Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3)
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Zane nodded and started to pack the weapons back up. The whole time he did, he could feel Jovan’s eyes upon him. “Please tell me you found the right people to give this damn list to.”

“That is why I was calling you. Noah knows just what we need to do.”

“Good.” Zane nodded. “Then as soon as we get Kalisha back, we can end this shit, once and for all.” He picked up the bag and turned towards Jovan. “Ready?”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Jovan mumbled, as he turned and walked towards the door. Zane was right behind him.

* * * *

“You really should eat,” Preston said again. “These lobsters are the best you can get.”

“There’s nothing wrong with the lobsters. I just find that a certain kind of company tends to steal my appetite away.”

Preston stopped midway to his mouth and glanced up at her. A few seconds went by before he broke out in a laugh and dropped the food back on the plate. He brought his napkin came up and wiped his mouth, then tossed it onto the table as he reached for his glass of wine.

“I must admit, I do like your wit. It beats having you crying at my feet.”

“And why would I want to cry at your feet?”

“Fear, Ms. Sedgwick. Fear.”

“It’s Dill.”

“Excuse me?”

She reached up and made sure he saw the necklace. “Married.”

Preston waved his hand in the air and put his glass back down. “Nonsense. Your father would have had to sign off on it and we both know that never happened. No, what has happened is nothing more than that alien kidnapped you from your father and took you away.”

“And I say that’s bullshit.” She crossed her arms over her chest and instantly knew that was a mistake when his eyes followed the motion. “I am married and there isn’t a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it.”

“Oh, Ms. Sedgwick, there is plenty a person like me can do about something as repulsive as what you’ve been allowing between those thighs of yours.”

Something about his manner had Kalisha quickly on high alert. She didn’t like how he was looking at her now, and clearly she didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“You are a nice looking woman, and a woman who looks as you do shouldn’t be letting some freak try to plant his nasty ass seed between those legs.” Preston pushed away from the table with a smile on his face. Kalisha’s gut dropped. She kept her eyes on him as he slowly walked around the table. And since he clearly wasn’t paying that much attention to her, she slipped the knife from the table onto her lap.

“What you need is a real man, not a damn alien between those legs. An Earth man who has power and position,” he went on. “Maybe even a man like myself.” He came up behind her and grabbed her hair so fast she almost dropped the knife.

Kalisha acted just as fast as he did. When his other hand came around as if he might grab her breast she reached up and cut it with the knife. He yelled, let go of her hair and she was out of the chair quickly.

“You bitch!” he snapped at her, grabbing her napkin and wrapping it around his now bleeding hand.

“Stay away from me,” she told him, pointing the knife at him. “Men like you need to be fucking castrated and never allowed to breed.”

He snarled and lunged at her. Kalisha screamed, swung wide with the knife and almost cut him again. However, Preston seemed to be ready for it and caught her wrist, giving it a strong twist. She cried out. The slap that she had been expecting all night finally came. Preston backhanded her so hard her lip busted open and her vison went blurry for a moment.

“The only place for little whores like yourself is on their backs,” he snarled in her face. Another hard slap and she went flying in the other direction. He grabbed her hair and shoved her hard at the table. Kalisha hit her belly on the side and felt him come up behind her. One long swipe and everything on the side of the table went flying to the floor. “But right now, I think this position is better suited just for you.”

The knife she had in her hand he slammed tip first into the table. She jumped and then tried to straighten up, only to have him hit her on the back again, hard, knocking the wind right out of her lungs and sending pain radiating down her spine.

“I told your father right before he died at my feet that I’d take good care of you.” One hand held her down by the back of her head. His other came up and ripped one strap from her shoulders. She cried out only because his nails slashed across her flesh, cutting her. He kicked at her ankles, making her spread her legs, then the dress came up and cool air touched her bare ass. “And that is just what I intend to do.”

She heard him unzip his pants and closed her eyes, waiting for it, but it never came. Instead he stilled behind her and Kalisha opened her eyes, turning her head a bit to the side to see what he was doing. What she saw gave her hope.

“Take your fucking hands off my wife,” Zane said right behind Preston. He had a gun pressed right at the back of his head. Zane cocked it. “Please.”



Chapter Eight


Zane saw red. He could barely think straight and staying calm seemed almost impossible when they snuck into the house, knocked a few of Preston’s men out and then he walked in to see the fucker just about to rape his wife. That was the last draw for him. Zane was going to draw blood, he just knew it.

“I said, take your fucking hands off my wife, or so help me I’ll blow your God damn brains all over this table,” Zane said again.

Preston raised his hands in the air. “All right, just stay calm.”

Kalisha pushed Preston away and covered herself with one arm. The man had ripped her dress. She turned with her brows drawn together, anger was written all over her now blushing face. She slapped Preston hard across the face, then spit at him.

“You’re nothing but a piece of shit,” she said to Preston. “And I’ll make sure personally you go down for everything you’ve done.”

Preston had the balls to smile at her and lower his hands to his sides. “You really think you can take me down, little girl?” he snorted. “There won’t be a planet where I can’t find you. You’re ass belongs to me.”

