios countless times until they all reacted on instinct.

The sun beat down from overhead, making Mac glad she’d grabbed a cap. Dust. It was everywhere and blew into their eyes whenever the fickle breeze crept out of hiding. The protective vests didn’t help with the heat problem and her shirt clung to her torso until she felt like a wet dishrag—a dirty one.

“Not fast enough,” Louie hollered. “Do it again. Mac, you’re lagging. Move it!”

“Yes, sir,” she muttered, giving him a figurative salute.

Their team moved back into position, along with Simon, the VIP they were supposed to protect.

“Concentrate, Mac. I don’t want a bullet in my butt ’cause you didn’t move fast enough to take it in yours,” Simon said.

“Yeah, Mac,” Tai, one of the other men said. “We’d prefer to pick the bullet out of your ass. I don’t want to look at Simon’s hairy butt.”

“My wife likes my hairy butt.”

“Some people have no taste,” Tai retorted.

“Ready?” Louie hollered.

“Okay, team,” Simon said. “Get me through safely this time, and it will be the last run-through. Screw up and we’re gonna work through lunch.”

“Go! Go! Go!” Tai barked.

This time they moved with precision, scuttling across the uneven, sunbaked earth like a single unit.

Mac’s breath exited in harsh pants, but she ignored the discomfort to concentrate on the job, covering Simon and moving with the rest of the team. They reached the point of safety and stopped. Mac was pleased to see the others were breathing heavily too. It wasn’t just her dealing with exhaustion and the heat.

“Good job,” Louie said, striding over to them and looking every bit the soldier. His face was harshly drawn and covered with a fine coating of dust, his brown eyes sharp and piercing.

Mac inhaled sharply at the jolt of sexual awareness that shot down her spine. Her skin prickled, and she almost moaned aloud at the heat coalescing between her legs. Biting down hard on her inner lip, she glanced away to scan the countryside. A moving plume of dust snagged her attention. “A vehicle heading this way. Eight o’clock,” she said, adding a directional guide for the others to follow.

Apprehension replaced the easy camaraderie of a job well-done. Simon grabbed a pair of binoculars. “It looks like a friendly.”

“Why didn’t they call?” Louie barked. “Fall back to the vehicles.”

Tension ratcheted up, each soldier moving into a defensive position while they waited for the vehicle to arrive. The driver slowed and two men climbed from the rear.

“What the devil is he doing here?” Simon said.

Louie narrowed his eyes, squinting because of the sun. “No doubt Carolina Eastern sent them. She has him wound around her little finger.”

Simon scowled. “Rumor is she’s sleeping with him.”

“So they say,” Louie said with a derisive snort.

Mac didn’t recognize the men, but the others relaxed. She took her cue from them.

“Wait here,” Louie said. “Cover me.”

The fact they needed to take precautions, despite knowing the occupants of the vehicle, reiterated the dangers. Not that Mac needed the reminder. The drive out here, past bombed buildings and discarded vehicles drove home the monsters lurking in the shadows. While the whitewashed villages might appear idyllic, some of the locals were distinctly unfriendly, glaring at them as their convoy drove past. According to Garrett, they’d had rocks chucked at them before.

Worry for Louie surfaced and Mac squelched it immediately. She didn’t have time or the luxury to care for someone else. Despite his Alzheimer’s, her father retained his fitness. He needed her. Not even the life insurance she’d arranged would be enough to give him the long-term care he required. No, she had to keep a distance between her and Louie. It was better for both of them.

“I wonder what that’s about,” Simon said.

“Probably another job,” one suggested.

“Maybe.” Simon’s eyes narrowed at the distinctive sound of a chopper in the distance. “Maybe not.”

Louie returned. “Let’s get back to base.”

BOOK: Soldier With Benefits (Military Men Book 2)
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