“I don’t think so.” Kalisha took a step back and then kicked the man hard right between his legs.

Preston cried out and dropped to his knees, holding himself
with both hands. Another step and she kicked the man again, this time right in the face, knocking him out.

“Couldn’t leave me some, could you?” Zane asked her.

Kalisha snapped out of her own little fit of anger, turned her head and half laughed before rushing up and jumping into his arms, hugging him tight and breaking down crying.

“I’ve got you,” Zane soothed, holding her back tight. “I’ve got you.”

“Well, at least she didn’t kill him,” Jovan said from the doorway.

Zane looked at Jovan with a frown, then he walked out of the dining room still holding onto Kalisha. When they were out and away from Preston he put her back down on her feet, then he carefully wiping the tears away but looking for any damage that might have been done.

“Maybe a bit of bruising and your lip is cut,” he told her.

“I want to get my clothes,” she said.

“You go ahead, I’m going to help Jovan for a moment.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked in a rush, grabbing his arm when he turned away from her to leave.

Zane pulled her back into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “Don’t worry, Mala, I’m not going to do anything that can come back and hurt us. Trust me.” Another kiss to the top of her head, then her cheek, and finally her lips before they parted.

Zane went back into the dining room just as Jovan was tying Preston up in one of the chairs. The man was still out cold.

“She gave him one hell of a kick,” Jovan stated. “Remind me not to get on her bad side.”

“Me either,” Zane looked around the room and shook his head. “Any ideas?”

“Well, as much as we both would love to, we can’t kill him.”

“Why not?” Zane tried to pout but just shook his head. “You’re right. But I doubt the police are going to believe us, over him.”

Jovan stilled for a moment then took a deep breath. “You still have all those weapons?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Because it’s illegal to have them on Pluto. They are Earth weapons.”


“So,” Jovan sighed. “Man, I swear at times you’ve lost what little common sense you’ve got. Wipe them down. We’re going to put his finger prints all over them so that the police will at least have cause to take him into custody. That should give us enough time to make the list public.”

“Remind me to not get on your bad side either,” Zane mumbled as he left the room and went for the bag of weapons. By the time Kalisha came back down they were just finishing up putting Preston’s prints all over them.

She looked at them, shook her head and just turned. “I don’t want to know.”

Finished, Jovan went to join Kalisha outside and take her to their hover. Zane stayed but only for one reason. He waited for Preston to wake up from the nice little kick Kalisha gave him. He didn’t have long to wait.

Hunched down in front of the man, Zane smiled. “This is the end of the line for you, Bernard.”

Preston twisted in the chair, but couldn’t move. “You won’t get away with this you freak!” he yelled.

“No, see this time it’s you who isn’t going to get away with shit anymore. You may have gotten away with a few murders, some kidnappings here and there, but being part of the Deity, well, that is about to come out.” Preston stilled. “You see, she didn’t have the list that you’ve been hunting and were willing to kill for. I have it.” Zane stood up and looked down at him as the man looked up. “It’s over.” And to make sure they got away without any trouble, Zane hit Preston hard, knocking him out once more. Before he left, he cut the binds holding him in the chair, then kicked it so the man fell backwards.

Jovan and Kalisha were waiting for him next to the hover. Once she saw him she came running, again jumping into his arms. Zane closed his eyes and just held her.

“Do we want to watch the show or leave?” Jovan asked, breaking up the spell between them.

Zane didn’t put her down, but did open his eyes and look up at his friend. “Watch it.”

“Watch what?” Kalisha asked.

Zane put her back down on her feet and turned. They were a good distance away from Preston’s house so no one would be able to see them. The wait didn’t take too long. About five Pluto police hovers and two Earth police hovers pulled up in front of the place with lights on and even their sirens. Men came out of those hovers with weapons drawn. They rushed up to the front door and kicked it in. Seconds felt like hours as the three of them waited and then Preston came out, his hands behind his back with Pluto police men on each side of him. Behind him, his men were also being taken out and one cop had the bag of weapons.

Zane chuckled when Preston was shoved over a hover and bent forward. Again a Pluto cop patted him down and Zane just knew it drove the man nuts. He hated all things Pluto.

“Come on,” Jovan said. “Let’s go home.”

Zane pulled Kalisha back into his arms and held her tight. “Home sounds damn good to me.”

“I’m game,” she smiled back up at him.

* * * *

Two weeks later…


“Local officials have arrested an organization calling themselves the Deity, not only from the Earth’s government positions but from a few on Pluto as well,” a news woman on the television said.

Zane sat up in bed, giving the woman his full attention.

“A list of all known members was delivered two weeks ago to officials and to both governments with names of all the members. Another list has come to light with plans that the known Deities have been making to dissolve all treaties between the two planets. It is still unknown as to who delivered the list to officials or how long the member list is. What has been known is over half of Earth’s official government staff is on the list, arrests have been made and some serious charges are pending—some including treason which, if found guilty by both parties, could result in punishment by death.”

“Shit has hit the fan I take it?” Zane looked up towards the bathroom to Kalisha who just got out of the shower and now stood with wet hair and a towel wrapped around her body.

“You can say that,” he said.

“How many so far?”

“Might be enough to really hurt the Earth government.”

“Wow. I didn’t think there were that many on the list.”

“Don’t think anyone did.” He turned the television, watched her walk up to the dresser and grab her brush. She came over to the bed and sat down then worked at getting the tangles out of her hair. “So are you all settled now? Can you officially call this your home?”

She stopped brushing her hair and turned to face him. “I think this is my first real home. I’m very comfortable here.”

“Good. I want you to be. This is just as much your space as it is mine.”

She smiled and then crawled up on the bed and right onto his lap. Hands fisted into his hair pulling his head back. She kissed him once, twice, a third time before giving him the kind of kiss he hungered for.

Lips pressed against lips, arms wrapped around her body and instantly he was hard and ready for her. She kissed him deep, cocked his head to the side and slipped her tongue into his mouth. Zane moaned, slid his hands down her back and cupped her ass as she began to grind herself against him.

“Take your shorts off,” she told him, breathing hard against his lips.

Keeping her on top of him he did and she kissed him again. Naked under her, he moved his hands back up her body, found the knot of her towel and pulled it away. Both hands he closed over the swell of her breasts, brushing his thumbs across her hardening nipples.

How she got him to lay back, he didn’t know. But when she began to rub her body against his he moaned at the sweet torturous pleasure. His cock throbbed in pain and in need. Her hands finally left his hair and one moved down between them. She turned just enough to grab his flesh and rub the crown of his cock against the wetness of her flesh. Zane broke the kiss and arched up.

“Oh, sweet mother of God,” he moaned.

She rubbed the head just a few more times, then posed it at her entrance. Her lips began to kiss at his throat, moved down to his chest and as she kissed his body she ever so slowly lowered her sex down upon his hardness. The manner in which she did it allowed him to feel every sweet tight inch of her stretch for his width. It was both hell and bliss. He wanted to scream for her to stop, and for her to fuck him hard and fast.

All the way into her he went and when he placed his hands back onto her breasts she took hold of them both and moved them up over his head. Kalisha linked her own fingers into his and started a steady rhythm. Her whole body moved, rubbing against his torso as her hips went up and down. She didn’t take him fast or slow, but kept at a steady pace to intensify his pleasure.

Again their lips locked. Deep kiss, with a tongue that moved in and out of his mouth as she took him in and out of her body. It was a sweetness that he never felt before. Normally, even with her, their love making had been fast and hard. This seemed to have a tone all its own and he didn’t want to break it, yet he didn’t want to end it too fast either.

So, just when he was sure his orgasm might come, Zane sat up
and stopped her. Both arms went around her body and he pushed her tongue from his mouth and had his in hers. He flipped her over to her back, broke the kiss and looked down at her. Both were breathing fast.

Leaning down, Zane gave one nipple a lick, then he moved down her body, spreading her legs as wide as they would go. Foreplay seemed a bit out of place at the moment, but his hunger for her didn’t. Lowering his head between her legs he feasted as if there wasn’t going to be another feast for him.

One long lick, one hard pull to her clit and Kalisha screamed. She pulled at his hair and shook with her pleasure, but he wasn’t even halfway satisfied yet. He wanted and needed more. So he kept right on licking, sucking, and taking as much of her into his mouth as he could get, and it wasn’t long before she again began to pull on his hair. Another pull to her clit and she came again.

“No more!” Kalisha cried out. Zane looked up at her. “Love me, please.”

He crawled back up her body and put down half of his weight on his elbows so he wouldn’t overwhelm her with his size. She instantly wrapped her legs around his hips. “I love you, Mala.”

She reached up, touching his face. “You are the first man I’ve ever loved and as far as I’m concerned the only man I’m ever going to love.”

Lowering his face down, he kissed her and at the same time thrust hard into her. She gasped into the kiss and held onto his shoulders as Zane moved fast and hard. He rocked into her like his life might depend on it, and when she cried out he lost his own battle.

His climax came and poured out of him, as if his soul was being poured into her. He shook with each spurt and whimpered at each one of her contractions around his shaft.

He fell on top of her, then quickly rolled over, taking her with him. He kept her on top of him, because he was still deep inside of her, still hard, just waiting to start all over again. He rubbed her back as he worked to get his breathing under control.

“Is it always going to be like this?” she finally asked after some time passed.

“Maybe. I heard Jovan and Kade talking, before we met, about how there were times where it’s very hard to get out of bed in the morning because all they want to do is be with their wives.”

“Think I like the sound of that.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, so do I, but I doubt they like it too much.”

She rose up to look at him. “Why’s that?”

“We do have a winery to run and it’s hard to run it if all we want to do is stay in bed.”

“Got a point. But hey, aren’t we still on honeymoon?”

He thought about it for a moment, “As a matter of fact, yes we are.”

“I thought so.” She sat up and he went deeper into her and hissed. “Then let’s have another round, shall we?”

BOOK: Solar Seduction (Planets Book 3)
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